Weiss - Neal, 1 Dr. Renée E. Weiss Neal 3606 East Baywood Lane Greenville, NC 27834 Email: REWEISSNEAL@gmail.com Cell Phone: 252-481-8241 Education Ed.D. Instruction and Curriculum with focus in Instructional Design and Technology, December 1999. The University of Memphis, M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology, August 1996.The University of Memphis, B.L.S. in Management of the Arts, December 1993. Memphis State University. Higher Education/Corporate Experience Senior Systems Writer/Editor (Training Specialist), Social Scientific Systems, Inc., March 2012 to present. Consult with project staff, contractor staff, and Federal government clients concerning tracking data structure and software systems Design, develop, and implement curriculum and training interventions and documentations Teaching Assistant Professor, East Carolina University, Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education. Spring, 2009 (part-time online) Fulltime Fall 2010 to Present Teaching graduate and undergraduate technology courses o Administration of School Technology Programs o Planning for Technology o Principles of Instructional Design o Analysis and Evaluation in Instructional Technology Webmaster for department website committee o Chair of Web Committee o Redesign Department Website o Maintain accuracy of information Board member on Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities Conduct Board Technology Expert for Teacher Quality Participation Grant Project – Workshop. Technology Subject expert for county school teachers Instructional Technologist, Edward Jones, Strategic Learning Services Department, January 2008 to July 15, 2010 Consulting: Consult with the firm’s training departments to provide timely, specific information concerning e-learning and pedagogy to help the Weiss - Neal, 2 departments’ instructional designers and team leaders make informed decisions that impact learning for the firm. Secure funding: Write proposals to leaders to secure funding for training events such as the firm’s Training Summit 2008, 2009, and 2010. Strategic planning: Perform as contributing team member to create a development plan for the firm’s instructional designers. Software tool expert: Articulate expert for the entire firm including US, UK and CA. Maintain section of department website concerning Articulate questions and pedagogy. Advising: Creating, executing plans and solutions in collaboration with internal clients concerning e-learning needs. Designing: Design, develop, implement instructional interventions for firm’s non-training areas Writing: Contributor to the Strategic Learning Services newsletter Reviewer: Quality assurance reviewer for the firm’s e-learning training courses Instructional Designer, Edward Jones, Compliance Training and Communication Department, July 2006 to December 2007 Facilitate compliance classes (Financial Products, Compliance Orientation, Compliance Academy, Branch Audit Basics Class, Field Supervision Reports classes, Field Supervision Case Studies) Designed, developed E-learning Compliance modules Design, develop, implement instructional interventions for Compliance departments, such as Branch Audit, Field Supervision, and branch associates delivered face-to-face and on-line Member of Learning Management System task force Assistant Professor, Instructional Technology, Department of Educational Leadership, School of Education, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, August 2002 to May 2005. Curriculum Development Research in Instructional Design, Distance Learning, and Human Performance Technology Serve on Strategic Task Force for School of Education Serve as Program Reviewer for departments at the University level Serve on Academic Affairs School of Education Committee Sr. Multimedia Training Specialist, FedEx Express Corporation, December 2000 to April 2002 Restructuring curricular for Revenue Services Network and system support for training classroom Designed, developed, tested and evaluated interactive multimedia CBT Designed, developed and evaluated paper-based materials for Invoice Adjustment classes Weiss - Neal, 3 Teach domestic and international Invoice Adjustment classes Designing and developing E-book focusing on Billing Satisfaction Training Designing and developing E-source intranet web site that crosses multiple departmental content Support for colleagues using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Director, Flash, Authorware, and Microsoft Office software Developed instrument for evaluating PC skills of Revenue Services employees Member of team for development of billing section of fedex.com web site ISO9001 compliance person for WRO Training Interim Director; Center for Academic Excellence (CAE), The University of Memphis. July 1999 to December 2000 Organize and publicize faculty development activities Editor newsletter – The Mentor Supervise staff members Coordinate Teaching Assistant and International Teaching Assistant programs Design faculty web-based courses Develop CAE web site Instructional Consultant, CAE, The University of Memphis. February 1999-June 1999 Create faculty development workshops in technology Develop and maintain CAE web site Coordinate Teaching Assistant program. Instructional Design Specialist, Federal Express, Memphis TN. 1998-1999 Project lead for design team focused on Miscellaneous Electronic Commerce and Accounts Receivable Designed instruction for six software engines and their capabilities Designed training materials for Europe/Middle East, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, and Canada regions Developed and coordinated all aspects of evaluation measuring effectiveness of departments performance and return on investment Instructor, Department of Instruction Curriculum Leadership, Art Department, and Transitional Academic Affairs Department, The University of Memphis. 1996 to 2000 Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in instructional design and technology, introduction to the university, and Introduction to Art Graduate Assistant, Center for Academic Excellence, The University of Memphis. 19961997 Designed, developed multimedia computer-based instruction for faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students Pre-press production of the CAE newsletter Designed paper-based instruction for faculty Weiss - Neal, 4 Instructional Design Intern, Customer Service Performance Systems Training, Federal Express, Memphis TN. June 1996 to August 1996 Technical writing for Customer Service International Manual Created graphics for computer-based simulation for new hire customer service representatives Compiled glossary for customer service intranet Graduate Assistant, Department of Instruction Curriculum Leadership, The University of Memphis. 1994-1996 Researched documents for faculty Created logos, graphics, and brochures for ICL department Designed and created web site for ICL department Courses Taught East Carolina University Technology Integration in the Classroom Planning for Technology Administration of School Technology Programs for Leadership Principles of Instructional Design Analysis and Evaluation in Instructional Technology Selection, Evaluation, and Integration of Multimedia for PerK-12 Schools Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Human Performance Technology Project Management Instructional Development – Consulting and Analysis Instructional Systems Design Educational Psychology Advanced Educational Psychology Instructional Software Design Authoring Systems for Instructional Software – (Dreamweaver, Flash) Interactive Learning Environments Computer-Based Publishing and Instruction – (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint) Computer Networks in Education FedEx Express Corporation Introduction to FedEx Express Corporation Invoice Adjustment Account Maintenance Basics Billing Satisfaction Training I & II Weiss - Neal, 5 International Billing Satisfaction Training FedEx Ground Using TAO e-mail and DRS system University of Memphis Applications of Instructional Media Utilization of Media and Technology Computers, Technology and Learning in the Classroom Introduction to the University Introduction to Art Theory and Practice of Instructional Design (team taught) Pedagogy and Communication for International Teaching Assistants Pedagogy for Teaching Assistants Consulting Experience Instructional Technology Consultant. Teacher Quality Partnership Grant Summer Writing Camp for Teachers. May 2011 to August 2011. Coached, demonstrated and wrote instructions for innovative ways to integrate technology in the elementary classroom for lessons in math, science, social studies and language arts. Collaborated on instructional strategies to be used Created graphics or modified graphics Recorded and edited the sound files for narration. Also, I narrated the directions. Curriculum Development Consultant, Tarantula Learning Corporation, LLC, Georgetown TX. August 2002 to December 2002. Designed curriculum for electronic portfolios. Instructional Consultant, Center for Distance Education and Learning Technologies, Crichton College, Memphis TN. August 1999 to 2001. Research the Instructional Design and Pedagogy of Asynchronous courses Advised director regarding issues related to design of online courses and faculty training to teach online courses Instructional Design and Training Consultant, Time Warner Communications; Memphis TN. June 1996-December 1997 Conducted all aspects of instructional design process from needs assessment to designing multi-level evaluation Designed and wrote series of software training manuals for “new hire” customer service representatives. Consultant, Board of Education: Memphis City Schools: Office of Research & Evaluation June 1997 Weiss - Neal, 6 Evaluated the Twenty-first Century Teachers Instructional Design Consultant, Portcom Corporation, Portland OR. February 1996 to May 1996 Designed and developed interactive computer-based simulation of Internet for use by novice Internet users Computer Graphic Artist, Department of Chemistry, The University of Memphis. May 1996 to August 1996 Created illustrations for animated interactive computer-based instruction for use in undergraduate instruction Art Teacher, Zion Lutheran School, San Francisco. 1979-1981 Taught painting and drawing to children grades first through ninth. Scholarly Products Book Weiss, R. E., Knowlton, D. S., & Speck, B. W. (Eds.). (2000). Principles of effective teaching in the online classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Book Chapters Brown, C., Neal, R. (2011). Definition and history of online professional development. In S. Keengy (Ed.). Visual mentoring for teachers: Online professional development. IGI Global. Weiss, R. E. (2004). Designing problems to promote higher-ordered thinking. In D. S. Knowlton, & D. C. Sharp (Eds.) Problem-based learning for the information age San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Weiss, R. E., Knowlton, D. S., & Speck, B. W. (2000).Editor’s notes. In R. E. Weiss, D. D. Knowlton, & B. W. Speck (Eds.), Principles of effective teaching in the online classroom, (pp. 1-3). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Weiss, R. E. (2000). Humanizing the electronic classroom. In R. E. Weiss, D. S. Knowlton, & B. W. Speck (Eds.), Principles of effective teaching in the online classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Knowlton, D. S. & Weiss, R. E. (1999). “Storytelling sessions” as impetus for reflection: Implementing peer feedback into the reflective process. In S. Totten, C. Johnson, L. Morrow, & T. Sills-Briegal (Eds.), Preparing Middle level educators: Practicing what we preach. New York, NY: Falmer Press. Weiss - Neal, 7 Conference Papers and Presentations Brown, C., Neal, R., and Fine, B. (2011). Using 21st Century Thinking Skills Applied to the TPACK Instructional Model. Association for Education, Communication, and Technology, Jacksonville, Florida. Weiss-Neal, R, and Flores, R. (2008). Sequential graphic narrative in online training course design, United States Distance Learning Association, St. Louis, Missouri. Zantow, K., Sharp, D. C., Knowlton, D. S., & Weiss, R. E. (2004, August). An Analysis of Generative Learning Opportunities in Computer Based Business Simulations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, Louisiana. Knowlton, D. S., Thomeczek, M. A., & Weiss, R. E. (2004). Promoting Student Learning through Summary/Reaction Journals. Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. Thomeczek, M. A., Knowlton, D. S., & Weiss, R. E.(2004). Infusing handheld technologies into the classroom: Designing meaningful learning experiences for K-12 students. Proceedings of annual international meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Atlanta, Georgia. Keynote address Weiss, R. E. (2003). From cooking in the kitchen to serving at the tables: Rethinking the nature of “serving” students in online environments. Keynote address presented at the annual meeting of the Adult Learning Conference, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfeesboro, Tennessee. Weiss, R. E., Knowlton, D. S., & Knowlton, H. M. (2000, November). Faculty Attitudes and Understandings about Online Learning Technologies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-south Educational Research Association, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Crase, D., Stevens. P., and Weiss, R. (2000). Program reviews: More than an exercise. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Academic Chairperson’s Conference, Orlando, Florida. Weiss, R. E. & Morrison, G. R. (1998). Evaluation of the interaction of a postgraduate seminar conducted by listserv. Paper presented at the National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Journal Articles (refereed) Sharp, D. C., Weiss, R. E., & Knowlton, D. S. (2003). Applying generative learning strategies in the Survey of International Economics course. Social Science Research Weiss - Neal, 8 Network Electronic Library. Available: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=392860 [December 31, 2003] Walters, K. C., Knowlton, D. S., & Weiss, R. E. (2003). Increasing parent participation in middle school learning communities. Current Issues in Middle Level Education, 9(1), 46-60. Weiss, R. E., Knowlton, D. S. & Morrison, G. R. (2002). Principles for using animation in CBI: Research-based heuristics for effective use. Computers in Human Learning 18 465-477. Crase, D., Stevens. P., and Weiss, R. (2000). Program reviews: More than an exercise. In: Proceedings of Seventeenth Annual Conference Academic Chairperson’s Conference, Celebrating Success: Sharing Best Practices (pp. 79-91) Kansas City: Kansas State University Weiss, R.E. & G.R. Morrison. (1998). Evaluation of the interaction of a postgraduate seminar conducted by listserv. In: N. J. Maushak, & C. Schlosser (Eds). Proceedings of Selected Paper Presentation at the Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 463-478). Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press Journal Articles (blind reviewed) Sharp, D. C., Knowlton, D. S., & Weiss, R. E. (2005). Applications of generative learning for the survey of international economics course. Journal of Economic Education. University Publications W ei s s , R . E. (2000, August ). From t he D i rect or. T he M ent or , 3(6), 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, S ept em ber). From t he Di rect o r. T he Men t or , 3(7), 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, Oct ober). From t he Di rect or. T he Ment o r , 3(8), 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, Novem ber). From t h e Di rect o r. T he Men t or , 3(9), 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, Decem b er). From t h e Di rect o r. T he Men t or , 3(10), 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, J anuar y). From t he Di rect or. T he Ment o r , 4(1), 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, Febru ar y). From t he Di rect or. T he Ment or . 4(2). 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, March). From t he Di rect or. T he Ment or . 4(3).2. Weiss - Neal, 9 W ei s s , R . E. (2000, Apri l ). From t he Di r ect or. T he M ent or . 4(4).2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000, Ma y) . F rom t he Di re ct or. T he Ment or . 4( 5).2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000. August ). From t he D i rect or. T he M ent or. 4(6). 2 . W ei s s , R . E. (2000. S ept em ber). From t he Di rect o r. T he Men t or. 4(7). 2. W ei s s , R . E. (2000. Oct ober). From t he Di rect or. T he Ment o r . 4(8). 2 W ei s s , R . E. (2000. Novem ber). From t h e Di rect o r. T he Men t or . 4(9). 2 W ei s s , R . E. (2000. Decem b er). From t h e Di rect o r. T he Men t or .4(10). 2 Weiss, R.E. (1999). The effect of animation and concreteness of visuals on immediate recall and long-term comprehension when learning the basic principles and laws of motion (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Memphis, 1999). Weiss, R.E. (1997). Authoring with Authorware: Building a project. (Supplemental text, The University of Memphis). Macleod, L. & Weiss, R.E. (1997). Connect to the U of M. (Instructional Manual, The University of Memphis). Weiss, R.E. (1993). Starting the Art Museum from the Ground Up. (Unpublished thesis, Memphis State University). Non-Scholarly Writing and Products Corporate Publications (Includes only select documents) Rose, M., Rose, L., Schultz. C. W., & Weiss, R. E. (1998). Strategic Revenue Solutions Training and Communication Performance Assessment. (Technical Report No. 98-1). Memphis, TN: Federal Express Corporation. Knowlton, D. S. & Weiss, R. E. (1996). Basic Install for a Business As Usual (BAU) never address. (Customer Service Training Manual, Vol.1, No. 1.) Memphis, TN: Time Warner Communications, Mid-South Division. Knowlton, D. S. & Weiss, R. E. (1996). Disconnecting a customer in a BAU area. (Customer Service Training Manual, Vol.1, No. 1.) Memphis, TN: Time Warner Communications, Mid-South Division. Weiss - Neal, 10 Knowlton, D. S. & Weiss, R. E. (1996). Basic Reconnect for a Business as Usual address. (Customer Service Training Manual, Vol.1, No. 1.) Memphis, TN: Time Warner Communications, Mid-South Division. Weiss, R. E. (1995). How to use the Phoroptor. (Ophthalmic Technicians Training Manual, Vol.1, No. 1.) Memphis, TN: Memphis Eye and Cataract Associates. E-Learning/Multimedia Products Weiss-Neal, R. E., Flores, R., Hahn, E. (2008). Strategies for 403(b). (E-learning) St. Louis, MO: Edward Jones. Weiss-Neal, R.E., Flores, R., Hahn, E. (2008). Privacy Firm Values. (E-learning) St. Louis, MO: Edward Jones. Weiss-Neal, R.E., Flores, R., Hahn, E. (2008). Privacy New Hire. (E-learning) St. Louis, MO: Edward Jones. Weiss, R. E., Cochrane, P. (2001). Strategies for Serving Angry Customers. (Computerbased training) Memphis, TN: FedEx Express Corporation Spicer, J., Andrews, M., &Weiss, R. E. (2001). Telephone Techniques and Etiquette. (Computer-based training) Memphis, TN: FedEx Express Corporation Morrison, G. R. & Weiss, R. E. (1996). Statistics Unit 1: Descriptive, Inferential, Nominal, Interval and Ratio. (Computer-based instruction). Memphis, TN: The University of Memphis Morrison, G. R. & Weiss, R. E. (1996). Statistics Unit 2: Discrete data, Frequency distribution. (Computer-based instruction). Memphis, TN: The University of Memphis Morrison, G. R. & Weiss, R. E. (1996). Statistics Unit 3: Measures of location: Ungrouped data. (Computer-based instruction). Memphis, TN: The University of Memphis Weiss, R. E. (1996). How to use the Internet: Internet tutorial. (Computer-based training) Portland, OR: Portcom Inc. Work Shops In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Active Learning in your Classroom,” 2000. Memphis, TN. Weiss - Neal, 11 In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Assessment for Learning,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Beyond e-mail: Communicating with your students online,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Teaching Portfolio I & II,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: Cooperative Learning,´2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Interpreting your student evaluations,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Dealing with difficult students,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Leading effective discussions,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Putting your PowerPoint presentation on the web,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Lively lectures,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Syllabus creation, 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Promoting civility in the classroom,” 2000. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Incorporating multimedia into PowerPoint,” 1999. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Effective techniques for teaching at a distance,” 1999. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Designing your course web site,” 1999. Memphis, TN. Weiss - Neal, 12 In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “PowerPoint as a teaching tool,” 1999. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Keep your grade book in Excel,” 1999 In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “PowerPoint for the college classroom,” 1999. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to The University of Memphis’ Center for Academic Excellence Workshop Participants: “Presentation design,” 1999. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to Strategic Revenue Solutions Training and Communication Workshop Participants: “Effective team work,” 1998. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to Strategic Revenue Solutions Training and Communication Workshop Participants: “Managing your time wisely,” 1998. Memphis, TN. In-Service Presenter to Strategic Revenue Solutions Training and Communication Workshop Participants: “Basic instructional design,” 1998. Memphis, TN. Academic and Community Service University Service Conduct Board Member for Office of Student Right and Responsibilities, East Carolina University. October 2010 to present. Committee Member for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Graduate Program Review Committee for the Department of Kinesology; September 2003 to March 2004 Committee Member for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Undergraduate Program Review Committee for the Department of Mass Communication; September 2003 to March 2004 Alternate Committee Member for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Academic Affairs. September 2003 to May 2004. Attended one meeting. Workshop Presenter (with Melissa A. Thomeczek and David S. Knowlton). “Pulling Rabbits out of Your Cyber-Hat: Creating the Magic of Learning in the Online Classroom.” Sponsored by Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Provost Office, Excellence in Teaching and Learning Initiative, and Lovejoy Library’s Faculty Technology Center, February 2004 Reviewer for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Graduate School Grants, December 2003 Weiss - Neal, 13 School of Education Service Committee Member for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s School of Education Strategic Taskforce Committee. September 2003 to April 2004 Department Service Committee Committee Member for Mathematics, Science, Instructional Technology Education department’s website. East Carolina University, October 2010 to present. Committee Member of Instructional Technology Search Committee for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Department of Educational Leadership, Assistant Professor Position, October 2002 to March 2003. (Dr. Yuliang Liu, Chair). Committee Member for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Department of Educational Leadership, Chair Election Committee, February 2004. (Dr. Ellen Lavelle, Chair) Chair for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Department of Educational Leadership, Mission Statement Task Force, March 2004 to April 2004. Regular Guest Lecturer – Consumer Science and Educations, The University of Memphis, 1998-2000 Committee member on Information Technology Academic Advisory Committee, The University of Memphis. 1999 to 2000 Committee member on task force for Information Literacy Council, The University of Memphis McWherter Library. 1999 to 2000 Committee member for Permanent Chair Search for Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Department, The University of Memphis. 1998-1999 Committee member for Task Force on Hardware and Software Standards Committee, The University of Memphis 1996-1997 Community Service Sunday School Teacher for 4 year olds at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Fall 2005-Fall 2007 Weiss - Neal, 14 Teacher for Women’s Bible Study at Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Fall 2006- Fall 2007 Volunteer worker for the Commission on Missing and Exploited Children 1997-1998 Production assistant for Memphis in May, Leur Faux Levees. Memphis, TN. April 1991 to May 1991 o Liaison between the French production crew and the Overton Park Shell. Volunteer Costume Designer/Construction, Theater Memphis, Memphis TN. 1981 to 2000 o Designed costumes for various productions in The Little Theater, Theater Memphis. o Construct costumes, as needed for main stage productions. Memberships Association for Educational Communications and Technology Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education American Society for Training & Development Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Society for Performance Improvement Instructional Technology Forum Member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Member of Honor Society Kappa Delta Phi