A path of osteopathy Montalivet October 2012 Bruno Ducoux DO Look for the information behind the form; find the stillness; let the Potency manifest itself into Health Door to open new doors Globalization of our art The same inheritance, tree with common roots Traditions and manifestations are different Grounding The osteopathy: seek health Matter, motion, mind in a field Principles Importance of environment / nature From Self Happiness starts in each of us We can change the world Break free from the past Nobody dives twice in same water Every day is a new beginning Consistency presence Dieno H The hand as a brain Necessity reference model Model perception / action Millions of perceptions Neuroplasticity Mirror neurons Ghost cells Russia Self Search in the heart of the system Vibration / direction Electrical signals / chemical Emotions: ocean waves Fascia and connective tissue as vehicles emotions Emotions: native language Emotional responses: fast mvt eyes breathing vitality voice Imagery Put words to feelings Dialogue Complete knowledge Body scanner Fulcrum apparently non moving Fulcrum vibration: non-mechanical perception / point of balance Organization around a vertical axis, horizontal axis Internal Regulation 1 Footprint somatic Neutral Potency / power inherent in the system Healing Neurocognitive model Information to the senses Hand to brain Vision: 2000 receivers Haptic system: 800000 receivers Touch responsiveness threshold: 2.4 mm Synthesis Reflexivity on experience New fields of research Tool: visualization Importance of manual approach Communication interfibroblastes Perception: linking biophysical faculty living environment Gathering sensory information Sensation: psychophysical fact beyond any statistical measure Bergson H Palpation and assessment skills Chaitow L Elsevier Still in a tree with children Our hands obey to an eternal law of life and movement Andrew Taylor Still Insecurity of our hands Our hands become scientific tools Fred Mitchell Learn to listen, listen what’s oming from inside the tissues Rollin Becker Develop the palpatory ability helping to perceive what the body physiology has to say R Becker Life in motion The problem is not the concept but the way it is taught Willard F Osteopathy in nature, path to Health Osteopathy: Age of universe Energy follows thought Osteopathy: also think outside of the box The man, a universe in miniature: Matter, movement, spirit in a field of coherence The world is changing ... so do we! I have one small drop of knowing in my soul let it dissolve in your ocean Rumi Position follows the movement like a shadow Movement becomes reflection position Body diagram shows the lesion 2 The central nervous system mobilizes membranes Membranes mobilize bone TART: Tenderness, asymmetry, restriction mobility, tissue tension 6-way test more mobility Correction from the easy directions in space with 3 tension or compression Neutral G W Sutherland Connections I-Matter II- Movement III- Spirit Included in a limitless field I-Matter / anchor Three-dimensional physical space Space-time Find information in the form Cell matrix as The matrix cell and extracellular tissue Retention in the cell Fight for survival Exchanges Isolation and reduced communication Retention Increased density, tension, collage, and blocked flow compensation Illness and death Restore communication Tuning to the density, the voltage Neutral and expansion Release information Interconnection between tissues Enzymes floating in the cell Tensegrity Movements in the viscera Semiconductor for various forms of information Tensegrity / digestive system / practice Tensegrity Huge Network: Web Tissue organization Breathing Cardiac movements MRP Emotions and mental The earth and planets Orientation in the field Information contained in a field 3 Perineural system Previous chain Chains cross Segmentation of the body Midline: 2 negative fields on each side open and draw the straight line as a stream stretches between two banks Symmetry Midline neural midline is different from the physical Spine segmentation follows a biological clock vibration: formation of somites (Willard: homeobox genes) II- Movement Movement is the first and only manifestation of life ATStill (Ruddy, 1961) Movement spiritualized matter Perception fields Fascia: transmission in a biomagnetic field Our vehicle Connective tissue centerpiece of the building Largest organ Influenced heartbeat Functions of the movement Evolution Adaptability Mobility Former state change; H20: ice crystal, liquid vapor Spiral of evolution Spiral fields listed in embryological Limbic and reptilian stores experiences Emotions shape the anatomy The lack of movement decreases the expression of life III- Spirit Does not obey Newtonian laws Another dimension of space-time Vibrational universe as the light The therapist and patient are interdependent Notion of consciousness is present The senses are a tiny part of reality "I've often seen a cat with a mustache, but mustache without a cat, I've never seen" Alice Lewis Carol Learn to perceive the unknown Get rid of our packaging related to the past "Alice opened the door and found a tiny passage, she knelt down and looked through the passage and saw the most beautiful garden they had ever seen" L.Caroll New opportunities in a new dimension Life manifested by a point 4 Third ventricle Sacrum The human being is a movement driven by forces The craniosacral osteopathic concept Anatomical unit from design Malleability of cartilage and membranous (Bichat, 1816) Neuro cranial suture (Lalauze, 2002) The primary respiratory movement Three cranial vertebrae (Weaver, 1940) CSF circulation (Chaitow, 1999) Brain pulsations (Uramaya, 1994) Other concepts Charlotte Weaver and three cranial vertebrae: occiput, sphenoid, Face Concept circulatory / respiratory Gordon Zinc Oscillation R Fulford; Comeaux Examination of the patient Z.Comeaux DO Mobility Symmetry Tensions Breathing Emotions Birth The model circulatory / respiratory Gordon Zinc DO DO Fred Mitchel The rule of the artery is supreme A.T.Still The lymphatics have 20% more valves than veins Diaphragm pump Viscoelasticity of visceral ligaments Restore the circulation center as the ends Transmission of Still walking staff to Europe: Steve Paulus DO Engaging the movement of life The most significant portion of the treatment is not what you do, the goal consciousness with which you committed it. Touch ... the vitality of the life force, the wisdom of the natural world and the potency of the transpersonal movement of love Bonnie Gintis http://www.bonniegintishealth.blogspot.com Open field of consciousness Robert Fulford DO; Zachary Comeaux DO Religion and science: thinking inside the box Osteopathy: think also what is outside the box 5 Related material, energy The silent partner No ego, no personality Divine part in us To contact with him and let it go But we also look outside of us Antenna that solves problems Connect with us in this Involuntary in Stillness J.Jealous biodynamic model: evolution of the concept Vitalist approach The force is everywhere, hardly perceptible by our five senses: feeling This involuntary movement (Becker) Dynamic stillness Change in perception Sutherland Described by Isabelle Schmitt DO From 1948: the breath of life and healing Anatomy is a form that supports life; precursor function and structure Research Gestalt and shape Law of Weber-Fechner and psychophysics: the threshold of perception depends on his own field of consciousness We perceive only what we have already seen (African tribes); Be free of known (Krishnamurti) Disciples of Columbus (P.Tricot) Theories of vibrational E Swedenborg Phenomenology of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty Wave system, vibratory Walter Russell Vertical axis Orientation Vertical axis: the limits are ours Midlines Embryology Center line Line primitive organization of the axis of the embryo notochord The light of the neural tube becomes the ventricles cranial: BIOELECTRICAL power to the orientation of the structure and function, if imbalances are corrected. Without power the midline, poor organization in space. Fulcrum essential and central Pulposus intervertebral discs Nucleaus Midlines Ethmoid to the coccyx 6 Notochord: part of the body of the sphenoid in connection with the third ventricle Midline is no anatomical straucture as fulcrum of Sutherland The midline directs, gives shape, fulcrum for the balance of fluids around, membranes and bones. This is a response to the informaton from within Tissue axial Pleural cavity: head, neck, mediastinum endothoracic fascia, pleura link between the dome and cervical fascia Parietal pleura: muc bag against pericardium and lungs Lungs after passive structures Central axis: prevertebral blade; blade pretracheal Sternoclavicular ligament pericardial Horizontal axis Diaphragms At 4 weeks caudal migration At 7 weeks diaphragm separates the chest from the abdomen Phrenic nerve connection Wave / pericardium Diaphragm inf and sup Diaphragm Posterior mediastinum Esophagus Aorta Hemiazygos and azygos veins Vagus Thoracic duct Pharyngeal tubercle is inserted at the base of the skull: basilar membrane pharyngo Bronchopéricardique membrane: relationship with liver falciform ligament and umbilicus and bladder Mediastinum Diaphragm and larynx Vagus / larynx Levels palpation Practice: Action / reaction K. Lossing Listen, mobility, motility Compliance diaphragm: 2 cms Costo sternal lateral mobility Sternum with both hands Levels Chest palpation levels K Lossing Sternum bone / intraosseous 7 Endothoracic fascia Thymaus Parietal pleura Pleura fascial Pericardium Superior vena cava Aorta Heart Cavite endocardial Lungs and chest lymph K Lossing Mammary chain and scapular Supra clavicular lymph Other nodes Least resistance to fluidity Traction trachea and bronchi Lateral decubitus lung Lung hilum as the center Pollution Lemniscate Fascia Anatomy of connective tissue From mesoderm Elasticity Dense connective tissue: bone Continuity including the skull and viscera See Gabarel; Paoletti Continuity dermis / epidermis Previous course Harmony Implementation of muscular chains before birth Preparation verticalisation Opposition to gravity 3 central channels Lingual chain Present during pregnancy pineal gland, straight sinus, occiput scale, cash eardrum, hammer, jaw, tongue, pharynx, pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, flexor fingers deep Physiology: sucking, mouth-hand, emotional Pectoralis pyramidal abdomen, groin, law, twins, add toe Physiology: Bending diagram Ant chain lingual practice Facial chain Settled at birth 8 Related to openness to life junction false brain / cerebellum tent, sphenoid, ethmoid, nasion, facial muscles related to sub occipital muscles, long dorsal Members to sup: supraspinatus, deltoid post, triceps, flexor fingers To lower limbs: iliocostalis, sacrolombaire, fascia lumbar ligt sacrosciatic, gds buttocks, semi and semi membranous tendon, soleus, flexor common toes, plantar arch Physio: balance chain lingual posture nonverbal communication, openness to the outside world to Mom Central chain Axis of life Sphenoid, pituitary lodge, cavernous sinus, pterygoid muscles, com ligt green ant, ant rectus muscle, psoas pt pectoral, epicondylar, extensor fingers iliacus, vast int, ext toes Physiology: breathing and posture peritoneum digestion Channels musculoaponévrotiques Lemniscates and chains Lemniscates Lemniscates fascias Action-reaction in bone Practice Technical progress of several fascias Find it Research fulcrum Neutral Fix it Be present Let it go Brain tissue B.Chikly 2% of body weight to 100,000 per second functions and billions of connections per second Cerebellum, hippocampus and amygdala essential: the amygdala responds to 800 times faster than the cortex to stimuli From perception to palpation Palpation of the brain tissue Practice on brain tissue Comprehensive approach Bone Meninges Brain nuclei Brainstem Cerebellum Hippocampus, amygdala Hemispheres The central nervous system Corpus callosum, fornix, hippocampus 9 Fornix, hippocampus, amygdala Neurosensorialité Weak electrical fields generated by all living beings aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates, evolutionary convergence (adaptation of the same and different biological origins given by nature to two unrelated lines) or a character inherited from a common ancestor? Willy Bemis, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Cornell University (United States) and Melinda Modrell, a neurobiologist at the University of Cambridge (United States Published October 11, 2011 in Nature Communications, Same embryonic tissue of the skin. Mental Psychémotionnel What's the reality? Projections / senses Insulation No future Together Movement and change Skip the old man to the new man The potential inherent in the visualization "Body / emotions / spirit" A.T.Still Dissipation of ego Emotions Emotional memories Memoirs of a hypertrauma Limbic brain encodes and stores Touch and memory Native language of the brain Emotions shape our anatomy Responses to a shock protection Hyperactivation heart Vessel constriction Dissociation: deni Immobility morbid Causes Injuries Intrauterine; birth Deaths of relatives Abuse, child abuse, neglect Witnessing violence; earthquakes Surgery, dental care, capital Anatomy, reflecting emotions 10 Emotional responses / vitality Rapid eye movement Breathing Vitality voice Noise Perceptions Memoirs Emotional responses of animals Fight and flight Congealing, Shutdown, little death Energy Saving; matter of life and death Peter Levine Feelings Put words on emotions contact the neocortex and give feelings Words can give meaning to pain, disease Art, singing can give expression and meaning 3 brains Reptilian brain: animal instinct: link nature / vigilance / orientation / present Limbic brain: emotion / arousal / hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, corpus callosum, pituitary epiphysis Cortex: control; related to past The mental Importance of the mind; from the mental self passé/80% this mental / connection with the Self, intuition Three brains as translators Orientation The cuboméduses can see items above the water up to 8 meters Nervous system and sensory primitive Busquey Ed, Ed Nilson in 2011 New Scientist Right amygdala limbic and animals Right brain captures unexpected events Captures for animal Nature Neuroscience 2011 Sound environment influences the other senses Consciousness Distinction between two things Need a relationship I Centering Let go Loss of control Osteopathy and conscience The separation between the patient, the therapist, nature is an illusion 11 Field connectivity everywhere, not local, global, holographic communicating A research unit Freedom Balance Consciousness Distinction between two things Need a relationship I Centering Let go Loss of control Osteopathy and conscience The separation between the patient, the therapist, nature is an illusion Field connectivity everywhere, not local, global, holographic communicating Silence Dynamic stillness: the movement is the basis of the manifested world, silence is the foundation of spiritual Silence between musical notes Beginning of a journey New dimensions of osteopathy already present in Still and his successors Be still Be still and know Ps 46 11 Connection Montalivet 2009 Memories of foetus Prematurity Perceptions in water Model Memories aquatic Memories Why in the water? 70% of our body is water Prenatal experiences are always present in a non verbal The hot water allows the expansion of the whole body and between the structures Water pressure on the body Tri dimensional treatment Gravity is a good fulcrum in the air but not in water Oscillations: prenatal environment Energy fields in water One ocean! The exterior, interior and space between Connection with any 12 Overall perceptions holographic The water reflects the totality as a mirror: body / mind / spirit Language of emotions Gregg Braden In water The correcting forces coming from outside and from the inside; stronger than air It breathes through skin Patient shows places of resistance The ripple stimulates inhibitions, breaks the gamma loop reflexes and increases nerve impulses Amplitude, rhythm and precision Presence of the therapist estessentielle Interaction retroactive Emotions of freedom and joy Michel Dufresne Equilibrium pressure between the diaphragms The pumping action increases the movement of fluids in the vessels and in the spaces Myofascial relaxation Abandon, let go Different picture in the body let go Co-creator Not doing No separation Between patient, therapist and environment Nicolas Baerdiev David Bohm Integration in the water Many practitioners work Connection with everything The hand: connecting the universe Path of osteopathy Not seek information Looking for what is hidden in us, in others and in nature Awareness Different models exist: biomechanics, neurological, circulatory / respiratory psycho emotional; BIOENERGETICS Field coherence Our tools palpation of the perception Biomagnetic field The path of the heart Way to the heart Madeira 2011 13 Perceive the heart of Decomposition Systems Ongoing dialogue between the heart and the brain stem Dr JAArmor) Electric pump included in a biomagnetic field J.Oschman Arteries Carrefour larynx Balancing and opening Opening of the heart Reunion 2009 Faced with abnormal perceptions The heart as a point of resilience Communication from the heart Neurological Biochemical: neurotransmitters Biophysics: pulse Electromagnetic Distribution to all Communication between brain and heart Nervous system Three brains Native language of the brain Emotional control The heart can take a step back / pain Heart side view Atrium and right ventricle Left ventricle Heart valves Traffic Arteries Diaphragm: Mediastinum Consistency pericardial Esteem Satisfaction Listen Interest to others Evolution of perceptions Inpermanence Through movement, let the spirit descend into matter Continuity between matter and spirit through movement Time seems constant in constant change ... New perceptions The human being: space between William Blake 14 If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: that is to say infinite Space-time Neutral Balance Presence in the space between the patient and the therapist Silence Dynamic stillness: the movement is the basis of the manifested world, silence is the foundation of spiritual Silence between musical notes Beginning of a journey New dimensions of osteopathy already present in Still and his successors The fifth dimension of osteopathy An experience not found in books A.T.Still has experienced 22 June 1874 Walter Russell to 49 years Personal therapeutic experience Totally subjective Follows the laws of physics informational begins to explain The principles in this dimension Be still and know R.Becker Perceptual challenge J.Jealous Vibratory perception Space and time are not linear, no beginning or end Present everywhere in nature through the set of transformations Opening It is not pulling the petals will open a flower In the flower are the sun, the rain and the universe Hologram: the cell are all Still Point The living principle in a living body R Becker Space between Paul Lee R interface Connections Lois computer A third fulcrum respiratory movement R.Molinari Health Divine spark Awakening Knowledge and not only know Inseparability Thich Nhat Hanh Happiness Unit Principles of Health Symmetry 15 Multidimensions Listen health and welcome Health comes to us when we are receptive Jim Jealous Theory of everything Human as a complex system Search inside Being human: a machine moved by an invisible force called Life ATStill I love my fellow human beings because I see God in their faces. A.T.Still The job is not to write a book, build a dogma, tradition. Work is something that exists in the hearts of men and women ... if they can find it. Maurice Nicoll MD Interior and exterior Do not be fooled by appearances The observer is the cause of the événement N. Bohr New frontier for science osteopathic Interdependence non-separability Indoor / outdoor Newton: view from the outside dissociation between inside and outside Vision system from within ? Interconnection universe? Human being he is isolated from animals, nature, other humans? The field is the only reality A.Einstein Being human: chemical object or electric charge in a magnetic field? Field connects everything to the heart, brain, memory, cell Field determines health and disease Speed in the field would be faster than light? The empty space is full Aristotle Packets of quantum energy in motion Information is transmitted by a quantum leap in our body Resonance in the universe Still the point or zero point: maximum energy, non-polluting and free In m3 of space, or zero point energy point is still enough to boil all the oceans of the world Richard Feynman The background noise of the universe is a self-healing ground state of the universe Y Has a beginning and an end: Big Bang? 16 Everything is connected By palpation: extract this information and acquire knowledge Walter Russell Non-separability in the universe The center is everywhere The center is also in us and not ego centric self centric Life It is not defined Perceptions are partial representations Information is not knowledge WGSutherland The reasoning is not deductive science but probabilistic To Life Osteopathic biomechanical and functional direct Managing emotions that block the flow Mental and personal memories, family, social Awareness of self, others and nature Vitalist approach Vitality John Martin Littlejohn DO The body as a living mechanism Vitality underlying activity What is life for the physiologist? Nerve and blood circulation Emotions, reflecting the vitality Happyness Within Ourselves begins Happyness Positive emotions Awareness of our common humanity Our experiences of field Perception-action model Health is falling on this workshop to share Ourselves Who am I different from what I have? Impulses coming from early ages The best part in us The best is to come Interdependence Within Ourselves Positive emotions in this group What we share in common Our humanity Our identity Within a group Inclusivity Sociability Pre-judgments and judgments Good mood is a choice Awareness of humanity Interethnic similarities 17 Altruism Charitable Help Contagious emotions in the group Resonnance Empathy Experience Different from a theory Shared experience Adaptation / evolution Unlimited resources / fantasy / cognition / Tolerance / altruism 1 million new connections / second Dalai Lama Health is to share Experience of goodness to Enhance Sharing experiences thesis Awareness of our common humanity Sociability Interdependence / planet as a village Empathy Link Within Ourselves Feelings Emotions Cognition Experience One more step on the Way of Osteopathy Life is eternal Still in Biogenesis Vitality Conduct treatment Self-esteem, rooting center Vertical axis Horizontal axis Fascias Fulcrum vibrational Neutral Start of treatment in the quiet Osteopathic concepts Principles The forces of life Gravity is a side effect of zero field Andrei Sakharov The presence of material is a source of attraction between two material elements Gravity would be an effect of attraction unstoppable because the field is everywhere By palpation, it interferes with the patient's energy organization and our String Theory 18 Start of the true treatment Rollin Becker Black holes spiral vibration String theory: a vibratory unit in a multi-dimensional universe: the M branes Benchmarks Uncover the buried memories Areas of non-life Serve as fulcrums Neutral points "The rule is no rule" J.Upledger "Freedom from the Known" Kmurti Tools Forces Gravitation Electromagnetism Electromagnetism Everything is vibration, nothing is inert, everything lives No hardware support electromagnetic waves, they are vectors of life 1972: Popp / cells emit photons 1978: Prigogine: delocalization energy Gervich: propagation of light: a virus infects through glass The électromagnétism Brain waves: Dr. Berger Beta: waking life Alpha meditation, no time and distance Delta: deep sleep, anesthesia Gravitation First force known; the most visible and weaker. Two masses attract each other because the space - time is distorted by the masses. Governs the expansion of the Universe as a whole. Gravity, tides are a consequence Nuclear forces Nuclear power low: in the heart of the system, allows the sun to shine Strong nuclear force: a hundred thousand times stronger than the weak interaction and 10puissance 39 times stronger than gravity, but its effects act on tiny distances (10 -13 cms power) quarks shape protons and neutrons, giving nuclei. James Jealous and biodynamic J.Jealous: evolution of the concept Integration with nature Practice Environment / nature image Intent / attention / presence Neutral / reverse Perceptions of denser Perceptions more fluid 19 Putting words: dense connective / fluid, nerves, emotions circulation / breathing intuitions; heart; Being At birth, the baby ‘s memory is not blank ' Sensory continuity of the embryo to fetus and baby The fetal neurons are functional before the establishment of sensorimotor reflex Week 7: skin sensory perceptions, then touch, heat or cold, vestibular, taste, smell, auditory sensations Week 18: the mother of emotions: reactions of fetus Baby can remember painful situations from prenatal periods: Measures of endorphin immunoreactions Memory of the fetus The fulcrum Fulcrums as support for the treatment in W.Russell Power present in the fulcrum Fulcrum of the lever on which it draws its strength Immobility as a source of power Cyst in energy Upledger Systems vibratory senses The visual system Auditory and vestibular systems Somatic sensory system related musculoskeletal Perceived vibrations are converted into electrical and chemical signals to the brain Fulcrums Homeostasis is manifested around an equilibrium point In a living system, all parameters are in motion, change is constant: eg wheel Point apparently immobile Axis to the strength Point balance automatic movement (Sutherland) The presence of the practitioner is a fulcrum (Tricot) Fulcrum vibrational Perception, not only anatomical, having the ability to bring a balance to opening new doors Power inherent in the system grows from this fulcrum eye of the hurricane (R.Becker) Point of optimal receptivity, transformation Practical fulcrums blood seed Different feeling In full, in empty hot cold tingling pulsations, mobility, quality, speed, density Circumscribe the fulcrum; bring it to a neutral and be present, do nothing Observe the reactions Energy follows thought Search retention areas 20 Hand as looking sonar sounds different from the background noise Perceptible to the touch memories There is no recognition that what we have already met Tissue disruption Entropy dysfunction Contrribue to the formation of a weakened segment Research reaction zones Search with the hand areas of tension different from the "noise" Notion of enkystment and memory Tissue disorder or energy Notion of entropy increased destabilizing capacity system homeostasis Contributes to facilitation zone (I Korr) Environment / nature image Intent / attention / presence Neutral / reverse Perceptions of denser Perceptions more fluid Putting words: dense connective / fluid, nerves, emotions circulation / breathing intuitions; heart; Being Point The whole is more than the sum of its parts Ios 2010 Cells Philosophy and purpose Obey the same laws Specific action The osteopath works with the universality of the cell Sully J.A.Duval 1998 Touch The skin, the largest organ of the body "This is the skin that we become loving beings" Harlow Touch appears very early in the embryo and resists better than sight and hearing The five senses show a small part of reality By touch, osteopath develop a system of representations and images, it organizes space Touch and outside By touch: relationship to the world outside us At birth, we have a long experience of touch Our experience is directed, based on the past Explorer new dimensions Palpation Touch with a cognitive orientation, intention and purpose Palpatory diagnosis is reproducible Subjective, unique, unstable, fluctuating, changing non-linearly Allows exchanges cybernetic dynamic communication within the living 21 Patient interaction that involves rétroctivité and partnership through a fulcrum to better organization and health Requires modeling Perception Classic definition: what connects us to the sensible world through our five senses Sensory immediate reactions, resulting in neurological subjective representations recorded in the memory The information is analyzed in terms of what is known, can lead to illusions. Perception can educate Immediate information Perceptual errors related liabilities side of the impressions received Judgment illusion of distance; education of the senses In the presence of palpation education Perceptions unknown: and unconscious levels of awareness Different vision Frequency change: the human retina perceives a small wavelength Perceptions bright aura space between; vision in water Electromagnetis seek the center of what we see Same with other senses Overall perception Unconscious, transgenerational Emotions and perceptions archaic Requires a breakdown of the visible and known Extensive field research including humanities osteopathy The cone of consciousness Jellyfish as a model of adaptation to the environment The felt or felt sense The bodily sense Eugen Gamblin searches in 1953 The feelings associated with the mind, emotions, sensations, feelings, intuition and meaning in connection with space, time, movement, rhythm and vibration The technique is not any treatment Sensitive nonverbal body awareness in a specific environment Body awareness increases sensations Perception in a complex system Perception involves other dimensions Electromagnetism Among four primal forces: supported by photons, related to light Responsible for the interaction between people and the molecules Attractive or repulsive force that makes dense matter; related tissue density Influenced by the mental Electromagnetism Everything is vibration, nothing is inert, everything lives No hardware support electromagnetic waves, they are vectors of life 1972: Popp / cells emit photons 22 1978: Prigogine: delocalization energy Gervich: propagation of light: a virus infects through glass The électromagnétisme Brain waves: Dr. Berger Beta: waking life Alpha meditation, no time and distance Delta: deep sleep, anesthesia Other forces Strong nuclear force 100 times stronger than electromagnetism acts as an elastic, gluons, has more strength when the particles move away; energy source of the sun Weak nuclear force: 100 billion times weaker than the electromagnetic strength; bosons; provides mechanisms to extract solar energy. Gravitation: lowest; maintains the cohesion of the material Gravitation First force known as the most visible and weaker. Two masses attract each other because the space - time is distorted by the masses. Governs the expansion of the Universe as a whole. Gravity, tides are a consequence Interactions Classical model: perception, cognition, action New understanding with mirror neurons: fronto parietal cortex: parralel circuit in interaction with environment: if year is Already known work, multimodal reaction in the brain of the watch. Importance of intentions Forces in the Universe The matter we perceive represents 10% of the matter in the universe 90% remains an enigma to our intelligence Observed by we? Our repository learned from books and culture The lift can let go of this reference system-compulsive P.Tricot Bibliography Science and Future October 2001 p.76 / www.villemin.gerard.free.fr Emotional Anatomy by Stanley Keleman Sacred Mirrors by Alex Grey Wake the tiger Peter Levine Guide energy movement by Fritz Smith Presence of the past Sheldrake R B Chikly Eugene Gendlin Chicago 1953: a systemic experience in a holistic environment Focusing presence or On going dialogue Between heart and brain mamarian old connections thru ganglionnic Dr JAArmor) Heart Centered Therapy Alaya Chikly The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle "In a river, no one can dive twice in the Sami water" Heraclitus 23 Wanting nothing With all your Heart Stop the stream. When the world dissolves Everything Becomes clear. Go beyond This Way or That Way To the farther shore, Where the world dissolves Becomes clear and everything. Beyond this shore And the farther shore Beyond the beyond Where there is no Beginning, No end. Without fear, go. Meditate, Livepurely. Be quiet Do your work, With mastery. By the day, the sun shines, The warrior and his armor shines-is. By the night the moon shines, And the master shines in meditation. Purpose the day and night The one who is awake Shines in the radiance of the spirit. Gautama Buddha inn The sayings of the Buddha The Dharmapada p.149 Vintage books 1976 24