Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ Period ____________ Cross Curricular LA/SS Project: Comparison of Discrimination of Afro-Americans and Dalits Due Date:_______________ Interim Checkpoint:__________________ The task is to create a PowerPoint showing major elements of an essay comparing discrimination against AfroAmericans in the United States and discrimination against Dalits, the Untouchables in India. Slide 1- Title Slide 2-- Introduction (including thesis statement) Introductory Information: The Dalits of India were… African Americans were … Examples of Thesis Statements - “When comparing the Afro-American and Dalit experiences, you will find similarities and differences among the reasons for discrimination against them, the actual types of discrimination and the legal remedies.” “We can compare discrimination against the Dalits in India with the discrimination against Black Americans in three areas: what it was based on, the ways it happened and how the governments sought to end it.” Slide 3 Answer Point 1- Discrimination against Dalits “ What was the reason for this discrimination?” Pictures and a few bulleted phrases. Slide 4 Answer Point 1- Discrimination against Blacks “ What was the reason for this discrimination?” Pictures and a few bulleted phrases. Slide 5- Answer Point 2- Discrimination against Dalits- What forms did this discrimination take? What was done? Pictures and a few bulleted phrases. Slide 6- Answer Point 2- Discrimination against Blacks- What forms did this discrimination take? What was done? Pictures and a few bulleted phrases. Slide 7- Answer Point 3- Discrimination against Dalits- Steps government has taken to stop the discrimination. Pictures and a few bulleted phrases. Slide 8- Answer Point 3- Discrimination against Blacks- Steps government has taken to stop the discrimination. Pictures and a few bulleted phrases. Slide 9-Conclusion- tie it up and reaffirm your thesis statement . Name __________________________________ Date ________________ Period _________ Rubric for Dalit and Afro-American Discrimination Comparison PowerPoint Category Content Accuracy Length / Elements Use of Graphics 7 pts. Excellent (100%) All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. Project includes title slide, introduction, 6 content slides with 2 pictures each, and conclusion slide. All graphics ( 2 per slide) are attractive/clear (size and colors) and support the topic of the presentation. 6.3 pts. Good (90%) Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that is inaccurate. Project is lacking one key element. (or element is incorrectly written). 5.6 pts. (80%) Satisfactory The content is generally accurate, but two pieces of information are clearly inaccurate. 4.9 pts. (70%) Poorly Done The content is partially accurate, but three facts are clearly inaccurate. 0-Unacceptable Project is missing two key elements. (or elements are incorrectly written). Project is lacking three key elements. (or elements are incorrectly written). Project is lacking more than three elements. (or elements are incorrectly written). A few graphics are not attractive/clear but all support the topic of the presentation. All graphics are attractive/clear but a few do not support the topic of the presentation. Several graphics are unclear and detract from the content of the presentation. Most graphics are not related to content of slide and not recognizable. Font formatting has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read. Presentation has 1-2 misspellings, but no grammatical errors. Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material. Unreadable Presentation has 3 grammatical and/or spelling errors. Presentation has more than 3 grammatical and/or spelling errors. Text - Font Choice & Formatting Font formats (color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability. Spelling and Grammar Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Presentation has 1-2 grammatical errors but no misspellings. Content confusing, contains more than four factual errors. Totals for Columns Grand Total- _____________= ________% (Project will be submitted: printed as 3 slides to a page and ppt. (pptx) file must be sent to Mrs. Perdew’s email. File to be saved as your “first initial last name” EXAMPLES: nperdew or cseipp.)