Score Understanding of Physiotherapy Profession Group interaction Communication Skills 9-10 Excellent understanding of the role of the Physiotherapist, consistently underpinned by robust reflection on prior learning or experiences. This is demonstrated in their presentation, questioning and discussion. Excellent – Actively and appropriately engages in group, consistently making valid contributions, with excellent levels of selfawareness, and enabling and supporting others to participate. Excellent – verbal communication is very clear, articulate, well-paced, and confident. Listening skills and discussions are excellent, with appropriate non-verbal communication demonstrated at all times. 7-8 Good understanding of the role of the physiotherapist, with good reflection on work experience. This is demonstrated in their presentation, questioning and discussion. Good Actively and appropriately engages in group, with valid contributions. Has good levels of self-awareness and enables others to participate. Good - verbal communication is clear, wellpaced, quite confident. Listening skills and discussions are good, with appropriate nonverbal communication skills demonstrated. 5-6 Satisfactory – some understanding of the role of the physiotherapist, with some reflection on work experience. This is demonstrated in their presentation, questioning and discussion. Satisfactory Some engagement in the group with some valid contributions and selfawareness, but there may be lack of participation or over dominance some of the time, which results in others finding it difficult to participate. Satisfactory - verbal communication is quite clear, there is some hesitancy or rushing. Listening skills and discussions are satisfactory and non-verbal communications are appropriate most of the time. 3-4 Poor - little understanding of the role of the physiotherapist, with limited reflection on work experience. This is evident through their presentation, questioning and discussion. Very poor understanding of the role of the physiotherapist, and little or no reflection on their work. This is evident through their presentation, questioning and discussion. Poor Little engagement in the group and few or inappropriate contributions made, or over dominance detrimental to group discussion. Poor - verbal communication is unclear, lacks pace and confidence. Listening skills and discussions are poor. Poor or inappropriate non-verbal communication skills. Very Poor - verbal communication is very unclear, with no attention to pace. Listening skills and discussions are very poor with lack of participation or excessive dominance and inappropriate non-verbal communication. 0-2 Very poor No engagement in the group with no contribution, or inappropriate contributions, made to group discussion; or domination of the group making it very difficult or impossible for others to contribute.