English Language Development Mrs. Ramirez

English Language Development
Mrs. Ramirez-Room 330
Email: eramirez@fusd1.org
Phone: 773-8200 EXT 6498
Welcome to the ELD (English Language Development) course at Coconino High School!!
Course Objective
The ELD classes are designed to ensure that our English language learners (ELL) and former English language
learners (FEP) acquire the language skills and the academic knowledge necessary to succeed in life and in the
classroom. The proficiency level of ELD students is determined by the AZELLA (Arizona English Language
Learner Assessment) as determined by the Arizona State Department of Education. Our goal is to provide students
with continuous gains in the levels of English language competence which will result in the “Proficient” level. This
level provides students with academic competence to mainstream into regular classes. The program provides
English language development in grammar/language arts; writing and reading.
Course Materials
What materials will I use in class every day?
 A 3-ring binder organized for all the ELD classes that will serve as your main English tool and resource.
Throughout the courses, students will be given various hand-outs and packets that are to be kept in their
English binder. Binders should be left in class and will be checked and graded every two weeks.
 Black pens and/or number 2 pencils.
 Composition book or notebook for Writer’s Journal. You will be responsible for writing in your Writer’s
Journal weekly during class time. Students will keep their journals in class.
 Classroom supplies, and textbooks will be kept in the classroom.
 The Edge textbook and grammar book will be kept in the classroom.
 Library books can be checked out for reading at home.
 Each student will have a dictionary ready to be used as needed.
 A folder will be used to store Parts of Speech tables and notes that will be used by students for group work,
writing, reading, listening and speaking.
Will my ELD class binder be graded?
Yes. Students are expected to keep their binders in class and will use them every day. Students are also expected to
keep all assignments, handouts and notes IN ORDER in their binders.
Please organize your binder using
LABELED DIVIDERS into the following categories:
Divider #1: GRAMMAR: Please keep all grammar notes, worksheets and exercises in this section. All
worksheets must be kept in order by number.
Divider #2: VOCABULARY: Please keep all vocabulary lists, notes, worksheets and exercise in this
section. All vocabulary worksheets must be kept in order by number.
Divider#3: READING WORKSHEETS: Please keep ALL reading worksheets and exercises in this
section. All worksheets must be kept in order by number.
Divider #4: WRITING WORKSHEETS: Throughout this course we will be focusing much of our time
and energy on developing writing strategies. All handouts, worksheets and notes about writing must be
kept in this section, and all handouts must be in order by number.
How exactly will I be graded in this class?
Good question! My goal is to give you consistent and regular feedback about how you are doing in each class so
that you know when you are doing well, and when you have areas I can assist you to work on or improve. These are
the assessment categories that I will be grading you on:
English Language Development
Mrs. Ramirez-Room 330
Email: eramirez@fusd1.org
Phone: 773-8200 EXT 6498
1) Grammar: You will be graded on your ability to demonstrate mastery of important grammar through
completing worksheets, exercises, homework and quizzes. You will be expected to use correct English grammar
and speech in the classroom by practicing, asking questions, sharing with other students and participating in whole
class activities. You will be expected to use grammar at your level in writing as much as possible.
2) Reading Strategies: A primary focus of this class is to help you develop strong reading strategies which include
building your vocabulary and reading comprehension. The majority of your grade will be based on your ability to
show progress in reading strategies covered in class. You will be responsible for completing exercises/worksheets,
reading comprehension and quizzes.
3) Writing Strategies: Another important focus of this class is to help you improve your writing by using
strategies covered in class. You will also be graded on your ability to learn from the mistakes you make in writing
and editing your own work. You will be responsible for completing exercise and worksheets in this category. Most
importantly, you will work on writing final drafts of several compositions. You will start with learning to write
different sentence structures, paragraphs and different types of writing genres. You have to use time wisely when
writing because writing is a difficult but time-consuming skill. Your rough draft, organizers and final draft grades
will be a large part of this category.
4) Vocabulary: You will be graded on your ability to demonstrate mastery of important vocabulary through
completing worksheets, exercises, and quizzes. You will be expected to increase and use new vocabulary in your
classroom writing and speech as much as possible.
5) Participation:
a. You will be graded on your ability to demonstrate mature and respectful behavior /conduct towards all
classmates, the teachers, and all other people at school. Following class rules is part of this category.
b. You will also be graded on your ability to show positive effort and participation in group and individual
student activities in the classroom.
What are the class rules?
In order to ensure that all students are able to learn in a safe and comfortable environment, it is important to lay
down some fundamental rules that I expect you to follow. It is also important to know all the general school rules
equally apply in this classroom. Most of them are common sense.
1. Students must be on time to class. Students who enter class late or in the middle of a lesson are very
disruptive to the class. Don’t be rude. Make an effort to be on time, and at your desk ready to work.
2. Students must attend class every day. If you have too many absences, you can be dropped from the
class and you will lose credit. I will need to call your parents to find out why you are not coming to school.
3. Eating, or drinking beverages other than water is not allowed during class instruction. You may have
special treats on special days, but save your food and eat it outside the classroom time.
4. School dress code must be followed at all times. No Exceptions!
5. Cell phones, iPods or any other electronic devices should be turned off and put away. They are
disruptive to the classroom environment.
6. Students must behave appropriately in class at all times. Students are expected to behave respectfully
towards ALL PEOPLE at all times. I encourage you to ask questions any time, but raise your hand so that I can
address your questions by giving you correct answers.
7. Students must use appropriate language at all times (in ANY language).
8. ENLISH is the language of instruction in this classroom. Do your best to respect this. You may see me
after class, at lunch or after school if you need to see me for any reason.
How will I be graded?
There are three kinds of grades: 1) Practice-10% 2) Performance – 40% 3) Measurements-40%
Period grades will be based on the total number of points for each category. Your grades will be provided to you on
your completed assignment, and on the CHS grade book for each class.