CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 92 "Spectroscopic ellipsometric study of ZnSe and Dilute Semiconductor system Zn(Mn, Fe, Co)Se", Y. D. Kim, S. L. Cooper, M. V. Klein, and B. T. Jonker Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 16-20, 1992, Indianapolis, Indiana. "Spectroscopic ellipsometric Study of E1 band gap energy in Zn1-xMnxSe: The role of exchange interaction", Y. D. Kim, S. L. Cooper, and M. V. Klein, 1992 Midwest Solid State Conference, Urbana, IL. "Study of semiconductors with spectroscopic ellipsometry", Y. D. Kim 1992 Midwest Conference of KSEA, Urbana, IL. 93 "Renormalization of E1 and E1+△ 1 band gaps by the exchange interaction in dilute magnetic semiconductors Zn(Mn, Fe, Co)Se", Y. D. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and M. V. Klein, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 22-26, 1993, Seattle, Washington. "Spectroscopic ellipsometric Study of the zincblende CdSe and Zn1-xCdxSe films", Y. D. Kim, M. V. Klein, and J. K. Furdyna March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 22-26, 1993, Seattle, Washington. 94 "Spectroscopic ellipsometric Study of the Zn1-xCoxSe alloys", Y.D. Kim, S. L. Cooper, M. V. Klein, and B. T. Jonker, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 21-25, 1994, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Observation of Co2+ intra-ion transitions in Zn1-xCoxSe thin films by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry", Y. D. Kim, S. L. Cooper, M. V. Klein, and B. T. Jonker, The 7th International symposium on the physics of semiconductors and applications, Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Oct. 14-15, 1994, Seoul, Korea. "Study on the Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors by using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry", (invited) Y. D. Kim Korean Physical Society, Oct. 21-22, 1994, Kyung Ju, Korea. 96 "Observation of charge transfer transitions in Zn1-xCoxSe thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry", Y. D. Kim, S. L. Cooper, M. V. Klein, J. H. Park, and B. T. Jonker, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, June 11-13, 1996, Phoenix Park, Korea "Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of Zn1-xMnxTe films grown on GaAs substrate", S. G. Choi, Y. D. Kim, M. V. Klein, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, S. H. Xin, and J. K. Furdyna, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, June 11-13, 1996, Phoenix Park, Korea. "Observation of splitting of E2 peak in Si-Ge short period superlattice by spectroscopic ellipsometry", Y. D. Kim, E. Yoon, S. H. Hwang, K. W. Whang, M. V. Klein, and J. M. Baribeau, The 7th International symposium on the physics of semiconductors and applications, Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Oct. 21-22, 1996, Seoul, Korea. "Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of GaAs/AlAs superlattices and Al0.5xGa0.5As alloy", S. G. Choi, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, S. J. Rhee, J. C. Woo, D. H. Woo, S. H. Kim, and K. N. Kang, The 7th International symposium on the physics of semiconductors and applications, Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Oct. 21-22, 1996, Seoul, Korea. "Optical constants of ZnSe films" Y. D. Ko, S. G. Choi, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, and B. T. Jonker, Korean Physical Society, Oct. 25-26, 1996, Kwang Ju, Korea. "Ellipsometric studies of Cd1-xMgxTe alloys", S. G. Choi, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, I. Mitkowski, and A. K. Ramdas, Korean Physical Society, Oct. 25-26, 1996, Kwang Ju, Korea. "Interaction mechanism between magnetic ions and band electrons in diluted magnetic semiconductors" Y. D. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and M. V. Klein Proceedings of International Workshop on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry 96, pp.358-366. Dec. 1314, 1996, Suwon, Korea. "Spectroscopic Ellipsometric studies on Interaction Mechanism in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors" Y. D. Kim Basic Science Symposium, Hankook Foreign Univ., Nov. 1, p.53 1996 97 "The exchange of P and As in Chemica Beam Epitaxy Growth" S. G. Choi, D. H. Woo, I. K. Han, W. J. Choi, S. Lee, H. J. Kim, J. I. Lee, S. H. Kim, K. N. Kang, and Y. D. Kim, Korean Physical Society, Apr. 25-26, 1997, KunSan, Korea. "Analysis of ellipsometric and photoemission spectra of diluted magnetic semiconductors by hybridization interaction mechanism" Y. D. Kim, Y. C. Chang, M. V. Klein, 2nd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May 12-15, 1997, Charleston, SC, U.S.A. "Study on the E2-peak of Si-Ge Superlattice by Spectroscopic Ellipsomety" Y. D. Kim, Y. D. Ko, M. V. Klein, J. M. Baribeau, S. H. Hwang, K. W. Whang, and E. Y. Yoon, The 7th International Symposium on Silicon MBE, July 13-17, 1997, Banff, Canada. "Growth of Si/SiGe multiple quantum wells by ultrahigh vacuum electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition (UHV-ECRCVD)" S. J. Joo, J. W. Park, S. H. Hwang, E. Yoon, S. K. Chun, Y. D. Kim, and K. W. Whang The 7th International Symposium on Silicon MBE, July 13-17, 1997, Banff, Canada. "Study on the E2-peak of Si-Ge Superlattice by Spectroscopic Ellipsomety" Y. D. Ko and Y. D. Kim, Korean Physical Society, Oct. 17-18, 1997, Seoul, Korea. "Optical properties of CdMgTe alloy films by ellipsometric studies" T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, and D. E. Aspnes, Korean Physical Society, Oct. 17-18, 1997, Seoul, Korea. 98 "A study of phosphorus desorption from InP surface in MOCVD by surface photo-absorption" T. W. Lee, Y. B. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim, The 5th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Feb. 25-27, 1998, SNU. p.21. "As/P exchange reaction and strain-driven diffusion in the growth of InAs self-assembled quantum dots on (001) InP by LP-MOCVD" S. H. Yoon, T. W. Lee, Y. B. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim, The 5th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Feb. 25-27, 1998, SNU. P.39 "Dielectric functions of AlGaP films" M. S. Oh, K. M. Jung, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, S. G. Choi, D. H. Woo, and S. H. Kim The 74th Korean Physical Society, April 24-25, 1998, Korea Univ. Seoul, Korea "In situ monitoring of As/P exchange reaction and arsenic carryover in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition" H. D. Hwang, T. W. Lee, Y. B. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim The 15th Conference of Korean Vacuum Society, July 2, 1998, KyungSang Nat'l U, Korea "In situ monitoring of InP atomic layer epitaxy in MOCVD by surface photo-absorption" T. W. Lee, H. D. Hwang, Y. B. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim The 15th Conference of Korean Vacuum Society, July 2, 1998, KyungSang Nat'l U, Korea “Shape Change in Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots Induced by As/P Exchanged Reaction and Driven In Diffusion" S. Yoon, Y. Moon, T-W. Lee, H. Hwang, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim International Workshop on Physics and Applications of Semiconductor Quantum Structures, Oct. 18-23, 1998, Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Cheju, Korea. Strain- "Analysis of Surface Photoabsorption Signal During Self-Limited Submonolayer Growth of InP in Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition" T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim International Workshop on Physics and Applications of Semiconductor Quantum Structures, Oct. 18-23, 1998, Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Cheju, Korea. “Study on the E2 – Peak of Si – Ge Superlattice by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Tae Jung Kim, Young Dae Ko, Young-Dong Kim, and Namic Kwon International Workshop on Physics and Applications of Semiconductor Quantum Structures, Oct. 18-23, 1998, Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Cheju, Korea. “Optical Studies on a Series of AlAs/GaAs Short Period Superlattices” M. S. Oh, Y. D. Kim, D. H. Woo, I. K. Han, W. J. Choi, S. Lee, H. J. Kim, S. H. Kim, J. I. Lee, K. N. Kang, S. G. Choi, E. H. Koh, S. J. Rhee, and J. C. Woo International Workshop on Physics and Applications of Semiconductor Quantum Structures, Oct. 18-23, 1998, Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Cheju, Korea. “변형된 InGaAs/InGaAsP 초격자구조들에 대한 x-선 연구” M. S. Oh, D. H. Woo, E. H. Ko, I. K. Han, S . Lee, H. J. Kim, J. I. Lee, K. N. Kang, and Y. D. Kim Korean Physical Society, Oct 23-24, 1998, Chunbuk Univ. Seoul, Korea "Analysis of the Read-out Signal in a phase Change Optical disk" K. M. Chung, Y. D. Kim, M. K. Chung, T. S. Lee, B. K. Chung, W. M. Kim, and S. K. Kim Korean Physical Society, Octl 23-24, 1998, Chunbuk Univ. Seoul, Korea “Study of P desorption and absorption on (001)InP surface in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition by surface photoabsorption" T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim The 9th International symposium on the physics of semiconductors and applications, Nov. 6-7, 1998, Korea Univ. Seoul, Korea. "Effect of As/P exchange reaction and strain-deriven In migration on the morphology of InAs selfassembled quantum dot on InP" S. Yoon, Y. Moon, T. W. Lee, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim The 9th International symposium on the physics of semiconductors and applications, Nov. 6-7, 1998, Korea Univ. Seoul, Korea. “X-ray Study of Strained InGaAs/InGaAsP Superlattice” M. S. Oh, D. H. Woo, E. H. Koh, I. K. Han, S. Lee, H. J. Kim, S. H. Kim, J. I. Lee, K. N. Kang, and Y. D. Kim The 9th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics Semiconductors and Applications, November 6-7, Engineering Building, Ahn-Am Campus, Korea University, Seoul, Korea “Dielectric functions of Cd1-XMgXTe ( 0 ≤ X ≤ 0.43 ) alloy films studied by ellipsometry Tae Jung Kim, Young-Dong Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, and J. Kossut The 9th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics Semiconductors and Applications, November 6-7, Engineering Building, Ahn-Am Campus, Korea University, Seoul, Korea "In situ monitoring of InP atomic layer epitaxy in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition by surface photoabsorption" T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim Materials research society 1998 fall meeting, Nov.30-Dec.4, 1998, Boston, USA. "Shape change of InAs self-assembled quantum dots induced by As/P exchange reaction" S. Yoon, Y. Moon, T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, E. Yoon and Y. D. Kim Materials research society 1998 fall meeting, Nov.30-Dec.4, 1998, Boston, USA. "In situ observation of As/P exchange reaction and As carryover in InAs 1-xPx/InP quantum well structures by surface photoabsorption" H. Hwang, T. W. Lee, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim 1998 Conference on optoelectronic and microelectronic materials and devices, Dec. 14-17, 1998, Perth, Western Australia. 99 "Study on the shape changes of InAs quantum dots by As/P exchange reaction" S. Yoon, Y. Moon, T. W. Lee, E. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, H. S. Kim, and J. Y. Lee The 6th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Feb. 9, Feb. 11, 1999, Yeonsei Univ. Seoul, Korea "In situ observation of As/P exchange reaction and As carryover during InAs/InP quantum well structures by surface photoabsorption" H. Hwang, T. W. Lee, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim The 6th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Feb. 9, Feb. 11, 1999, Yeonsei Univ. Seoul, Korea "In-situ monitoring of InP atomic layer epitaxy in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition by surface photoabsorption" T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim The 6th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Feb. 9, Feb. 11, 1999, Yeonsei Univ. Seoul, Korea "Study on the three dimensional evolution of InAs quantum dots on InP during growth interruption using photoluminescence" S. Yoon , Y. Moon, T.-W. Lee, H. D. Hwang, E. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, H.-S. Kim, and J. Y. Lee Materials Research Society 1999 Spring Meeting, Apr. 5-9, 1999, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. "Optical properties of ZnS1-xTex film determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry" M. S. Lee, T. J. Kim, S. G. Choi, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, Y. M. Yu, and B. O Korean Physical Society, April 23-24, 1999, Kun Kook University, Seoul, Korea “Investigation of the dielectric function of ZnSe film by spectroscopic ellipsometry” M. S. Koo, M. S. Oh, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, and B. T. Jonker Korean Physical Society, April 23-24, 1999, Kun Kook University, Seoul, Korea "Optical properties of InAs/InP self-assembled quantum dots grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition" S. Yoon, Y. Moon, T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, E. Yoon, Y.D. Kim, H.-S. Kim, J.Y. Lee, U.H. Lee, and D. Lee 1999 Electronic Materials Conference, Jun. 20 - Jul. 2, 1999, Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A. "In situ analysis of surface photoabsorption spectra during InP ALE in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition" Y. D. Kim, T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, S. Yoon, Y. Moon, and E. Yoon The 3rd International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, Sep. 15-17, 1999, Antalya, Turkey. "Strained InGaAs(P)/InP multi-quantum well structures grown by chemical-beam epitaxy" D. H. Woo, M. S. Oh, E. H. Koh, J. S. Yang, S. H. Kim, and Y. D. Kim The 3rd International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, Sep. 15-17, 1999, Antalya, Turkey. "Surface photoabsorption monitoring of InAs/InP quantum dot formation" S. Yoon, H. Hwang, Y. Moon, T. W. Lee, E. Yoon, Y.D. Kim, U.H. Lee, and D. Lee Materials research society 1999 Fall Meeting, Nov. 29- Dec. 3, 1999, Boston, MA, U.S.A. "The growth of InAs self-assembled quantum dots on InGaAs/InP by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition" H. Kwon, S. Yoon, Y. Moon, T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, E. Yoon, Y.D. Kim, and H.M. Cheong Materials research society 1999 Fall Meeting, Nov. 29- Dec. 3, 1999, Boston, MA, U.S.A. 00 “Analysis of As adsorption and desorption process on (001) InP in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition by in situ surface photoabsorption” T. W. Lee, H. D. Hwang, S. Yoon, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim The 7th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Jan. 26 - 28, 2000, Korea University, Seoul, Korea "MOCVD 에 의한 InGaAs/InP 위의 InAs 자발형성 양자점 성장 및 구조적, 광학적 특성 분석" H. Kwon, S. Yoon, T. W. Lee, H. D. Hwang, K. S. Cho, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, and H. S. Chung The 7th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Jan. 26 - 28, 2000, Korea University, Seoul, Korea "Photoluminescence Study on the Growth Interruption Induced Evolution of InAs/InP Quantum Dots" S. Yoon, T. W. Lee, Y. Moon, H. D. Hwang, H. Kwon, E. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, U. H. Lee, D. Lee, H. S. Kim, and J. Y. Lee The 7th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Jan. 26 - 28, 2000, Korea University, Seoul, Korea "In situ Monitoring of InAs/InP Quantum Dots Formation by Surface Photoabsorption" H. D. Hwang, S. Yoon, T. W. Lee, Y. Moon, E. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, U. H. Lee, and D. Lee The 7th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Jan. 26 - 28, 2000, Korea University, Seoul, Korea "타원편광분석기를 이용한 Cd1-xMgxTe (0<x<0.5) alloy film 의 유전율함수 연구“ M. S. Koo, M. S. Lee, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, and I. K. Park Korean Vacuum Society, Feb. 24 - 25, 2000, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea "MOCVD 성장중지 분위기에 따른 InAs/InP 양자점의 형성“ S. Yoon, H. D. Hwang, T. W. Lee, H. Kwon, G. S. Cho, E. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, U. H. Lee, and D. Lee Korean Vacuum Society, Feb. 24 - 25, 2000, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea "Growth Interruption for the Evolution and Dissolution of InAs/InP Self-Assembled Quantum Dots" S. Yoon, H. Hwang, K. S. Cho, and E. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, H. M. Cheong, J. H. Choi, and J. Y. Lee International Conference on Superlattices, Microstructures, and Microdevices 2000, Sep. 25-27, 2000, Kyongju, Korea. "Investigation of the Dielectric Function of ZnSe films by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry" T. J. Kim, M. S. Koo, M. S. Lee, Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, and B. T. Jonker International Conference on Superlattices, Microstructures, and Microdevices 2000, Sep. 25-27, 2000, Kyongju, Korea. "Above Bandgap Optical Properties of ZnS growth by Hot-Wall Epitaxy" M. S. Lee, C. Y. Bang, G. Y. Seong, and Y. D. Kim, S. D. Yoo, D. E. Aspnes, Y. M. Yoo, B. O, and Y. D. Choi International Conference on Superlattices, Microstructures, and Microdevices 2000, Sep. 25-27, 2000, Kyongju, Korea. "Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Study on InGaAs alloy films grown on InP" G. Y. Seong, C. Y. Bang, Y. D. Kim, J. Wang, D. E. Aspnes, B. H. Koo, and T. Yao The 10th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, Nov. 1-3, 2000, Cheju Grand Hotel, Cheju, Korea. "Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Study of the Dielectric Function of ZnSe and its Overlayer" T. J. Kim, M. S. Koo, M. S. Lee, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, and B. T. Jonker The 10th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, Nov. 1-3, 2000, Cheju Grand Hotel, Cheju, Korea. 01 "분광 ellipsometry를 이용한 ZnSe 자연산화막의 유전율 함수에 관한 연구" Y. D. Kim, T. J. Kim, M. S. Koo, and M. S. Lee International Symposiums on Nano Device and Display Technology Feb.22-23, 2001 Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea “Strain induced Optical anisotropy of GaAs measured by RDS” C. Y. Bang, Y. D. Kim, N. Kumagai, T. Hanada, and T. Yao Korean Physical Society, April 27-28, 2001, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea “Surface Photoabsorption(SPA)를 이용한 InP 표면의 As 탈착 반응 연구” G. Y. Seong, Y. D. Kim, T. W. Lee, S. H. Yoon, H. D. Hwang, E. J. Yoon, H. B. Kim, and Y. S. Heo Korean Physical Society, April 27-28, 2001, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea “ZnSe 박막의 표면 자연 산화막의 유전율 함수” T. J. Kim, J. K. Choi, and Y. D. Kim Korean Physical Society, April 27-28, 2001, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea “Dielectric Functions of InGaAs alloy films” J. K. Choi, T. J. Kim, and Y. D. Kim Korean Physical Society, April 27-28, 2001, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea “The interaction of electrons using ellipsometry in diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS)” Y. D. Kim The 1st Workshop Quantum Functional Electronic Devices, June. 18, 2001, Dongguk University “In-situ surface photoabsorption에 의한 InP표면에서의 As 탈착연구” G. Y. Seong, Y. D. Kim, T. W. Lee, S. H. Yoon, H. D. Hwang, E. J. Yoon, H. B. Kim, and Y. S. Heo Korean Vacuum Society, July. 5 -6, 2001, KAIST, Seoul, Korea “분광 ellipsometry를 이용한 InxGa1-xAs 박막의 유전율 함수에 관한 연구” T. J. Kim, J. K. Choi, and Y. D. Kim Korean Vacuum Society, July. 5 -6, 2001, KAIST, Seoul, Korea “Field Sequential Liquid Crystal Display using TFT and Nematic LC” D. Y. Kim, Y. D. Son, Y. D. Kim, K. H. Yoo, and J. Jang International Meeting on Information Display, Aug 29-31, 2001, Daegu, Korea “Hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin-film transistor using a Cu gate with Al2O3/AlN buffer” S. W. Lee, I. K. Woo, B. K. Choo, K. H. Woo, and J. Jang International Meeting on Information Display, Aug 29-31, 2001, Daegu, Korea 02 “분광 ellipsometry를 이용한 ZnS 의 유전율 함수에 관한 연구” T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, and Y. D. Choi 22nd Korean Vacuum Society, Feb. 19-20, 2002, Suwon. Korea “Real-time Monitoring of Self-Assembled Quantum Dot Formation by in situ Spectral Reflectance” 황희돈, 박광민, 윤석호, 윤의준, 김영동 The 9th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, February 2002, pp. 133-134 “PECVD 로 증착한 Silicon Oxynitride 박막의 PL 특성 연구” 최재규, 이태경, 한일기, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, April 19-20, 2002, 부산 컨벤션센터. “Real-time, in situ monitoring of stacked InAs/InP quantum dot by spectral reflectance” K. Park, H. Hwang, J. H. Kang, S. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, and E. Yoon, 11th International Conference on MOVPE, June 3-7, 2002, Berlin, Germany “Parametric model을 이용한 InGaAs 박막의 유전함수 연구” Y. S. Ihn, T. J. Kim, J. K. Choi, and Y. D. Kim, 23rd Korean Vacuum Society, June 27-28, 2002, Chuncheon, Korea “타원편광분석법을 이용한 비정질 실리콘의 결정화 과정 측정” T. H. Ghong, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, K. H. Kim, W. S. Sohn, and J. Jang 23rd Korean Vacuum Society, June 27-28, 2002, Chuncheon, Korea “Surface Photoabsorption study on As-desorption mechanism from (001) InP surface” T. J. Kim, Y. S. Ihn, Y. D. Kim, H. D. Hwang, and E. J. Yoon 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, July 26 - August 2, 2002, Scotland, UK “Study of Ni Silicide mediated Mediated Crystallization of a-Si by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, K. H. Kim, W. S. Sohn, and J. Jang The 11th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August 2023, 2002, Cheju, Korea “Study of the Dielectric Function of ZnS by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” T. H. Ghong, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, S. J. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, and Y. D. Choi, The 11th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August 2023, 2002, Cheju, Korea “SPA Study of the Desorption Mechanism of P and As from (001) InP Surface” T. J. Kim, Y. S. Ihn, Y. D. Kim, T. W. Lee, H. Hwang, and E. Yoon The 11th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August 20-23, 2002, Cheju, Korea “Parametric Model for the Dielectric Function of InGaAs Alloy Films” Y. S. Ihn, T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, S. J. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, T. Yao, and B. H. Koo The 11th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August 2023, 2002, Cheju, Korea “As- and P-desorption mechanism from (001) InP surface studied by Surface Photoabsorption” T. J. Kim, Y. S. Ihn, Y. D. Kim, H. Hwang, and E. J. Yoon International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, Oct 24-25, 2002, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea “Parametric model을 이용한 InGaAs 박막의 유전 함수에 관한 연구” Y. S. Ihn, T. J. Kim, and Y. D. Kim The Korean Physical Society, Oct 24-26, 2002, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea “Ni silicide mediated crystallization 법으로 얻어진 다결정 Si 의 타원편광분석법 연구” T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, K. H. Kim, and J. Jang The Korean Physical Society, Oct 24-26, 2002, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea “분광타원분석법을 이용한 ZnS의 유전율 함수에 관한 연구” T. H. Ghong, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, Y. D. Choi, and Y. M. Yu The Korean Physical Society, Oct 24-26, 2002, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea 03 “Parametric model을 이용한 CdMgTe 박막의 유전함수 연구” 인용섭, 김태중, 공태호, 김영동 The 24th Annual Conference of The Korean Vacuum Society, Feb 14-15, 2003, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea “In-situ optical monitoring on III-V surface using surface photo-absorption” Y. D. Kim International Conference on the Quantum Photonic Science, Feb 15, 2003, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea “Growth of stacked InAs/InGaAs/InP quantum dot and in situ monitoring” Kwangmin Park, Heedon Hwang, Jong-Hoon Kang, Haksun Lee, Young Dong Kim, and Euijoon Yoon The 10th Korean Conference on Semiconductor, Feb 27, 2003, Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel Conventional Center, Seoul, Korea “분광 ellipsometry를 이용한 GaN의 유전함수에 관한 연구” 김영동, 공태호, 김태중, 인용섭 The Korean Physical Society, Apr 25-26, 2003, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea “Parametric model을 이용한 Cd1-xMgxTe 화합물 박막의 유전율 함수 연구” 김영동, 인용섭, 김태중, 공태호 The Korean Physical Society, Apr 25-26, 2003, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea “Precison Auto-Alignment for Incident Angle of An Ellipsometer Using Specimen Stage” Sunglim Park and Young Dong Kim 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Jul. 6-11, 2003, Vienna, Austria “Optical properties of CdMgTe alloy films” T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes and J. Kossut 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Jul. 6-11, 2003, Vienna, Austria “Optical properties of InGaAs alloy films” Y. D. Kim, T. J. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, T. Yao, and B. H. Koo 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Jul. 6-11, 2003, Vienna, Austria “Surface Photoabsorption study on As-desorption mechanism from (001) InP surface” Y. D. Kim, Y. S. Ihn, H. Hwang, and E. Yoon 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Jul. 6-11, 2003, Vienna, Austria “타원편광분석법을 이용한 GaN의 유전함수 연구” 공태호, 김태중, 인용섭, 김영동 The 25th Annual Conference of The Korean Vacuum Society, Aug. 20-21, 2003, Chungbuk National University, Korea “Monitoring of III-V semiconductor surface by in-situ Surface Photo-absorption” T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, H. Hwang, and E. Yoon The 10th Korea-China Symposium on Thin Film Materials, Sep. 23-28, 2003, Ewha Womans University “타원편광분석법을 이용한 InAs/GaAs 계면 연구” 김영동, 김태중, 공태호, 인용섭, 정용우 The Korean Physical Society, Oct 24-25, 2003, Kyungpook National University, Korea “Dielectric function study on InGaAs alloy films” T. J. Kim, T. H. Ghong, and Y. D. Kim 1st International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, Oct. 26-31, 2003, Shanghai & Wu-Yi(Fujian), China “Optical Properties of GaN” T. J. Kim, Y. S. Ihn, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, C. S. Son, and E. Yoon The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 10-12, 2003, Jeju, Korea “Dielectric functions of CdMgTe alloy films” Y. S. Ihn, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, and J. Kossut The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 10-12, 2003, Jeju, Korea “Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Study on Ni Silicide Mediated Crystallization of a-Si” T. J. Kim, T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, K. H. Kim, and J. Jang The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 10-12, 2003, Jeju, Korea 04 “Imaging Ellipsometry Study on Ni silicide Mediated Crystallization of a-Si” T. J. Kim, T. H. Ghong, Y. S. Ihn Y. D. Kim, K. H. Kim, and J. Jang The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August 21-24, 2004 Seoul and Seorak-San, Korea “Analysics on the Interface Effet of CdMgTe Multilayer System” T. H. Ghong, T. J. Kim, Y. W. Jung, Y. D. Kim, and D. E. Aspnes The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August 21-24, 2004 Seoul and Seorak-San, Korea “Ellipsometric Analysis of Interfaces in CdMgTe and AlGaAs multilayer system” Tae ho Ghong, Tae Jung Kim, Yong Sub Ihn, Yong Woo Jung, and Young Dong Kim The 31st International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, September 12-16, 2004 Seoul, Korea “Imaging Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study on TFT device” Tae Jung Kim, Tae Ho Ghong, Young Dong Kim, Kyung Ho Kim, and Jin Jang The 31st International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, September 12-16, 2004 Seoul, Korea “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry를 이용한 GaN의 Dielectric Function” 정용우, 김태중, 공태호, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, October 21-23, 2004, Jeju, Korea “Imaging ellipsometry 를 이용한 poly Si의 결정화에 관한 연구” 김태중, 공태호, 정용우, 김영동, 김경호, 장진 The Korean Physical Society, October 21-23, 2004, Jeju, Korea “CdMgTe 다층박막에서의 계면효과 분석” 공태호 김태중, 정용우, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, October 21-23, 2004, Jeju, Korea 05 “Optical properties of InAsP alloys” S. G. Choi, C. J. Palmstrom, T. J. Kim, and Y. D. Kim UN International Year of Physics, March 21-25, 2005, Los Angeles, USA “ Analysis on the interface effect by spectroscopic Ellipsometry for AlGaAs multilayer system” Kim Tae Jung, Kim Young Dong, Koh Dong Soo, and Young Woon Kim The Korean Physical Society, April 21-23, 2005, Seoul, Korea “ Polarizer Calibration Method in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry ” Ghong Tae Ho, Lee Sun Young, and Young Dong Kim, The Korean Physical Society, April 21-23, 2005, Seoul, Korea “Vacuum Ultra-Violet 분광 타원 해석기를 이용한 CdSe의 E2 peak 영역에 관한 연구” 정용우, 최애진, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, April 21-23, 2005, Seoul, Korea “Spectroscopic ellipsometric analysis of interfaces in epitaxial semiconductor structures” Y. D. Kim The 1st Ukraine-Korea Seminar on Nanophotonics and Nanophysics, June 21-23, 2005, Kiev, Ukraine “ HgTe/CdTe 양자우물구조에서의 계면층 분석법” 공태호, 정용우, 이선영, 김영동 The 29th Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, August 18-19, 2005, Daejeon, Korea “ 공간분해능 타원편광분석기를 이용한 poly-Si의 결정화에 관한 연구” 김태중, 최애진, 김영동, 오재환, 장진 The 29th Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, August 18-19, 2005, Daejeon, Korea “타원편광분석법을 이용한 HgCdTe 양자우물구조에서의 계면분석” 공태호, 이선영, 최애진, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, October 20-22, 2005, Jeonju, Korea “In1-xGaxAs 화합물 반도체 Critical-Point Parameter에서 산화막 효과” 정용우, 김태중, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, October 20-22, 2005, Jeonju, Korea “in-situ monitoring of InAs/GaAs QDs by using spectral reflectance” E. Ahn, Y. S. Lee, J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, and E. Yoon The 4rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 5-7, 2005, Jeju, Korea “Electron transmission through the coupled quantum-dots in an Aharonov-Bohm ring” Yong S. Joe and E. Yoon The 4rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 5-7, 2005, Jeju, Korea “Study on dielectric function of CdMgTe by vacuum ultra-violet spectroscopic Ellipsometry” T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, and J. Kossut The 4rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 5-7, 2005, Jeju, Korea “Study on Crystallization of a-Si by Imaging Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” A. J. Choi, Y. D. Kim, J. H. oh, and J. Jang The 4rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 5-7, 2005, Jeju, Korea “Dielectric function analysis of ZnxCd1-xSe using the parametric model” Y. W. Jung, S. Y. Lee, and Y. D. Kim The 4rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 5-7, 2005, Jeju, Korea “Interface analysis of an AlGaAs multilayer system by spectroscopic Ellipsometry” T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, M. V. Klein, D. S. Ko, Y. W. Kim, V. Elarde, and Coleman The 4rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 5-7, 2005, Jeju, Korea “Observation of wavelength dependent shift of extinction angle of polarizers in SE” S. Y. Lee, Y. W. Jung, and Y. D. Kim The 4rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Dec. 5-7, 2005, Jeju, Korea 06 “분광타원분석에서 프리즘 소광점의 파장 의존성에 관한 연구” 이선영, 공태호, 김영동 The 30th Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, February 16-17, 2006, seoul, Korea “실리사이드 매개 결정화된 poly Si 의 공간분해능 타원편광분석기를 이용한 결정화도 연구” 최애진, 김태중, 김영동, 오재환, 장진 The 30th Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, February 16-17, 2006, seoul, Korea “Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometry를 이용한 CdMgTe의 유전함수 연구” 정용우, 김태중, 김영동 The 30th Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, February 16-17, 2006, Seoul, Korea “Principles of Ellipsometry and its Industrial Applications” 김영동 Precision Metrology Symposium 2006, February 23, 2006, KAIST, Korea “다결정질 Si 의 결정화에 대한 공간분해능 타원편광분석기 연구와 EMA 분석에 관한 비교” 최애진, 김태중, 김영동, 오재환, 장진 The Korean Physical Society, April 20-21, 2006, Pyungchang, Korea “AlxGa1-xP의 Al 조성비 x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.52) 에 따른 유전함수 연구” 이선영, 공태호, 정용우, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, April 20-21, 2006, Pyungchang, Korea “Ellipsometry의 원리와 산업적 이용” 김영동 2006년도 한국학술단체연합회 제1회 통합학술대회, July 6-8, 2006, Gyeongju, Korea “Analysis on growth of poly-Si domain measured by Imaging Ellipsometry” Y. W. Jung, A. J. Choi, S. Y. Lee, Y. D. Kim, J. H. Oh, J. Jang The 28th International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors, July 24-28, 2006, Vienna, Austria “VUV-VASE를 이용한 ZnCdSe의 유전함수 연구” 공태호, 김태중, 최애진, 김영동 The 31st Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, August 17-18, 2006, Pohang, Korea “Analysis on the interface effect of ZnSe/CdSe multilayer system” 김영동 International Workshop on Photonics and Applications, August 15-19, 2006, CanTho, Vietnam “Effect of overlayers on critical-point parameters of InGaAs alloys” Y. W. Jung, T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, T. Mori, T. Yao, and B. H. Koo The 13th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August 2225, 2006, Jeju, Korea “ Dielectric function of ZnCdSe by vacuum ultra-violet spectroscopic Ellipsometry T. J. Kim, S. Y. Lee, A. J. Choi, and Y. D. Kim The 13th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August 2225, 2006, Jeju, Korea “ Analysis of patterned thin film by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” S. Y. Lee, T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, D. S. Kim, and H. Kim The 4th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August 28-31, 2006, Seoul, Korea “Ellipsometric analysis of interfaces: Comparision of alloy and EMA to a AlGaAs multilayer system” T. J. Kim, Y. W. Jung, A. J. Choi, and Y. D. Kim The 4th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August 28-31, 2006, Seoul, Korea “Critical-Point parameter Analysis of InGaAs Alloy System with Overlayer” Y. W. Jung, T. H. Ghong, S. Y. Lee, and Y. D. Kim International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications : Executive Council Meeting-100 Special Symposium & Highlight Seminar, September 18-22, 2006, Seoul, Korea “Dielectric function of CdMgTe by Vacuum Ultra-Violet Spectroscopic Ellipsometry A. J. Choi, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, and J. Kossut International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications : Executive Council Meeting-100 Special Symposium & Highlight Seminar, September 18-22, 2006, Seoul, Korea “Dielectric function of CdMgTe in UV Region” Y. D. KIM 2006 Korea-China Symposium on Advanced Functional Films for Information, September 21-24 2006, Jeju, Korea “분광타원분석법(Spectroscopic Ellipsometry)을 이용한 주기적 나노구조 박막에 대한 연구” 이선영, 공태호, 김영동 The 2nd Workshop on the Emerging Technologies of Semiconductors, October 18, 2006, Korea “금속 유도 결정화법에 의한 비정질 실리콘 결정화의 Imaging Ellipsometry 분석” 최애진, 김태중, 김영동, 오재환, 장진 The 2nd Workshop on the Emerging Technologies of Semiconductors, October 18, 2006, Korea “AlGaAs 다층 박막의 계면 분석법 연구” 공태호, 김태중, 김영동 The 2nd Workshop on the Emerging Technologies of Semiconductors, October 18, 2006, Korea “UV 영역에서 ZnxCd1-xSe의 유전함수 연구” 공태호, 김태중, 최애진, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, October 19-20, 2006, Daegu, Korea “Vacuum Ultra-Violet(VUV) 분광 타원 해석기를 이용한 확장된 분광영역에서의 InAsxP1-x alloy 유전함수연구” 정용우, 이선영, 윤재진, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, October 19-20, 2006, Daegu, Korea “Ellipsometric Analysis on Interfaces in Epitaxial Semiconductor Multilayers” Tae Jung Kim, Tae Ho Ghong, Yong Woo Jung, and Young Dong Kim Yonsei-Tohoku Korea-Japan Asian Core Program 2006 General Symposium, November 21-22, 2006, Yonsei Univ. Seoul, Korea 07 “타원법을 이용한 GaCrN의 밴드갭 연구” 공태호, 김태중, 이선영, 김영동 32nd Korean Vacuum Society, February, 6-7, 2007, Seoul, Korea “Vacuum Ultra-Violet Spectroscopic Ellipsometer(VUV-SE)를 이용한 InAsxP1-x alloy 유전함수연구” 윤재진, 정용우, 김영동 32nd Korean Vacuum Society, February, 6-7, 2007, Seoul, Korea “Optical properties of semiconductor alloys and superlattices” Hyejung Kim, Yia-Chung Chang, and Y. D. Kim APS MARCH MEETING 2007, March, 5-9, 2007, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. “Study on Optical Properties of GaN by Ellipsometry” Tae Jung Kim, Yong Woo Jung, and Young Dong Kim The 3rd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, March, 11-14, 2007, Jeonju, Korea “Bandgap study on Ga1-xCrxN by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” T. H. Ghong, S. Y. Lee, J. J. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, J. J. Kim, H. Makino, and T. Yao The 3rd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, March, 11-14, 2007, Jeonju, Korea “분광 타원분석법을 이용한 1차원 주기적 구조에 대한 해석” 김태중, 이선영, 공태호, 한승호, 정진모, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, April, 19-20, 2007, Korea “타원 편광분석법을 이용한 InxAl1-xAs alloy 유전함수 연구” 윤재진, 김영동, Stoute N. A., Aspnes D. E., 김혜정, Chang Y. C., 송진동 The Korean Physical Society, April, 19-20, 2007, Korea “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry를 이용한 ZnxCd1-xSe 화합물 반도체의 광특성과 밴드 구조 연구” 변준석, 정용우, 김영동, 김혜정, Chang Y. C. The Korean Physical Society, April, 19-20, 2007, Korea “Vacuum UV spectroscopic ellipsometry study on Ga1-xCrxN(0≤x≤0.1) alloy films” T. H. Ghong, T. J. Kim, S. Y. Lee, Y. D. Kim, J. J. Kim, H. Makino, and T. Yao The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, April, 15-20, 2007, San Andres, Colombia “In-situ analysis of InAs QD growth on InP substrate by spectral reflectance” E. Ahn, K. Park, B. Kim, Y. D. Kim, and E. Yoon The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, April, 15-20, 2007, San Andres, Colombia “Dielectric function analysis of ZnSe and CdSe using parametric semiconductor model” Y. W. Jung, J. J. Yoon, J. S. Byun, and Y. D. Kim The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, April, 15-20, 2007, San Andres, Colombia “In-situ monitoring of ZnO nanorod growth by spectral reflectance” E. Ahn, T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, S. J. Ahn, J. Yoo, G.-C. Yi, and E. Yoon The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, April, 15-20, 2007, San Andres, Colombia “Interface-later analysis by spectroscopic ellipsometry in an AlGaAs multilayer system” T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, M. V. Klein, D-S. Ko, Y-W. Kim, V. Elatde, and J. Coleman 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden “Imaging Ellipsometric Analysis on Crystallization of a-Si” J. J. Yoon, J. S. Byun, Y. D. Kim, J. H. Oh, and J. Jang 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden “Optical nanometrology of Au nanoparticles on a multilayer film” Y. C. Chang, S. H. Hsu, P. K. Wei, and Y. D. Kim 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden “Characterization of Si nanorods by spectroscopic ellipsometry with efficient theoretical modeling” S. H. Hsu, E. S. Liu, Y. C. Chang, J. N. Hilfiker, Y. D. Kim, T. J. Kim, C. J. Lin, and G. R. Lin 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden “Dielectric properties of InAsP alloy films on InP and evaluation of direct- and reciprocal-space methods of determining critical-point parameters” S. G. Choi, C. J. Palmstom, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, N. A. Stoute, H. J. Kim, and Y. C. Chang 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden “Optical Property and Band Structure Study of ZnxCd1-xSe using Vacuum Ultra-Violet Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” T. H. Ghong, Y. W. Jung, Y. D. Kim, H. J. Kim, and Y. C. Chang 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden “Overlayer Effects of InGaAs Alloys” Y. W. Jung, T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, N. A. Stoute, D. E. Aspnes, T. Mori, T. Yao, and B. H. Koo 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden “Dielectric Function and Band Gap Study of ZnSe Film” T. H. Gong, J. J. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, H. J. Kim, and Y. C. Chang 2007 China-Korea Symposium on Advanced Functional Films for Information, July, 6-10, 2007, Jinan, Shandong, China “Real-time monitoring of InAs QD growth procedure on InP substrate by Spectral Reflectance” E. Ahn, K. Park, B. Kim, Y. D. Kim, and E. Yoon 11th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, August, 19-24, 2007, Amazonas, Brazil “Analysis on the Interface layer by spectroscopic ellipsometry” T. J. Kim, J. J. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, M. V. Klein, D-S. Ko, Y-W. Kim, V. Elarde, and J. Coleman 11th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, August, 19-24, 2007, Amazonas, Brazil “Application of spectral reflectance for monitoring ZnO nanorod growth” T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, E. Ahn, E. Yoon, S. J. Ahn, and G-C. Yi 11th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, August, 19-24, 2007, Amazonas, Brazil “Dielectric function analysis of AlxGa1-xAs using the parametric model” Yong Woo Jung, Tae Ho Ghong, Joon Seok Byun, and Young Dong Kim The 10th Asis Pacific Physics Conference, August 21-24, 2007, Pohang, Korea “Modeling of dielectric functions of ZnxCd1-xSe alloys” Jae Jin Yoon, Tae Jung Kim, and Young Dong Kim The 10th Asis Pacific Physics Conference, August 21-24, 2007, Pohang, Korea “Multilayer calculation on SR signal during growth of ZnO nanorod” J. J. Yoon, J. S. Byun, Y. D. Kim, E. Ahn, E. Yoon, S. J. An, and G. C. Yi The 13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, September 10-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Dielectric function study on zincblende CdSe film” T. H. Ghong, Y. W. Jung, Y. D. Kim, H. J. Kim, and Y. C. Chang The 13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, September 10-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Ellipsometric study on CdMgTe ternary alloy films in wide spectral energy region” Tae Jung Kim, Young Dong Kim, Hye Jung Kim, Yia- Chung Chang, and Jacek Kossut The 13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, September 10-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “분광타원해석기를 이용한 다공성 알루미늄 양극산화막 구조분석” 정용우, 변준석, 윤재진, 김영동, 우덕하 The Korean Physical Society, October 18-19, 2007, Jeju, Korea “푸리에 변환을 통한 전이점 연구” 윤재진, 정용우, 김태중, 김영동, D. E. Aspnes The Korean Physical Society, October 18-19, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Spectroscopic ellipsometry를 이용한 Ga1-xCrxN(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1) 화합물 박막 연구” 변준석, 공태호, 김영동, Kim J.J., Makino T., and Yao T. The Korean Physical Society, October 18-19, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Analysis on grating structure of Si by spectroscopic ellipsometry” S. H. Han, T. H. Ghong, J. –M. Jung, Y. D. Kim, Y. Y. Yu, and K. C. Park The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, October 21-26, 2007, Shanghai & Jian-De(Zhejiang), China “Optical Properties of GaN by Ellipsometry and Band Calculation” Tae Jung Kim, Jun Seok Byun, Young Dong Kim, HyeJung Kim, and Yia-Chung Chang The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 12-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Directric Visualization of Collapsed Region of Langmuir Monolayer” Sangjun Seok, Doseok Kim, Teajung Kim, Young Ding Kim, David Vaknin, and WeiBu The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 12-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Study on Defect of Zn0.95 Mn0.05 O by Using Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy” Jae-Hoon Kim, hooyong Song, Eun Kyu Kim, Young Dong Kim, and Hong Chu The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 12-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis of Si grating pattern made by photolithography” S.H. Han, T. H. Ghong, J. –M Jung, Y. D. Kim, Y. Y. Yu, and K. C. Park The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 12-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Optical Properties of BaSm2Ti4O12 thin films studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Jea Jin Yoon, Yong Woo Jung, Soon Yong Hwang, Young Dong Kim, Young Hun Jeong, and Sahn Nahm The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 12-14, 2007, Jeju, Korea “Ellipsometric Analysis on Semiconductor Films” Tae Jung Kim and Young Dong Kim The 1st Korea-Vietnam Young Scientists Workshop, December, 14, 2007, Hanyang Univ, Korea 08 “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry를 이용한 Critical Dimension 구조 분석” 변준석, 공태호, 한승호, 정진모, 김영동, 유이인, 박규창 제 34회 한국진공학회, February, 14-15, 2008, 단국대학교 죽전 캠퍼스, Korea “ Direct Imaging of Collapsed Langmuir Monolayers and Multilayer Formation” Seok Sangjun, Kim Doseok, Yoon Jae Jin, Kim Tae Jung, Byun Jun Seok, Kang Yu Jin, Kim Young Dong, and VAKNIN David The Korean Physical Society, April, 17-18, 2008, daejeon, Korea “UV Irradiation에 따른 전도성 유기물 고분자 박막의 광특성 변화” 정 용우, 차 영훈, 변 준석, 황 순용, 공 태호, 김 영동 The Korean Physical Society, April, 17-18, 2008, daejeon, Korea “Ellipsometric analysis on the geometry of quantum dots with RCWA method” Seung-Ho Han, Jin-Mo Chung, and Young Dong Kim The 5th International Conference on Semiconductor Quantum Dots, May, 11-16, 2008, Gyeongju, Korea “1D Optical Critical Dimension Analysis by Ellipsometry” Seung-Ho Han, Tae Ho Ghong, Jun Seok Byun, Soon Yong Hwang, and Young Dong Kim 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, July 27 – August 1, 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil “Observation of crossing of E2 and E0’ CPs and a new saddle point in InxAl1-xAs by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Jae Jin Yoon, Tae Jung Kim, Young Hun Cha, Yu Jin Kang, Young Dong Kim, David E. Aspnes, Hye Jung Kim, Yia-Chung Chang, and Jin Dong Song 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, July 27 – August 1, 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil “Optical Characterization of BaSm2Ti4O12 Thin Films by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Jae Jin Yoon, Soon Yong Hwang, Yu Jin Kang, Tea Jung Kim, Young Dong Kim, Young Hun Jeong, and San Nahm The 1st International Conference on Microelectronics And Plasma Technology, August,18 -20, 2008, Jeju, Korea “Ellipsometric Study on the Optical Property of UV Exposed MEH-PPV Polymer Film” Yong Woo Jung, Jun Seok Byun, Young Hun Cha, Seung Kim, and Young Dong Kim The 1st International Conference on Microelectronics And Plasma Technology, August,18 -20, 2008, Jeju, Korea InxAl1-xAs alloy 유전함수와 전이점 연구” 윤재진, 김영동, D. E. Aspnes, 김혜정, Y. C. Chang, 송진동 The 35th Summer Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, August, 20-22, 2008, Jeju, Korea “Ellipsometric Analysis on Semiconductor Alloy Films” Y. D. Kim The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August, 26-29, 2008, Seoul and Kyeongnam, Korea “Real time monitoring on the growth of ZnO nanorod by Spectral Reflectance and Multilayer Calculation” J. S. Byun, T. J. Kim, T. H. Ghong, Y. D. Kim, E. Ahn, and E. Yoon The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August, 26-29, 2008, Seoul and Kyeongnam, Korea “Study on optical properties of InxAl1-xAs alloy system by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Soon Yong Hwang, Jea Jin Yoon, Young Dong Kim, David E. Aspnes, Hye Jung Kim, Yia Chung Chang, and Jin Dong Song The 14th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August, 26 – 29, 2008, Jeju, Korea “Temperature dependence of optical properties of InP by spectroscopic ellipsometry” Tea Jung Kim, Jae Jin Yoon, Tae Ho Ghong, and Young Dong Kim The 14th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August, 26 – 29, 2008, Jeju, Korea “Dielectric function study on AlxGa1-xAs alloys by parametric semiconductor model” T. H. Ghong, Y. W. Jung, J. S. Byun, Y. D. Kim, and D. E. Aspnes The 14th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, August, 26 – 29, 2008, Jeju, Korea “Critical dimension structure analysis by spectroscopic ellipsometry” S. H. Han, T. H. Ghong, J. S. Byun, J. M. Jung, and Young-Dong Kim APCTP-ASEAN Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (AMSN2008), September, 15-21, 2008, Nha Trang, Vietnam “Study on interface analysis by spectroscopic ellipsometry” T. J. Kim, T. H. Ghong, Y. W. Jung, J. J. Yoon, and Y. D. Kim 2008 Korea-China Symposium on Advanced Functional Films for Information, September, 28October. 2, 2008, Inha University, Incheon, Korea “분광타원편광분석법을 이용한 BaSm2Ti4O12 박막의 광특성 연구” 황 순용, 윤 재진, 차영훈, 김 승, 김 영동, 정 영훈, 남 산 The Korean Physical Society, October, 23-24, 2008, Gwangju, Korea “분광타원편광분석법으로 측정된 InP 광특성의 온도의존성에 관한 연구” 강 유진, 김 태중, 공 태호, 정 용우, 변 준석, 김 영동 The Korean Physical Society, October, 23-24, 2008, Gwangju, Korea “Optical properties of CdMgTe alloy films and identification of higher band gaps by band structure calculation” T. J. Kim, Y. W. Jung, S. Y. Hwang, Y. H. Cha, Y. D. Kim, H. J. Kim, and Y. C. Chang 4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia, October, 28-31, 2008, Matsue, Japan “Observation of New Critical Point in InxAl1-xAs alloy by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” J. J. Yoon, T. H. Ghong, J. S. Byun, Y. J. Kang, Y. D. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and J. D. Song 4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia, October, 28-31, 2008, Matsue, Japan “Study of porous anodized aluminum oxide films using spectroscopic ellipsometry” Y. W. Jung, J. S. Byun, and Y. D. Kim International Conference on Nanomaterials & Applications, December, 9-11, 2008, Kolhapur, India 09 “타원 편광분석법을 이용한 In1-xGaxSb alloy 의 유전함수와 전이점 연구” 김승, 변준석, 공태호, 김영동, D. E. Aspnes, 김혜정, Y. C. Chang, 송진동 The 36th Annual Conference the Korean Vacuum Society, February, 11- 13, 2009, Gangwon-do, Korea “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry 를 이용한 InP 의 온도(25 K - 700 K)에 따른 광특성 연구” 차영훈, 김태중, 정용우, 윤재진, 황순용, 강유진, 김영동 The 36th Annual Conference the Korean Vacuum Society, February, 11- 13, 2009, Gangwon-do, Korea “Ellipsometric Analysis on Nanostructures by using RCWA calculation method” T. H. Ghong, S. H. Han, and Young Dong Kim The 4th Korea-Vietnam Joint Symposium on Quantum Photonics and Nanotechnology, April, 5-8, 2009, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea “Effect of Interference on Raman spectrum of grapheme on SiO2/Si” D. Yoon, H. Moon, Y-. W-. Son, J. S. Choi, B. H. Park, Y. H. Cha, Y. D. Kim, and H. Cheong The 4th Korea-Vietnam Joint Symposium on Quantum Photonics and Nanotechnology, April, 5-8, 2009, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea “InAs 의 온도에 따른 광특성 연구” 김 태중, 공 태호, 정 용우, 차 영훈, 강 유진, 김 승, 김 영동 The Korean Physical Society, April, 23-24, 2009, Daejeon, Korea “Optical Properties of InAsxSb1-x Alloy Films” Jae Jin Yoon, Jun Seok Byun, Soon Yong Hwang, David E. Aspnes, Young Dong Kim, and Jin Dong Song The Korean Physical Society, April, 23-24, 2009, Daejeon, Korea “Effect of interference on the intensity of Raman spectrum of single layer graphene on SiO2/Si” Duhee Yoon, Hyerim Moon, Young-Woo Son, Jin Sik Choi, Bae Ho Park, Young Hun Cha, Young Dong Kim, and Hyeonsik Cheong The Korean Physical Society, April, 23-24, 2009, Daejeon, Korea “Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Graphene” Hyeonsik Cheong, Duhee Yoon, Hyerim Moon, Young-Woo Son, Jin Sik Choi, Bae Ho Park, Young Hun Cha, Young Dong Kim, Jin Bae Kim, and Young Pak Lee 7th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, July, 26-30, 2009, Shanghai&Zhejiang, China “Study on asymmetric nanostructure by rigorous coupled-wave analysis” T. J. Kim, S. –H. Han, T. H. Ghong, J. –M. Jung, and Y. D. Kim 7th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, July, 26-30, 2009, Shanghai&Zhejiang, China “양극화된 다공성 알루미늄 산화막의 타원편광분석연구” 김승, 정용우, 공태호, 변준석, 황순용, 김영동 제 37회 한국진공학회, August, 19-21, 2009, Yeosu, Korea “분광 타원 편광 분석법을 이용한 BaSm2Ti4O12 박막의 유전함수 연구” 윤재진, 김태중, 차영훈, 강유진, 김영동, 남산, 정영훈 제 37회 한국진공학회, August, 19-21, 2009, Yeosu, Korea “Optical study of Mn-doped Bi4Ti3O12 thin films by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” S. Y. Hwang, T. J. Kim, J. J. Yoon, Y. H. Cha, Y. D. Kim, T. G. Seong, L. S. Kang, and S. Nahm The 7th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition in Korea, August, 26-28, 2009, Goyang, Korea “In situ Ellipsometry Study of the Dielectric Function of AlSb” S. Kim, T. H. Ghong, Y. W. Jung, J. S. Byun, Y. J. Kang, Y. D. Kim, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Chang, S. H. Shin, and J. D. Song The 7th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition in Korea, August, 26-28, 2009, Goyang, Korea “Bond Models of Linear and Nonlinear Optics” D. E. Aspnes Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces VIII, September, 7-11, 2009, Ischia, Italy “Ellipsometric Study on Nanostructures” Young Dong Kim The 4th Korea-Ukraine Symposium on Nanophotonics and Nanophysics, September, 20-23, 2009, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea “Dielectric Functions of InAsxSb1-x alloy by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Young Hun Cha, Tae Jung Kim, Jae Jin Yoon, Soon Yong Hwang, Young Dong Kim, David E. Aspnes, Hye Jung Kim, Yia-Chung Chang, and Jin Dong Song The 2nd International Conference on Microelectronics And Plasma Technology, September, 20-25, 2009, BEXCO Convention Center, Busan, Korea “Optical Properties of Bi5Nb3O15 Thin Films Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Yu Jin Kang, Tae Ho Ghong, Yong Woo Jung, Jun Seok Byun, Seung Kim, Young Dong Kim, Tae-Geun Seong, Kyung-Hoon Cho, and Sahn Nahm The 2nd International Conference on Microelectronics And Plasma Technology, September, 20-25, 2009, BEXCO Convention Center, Busan, Korea “Critical-Dimensions analysis on undercut structures by spectroscopic ellipsometry” T. H. Ghong, S. –H. Han, J. –M. Chung, Y. W. Jung, S. Y. Hwang, Y. D. Kim, and D. E. Aspnes The Sixth International New Exploratory Technologies Conference, October, 12-14, 2009, Fudan University, Shanghai, China “Temperature dependence of critical points of InP determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry” J. S. Byun, T. J. Kim, J. J. Yoon, Y. H. Cha, Y. J. Kang, S. Kim, and Y. D. Kim The Sixth International New Exploratory Technologies Conference, October, 12-14, 2009, Fudan University, Shanghai, China “타원편광분석법을 이용한 AlSb 유전함수 연구” 김영동, 정용우, 차영훈, 김승, 강유진, 신상훈, 송진동 The Korean Physical Society, October, 21-23, 2009, Changwon, Korea “RCWA 를 이용한 비대칭 나노구조의 연구” 변준석, 김태중, 한승호, 공태호, 윤재진, 황순용, 정진모, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, October, 21-23, 2009, Changwon, Korea “Dielectric Response of AlSb Determined by In-Situ Ellipsometry” Y. W. Jung, T. H. Ghong, J. S. Byun, S. Kim, Y. H. Cha, Y. D. Kim, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Chang, S. H. Shin, and J. D. Song American Vacuum Society 56th International Symposium & Exhibition, November, 8-13, 2009, San Jose, USA “Crossing of the E2, E2+Δ2, E2' and E2' + Δ2' CPs in InAsxSb1-x Alloys as Determined by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” J. J. Yoon, T. J. Kim, S. Y. Hwang, Y. J. Kang, D. E. Aspnes, Y. D. Kim, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and J. D. Song American Vacuum Society 56th International Symposium & Exhibition, November, 8-13, 2009, San Jose, USA “Temperature dependent dielectric functions of InP between 25 K and 700 K” T. J. Kim, J. J. Yoon, Y. H. Cha, S. Kim, and Y. D. Kim The 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 9-11, 2009, Jeju, Korea 10 “Dielectric function analysis of InxAs1-xAs alloys by parametric model” J. J. Yoon, T. H. Ghong, Y. J. Kang, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, and J. D. Song The 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 9-11, 2009, Jeju, Korea “Rigorous coupled-wave analysis on asymmetric effect of periodic nanostructure” J. S. Byun, T. J. Kim, S.-H. Han, T. H. Ghong, J.-M. Jung, and Y. D. Kim The 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 9-11, 2009, Jeju, Korea “Temperature dependent optical properties of InAs” Y. W. Jung, S. Y. Hwang, S. Kim, Y. H. Cha, and Y. D. Kim The 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December, 9-11, 2009, Jeju, Korea “분광타원분석법을 이용한 InAs 유전율 함수의 온도의존성 연구” 김태중, 윤재진, 공태호, 정용우, 변준석, 김영동 제 38 회 한국진공학회, February, 17- 19, 2010, Gangwon-do, Korea “As 조성비에 따른 InAsSb alloy 유전함수와 전이점 연구” 황순용, 윤재진, 김태중 D. E. Aspnes, 김영동, 김혜정, Y. C. Chang, 송진동 제 38 회 한국진공학회, February, 17- 19, 2010, Gangwon-do, Korea “분광타원편광분석법을 이용한 혼합계면층 연구” (구두발표) 김태중, 윤재진, 황순용, 김영동, ASPNES David E. The Korean Physical Society, April, 21-23, 2010, Daejeon, Korea “Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry 를 이용한 단일 생체 고분자층 분석” 정용우, 공태호, 변준석, 김영동 The Korean Physical Society, April, 21-23, 2010, Daejeon, Korea “Optical Properties and Dielectric Function of In1-xAlxSb Alloys by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” J. J. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and J. D. Song 5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May, 23-28, 2010, Albany, NY USA “Optical Properties of GaAsxSb1-x Films from Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” J. S. Byun, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and J. D. Song 5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May, 23-28, 2010, Albany, NY USA “Study of the collapsed fatty acid molecular layer on water by imaging ellipsometry” S. Y. Hwang, T. J. Kim, Y. D. Kim, S. Seok, D. Kim, D. Vaknin 5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May, 23-28, 2010, Albany, NY USA “Analysis of 2D periodic nanostructure with covered oxide and roughness by ellipsometry” T. H. Ghong, J. S. Byun, S. -H. Han, J. –M. Jung, and Y. D. Kim 5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May, 23-28, 2010, Albany, NY USA “Temperature dependence of the dielectric function of InAs” T. J. Kim, J. J. Yoon, S. Y. Hwang, Y. W. Jung, T. H. Ghong, and Y. D. Kim 5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May, 23-28, 2010, Albany, NY USA “Critical Point of In1-xGaxSb Alloy with Spectroscopic Ellipsometry” Y. W. Jung, S. Kim, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and J. D. Song 5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May, 23-28, 2010, Albany, NY USA “Temperature dependence of the dielectric response of AlSb” Yong Woo Jung, Tae Jung Kim, Young Dong Kim, Sang Hoon Shin, Su Youn Kim, and Jin Dong Song 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, July, 26-30, 2010, Seoul, Korea “Analysis of surface roughness of critical-dimension structures using spectroscopic ellipsometry” T. H. Ghong, S. -H. Han, J. -M. Chung, J. S. Byun, D. E. Aspnes, and Y. D. Kim 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, July, 26-30, 2010, Seoul, Korea “Optical properties of InAlSb from spectroscopic-ellipsometric measurements and band-structure calculations” J. J. Yoon, S. Y. Hwang, Y. D. Kim, D. E. Aspnes, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Chang, and J. D. Song 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, July, 26-30, 2010, Seoul, Korea “Study of the interaction between biomolecule monolayers using total internal reflection ellipsometry” (구 두발표) Y. W. Jung, J. J. Yoon, Y. D. Kim, and D. H. Woo The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August, 01-04, 2010, Seoul, Korea “Ellipsometric analysis of oxide overlayer on periodic grating structure” J. S. Byun, T. H. Ghong, S. –H. Han, J. –M. Chung, and Y. D. Kim The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology, August, 01-04, 2010, Seoul, Korea