EAST-TCAA Partnership In 2010, EAST established a strategic partnership with the Trauma Center Association of America (TCAA) – a 501(c)(6) trade association dedicated to securing the economic viability of America’s trauma centers and fostering the development of a national system of trauma care to ensure access to excellent care for the seriously injured, anywhere and anytime. TCAA's membership includes more than 260 trauma centers (Levels I-IV) nationwide and is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of trauma center CEOs, trauma surgeons, trauma program/system managers and government relations representatives. TCAA is the leading voice for trauma centers and systems in Washington, DC. In conjunction with its federal lobbying team, TCAA and its members educate policymakers on the importance of trauma care and the need to take action in response to the increasing challenges facing trauma centers and systems. Each year, TCAA develops its federal advocacy agenda in conjunction with its Board of Directors and Advocacy Committee, which is comprised of government relations officers, physicians and trauma program managers. Federal Advocacy Agenda I. Trauma Care Funding As the health care system undergoes dramatic health care payment and delivery system reform, TCAA is working on a bipartisan basis to urge members of Congress and the Administration to provide adequate funding for trauma care. TCAA successfully lobbied to amend the Public Health Service Act (PHSA - Sections 1201-4, 1211-32, 1241-46 and 1281-2) to include $224 million in authorized funding for trauma and emergency medical services programs and activities. TCAA is now working to secure funding for these programs through the annual appropriations process on Capitol Hill, as well as the Administration's discretionary funding allocation process: National Trauma Center Stabilization Act: The National Trauma Center Stabilization Act includes two grant programs: o Trauma Care Center Grants. $100 million per year for federal grants to trauma centers to provide operating funds to maintain their core missions, compensate for losses from uncompensated care and provide emergency awards to centers at risk of closure. o Trauma Service Availability Grants. $100 million per year channeled through the States to address shortfalls in trauma services and improve access to and the availability of trauma care. Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act: The Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act is authorized at $24 million for the following programs: o Trauma Care Systems Planning Grants. $12 million per year for Trauma Care Systems Planning grants to support state development of trauma systems. o Regionalization of Emergency Care Systems. $12 million per year for pilot projects to design, implement and evaluate innovative models of regionalized emergency care systems. TCAA is also working on an effort with the American College of Surgeons (ACS) to develop a trauma advocacy platform for the future that will protect, ensure and improve access to trauma care. The end goal for TCAA and ACS will be to create a coordinated strategy that will help build as large a coalition as possible. II. Legislation Affecting Trauma Care TCAA works to help shape legislation moving through Congress that affects trauma care delivery. For example, during the 112th Congress, TCAA was involved in the following efforts: TCAA and its trauma and EMS association partners worked with both chambers of Congress on bipartisan legislation (H.R. 6672 and S. 1855) reauthorizing the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) to strengthen the National Health Security Strategy (NHSS) to increase the preparedness, response capabilities and surge capacities of trauma centers, and ensure their availability, accessibility and coordination. TCAA worked with a coalition of trauma and EMS providers to develop a white paper on the impact of the nationwide drug shortage on patients with an emergency medical, critical and life-threatening illness or traumatic injury. Through this effort, TCAA and its partners successfully lobbied Congress to include drug shortage notification language in the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (Public Law 112-144) that makes particular reference to drugs used in the provision of emergency care and surgery. TCAA supported the bipartisan Field EMS Quality, Innovation and Cost-Effectiveness Improvement Act (H.R. 3144). The Field EMS bill would establish HHS as the primary federal agency for trauma care and EMS, and create an Office of EMS and Trauma to provide a voice, home and initial funding for EMS and trauma programs. III. Regulations Affecting Trauma Care TCAA closely examines and provides feedback on the many regulations being issued by the Department of Health and Human Services as it works to implement the health reform law. Examples of some of TCAA's recent regulatory advocacy efforts are provided below: National Health Care Quality Strategy and Plan Comments EMTALA Comments Medicare Value Based Purchasing Comments HAC Present on Admission White Paper Essential Health Benefits How to Get Involved The key to building a broad, bipartisan base of support in Congress and throughout the Administration is the involvement of grassroots advocates across the country. TCAA invites EAST members to participate in the following activities, which are designed to grow the TCAA’s champions and network of committed supporters. Monthly Advocacy Committee Conference Calls - These calls occur the first Tuesday of every month at 2:30 pm ET. SoftEdge - Located on TCAA's homepage, this legislative advocacy software allows you to send a pre-drafted letter to your members of Congress on TCAA's most current advocacy issue. Action Alerts - TCAA's lobbying team sends out periodic emails urging you to take action by communicating with your members of Congress on timely issues. These emails have sample letters, talking points and all the information you need to reach out to your legislators. Annual Advocacy Day in Washington, DC - These one-day events are typically held in February or March of each year and include a breakfast briefing with TCAA's lobbying team, followed by Capitol Hill visits with your legislators. TCAA also invites EAST members to use the following advocacy materials when meeting with policymakers and educating them about the unique nature and challenges of trauma care: Trauma Centers at a Glance The Threat to Trauma Centers Trauma White Paper Trauma Center Association of America Web: www.traumafoundation.org