Priority Registration Criteria (11/21/11) Process Priority registration is established in Los Rios Regulation 2211. Priority registration will be District-wide (Regulation 2211, section 2.1). There is an interest to protect P-0 and P-.5 by only including those students that are awarded priority registration per Regulation 2211. Changes to regulations are subject to the following process: District Policies and Regulations are periodically updated to clarify or change procedures as well as to stay in compliance with new or revised California and Federal law. The District reviews one third of its policies annually to ensure they are appropriately updated. Any of the constituencies of the District may propose changes to the policies and regulations. Proposed changes are reviewed by the General Counsel and then vetted through the District's shared governance process. Typically, the General Counsel brings the proposed changes to the monthly meetings of the VPAs, VPIs and VPSSs for review, approval and/or revision. The next step of the process entails review by the Chancellor's executive staff. After approval by the Chancellor's executive staff, the Chancellor's Cabinet reviews the proposed new policy or regulation. Changes to a Regulation become effective once they are approved by the Cabinet but changes to a Policy continue to the Board of Trustees for first reading and become effective upon the Board's approval. Where immediate change to a policy or regulation is required, interim guidelines may be issued. Proposed changes to priority registration will be evaluated by the DMC based on the criteria listed below. Proposals which fail to fully address all of the criteria will not be considered. 1. Is the population requesting priority a population represented at each of the four colleges? How many students does this group represent by college? Priority Registration Criteria (11/21/11) Yes, Student Athletes are represented at all four colleges in the Los Rios CCD. There are 950 Student Athletes out of the 84,781 district wide (1% are Student Athletes). o SCC – 344 Student Athletes (10-11) o CRC – 141 Student Athletes (10-11) o FLC – 37 Student Athletes (10-11) o ARC – 428 Student Athletes (10-11) 2. Are there distinct characteristics or conditions which suggest this group be considered for priority registration? What are these characteristics/conditions? Yes, there are several distinct characteristics and conditions why Student Athletes be considered for priority registration. o California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) Bylaws 1.3.1 and 1.3.3 mandate that all student athletes must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units in order to be eligible to participate. Further, 9 of the 12 units need to be attempted in courses other than Kinesiology/Physical Education activity courses. o Rules for Second Season of Sport : Prior to the first day of the semester in which the sport is conducted, the student athlete must have passed 24 units with a minimum 2.0 GPA and, 18 of those units must be considered “academic work (i.e. no activity, work experience or field study courses). o Student Athletes must have an updated Student Educational Plan on file prior to the completion of their first season of competition (CCCAA mandated). o Student Athletes must complete a minimum of two grade checks per semester (LRCCD Board Policy). o If a student athlete competed in any other intercollegiate sport prior to his or her first season of participation in the current sport, he or she must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA starting the term of their first intercollegiate sport. o Student Athletes have 5 years to complete 4 collegiate seasons of competitions. Their “clock” starts as soon as the student becomes a fulltime college student. o Student Athletes must pass 6 units of transferable English courses, 3 units of transferable Math courses and 3 units of transferable Science courses to meet NCAA transfer eligibility requirements. o To give them the greatest possibility of transferring and competing at the NCAA level, Student Athletes must earn an AA/AS degree in 5 semesters or less with a 2.5 transferable GPA (only 2 PE units count). o Many student-athletes come to Community College because they did not meet NCAA requirements out of high school. Therefore they MUST earn an AA degree to be athletically eligible for Division-I. o 40/60/80 Progress Toward Degree rule: Student athletes at an NCAA Division I institution must have a certain number of degree applicable units passed at the end of their 4th (40%), 6th (60%) , and 8th (80 %) full time terms. Priority Registration Criteria (11/21/11) It is extremely difficult to meet 6th semester requirement while still at community college (60% of degree completion) so the goal is to help student athletes matriculate and transfer BEFORE they trigger that 6th term. 3. Is there data which supports preferential treatment above and beyond the regular priority registration system? If so, how does the data support such preferential treatment? Currently stated in LRCCD Board Policy: (JUNE OF 1994) 1.2 The Los Rios District Board of Trustees recognizes that students who represent the District's colleges through their participation in intercollegiate athletics are responsible to a set of unique academic requirements. This obligation indicates that a structure to assist them in meeting those requirements is essential. In response to this necessity, the Board of Trustees has established the Academic Advising Program for Student Athletes at each of the District's colleges with the purpose of providing all student athletes with the support necessary to assist them in developing and achieving their educational objectives. And in addition to all of several distinct characteristics and conditions for Student Athletes in #2 – Student Athletes have proven to be a very successful group academically and when it comes to transfer. o Example: At SCC last year student athletes had an 89% persistence rate. 28.9% transferred. 68.6% transferred to a 4 year college. 68.2% obtained AA degrees and 62.1% received scholarships. 59.9% are returning to Los Rios to further their education. With the given priority registration policy already in place – Student Athletes have run into several barriers trying to meet all of the Athletic Criteria placed on them. o Example: As of 1/7/11, SCC had 414 active student-athletes. 149 out of the 414 were not able to initially enroll into the units needed for them to participate in intercollegiate athletics per the CCCAA rules. This ratio (149/414) signifies that 35.9% of our student athletes were not able to successfully register for the minimum number and type of units that are required by the CCCAA. This number did NOT include any student-athletes that transferred out of SCC or were dropped for non-payment. All had registered and were on waiting lists for the balance of the required units. o As of 1/4/11 CRC had 118 active student-athletes. (This number does not include the number of fall student-athletes who had just completed their last season of eligibility. 118 is inclusive of only of students who still have twoyear college athletic eligibility.) Of the 118 students that we were tracking for Priority Registration Criteria (11/21/11) eligibility purposes 29 of them (nearly 25%!) were unable to enroll in the minimum number of units necessary for them to be eligible to compete. o As of 1/4/11 FLC had one student athlete who didn’t compete because of units. o However, 7 of FLC’s student athletes with priority 1 registration and 1 student athlete with priority 2 registration for Spring 2011 were not fully enrolled in their 12 units until after the start of the semester. So, 25% of our spring athletes struggled to get their 12 units to compete. Many had to take “artificial units” to get to their 12 units. o As of 1/16/11, 43 ARC student athletes enrolled in the appropriate SPORT class were not able to initially enroll into the units needed for them to participate in intercollegiate athletics per the CCCAA rules. Each of the students counted enrolled on their assigned registration date. At ARC, many student athletes were forced to enroll in classes so they could reach the 12 unit minimum needed for athletic eligibility. This artificial enrollment in units does not contribute to a student athlete’s educational objectives and creates barriers for their success. They must be able to follow and complete their educational objectives in a timely manner or they will not meet the requirements laid out by the NCAA institutions. o Example: A Student Athlete in Los Rios had to register for a specific Math class, and by his registration date/time, the district only had one left and it was offered on a Tuesday night. He took the class so he could transfer on time, but had to miss his Tuesday night games (5 total). o Student Athletes are forced to enroll in classes so they can reach the 12 unit minimum needed for athletic eligibility. This artificial enrollment in units that do not contribute to a student athlete’s educational objective creates a structural barrier for their success and goes against the intent of the educational plan and our mission within Los Rios. o Student athletes are often not able to matriculate within a timeline allowable by the NCAA, and are therefore not eligible for scholarship aid that would grant them opportunities to attend four year institutions. 4. To what degree will granting priority registration to this group impact other students in the regular priority registration system? (Please provide data.) Student Athletes are asking for .75 registration, which would not affect any students in the regular priority (0 - .5) registration system. Regarding the regular priority registration system - Student Athletes (950) make up 1% of the entire Los Rios Student Population (84,781). The impact would be slim to none. 5. What is being proposed as changes to the regulation? Enter the text of the regulation and the suggested language. Priority Registration Criteria (11/21/11) LRCCD Administrative Regulations: (Our addition is in RED requesting .75 registration) 2.0 Registration Priorities 2.1 Priority registration will be District-wide. 2.2 Students will be permitted to enroll in the following order of priority: 2.2.1 Students eligible for DSP&S and EOP&S; and any member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States. (Ed. Code, § 66025.8) 2.2.2 Continuing students who have completed a minimum of 12 units in Los Rios Community College District who will graduate or transfer to a baccalaureate college or university at the end of the semester of registration Students must complete a special priority form and have a counselor sign off verifying graduation or transfer readiness; Students may receive this priority one time. If the student does not graduate or transfer to a baccalaureate college or university at the end of the planned semester, the student may petition to receive priority registration one (1) additional time; Petitions will be reviewed that show special circumstances including, but not limited to medical or other urgent issues or students who complete a degree, but need a few additional classes to transfer; 2.2.3 Student Athletes meeting LRCCD policies and CCCAA eligibility requirements. 2.2.3 2.2.4 Students continuing from the prior semester Within this category, students shall be assigned to priority subgroups based upon the number of units completed at the Colleges of the District with the intent to give those students most likely to graduate or transfer preference in registration;