Mrs. Barnett’s Classes Personal Listening Device Contract As a teacher, I acknowledge that listening to music devices (mp3 players, iPods, cell phones with music players etc.) can be beneficial to students under the correct use. Students who listen to music often concentrate more and are able to focus longer, indicating that these devices can be beneficial instructionally for students. On these grounds, it is my/our decision to allow personal listening devices in my classroom only for instructional purposes during time specified by me/us, the teacher(s). Any student who wishes to take advantage of this decision must adhere to the following terms: The device may only be used at times specified by the teacher and not with a substitute teacher. Personal listening devices are not allowed during tests, quizzes, or other assessments. When we are not using their devices, they need to be volume off and screen down on the corner of their desks. This way they are in full view and treated as a learning tool. When I say “screens up,” they know they are welcome to use their devices. If students wish to listen to devices during TEACHER-SPECIFIED times, they must also be actively engaged in… o studying notes, o completing assignments, o studying or reading text, or o completing assigned work for ANOTHER class (a book and/or notebook must be on top of your desk). Students MAY NOT SHARE devices or earbuds, or pass devices to each other. Unless students are changing a song or adjusting the volume, they may not fidget with the device. Any device that can do more than play music (cell phones, PSPs, etc.) should only be used for listening to music or can be confiscated if rules are not followed according to the SHS Student Handbook. Volume will be kept down so that only the student using the personal listening device can hear it. If student’s neighbors or teacher(s) can hear the music, it’s too loud. The student will be asked once to turn the music down. If it happens again, the students will turn off the device and stow it away immediately, having forfeited their privilege that day. Students will not hold music-centered conversations, and will not sing aloud. Mrs. Barnett, Sebring High School, and School Board of Highlands County are not responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen personal listening devices. By bringing the device on campus, the student assumes full responsibility. Any student whose grade falls below a 75/C in the semester will lose this privilege automatically until the grade rises. Any personal listening device and/or other electronic device taken from a student for improper use will be sent to an ADMINISTRATOR with instructions for a PARENT to pick it up. Students will not be able to reclaim their electronics from the teacher. PERIOD. Any further terms/limitations are at Mrs. Barnett’s discretion, and Mrs. Barnett retains final authority over all matters related to the device. Violation of the terms of this agreement will result in confiscation of the device, complete revocation of listening privileges, and/or further disciplinary action. I, ____________________________________ (print your first and last names here), understand and agree with the terms of this listening device contract. Student’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Class Period: _____________________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________