ROUND VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY PART I. GENERAL EXPECTATIONS Round Valley Elementary School agrees to implement the following statutory requirements: 1. The school will jointly develop with parents and distribute to parents a School Parent Involvement Policy that the school and parents of participating children agree on. 2. The school will notify parents about the School Parent Involvement Policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent possible, will distribute this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand. 3. The school will make the School Parent Involvement Policy available to the local community. 4. The school will update the School Parent Involvement Policy to meet the changing needs of parents and the school. 5. The school will adopt the school’s-parent compact as a component of its School Parent Involvement Policy. 6. The school will provide accessibility and opportunities for parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. 7. The school agrees to be governed by the following statutory definition of parent involvement, and will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition: Parental Involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communications involving student academic learning and other school activities, which include ensuring That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning; That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; The carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the ESEA. PART II. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE SCHOOL WILL IMPLEMENT REQUIRED SCHOOL PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY COMPONENTS 1. Round Valley Elementary School will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development and joint agreement of the Round Valley Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy and its school wide plan, if applicable, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way under section 1118(b) of the ESEA: Action Responsible Timeline Distribute a copy of the Board adopted Parent Involvement Principal January Policy, the school’s Parent Involvement Policy, and the 2012 School-Parent compact to all parents by mailing home. 1 Distribute a form for parents to provide written feedback, if desired. Hold three parent input meetings for feedback on the above – 1 in morning when parents bring students to school; 1 afterschool; 1 in evening Present parent Involvement Policy for review and input from RV Tribal Council Solicit input from parents at the January School Board meeting Advertise a SSC meeting to be held in February where parent input will be reviewed and modifications will be discussed and implemented, as determined by SSC. 2. Principal and SSC Chair January 2012 Superintendent January 2012 Superintendent January 2012 Principal and February SSC Chair 2012 Round Valley Elementary School will take the following actions to distribute to parents of participating children and the local community, the Round Valley Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy: Action Mail adopted RVES Parent Involvement Policy to all parents with the March Newsletter Review Parent Involvement Policy at SSC Present Parent Involvement Policy to Board of Trustees at meeting Present Parent Involvement Policy to Tribal Council Provide a copy of Parent Involvement Policy to all new parents in the school enrollment packet Place Parent Involvement Policy on District website 3. Responsible Principal Principal and SSC Chair Principal and SSC Chair Superintendent Principal Technology Dept. Timeline March 2012 March 2012 March 2012 March 2012 August / Yearly February 2012 Round Valley Elementary School will periodically update the Round Valley Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy to meet the changing needs of parents and the school. The Parent Involvement Policy will be reviewed at least annually, and will be reviewed when the school is involved in changes that will affect students and parents, including PL (choice, SES, corrective action, restructuring) and other changes: Action The SSC will review the Parent Involvement Policy for potential revisions in November of each year. The updated plan will be approved by December of each year. Parents will be provided a copy of the School Parent Involvement Policy at Back to School Night, Open House, and student performances. With each copy of the policy, a feedback form will be attached Responsible Principal Timeline November / yearly Principal and SSC Chair Parent input sessions will be set one month prior to the SSC meeting to determine revisions. Principal and SSC Chair Events throughout year/ Sept., December, April October / yearly 2 Present new School Parent Involvement Policy to Board of Trustees 4. December / yearly Round Valley Elementary School will convene an annual meeting to inform parents of the following: That their child’s school participates in Title I; About the requirements of Title I; and Of the parent’s rights to be involved. Action A parent information meeting will take place in September each year. Parents will receive the following information: Information about the Title I program in the school; what services are provided; how students/parents can access services; how parents can provide feedback on effectiveness of services Information about how the district/school receives Title I funding and the purpose of Title I funding; The rights that parents have under law; Review of the district parent involvement policy and the school parent involvement policy, including the school-parent compact’ Information on the ways parents can get involved in the school and in their child’s education. *Parent incentives will be provided to increase participation. 5. Superintendent Responsible Principal Timeline September / yearly Round Valley Elementary School will hold meetings to ensure parents are provided an opportunity for input into the Title I program, and will provide child care to facilitate parent attendance. Action Two parent meetings will be held at the school site to review the Title I program, and ask parents to provide input on the effectiveness of the program in meeting student needs. These meetings will be held prior to budget development. All parents will receive invitations to attend these planning meetings. Invitations will be sent home with students. (Alert Now reminder) Childcare will be provided at the Title I input meetings. Responsible Principal Timeline November 2012, April 2013 Principal and SSC Chair A SSC meeting will be held monthly, with one agenda item to include input from parents regarding the Title I program. Principal and SSC Chair November 2012, April 2013 December / yearly 3 6. Round Valley Elementary School will provide timely information about Title I program to parents of participating children through the following activities; Action Parents will receive written information about Title I programs at the school in the Back to School Packets that are mailed to each parent prior to the beginning of school each year. Information about Title I programs, the Parent Involvement Policy, School-Parent Compacts, etc., will be provided to parents at Parent Conferences held within the first three weeks of school each year. Information about Title I programs, the Parent Involvement Policy, School-Parent Compacts, etc., will be provided to new parents at enrollment. 7. Responsible Principal / Superintendent Timeline August / yearly Principal September / Yearly Principal on-going Round Valley Elementary School will provide to parents of participating children a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet: Action Responsible The school will sponsor a parent education evening in April of Principal / each year (prior to STAR testing) to share with parents about Coach the assessment system, the proficiency levels, samples of assessment items, information on how parents can help their students understand the importance of taking the tests seriously and information on how parents can help prepare their students. Timeline April / yearly Teachers will share with parents their student’s individual assessment results and ways parents can help their students to increase student achievement Teachers will share with parents the curriculum that their child will be using during the school year and how teachers use benchmark assessments to determine student growth and make decisions about modifications to instruction. Information regarding district wide assessment results will be presented to the Board of Trustees Teachers at conferences September / yearly Teachers at conferences September / yearly Superintendent Principal September / yearly 8. Round Valley Elementary School will provide parents of participating children, if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as possible. 4 Action Parent conferences will be held at least three time a year and will also occur as determined by student progress Responsible Teachers Parents who request additional parent conferences will be provided with a time to meet with the teacher within one week of the request. Monthly SSC meetings will have an agenda item that provides an opportunity for parents to provide input into their child’s educational program. Two parent / community meetings will be held in places within the community for the purpose of soliciting input into the educational program. PL874 parent committee meetings will have an agenda item that provides an opportunity for parents to provide input into the educational programs offered by the school, and the effectiveness of the programs. Teachers 9. Timeline September, November, March / April As needed Principal SSC Chair Monthly Superintendent Principal Oct. 2012 Feb. 2013 Superintendent Principal Monthly Round Valley Elementary School will submit to the district any parent comments if the school wide plan is not satisfactory to parents of participating children. The principal or the SSC chair will write down all parent comments, or will ask parents to write down their comments. The two school site parent representatives to the district wide Parent Advisory Council will bring all comments to the quarterly meetings for review with the district wide Parent Advisory Council. 10. Opportunities will be provided for all parents to participate, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. This includes holding activities in handicapped accessible environments and providing information in a form and language parents understand. Action Upon parent request, the school will provide someone who can interpret in the parent’s primary language. All written information will be provided in a clear, concise format that is easily readable by parents. Parents will be encouraged to contact the school or visit the school to clarify any information that has been provided. Parents will be provided information about school and parent events in oral format through the use of the district phone contact system. Responsible Principal Timeline On-going Principal Teachers Principal Teachers Principal On-going On-going On-going PART III. SHARED RESPONSIBILITIES FOR HIGH STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT 1. Round Valley Elementary School will build the school’s and parents’ capacity for strong parent involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to 5 support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement through a variety of strategies, including: Action Parents will receive written information about Title I programs at the school in the Back to School Packets that are mailed to each parent prior to the beginning of school each year. Information about Title I programs, the Parent Involvement Policy, School-Parent Compacts, etc., will be provided to parents at Parent conferences held within the first three weeks of school each year. Information about Title I programs, the Parent Involvement Policy, School-Parent Compacts, etc., will be provided to new parents at enrollment Responsible Principal superintendent Timeline August / yearly Principal Principal On-going On-going Principal Teachers September / yearly 2. The school will incorporate the school-parent-student compact as a component of its School Parent Involvement Policy. Action The SSC will review and update the School-Parent-Student Compact each spring for the upcoming year. Teachers will provide parents an explanation of the SchoolParent-Student compact, review the compact and request signatures at parent conferences. School-Parent-Student compacts will be available for parent review and signature as a part of Back to School classroom activities Teachers will review School-Parent-Student compacts with students at the beginning of the school year. The school will distribute information about School-ParentStudent compacts at parent / teacher conferences and will ask parents to sign the compact. Responsible Principal SSC Chair Teachers Timeline May / yearly September / yearly Teachers September / yearly Teachers August / yearly October / yearly Principal Teachers 3. The school will, with the assistance of the district, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school in understanding the following topics: CA’s academic content standards; CA’s goals for student achievement and the assessment system; RVUSD’s benchmark assessments and how they are used; Ways parents can monitor their child’s progress; How to work with educators. A plan of action for how to provide information will be developed through the following process: Action The SSC will review and update the School-Parent-Student Compact each spring for the upcoming year. Teachers will provide parents an explanation of the SchoolParent-Student compact, review the compact and request 6 Responsible Principal SSC Chair Teachers Timeline May / yearly September / yearly signatures at parent conferences. School-Parent-Student compacts will be available for parent Teachers September / review and signature as a part of Back to School classroom yearly activities 4. The school will, with the assistance of the district, provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement. A plan of action for how to identify topics of importance and provide information will be developed through the following process: Action SSC will brainstorm topics that parents may be interested in learning more about, i.e. literacy, math skills, technology, completing homework etc. Teachers will brainstorm topics that parents may be interested in learning more about, i.e. literacy, math skills, technology, completing homework, etc. School staff will prioritize topics based on identified student achievement issues. School staff will develop a calendar for presenting information to parents. (2x year) Responsible Principal SSC Chair Timeline March Principal Teachers March Principal Teachers Principal March Invite parents to trainings through an invitation, newsletter announcement, flyer and or Alert Now System Principal May for 2013-14 year 2013-14 5. The school will, with the assistance of the district and parents, educate teachers, principal and other staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools. Action SSC will brainstorm ideas on how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools. School staff will brainstorm ideas on how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools. SSC will research parent programs that will build ties between parents and schools. Ideas will be shared with staff. SSC will adopt and implement two key ideas. 7 Responsible SSC Chair and Members Principal Timeline March Teachers Principal March SSC Chair SSC Members Principal SSC Chair Principal March March 6. The school will coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with State Preschool and Head Start by: Action Principal will contact State Preschool and Head Start and request information on parent involvement activities that are in place within each of their programs. Principal will work with State Preschool and Head Start to share information regarding current parent activities that are occurring within all programs. All programs will cross share activities that will be open to all parents. The school will share information with parents through the monthly school newsletter. Responsible Principal Timeline January Principal January / ongoing quarterly 7. The school will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, or other school based activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, and in a language the parents can understand. All information on programs, meetings, activities will be placed in the monthly school newspaper. Invitational flyers will be developed and distributed to parents. Flyers will be translated to Spanish, or parents who speak Spanish will be contacted by phone to insure they have knowledge of any event. The phone notification system will be used to inform parents of activities. The phone notification system provides information in both Spanish and English. 8. The RVES School Site Council will select two parents who will represent the school and its parents on the RVUSD District wide Parent Advisory Council. Parents will be selected at a RVES SSC meeting in April/May of each year. Parent representatives will provide advice to the district on all matters related to parent involvement in Title I, Part A programs. RVUSD District wide Parent Advisory Council will meet quarterly. PART IV. ADOPTION The Round Valley Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy has been developed jointly and agreed upon by parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs provided at Round Valley Elementary School. This policy was adopted by Round Valley Elementary School on Nov. 28, 2011, and has been in effect for the period of one year. The RVES Parent Involvement Policy will be reviewed annually at a meeting in May of each year. The school distributed the Parent Involvement Policy to all parents initially in January 2012. The policy, with any updates, will be distributed each year on or before September 30th, the RVES Parent Involvement Policy will be made available to the local community within 30 days of approval by being placed on the district website. The RVES’s notification to parents of this policy will be in an understandable and uniform format, and, to the extent practicable, provided to parents in a language they can understand. 8 Original signed by members of the School Site Council ___________________________________ SSC Chair date ____________________________________ SSC member date ___________________________________ SSC member date ____________________________________ SSC member date ___________________________________ SSC member date ___________________________________ SSC member date ___________________________________ SSC member date ____________________________________ SSC member date ___________________________________ SSC member date ___________________________________ SSC member date ___________________________________ SSC member date ____________________________________ Principal date 9