Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan MIDLOTHIAN TSI WORKPLAN 2013 to 2014 1 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Purpose of this Document This document is an outcome-focussed work plan outlining proposed activity by the Midlothian Third Sector Interface, detailing the organisations involved, work to be undertaken, costings, risks, and marketing strategy. 2.0 Background Midlothian is a small local authority area adjoining Edinburgh’s southern boundary, and framed by the Pentland Hills in the west and the Moorfoot Hills of the Scottish Borders in the south. Most of Midlothian’s population, of 82,370*, resides in or around the main towns of Penicuik, Bonnyrigg, Loanhead, Dalkeith, Newtongrange and Gorebridge. The southern half of the authority is predominantly rural, with a small population spread among a number of villages and farm settlements. The Strategic Interface Partnership brings together three key sectors of the voluntary sector/community groups in Midlothian to focus on achieving effective greater participation of the Third Sector in Single Outcome Agreements and Community Planning. Community planning is the process through which public sector organisations work together and with local communities, the business and voluntary sectors, to identify and solve local problems, improve services and share resources. The strategic interface partnership feeds into local community planning with a focus on the voluntary sector, social enterprises and volunteering. *General Register for Scotland Mid-2011 Population Estimates 3.0 Organisational Summaries 3.1 Organisations There are three organisations involved in the Interface: Midlothian Voluntary Action is the Council for Voluntary Service in Midlothian. They support and facilitate the development and representation of the voluntary sector at a local level. MVA receives funding from Midlothian Council, the Scottish Government and a range of external funders. MVA also run a direct service, Woodburn Day Care Club, which provides a day care service for frail elderly people. This follows an inclusive model and has many volunteers with learning disabilities and/or mental health issues. Woodburn Day Care Club figures (e.g. staff, funders) have not been included in this plan. 2 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Volunteer Centre Midlothian provides information, advice, training and support on all aspects of volunteering in Midlothian. The Volunteer Centre receives funding from the Scottish Government, Midlothian Council and a range of external funders. The Volunteer Centre also provides direct services to older people through its Community Links project and to young people through Transform. The Social Enterprise Alliance Midlothian (SEAM) aim is to support and promote the development of social enterprise in Midlothian. SEAM is a multi-agency partnership with no legal identity. MVA chair SEAM and host the SEAM worker(s). SEAM is funded by the Scottish Government and the Fairer Scotland Fund. 3.2 Client Groups The Interface works with: Individuals: For example, through the provision of support and advice on volunteering, engaging individuals in the community planning processes through the Community Care Forum, and support to key Forward Mid (physical disability user group) and Platform and Voice (older people user groups) representatives. Community groups: For example, through the provision of funding advice. Staffed voluntary organisations: For example, through access to an annual programme of training and good practice advice on how to recruit and support volunteers. 4.0 Social Enterprises: Many of which are also voluntary organisations and which we support through information provision and training. Community Planning partners: We work directly with statutory agencies through the community planning processes. Strategic Context Midlothian’s Community Planning Partnership is a network of public-service based partnership groups, led by a Steering Committee, which work together to achieve the shared vision for Midlothian. Partnership groups facilitate joint working between local agencies from the public, voluntary, private and community sectors. 3 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan The list of core partner organisations is: Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service NHS Lothian Lothian and Borders Police Scottish Enterprise Midlothian Voluntary Action Midlothian Federation of Community Councils Midlothian Council Midlothian Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Jewel & Esk College Job Centre Plus South East Scotland Transport (SEStran) Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Scottish Water Community Justice Authority Armed Forces The Midlothian Community Plan 2012-13 Update sets out objectives for Midlothian that have been agreed by partner agencies and local communities. The Partnership’s vision for the plan is: ‘The means for promoting a higher quality of life for individuals and communities within Midlothian (measured in terms of the four dimensions of lifelong learning, health and wellbeing, safety and economic capacity) will be achieved while enhancing the environment, celebrating our cultural identity and diversity and combating social exclusion.’ 4 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan 5 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan 5.0 Project Resources 5.1 Funding Resources for the activities outlined in this business plan come from the following sources: 5.2 Big Fund Young Start Big Lottery Fund Community Jobs Scotland European Social Fund External Consultancy income Fairer Scotland Fund LEADER Lloyds TSB Foundation Midlothian Council Robertson Trust Scottish Community Foundation Scottish Government Scottish Library Information Council Voluntary Action Fund Staffing A total of 16.9 FTE members of staff provide the services of the Interface broken down as follows: Volunteer Centre Midlothian Director 35 hours per week Volunteering Development Manager 21 hours per week 6 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Health & Wellbeing Coordinator 25 hours per week Youth Services Manager 35 hours per week Youth Support Coordinator 35 hours per week Transform Coordinator 35 hours per week Office Administrator 30 hours per week Volunteering Development Officer 35 hours per week Local Area Coordinator (Elderly) 20 hours per week Local Area Coordinator (Elderly) 20 hours per week Local Area Coordinator (Dementia) 20 hours per week Youth Support Assistant 16 hours per week CJS Admin Assistant 25 hours per week Total FTE equivalent 10 FTE SEAM SEAM Development Worker 14 hours per week Total FTE equivalent 0.4 FTE 7 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Midlothian Voluntary Action 6.0 Manager 35 hours per week Development Officer (Funding)/Deputy Manager 25 hours per week Community Care Forum Development Worker 28 hours per week Information Officer 35 hours per week Outcomes Officer 18 hours per week Projects Officer 14 hours per week Social Media Consultant 17.5 hours per week Administrator 35 hours per week Administrator 21 hours per week Total FTE equivalent 6.5 FTE How the Business Plan was Developed The entire staff team from the Interface met in early December. Midlothian Council facilitated a session on the implications of the Welfare Reform Act. Staff reflected on this in small groups, and identified what activity should be included in the business plan to support the welfare reform agenda, namely training for staff and volunteers, communication, and organisational development. 8 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan OUTCOME 1A: MORE PEOPLE HAVE INCREASED OPPORTUNITY AND ENTHUSIASM TO VOLUNTEER OUTCOME 1B: VOLUNTEER INVOLVING ORGANISATIONS ARE BETTER ABLE TO RECRUIT, MANAGE AND RETAIN VOLUNTEERS Volunteering Development Key agency: Volunteer Centre Midlothian Vision: To encourage and inspire more people in Midlothian to volunteer and ensure that organisations have access to the best possible expertise and guidance on volunteering policy and practice. Objectives: Encourage people of all ages to volunteer Reduce barriers to volunteering Support the development of good practice in the management of volunteers Raise the profile of volunteering in the community planning process Key activities: Free advice and guidance on volunteering, including specialist advice for those who want to use volunteering as a positive step to paid employment or further education Support and advice to help develop, increase and promote volunteering opportunities Provide organisations with advice, information and training on volunteer management and recruitment Training for volunteers to increase skills and confidence Specialist advice and training for young people including access to the Saltire Awards scheme and supported volunteering opportunities Additional support and guidance for volunteers with individual needs Recruiting, training & supporting volunteers to work with older people Recognition for volunteering achievement and commitment 9 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan OUTCOME 1A: MORE PEOPLE HAVE INCREASED OPPORTUNITY AND ENTHUSIASM TO VOLUNTEER Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 1.7 No. of information sessions held which promote volunteering 8 sessions per year No. of people attending a presentation on volunteering 750 per year % increase in the number of people encouraged to volunteer No. of people registered on volunteering database 10% per year % of new registrations matched with a volunteering opportunity 50% per year % of people who engage with TSI that go on to active volunteering No. of people who rate the TSI as excellent/good 40% per year 15% increase in the number of online enquiries 6/12 mth output Advice & Guidance on Volunteering Promote and inspire people to volunteer Provide access to guidance and support in securing placement if required, ensuring that people interested in volunteering are guided to opportunities which reflect their interests, experience and capabilities 1.5 Have a procedure in place for volunteers to give feedback and get support in resolving any difficulties on their placement Develop, Increase & Promote Volunteering Opportunities 1.3 Provide access to quality online opportunities, giving people a choice of placements with up-to-date information: VCM website Volunteer Scotland website Ensure that there are a wide range of available volunteering opportunities within Midlothian to meet the needs and expectations of a broad/diverse range of potential volunteers: Liaise with VIOs to promote, develop and increase volunteering opportunities 1.1 No. of online enquiries 1.4 1.15 % increase in the number of people accessing the VC website Increase in the number of locally available opportunities 10% increase in no. of people registered per year 75% of volunteers per year 25% increase per year 10% increase in the number of opportunities registered 10 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan OUTCOME 1B: VOLUNTEER INVOLVING ORGANISATIONS ARE BETTER ABLE TO RECRUIT, MANAGE AND RETAIN VOLUNTEERS Service / Activity Advice, Information & Training for VIOs Provide guidance and support on developing and providing quality volunteering placements and practice Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 1.9 1.10 No. of organisations supported 150 organisations per year % of VIOs who rate the TSIs support as excellent/good 75% per year % of VIOs who feel better able to recruit, manage and retain volunteers as a result of using TSI No. of email bulletins/up-dates each year 75% per year Ensure VIOs receive effective communication on volunteer management practices e.g. regular email bulletins and information up-dates Ensure that volunteer managers and other staff receive relevant and up-to-date training on legislation/good practice relating to the employment of volunteers and how to effectively manage volunteers Provide opportunities to network and discuss volunteering issues 1.9 1.10 Develop new links with local organisations and agencies, encouraging volunteer development and building capacity through bespoke training and advice Offer support to use quality standards in volunteering including: Volunteer Friendly IiV Good Practice Toolkit Promote and advertise VIOs opportunities: VCM website / Volunteer Scotland website E:Bulletins Directory of Opportunities, leaflets etc Carry out visual ID checks for voluntary orgs as part of the CRBS Trusted Partner Scheme and provide guidance on PVG checks 1.9 Minimum of 12 email bulletins/up-dates distributed annually 4 per year 1.9 1.10 No. of training sessions held 1.11 No. of meetings of Volunteer Managers Forum - minutes No. of organisations receiving bespoke training and support 4 meetings per year No. of organisations supported 10 per year No. of organisations achieving Volunteer Friendly No. of volunteering opportunities promoted Minimum of 4 per year No. of checks carried out annually 3 per year No. of orgs advised on PVG 5 per year 1.12 1.13 3.10 6/12 mth output 5 per year 150 annually 11 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale Encourage & support a diverse range of volunteers to sit on Boards / Committees of voluntary organisations 1.14 No. of Board opportunities promoted 10% increase per year No. of volunteers recruited to Boards No. of new opportunities developed in response to volunteer demand 10% increase per year Seek to develop new volunteering opportunities in response to volunteer demand 1.15 Recruit and Train Volunteer Sidekicks, ensuring smooth transition from induction to initial placement with the Library Service 1.7 No. of Sidekicks recruited and trained 15 per year 1.7 1.8 No. of young people signing up for the project 115 per year % of participants who consider themselves to be more desirable to other positive destinations as a result of their volunteering 80% per year % who register for Saltire 95% of participants per year No. of beneficiaries who rate the volunteering as desirable and positive No. of courses held 90% of beneficiaries No. of young people who feel better prepared for the recruitment process for employment and/or education 80% of participants per year Specialist Advice and Training for Young People Engage with young people from the More Choices More Chances (Opportunities for All) group to support them in the positive destination of volunteering (Transform Project) Transform involves supported befriending, supported environmental volunteering and supported volunteering in Primary Schools. Deliver ‘Making Your Volunteering Count’ employability workshops for young people volunteering with Transform 1.7 1.8 6/12 mth output 5 per year 4 per year 12 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale Inform young people of the benefits of volunteering and prepare them to start volunteering. The aim is to encourage young people to develop skills and experience through volunteering which will contribute to a more positive future 1.7 1.8 Deliver Get Ready for Volunteering Courses 4 courses per year with 35 young people attending No. of young people receiving 1 to 1 support into volunteering 90 young people per year Actively promote and deliver the Saltire Award to young people aged 12 to 25 1.2 No. of Challenge Awards issued No. of Approach awards issued No. of Ascent Awards issued No. of Summit Awards issued No. of young people registered 50 250 150 10 200 No. of schools engaged 7 1.7 1.8 1.5 No. of potential volunteers with mental health difficulties who have received advice and information 70 per year 35 per year Deliver ‘Preparing to Volunteer Courses’ to volunteers with mental health difficulties 1.8 No. who receive individual support to help them access volunteering opportunities No. of 4 week courses held Provide training to VIOs on the issues relating to the involvement of volunteers with mental health difficulties – to ensure that volunteer managers, staff and volunteers are fully aware of the issues involved and are up-to-date on legislation/good practice relating to the involvement of volunteers with mental health difficulties 1.9 1.10 No. of course participants No. of organisations receiving training (including bespoke sessions) 18 per year 3 per year We will enable potential volunteers to experience ‘taster sessions’ to allow them to try volunteering in a supported environment 1.7 1.8 No. of people participating in taster sessions 12 per year Additional Support and Guidance for Volunteers with Individual Needs Provide support in the form of information, advice & training on all aspects of volunteering for people with mental health difficulties – to encourage and enable people with mental health difficulties to be involved in volunteering and benefit from the experience, thus promoting positive health & wellbeing 6/12 mth output 4 per year 13 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale N/A No. of older people assessed and linked into community activities 70 per year Recruit and train volunteers to befriend isolated elderly people and help them engage with activities in the community – the volunteers will provide support and encouragement to elderly people who are isolated within the local community 1.7 No. of volunteers recruited and trained 40 per year Support local groups and individuals to expand their activities and develop new community activities for older people based on their social needs and interests. The aim is to improve opportunities for older people to re-engage with the local community; make new social contacts and develop new interests N/A % of groups and individuals who rate the support given as excellent/good 75% per year N/A No. of people with dementia assessed and linked into activities 30 per year No. of people with dementia supported by a befriender No. of volunteers recruited and trained 18 per year % of volunteers reporting an increase in their skills and confidence as a result of volunteering with people with dementia 80% of volunteers per year No. of older people reporting an increase in social interaction 80% of those receiving tuition per year 6/12 mth output Supporting Older People Community Links (LACs) Assess and support older people to re-engage with their local communities with the support of volunteers Community Links - Dementia Local Area Coordinator People with dementia will be engaged in activities of their choice at home or out in the community with the support of volunteers. As a result the older people will feel less socially isolated and have improved health and/or wellbeing Volunteers will have a positive experience of volunteering and an increase in skills and confidence when working with people with dementia Connect Online Reduce social isolation in older people living independently in sheltered housing or in their own homes N/A N/A 25 per year 14 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale Improve older people’s digital confidence and skills when using computers and the Internet N/A No. of older people receiving 1 to 1 IT tuition 50 elderly housebound per year No. of older people attending group IT tuition 72 older people per year No. of older people reporting an increase in skills and confidence 80% of learners per year No. of older people able to access other services by using the Internet independently % of volunteer tutors who feel that their development needs are met through volunteering with Connect Online 35 learners per year % of volunteers who rate the TSI as excellent or good 80% per year No. of nominations received 40 nominations received for 6 awards No. of attendees 100 volunteers attending Improve independence of older people Promote personal development of volunteer tutors N/A 1.8 6/12 mth output 80% per year Recognition for Volunteering Achievement & Commitment Host an annual awards ceremony for Midlothian volunteers to ensure that volunteers receive formal recognition for the contribution they make to the local community 1.7 1.8 15 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan OUTCOME 2: SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPS AND GROWS Social Enterprise Development Key agency: Social Enterprise Alliance Midlothian Vision: To support and promote the development of social enterprise in Midlothian, including support for social entrepreneurs and enterprising behaviour amongst third sector organisations. Objectives: Assist social enterprises to access funding and maximise income generation Support and develop new social enterprise organisations in setting up Develop the infrastructure of support to social enterprise organisations Promote partnership working to strengthen the sector within Midlothian and nationally Key activities: Developing the research base for social enterprise organisations Raising the profile of social enterprise Transfer of knowledge both locally and nationally Develop training opportunities and resources for social enterprises One to one support to social enterprise organisations 16 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service/Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale Understand and communicate what social enterprise is in Midlothian amongst all sectors and the general public and promote its useage, e.g. by survey and production of a brochure. Assist those setting up social enterprise or developing social enterprise behaviour to adopt sound structures through activities including: web content; 1-to-1 support; and dissemination of information through bulletins and social media etc, e.g. on Just Enterprise. Signpost organisations developing social enterprise or enterprising behaviours to appropriate local and national services to support growth and sustainability, e.g. to Just Enterprise. Promote networking within the social enterprise sector in Midlothian in order to foster learning, practice sharing and partnering Strengthen the capacity of local social enterprise by promoting access to business development training opportunities both locally and nationally, e.g. through Social Enterprise Academy. 2.5 & 2.8 #Survey #social enterprise brochure 1 / year 1 / year 2.2 #web content # organisations receiving advice #bulletins/social media items 1 / year 10 / year 24 / year 2.3 #Web content #organisations given referral advice #bulletin/social media items #networking events #Participant numbers # business dev. events facilitated #Participant numbers #No of bulletin/social media items 1 / year 70 / year 24 / year 3 / year 15/ year 2 / year 10 / year 24/ year Research, support and development of opportunities to support the funding and growth of enterprise development and growth opportunities for social enterprises in Midlothian Work with the local social enterprise sector and local and national procurers and commissioners of services to increase opportunities for local social enterprises, e.g. through Ready for Business. Network and work with the private sector to promote opportunities for shared learning and joint working, e.g. by working with Chamber of Commerce. 2.2 Internal report 1 / year 2.1 #partnership initiatives #Participant numbers 1 / year 4 / year 2.7 #partnership initiatives #Participant numbers 1 / year 4 / year 2.9 & 2.6 2.4 6/12 mth output 17 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan OUTCOME 3: THIRD SECTOR ORGANISATIONS ARE WELL MANAGED AND DELIVER QUALITY SERVICES Supporting and Developing a Strong Third Sector Key agency: Midlothian Voluntary Action Mission: Midlothian Voluntary Action (MVA) exists to support and develop community and Third Sector organisations in Midlothian and facilitate the effective representation of the sector in powerful partnership working. Objectives: The capacity of community and voluntary organisations’ staff and Boards is increased Community and Voluntary organisations are better able to meet their legal obligations and are fit for purpose Community and Voluntary organisations are better able to demonstrate the impact of their activities Community and Voluntary sector organisations have increased capacity to be sustainable Community and voluntary sector services are purchased or supported by the statutory sector Greater partnership working between community and voluntary organisations Key activities: Training: Support organisations and people within them to grow & learn by the provision of a training programme for staff and Board members; Knowledge: Provide information to organisations on issues including new legislation, policy, OSCR, start-up, Board development, legal structure, health and safety, or refer on to other organisations as appropriate; Organisational development: Build capacity locally by providing one-to-one advice on relevant issues, for example, full cost recovery, board development, strategic and financial business plans, with additional support to community care providers. Funding: Continue to provide advice, information and support on accessing funding and enable and support organisations to generate sustainable sources of income via e.g. contract tendering; Facilitating voluntary action: Providing infrastructure resources to voluntary and community groups, such as meeting space. Partnership: Facilitate voluntary sector involvement in delivery of economic development and employability initiatives. Ensuring voluntary sector is informed and supported to implement the changes to data protection practice required by Midlothian Council 18 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.11 #individuals attending training events #organisations attending training events #number of training events 40 / year 6/12 mth output TRAINING Provision of an annual training programme for voluntary sector and social enterprise staff. 30 / year 6 events and 1 seminar / year Provision of training for Board/Management Committee members. Publication of Training News e-briefing Updating of online Training & Events Calendar 3.7 3.4, 3.6, 3.8 3.4, 3.6, 3.8 #individuals attending training events #organisations attending training events #number of training events #individuals receiving Training News #organisations receiving Training News #Training News and other training communications distributed n/a 12 / year 10 / year 3 / year 300 / year 150 year 20 / year On-going 19 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 3.3 # organisations supported 18 / year 3.2 200 / year 6/12 mth output FUNDING Continue to support 18 organisations active in employability and anti-poverty work with 1-2-1 support on identifying funding sources, applying for grants, and coping with grant funders requirements per annum. Continue to ensure that 200 organisations/groups in Midlothian have access to up-to-date information on funding sources through the provision of a monthly Funding e-newsletter and the provision of thematic Funding Signposts. Build the capacity of 10 smaller community groups, self-help groups and grass-root organisations to access grant funding per annum. Facilitate a strategic approach to grant applications to support key activities highlighted in the Addressing Child Poverty in Midlothian Action Plan, by bringing together organisations to make partnership bids in response to identified gaps in service (3 strategic bids). Develop guidance on how to access grant funding available to individuals in need in Midlothian for use by organisations to support clients. Run an annual thematic funding conference, in conjunction with Third Sector Interface partners. Run two training courses per year, on themes such as Writing Better Funding Applications; Developing Your Project Outcomes; Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation. TSI will provide a representative on funding panels, e.g. Army Covenant Funding; Fairer Scotland; LEADER; Midlothian Themed Tourism Event Fund. 3.3 # individuals receiving Funding Signpost #organisations receiving Funding Signpost # Funding Signposts and other funding communications distributed # groups supported 3.2, 3.3, 5.7 # bids 3 / year 3.2 #guidance published 1 / year 3.2 #organisations supported 20 / year 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 # courses 2 / year 4.8 # meetings attended variable Support voluntary organisations to maximise opportunities in relation to the Older People’s change fund for primarily social enterprises and other Change Funds that are coming on stream, including Community Justice, and Youth Justice. All relevant organisations are aware and informed about the Change Fund. 3.2, 3.3 #organisations receiving information 10 / year 150 20 / year 10 / year 20 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 3.1, 3.11 # individuals receiving Midlothian Info # Midlothian Info distributed #e-mails sent to targeted email lists 200 / year 6/12 mth output KNOWLEDGE Provide up to date information on relevant issues including: setting up and running voluntary organisations, including information on charity law and other relevant legislation; funding and training and Midlothian organisations, projects and services. 10 / year 900 / year New MVA website to be developed to comply with accessibility legislation. 3.1, 3.6, 5.19, 5.11 # website launch 1 website, launched by June 13 MVA & VCM Social Media continues to be developed as a model of good practice. 3.9, 5.10, 5.11 # number “likes” on Facebook #number “Followers” on Twitter 70 #organisations receiving newsletter #number issues All orgs on database Continue to develop TSI as a model of good practice. Publication of TSI e-newsletter(s) (with hard copies to appropriate groups without e-mail) 3.11 150 2 / year Maintain a resource base on voluntary sector issues for organisations to use. 3.1, 3.11 n/a n/a Community Care Forum: Publication of Directory for Disabled People 2013; Publication of Directory for Older People 2013. 4.2, 4.9 #number issues of Directories for Disabled People produced #number of issues of Directories for Older People produced #numbers printed of Directory for Disabled People #numbers printed of Directory for Older People 1 / year 1 / year 1000 Directory for Disabled People / year 4100 Directory for Older People / year 21 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale The Community Care Forum development worker will work together with members of Joint Physical Disability Planning Group, Joint Older Peoples Planning Group Community Planning Equalities Forum, Person Centred Planning Implementation Group and Joint Community Care Executive Group; to produce newsletters. 4.6, 4.9 #individuals receiving newsletters; #numbers on Joint Planning Group’s Communication Map #newsletters 3 / year Providing information on training and other issues to Community Care Providers Forum 3.11 #number e-mails sent 25 / year Provide advice and guidance on establishing new groups. 3.1 #organisations supported 4 / year Provide support to existing groups to choose and/or amend appropriate legal structures. 3.1, 3.8 #organisations supported 4 / year Provide advice and guidance on governance and charity law (other than legal structures) issues to existing organisations and groups. 3.1, 3.7, 3.8 #organisations supported 4 / year Produce and/or highlight good practice guidance on issues relevant to voluntary sector organisations e.g. constitution templates. 3.1 #guidance produced and/or highlighted 4 / year Voluntary organisations, social enterprises and community groups are supported to develop and implement social media strategies. 3.9 #organisations supported 3 / by May 2013 project end Continue to develop a central accessible base for TSI to function effectively and develop its role as a resource and umbrella organisation for Midlothian voluntary and community groups. 5.11 #organisation using meeting rooms 35 / year Continue to provide and develop comprehensive accessibility and facilities for disabled people and relevant organisations, so as to create an enabling environment. 5.10, 5.11 #disability/mental health organisation using meeting room 11 / year 6/12 mth output ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FACILITATING VOLUNTARY ACTION 22 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale Help facilitate and initiate new projects in partnership with other Midlothian organisations, specifically Welfare Reform. 5.7 responsive responsive Carry out a review of adult computer training provision within Midlothian (VCM) to enable community planning partners to consider if additional provision is required to increase the number of people with digital competence within Midlothian. 4.3, 5.7 number of survey responses/report Completed report by end May 2013 Continue to develop partnership with Midlothian Council Library Service (VCM) to ensure that older people are not disadvantaged by the digital divide 5.7 No. of partnership meetings 4 per year No. of volunteers recruited 15 per year 6/12 mth output PARTNERSHIP 23 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan OUTCOME 4: THIRD SECTOR ORGANISATIONS FEEL BETTER CONNECTED AND ARE ABLE TO INFLUENCE AND CONTRIBUTE TO PUBLIC POLICY Building the Third Sector Relationship with Community Planning Representing the Third Sector In Community Planning: Midlothian Voluntary Action will continue to represent the voluntary sector at all levels of the Community Planning Partnership process, including the Community Planning Partnership Steering Committee (highest level), the Community Planning Partnership Working Group (2nd level), and a range of thematic groups. MVA will also continue to represent the sector on the Midlothian Community Health Partnership Management Committee. SEAM will continue to represent the social enterprise sector through the Improving Opportunities Midlothian (IOM) subgroup of community planning and through sitting on the Food and Health Alliance Midlothian steering group, which feeds into the Community Planning process. The Volunteer Centre will promote and represent the interests of volunteering through membership of the IOM and a number of key strategic community planning groups. Ensuring vulnerable individuals have a voice in community planning: MVA will continue to facilitate the involvement of users of community care services in community planning. Additionally the Volunteer Centre will represent the interests of volunteering through membership of a number of strategic partnerships and networks such as the Volunteer Managers Forum, Voluntary Sector Forum and Mental Health Forum. Ensuring voluntary action, volunteering and social enterprise are key elements of the policy agenda: MVA will continue to facilitate the Voluntary Sector Forum and to feed their responses into the community planning structure. The Voluntary Sector Children's sub-group (VSCsg is now represented on the Midlothian Child Protection Committee (and some CPC sub-groups), and other relevant groups (for example, Getting It Right For Every Child [GIRFEC]) and feed back to the VSF, and from the VSF to the groups. Volunteer Centre Midlothian will raise the profile of volunteering in the community planning process through active membership of the strategic group: Improving Opportunities in Midlothian (IOM); membership of the IOM sub-groups Midlothian Employment Action Network (MEAN), Opportunities For All (MCMC) and Midlothian Adult Learning Partnership (MALP). SEAM will continue to exist as a community planning sub-group, feeding into the Improving Opportunities Midlothian group. The Compact: All three organisations are represented on the Midlothian Compact Monitoring Group. Midlothian Community Care Forum: The Forum aims to provide effective and meaningful communication link for local Service Users and Carers on issues to do with the planning and delivery of Community Care through a range of forums, and to work with Users of Community Care Services and their Carers and support them to build capacity to participate in opportunities to comment on and influence the services that affect their lives. 24 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 4.1, 4.2, 4.7 #VSF minutes responsive 4.6 #e-mails 20 / year 4.2, 4.5 #consultations Represent the voluntary sector at the following community planning forums: Community Plan Steering Committee, Community Planning Working Group, Improving Opportunities Midlothian Group, Adult and Social Care group, Getting It Right For Every Midlothian Child Partnership, and CPO Stakeholders Group Represent SEAM at IOM 4.4, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 #meetings 20 / year 4.4, 4.8, 4.9 #meetings 4 / year Represent volunteering at IOM and sub-groups (MCMC, MEAN & MALP) 1.6, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9 number of meetings attended approx. 12 per year Seek to ensure volunteering is embedded into social policies within local authority through contribution to community planning groups 1.6, 4.4, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 attendance at IOM and subgroups; approx. 12 per year Develop a volunteering strategy amongst CP partners 1.6, 4.7 approx. 3 per year MVA and VCM to continue to represent the voluntary sector on the Community Planning Research and Information Group (CPRIG) 4.8 number of meetings to initiate development #meetings #publications Involvement in local emergency response meetings and other emergency planning events as appropriate 4.1, 4.8 #meetings 4 / year MVA manager will continue to represent the voluntary sector on the Community Health Partnership (CHP) 4.6 #meetings 4 / year MVA will continue to facilitate representation of the voluntary sector on Community Planning groups through the Voluntary Sector Forum (including sub-groups). To organise and service Voluntary Sector Forum (VSF) 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 #organisations #planning groups 9 / year 12 / year 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 #meetings #orgs attending 5 / year 5 / year Community Planning Lead consultation and development of voluntary sector input to SOA/Community Plan 2013-16. Publicise key information on changes and developments within community planning Participation in consultations/surveys for other organisations. 6/12 mth output 1 / year 1 / year 25 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity To organise and service Voluntary Sector Children’s sub-group, and other sub-groups as required. Compact Continue to promote and monitor the use of the Voluntary Sector Compact. Outcome and Common Service 4.3, 4.4, 4.6 Performance Indicators Target / Timescale #meetings #orgs attending 4 / year 12 / year 4.3, 4.4 #meetings #VSF minutes 1 / year 4.1 – 4.6 #service users supported #named outputs and actions* 1 service user represented / meeting 8 Older People Strategy Group meetings / year 8 Physical Disability Strategy Group meetings / year 6/12 mth output Community Care Forum The Community Care Forum Worker will build relationships with and focus on the interest, views and concerns of service users, via collective groups and organisations, regarding Community Care within the Council, NHS Lothian and all stakeholders across Midlothian. Participation and membership of Joint Planning Strategy groups for 1. Older People and, 2. Physical Disability Services. Provide Support to at least one service user to participate in each meeting. *Specific outcomes are detailed in the Midlothian Joint Physical Disability Action Plan 2012-2015 and also the Midlothian Older People’s Action Plan 20122015. Clear actions contained in Joint Strategy Documents focussing on Service User influence/perspective and involvement and coproduction. Specific named outputs and actions linked directly to Service User Influence and Co-production ethos. The Community Care Forum will gather views of service users and their carers within communities , via collective groups and organisations, to allow service users to influence the policy makers within Local Community Care Planning Structures; 12 Forward Mid (physical disability group supported by MVA) meetings per year. Attendance at twelve Older People Forum (supported by MVA) meetings. One large scale Public engagement event for Older Peoples Services. One large scale public event for Physical Disability Services. Sub Group meetings in response to local need with Older People Representatives (minimum eight meetings annually) and Disabled people’s representatives (minimum eight meetings annually) # Forward Mid meetings # Older People Forum meetings # attendance # events 12 / year 12 / year 26 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Activities of the Community Care Forum worker shall seek to promote bringing people together, information sharing, advocacy (speaking out), skill training, service user participation and building bridges. Outcome and Common Service 4.1 – 4.6 Performance Indicators 4.1 – 4.6 #Older People Strategy events #Joint Physical Disability Strategy events 2 / year 1 / year 4.1 – 4.6 #attendance In response to identified and emerging need. # attendance Target / Timescale 6/12 mth output 15 / year Development worker will ensure membership and participation of service users at the following meetings; Joint Physical Disability Planning Group. Joint Older Peoples Planning Group. Community Planning Equalities Forum. Continued Development of Forward Mid website. Develop consultation events in co-production partnership with Social Work and Health and Users of Services. Public Participation/ Consultation Events; Older Peoples Strategy – 2 Joint Physical Disability Strategy – 1 The Community Care Forum Worker will provide representation for the service users and encourage service user involvement in regular dialogue and group meetings. Development worker will ensure membership and participation of service users at the following meetings; Joint Physical Disability Planning Group. Joint Older Peoples Planning Group. Community Planning Equalities Forum. Person Centred Planning Implementation Group. Dialogue and meetings with; Forward Mid People First 27 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale The Community Care Forum Worker will support the development of 2 new peer support groups in Midlothian for Disabled People. 4.1 – 4.6 #groups #participants 2 / year The Community Care Forum Worker will support the development of 2.2 Community Cafes 4.1 – 4.6 #cafes #attendance 2 / year 6/12 mth output VOCAL Midlothian Access Panel MS Society Lothian. Midlothian Equality and Diversity Network. Easy Does It. 28 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan OUTCOME 5: THE THIRD SECTOR INTERFACE IS WELL MANAGED AND EFFECTIVE 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 We will: Understand the landscape of community, third sector and volunteering activities in our local area by collecting intelligence and maintaining a database of local third sector organisations, volunteers and volunteering opportunities, including the MILO Core Minimum Fields. Use the intelligence to develop and deliver services in response to community need. Approach / Status / Plan All organisations that we work with are surveyed once every three years with 1/3 of organisations sampled in each year. This is done through a combination of printed, face to face, online and telephone surveys. Engage relevant stakeholders in the design, delivery and review of policies and services. We include our local networks, e.g. Voluntary Sector Forum; SEAM; in the design of our services to ensure they are fit for purpose We will continue to incorporate feedback (e.g. end of year review) from stakeholders into the development of our services. Communication and Promotion Develop communications strategy and plans to improve our reach to stakeholders, to raise our profile, to promote our services and values. The communications plans will take consideration of the range of needs of different audience groups. Promote the impact the sector has on the communities we live in. Our knowledge of the sector enables us to design services that meet the needs of the breadth of the sector. It also enables us to target services to those whom we can make the biggest difference. Work will be carried out to further develop the TSI Marketing and Communications strategy by September 2013, with implementation complete by November 2013. We will provide information on the sector, e.g. for the Profile of Midlothian; and will publicise the impact of the sector through appropriate media, e.g. our websites; social media; conventional media etc. 5.6 Partnership Working Develop partnership approaches and identify opportunities for partnership working locally, regionally and nationally to achieve better outcomes. 5.7 Engage local community representatives, Councillors, MSPs, MPs and others. There are Councillors and community representatives on our Boards as advisors; we will continue to inform them of our activities. 5.8 Work positively with Voluntary Action Scotland and our peers in the network. Continue to attend partnership meetings outside Midlothian including: attendance at Voluntary Action Scotland network meetings; attendance at Supporting Voluntary Action events, including Monitoring and Evaluation Group; Participate in joint funding activity, e.g. TSEIF (Third Sector Early Intervention Fund). The Interface is a Partnership between the Volunteer Centre Midlothian; Voluntary Sector Forum; and SEAM (Social Enterprise Alliance Midlothian). We will continue to hold at least one joint meeting of MVA & VCM Board and SEAM representatives annually; we will continue to hold at least one joint meeting of MVA/VCM/SEAM staff. We will input into each other’s events, e.g. Older People’s Funding Conference. 29 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan 5.9 Equalities Develop flexible responses to meet different needs; e.g. opening times, drop-in facility, outreach locations, telephone helplines and online facilities. 5.10 Make our services, publicity materials and premises as accessible as possible. The TSI has accessible offices and meeting rooms. The meeting rooms can be booked by community groups. The MVA meeting room is available at evenings and weekends as well as weekdays and a loop system can be provided. The VCM meeting room is available to book on weekdays and evenings. The meeting rooms have accessible toilets and kitchens attached. We endeavour to make our premises welcoming to all users. MVA’s Community Care Development Worker supports older people’s groups and physical disability groups, e.g. Forward Mid (physical disability user group). We tailor our publications for particular groups e.g. older people and provide information in other formats, e.g. large print, where required. 5.11 Be proactive in engaging all of our stakeholders. 5.12 Focus limited resources towards those who need them most The TSI engages with the voluntary sector and statutory sector primarily through e-mail lists, ebriefings, website and social media, training and events; also through our participation in Community Planning groups and through organisations such as the Voluntary Sector Forum, Volunteer Managers Forum and sub-groups. We are starting a new project to engage with small groups. Our Community Care Forum Worker engages specifically with disability and older people groups to support them with influencing policy and taking part in the Community Planning process. SEAM engages with social enterprises through SEAM meetings, training, events, website, e-mails and social media. We are focusing on assisting the Voluntary Sector to be prepared to respond to Welfare Reform, e.g. in particular we will be targeting people in poverty, and people who are isolated, e.g. older people and people with disabilities. 5.13 Internal Management Implement monitoring and evaluation procedures for continuous improvement. 5.14 Treat our people well, ensuring a good working environment, good conditions of employment and recognition for people's contribution. Organisations/individuals can drop-in to our premises, contact us by telephone or email. We also use websites; and social media. Events are arranged at suitable locations. Outreach work is carried out where required, e.g. in rural areas. We will continue to be sensitive to the needs of community groups. We are working towards the production of an Annual Performance Monitoring Plan, linked to MILO development. We will continue to strengthen and develop the Boards of Interface organisations. We will continue to implement quality framework within Interface organisations (EFQM). We will continue to make the TSI fit for purpose, e.g. MVA and VCM are signed up to Law at Work who assist us with our HR policies. We support staff to undertake appropriate training. We work hard to ensure that our staff and volunteers experience a good working environment and feel supported and appreciated for the contribution that they make to the work of the TSI. 30 Midlothian Third Sector Interface Business Plan 5.15 Communicate the interests of communities to wider stakeholders We will represent the interests of the Third Sector in Midlothian through attendance at meetings and events outside Midlothian: This will include VAS network meetings; SVA Monitoring & Evaluation Group and the NHS Lothian Volunteering Steering Group. We will continue to ensure that the voice of communities is heard in the community planning process e.g. through research into older people’s services as part of A Stitch in Time and our involvement in emergency planning. 31