Lynbrook Team HBV APPLICATION Lynbrook Team HBV Chapter 2015-2016 Application Application is DUE April 27th, 2015 to Page 1 of 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Name: ___________________________ Grade: ______ E-mail: __________________________ Home phone: _____________________ Cell phone: _____________________ SCHOOL-YEAR INFORMATION Estimated classes for 2015-2016 school year: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Extracurricular activities (school related and other) and time commitment: Please write in this format: Club/Organization – Position – Hours Per Week ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ OFFICER POSITIONS (Please number 1-3 in order) _____Treasurer - There are 2 main fundraising opportunities each year with Club Day 1st semester and 2nd semester. - Be sure to fill out all the fundraising forms for Club Day and get them turned in time (if they're not turned in time, you won't be able to sell). Check with Kraemer for any forms sent from Boehm. - Ask Boehm for change the week before Club Day. Tell her how much change you want and she'll leave it in a bag for you to pick up on Club Day. - Keep track of the money well during Club Day! and count all the money at the end and return to Boehm. Do not take the money home or leave it in your locker! - Any other fundraising opportunities are good too. It would be great if you guys can think of other uses for our funds. - Print out a club budget paper (from Boehm) for the club portfolio and give to secretary to turn in (every few months) - assist the officer team as a whole in general duties Lynbrook Team HBV APPLICATION Page 2 of 3 _____Secretary - Main job is the record meeting attendance, member points, and assemble the club portfolio. - Create a meeting sign-up sheet and have members sign at each meeting. - Upload updated meeting attendance and points to google spreadsheet each month or so. - Add any new members to the facebook Group. - For the club portfolio (due every few months), turn in the porfolio sheet (on ASB Club section of LHS website)/meeting minutes/meeting attendance/activity sheets/budget and have President and Kraemer sign. - For meeting minutes, you can base these off the meeting PPTs. - Activity sheets are necessary for each activity. Basically, you record the activity name and the member attendance. - Be sure to turn in the club portfolio on time! - assist the officer team as a whole in general duties ______Public Relations - Have club posters completed by the start of the school year (August 2014) - You'll hear in the beginning of the year from ASB about when posters can be put up. - Make updates on the Lynbrook webpage on the website. - Posters must be approved by Erwin in his office. - Make all necessary flyers for Team HBV events - Announcements must be signed by Kraemer (keep it short) - It's important to keep publicizing and try to retain members. - lead and manage the Newsletter Team - produce at least one newsletter per semester - assist the officer team as a whole in general duties ______Webmaster - Continually update the website - post PowerPoints to the meeting recaps page the day of each meeting - update the calendar on the website so that it corresponds with all of our meeting and events - assist the secretary in making event forms - publishing the forms to the website - post recaps of every member meeting to the Facebook Group - assist the officer team as a whole in general duties QUESTIONS – maximum of 200 words per response 1.) Why do you want to be an officer of Team HBV? 2.) What is the main goal of Team HBV? What ideas do you have for this organization? 3.) Why do you think you are the best candidate for the job? What skills or past experience can you bring to the position? Lynbrook Team HBV APPLICATION Page 3 of 3 4.) How have you shown dedication in the club? Please give specific examples. If you were an officer intern this past year, please specify held position. 5.) What improvements would you suggest for the club in terms of publicity and attracting students in? What about for retaining members? Thanks for your interest! Good Luck! This completed application is due by April 27th, 2015 to Late applications will not be accepted. As part of the selection process, you will be contacted to arrange an interview.