School Board Minutes May 18, 2015 Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation The Board of School Trustees of the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation held a regular meeting on May 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Building. Present were Tony May, Mike McCarty, Jason Shelton, Kellie Freeman, and Shannon Walls. Also present were Superintendent William Riggs, Assistant Superintendent Mike Horton, Business Manager Brian Tomamichel, and Attorney Milo Gray. President May called the meeting to order and reviewed the emergency evacuation procedures. Mr. McCarty made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2015, April 27, 2015 an May 5, 2015 meetings and to certify that an Executive Session was held on April 20, 2015, and no matters were discussed in the Executive Session other than the specified subject matter in the public notices; and, claims #507-636 for a total of $5,566,008.44 ($1,430,400.08 in claims and $4,135,608.36 in sweep transactions). Mr. Shelton seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. President May deviated from the agenda to allow Mr. Derek Shelton to present the High School’s Student Handbook changes, per the attached. Mr. Shelton noted that the most important change was the number of credits needed to earn a General Diploma changed from 45 to 42 and the number of credits needed in math, social studies, and science to earn a General Diploma changed from 6 to 4. There were no changes to the Athletic Handbook. Members of the NASA Youth Council were not in attendance to do their presentation. Karen Niemeier, Director of Hancock Madison Shelby Educational Services, presented the board with a copy of the attached Agreement Regarding Changes in the Organization of Hancock Madison Shelby Educational Services for the purpose of addressing certain issues arising from the withdrawal of Greenfield-Central from the HMSES effective July 1, 2015. Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve the separation agreement. Mrs. Walls seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. Mr. Shipley made a presentation on the Middle School’s Student Assessment. The Middle School’s standardized testing includes NWEA Assessment, ISTEP Assessment and Algebra I ECA. NWEA is administered two times a year, in the fall and spring, and data is used to measure student’s progress or growth in school. The scale used to measure this growth is called the RIT scale and is used to chart a student’s academic growth from year to year. NWEA scores let teachers know where a student’s strengths are and if help is needed in any specific area. ISTEP test scores are analyzed and used to help evaluate current programming and areas of concentration. Individual student ISTEP results are analyzed to determine student strengths and if help is needed in any specific areas. It is also used by teachers to help them guide individual instruction in their classrooms. Approximately 75 7th and 8th Grade Algebra I students take the Algebra I ECA with a very high success ratio. A triangulation of student data (NWEA, ISTEP and Classroom Performance) is used to determine individual class placement. Communications Director Maria Bond presented Mt. Vernon Mainstream publicizing all the good things happening at Mt. Vernon and press releases in the local newspapers. Good news includes MVHS was ranked #21 in the state (out of 413 public schools) best in county and #1,613 in the nation (out of 21,150 public schools) by U.S. News & World Report; MVHS Seniors were awarded a record $5,718,617 in scholarships (two notables were Grant Williams with a West Point Appointment and Brieann Staker receiving the four-year Eli Lilly Scholarship); MCE Walk-a-thon raised nearly $5K to be split between Riley Hospital and a Reading Interventionist; MVMS Student Council was named an “Honor Council” for the 11th time; and FES Principal Heather Noesges and MES Principal Stephanie Miller were selected to participate in the Indiana Principals Leadership Institute of which MVMS Principal Scott Shipley and MCE Principal Heather Whitaker recently graduated from. Mr. Shelton reported that the Mt. Vernon Education Foundation will hold the 2015 Joel Young Memorial Chip in Fore Kids Golf Outing on June 19th at Arrowhead Golf Course. Mr. McCarty reported that the Hancock Co. RDC is moving quickly on the TIF project getting things in place for the John Morrell Co. Mr. May was unable to attend the last Fortville RDC meeting. Mrs. Freeman reported that a decision has been made to tear down the church located at the corner of Washington Street and German Church and replaced with a Giant Eagle Gas Station. Mrs. Walls reported that much of the McCordsville RDC meeting was spent on finalizing the TIF marketing plan they have been working on. They are also working on a matching grant program where businesses can apply for a matching grant to improve their buildings. Mrs. Whitaker and Mr. Shipley presented the Student Handbook Changes for all three elementary schools and the middle school, per the attached. Changes are basically the same as previously discussed for the high school. Mrs. Whitaker touched on one change pertaining to the attendance policy reflecting the new prosecutor’s wishes. After a student has been absent fifteen times, they are then turned over to the Prosecutor’s Office and it is their decision on what action is taken. Mr. Shipley stated one change in the middle school’s handbook concerns the confiscation of electronic devices which includes cell phones, MP3 players, CD players, PSP’s, etc. Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve the changes to all 2015-2016 Student Handbooks, as presented. Mr. McCarty seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. Dr. Riggs presented Kindergarten Roundup Results, per the attached, and stated he was very pleased with the numbers. This year, 75 students were enrolled at Mt. Comfort, 74 at McCordsville and 54 at Fortville Elementary for a total of 203 students, up a little from last year. Dr. Riggs anticipates, based on enrollment projections, adding an additional kindergarten section at all three elementary schools. Dr. Riggs reported Option B of the 2016-2017 School Calendar seemed to get a lot of support from patrons as well as administrators, the Classroom Teachers’ Association and Corporation Improvement Council members. Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve Option B of the 2016-2017 School Calendar which has a starting date for students of August 1, 2016. Mr. McCarty seconded, and the motion carried. Mr. Horton presented IREAD3 results, per the attached. Overall 236 of the 260 third grade students passed for a 90.8% passing rate. The state average passing rate is 84.2%. Twenty-four students will re-take the test on June 9, 2015. It is MVCSC policy that if students do not pass the re-take test, they will be retained in Grade 3. In the past, students re-taking the test have all passed. Dr. Riggs reminded board members that MVHS Graduation is set for Friday May 29, 2015 at 7:30 at the Football Stadium. Dr. Riggs reported he had been keeping an eye on the distribution of monies coming out of the General Assembly this year. There was on ongoing dispute between the urban schools and the high complexity index figures that generated dollars for them versus the urban and rural schools that needed monies put into the base amount in order to see some growth in the actual dollars available. The formula came out with a reduced complexity index and with more emphasis on the dollars per child. Mt. Vernon is in line for a 4.4% increase in overall dollars available for the first year and 2.7% for the second year. The per pupil dollar amount will be rising rapidly for all districts that have been in the bottom 25% for a long time as the General Assembly is trying to ensure every child gets the same amount of dollars and it is pro-rated out based on enrollments and other things. Dr. Riggs feels it is a real step in the right direction for suburban and rural schools particularly if they are growing schools. Mr. Shipley recommends starting a MVMS tennis intramural program for middle school students. High School teacher Joe Anderson will be the sponsor of the program which will meet twice a week for six weeks in the spring. Cost for the program is $45. Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve Mr. Shipley’s recommendation as presented. Mr. Shelton seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. Mr. Horton presented three quotes for preventative maintenance contracts for the HVAC systems in our schools, per the attached. Funds are available in the CPF Fund to cover the cost of these contracts. Based on quotes received, Mr. Horton recommends the board approve contracts from Enviro Max (for MVMS, MES, FES and MCE) at a cost of $30,230 per year and Freije (for MVHS and MVHS Athletic Bldg.) at a cost of $23,219 per year. The contracts are three year contracts. Mr. Shelton made a motion to approve the contracts. Mr. McCarty seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. Mr. Horton presented quotes received from Stair and Associates for renovations to the Special Ed Room at MVHS. Based on the quotes received and the recommendation of Stair Associates, Mr. Horton recommends the approval of the base quote plus time-out padding, insulating glass, floor replacement and steel from Dallman. Mr. McCarty made a motion to approve the recommendation as presented. Mrs. Walls seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. Mr. Shelton made a motion to the approve the following personnel: Resignations: Amy Lovell- MCE Stretch Coordinator; Sandra Cole – Half-Time FACS Teacher at MVHS; Jessica Moore- MVMS 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher, Paige Haley – MVMS Language Arts Teacher; Rachel Ralstin – MCE Dibels Assistant. Hirings: Tim Leonard – Temporary Contract for MVHS Science; Frank Pagano – Temporary Contract for MVHS FACS; Darla Blessing – MES Instructional Assistant; Senaida Richwine – MES Instructional Assistant; Adam Bisesi – 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher. Termination of David Whisler – MES Instructional Assistant. Mrs. Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. Mr. Shelton made a motion to accept a donation from USA Funds in the amount of $1,000 to McCordsville Elementary to be used for professional development. Mrs. Walls seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. Dr. Riggs presented first reading of a new policy regarding providing EpiPens in each building. The General Assembly now allows the purchase of EpiPens to be used in case of an emergency They will be kept in a centralized location with three or four persons trained to administer them. Board Members will vote on this policy at the June board meeting. Mrs. Freeman questioned whether parental consent would be required to administer the EpiPen. Dr. Riggs responded it would be for emergency treatment, which is protected by law, and for students who normally have use an EpiPen when needed and don’t have one with them. Under Additional Items, Maria Bond informed the board that the graduation ceremony will be broadcasted live on the MVCSC website. Mr. McCarty questioned whether a lifeguard had been found so the MVMS pool open swim sessions could be continued. Mr. Horton stated yes one had been found. Mr. McCarty made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Shelton seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.