ST. MARY’S (LEITH) RC PRIMARY SCHOOL November 2015 Newsletter SYRIAN CONCERT - Thank you so much to all parents and members of our community who came along and supported our charity events – “St. Mary’s Got Talent”. Primaries 5/6 and 3a worked very hard to organise these events and it was gratifying to see other members of our school community supporting them in this. Our concerts on Wednesday were so much fun – with such a wonderful atmosphere! Altogether we were able to raise £535.40 for our local refugee support charity Re-Act. Many thanks again. STAFFING – I am very happy to inform you that I have agreed with Council to continue in the post of Headteacher until Mr Gilhooley’s. I am also delighted to welcome to St. Mary’s [Leith] Ms Ciara Menzies who will be working in Primary 4 on Monday and Tuesday and covering additional classes on Wednesday and Thursday [P3b,P5, P5/6 and P7], this to allow Mrs Macfarlane and Mr Gillon to carry out their Principal Teacher duties. HALLOWEEN DISCO – Thank you to all the parents who organised and came along to the Halloween Disco – I’m sure everyone would agree that it was a wonderful event and enjoyed by all! P7 FOOTBALL- Congratulations the team who have just got through to the next round of The Primary Schools Scottish Cup. COMMUNITY CHOIR - for all staff, parents, carers, friends, neighbours and past pupils and parents of St. Mary’s [Leith] Primary. Everyone is welcome - the only essential requirement is that you enjoy singing! We will meet in The School Hall, 7.00-8.30pm [including a coffee break!] fortnightly on a Tuesday [2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month] Our first rehearsal will be on Tuesday, 10th November! Hope to see you there! Enquiries: Mary Bainbridge or Sally Fraser SCHOOL ENROLMENTS –Week beginning 9th November [for children who are starting P1 next year] PARENT HELPERS – Thank you so much for all those parents who have volunteered to help in school. [We will be in touch soon once the PVG clearance has come through] If anyone else is interested then please do not hesitate to contact me to arrange a chat about possible ways of getting involved. PARENT COUNCIL – Everyone is welcome so please do look out for information from the Parents Council on the website or by fliers. Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. [Next meeting is Tuesday, 1st December] SCHOOL DINNERS – HELP! How can we help your child to eat up his/her school dinner? Any suggestions gratefully received!! There is a huge amount of food wasted and many children must be quite hungry in the afternoon after not eating the food they are given. Please could you chat with your child about the choices they make and the need to finish their meals. Thank you! FREE SCHOOL MEALS – There are still very many families who may be eligible for free school meals – please don’t hesitate to come to the office to collect an application form or give me a ring and I can look into it. It is your entitlement, so please do apply. LOST PROPERTY – there is a huge amount of un-named Lost Property outside the SSO’s office. Please come in and check the boxes [or ask your child to] if you think your child has lost something. This will all be recycled or thrown away shortly LETTERS / RETURN SLIPS – Please could all returns come back to school by the appropriate, identified dates [incl. school dinner sheets] and any money clearly marked in an envelope. Many thanks SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS – these will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, 10th November for families and individuals. All children will be photographed on their own but if you would like a family picture taken with brothers and sisters then you should bring in the form, distributed on Friday, or send in a note with your child tomorrow. [Babies and Toddlers, who are to be included in Family Photographs, should be brought to the hall at 9.00am] [Afternoon Nursery families will be photographed at 12.45pm] CHRISTMAS DEBT WORRIES – relieving the burden. Christmas is a special time of year, but for many people it can also be a drain on family finances. The expense of Christmas is often a tipping point for families resulting in problems with debt. In the lead up to the festive period it’s always a good idea to check your financial situation so that what should be a happy time, doesn’t turn into a crisis. Over the next few weeks, up to Christmas, St Mary’s is working with Granton Information Centre to provide advice and assistance to families who may want support with their family finances. GIC can provide advice on whether parents are entitled to extra benefits and tax credits and can offer support if families are having difficulties paying their bills. If you would like to speak to an adviser from GIC they will be at St Mary’s on: Friday, 20th November from 10.00 to 12.00am and Saturday, 21st November from 10.00 to 12.00am GIC is an independent advice agency funded by the Scottish Legal Aid Board. All the advice and assistance they provide is confidential impartial and free of charge. Przedświąteczne wsparcie w zakresie finansów Boże Narodzenie to wyjątkowy czas, jednakże dla wielu osób może to być również niemożliwy do udźwignięcia ciężar finansowy. Koszt świąt często wpędza rodziny w długi. W okresie przedświątecznym warto skontrolować swoją sytuację finansową po to, aby czas kojarzony ze szczęściem nie stał się kryzysem. Przez najbliższe tygodnie prowadzące do Bożgo Narodzonia St Mary’s będzie współpracować z Granton Information Centre, które służy poradą i pomocą w zakresie finansów rodziny. Granton Information Centre może zidentyfikować należność zasiłków czy tax credits oraz wspierać rodziny, które mają trudności z płaceniem rachunków na czas. Jeśli są Państwo zainteresowani, doradca z Granton Information Center będzie dostępny w St Mary’s w dniach 20 i 21 listopada w godzinach porannych od 10 do 12. Granton Information Centre jest organizacją niezależną, finansowaną przez Scottish Legal Aid Board, a porada, której udziela jest poufna, obiektywna i darmowa. AFTER SCHOOL CLUB – SocialBall Kids – this club is held at Hermitage Park Primary School but they will collect from St. Mary’s. If you are interested in a place [there are a few places still available] then please contact them on 0131 564 0264 or COMMUNICATION – We have decided to send out paper copies of the Newsletter until the end of the year. After Christmas we will e-mail the Newsletter to those parents that requested it and we will also always update the Newsletter on The School Website in the last week of every month. Please check the website on a regular basis. [Also please notify the office of any change of e-mail address or if you wouyld like to be added to the mailing list]. Those who requested a paper copy will continue to receive one. CHATTER MATTERS! – Why not drop-in for a coffee and a chat and get to know some more parents at school. Coffee/Tea will be available every Thursday in the Flexibase between 9.00 and 10.30am. PARKING and CAR PARK – REMINDER – I would like to remind parents once again about the dangers of parking and ‘dropping off’’ children near to the school. The Police and Traffic Department are continuing to work with us to resolve this problem. No parents or children should access the school through the staff car park at any time. Many thanks for your help in keeping our children safe. SOCIAL MEDIA – I would like to take this opportunity, once again, to remind all parents of the huge importance and necessity of talking with your child about internet safety and knowing who they are ‘meeting and chatting to’ on-line. Many parents, I know, check their child’s phone every night and I would encourage this as a way of keeping your child safe. Mary Bainbridge [Acting Headteacher] Dates for the Diary w/b 9th - SCHOOL ENROLMENT WEEK 9th - P5/6 visit to Ocean Terminal [film] Peace and Justice Gp to Vue Cinema [after School] 10th - School Photographs [individuals and families] P5 visit to Ocean Terminal [film] am Road Safety Magic Show [P1-3] 5.30pm Primary 7 taking part in a ‘Mock Court Case’ 6.15pm P3 and P4 Sacramental Gp mtg in school 7.00pm Community Choir in School Hall – please join us! 11th - Primary 2a and 2b going to The Library in the morning 12th - 9.15am Primary 6 Service P3 to Ocean Terminal 4.30pm Primary 7 taking part in a ‘Mock Court Case’ 14th - Parent Council Parents’ Disco 15th – P3 and P4 Mass of Election w/b 16th 17th - Scholastic Book Fair arrives 18th - 3.30 – 6.00pm : Parent Consultations 19th - 9.15am Service Mrs Bainbridge [Library Service visiting Speakers] 3.30 – 6.00pm : Parent Consultations 20th - 10.00 to 12.00noon : Money Advice Session in school [see above] 21st - 10.00 to 12.00noon : Money Advice Session in school [see above] 2.30 – 4.00pm : Family ECO/Bee Event in school [see above] 22nd - Light Night on George St [choir singing] [more info. to follow] w/b 23rd 24th - P5 to Pizza Express 25th - Flu Nasal Spray Immunisation for whole school 26th - 9.15am Primary 3a Service 27th – 12.45pm : P4 Sacramental gp visit to church w/b 30th December 1st - 7.00pm Parent Council mtg – Everyone welcome 3rd - 9.15am Service Mrs Bainbridge [1st in Advent] Primary 1 height/weight screening 4th - CHRISTMAS FAIR w/b 7th 8th – 7.00pm - P6 and P7 Christmas Show 9th - Primary 6 and 7 Christmas Party 10th - 9.15am Primary 4 Service [2nd in Advent] CHRISTMAS LUNCH 3.30 – 5.30pm ‘Shopping Sitting’! [leave your child at school and go Christmas Shopping! - £5.00] 11th - Choir Carol Singing at Mimi’s w/b 14th 15th – 11.00am Choir Carol Singing at Portlee Centre P1 and P2 Christmas Nativity – 1.45pm and 6.30pm 16th - 11.00am Choir Carol Singing at Kirkgate Morning - Primary 3 and 4 Christmas Party Afternoon - Primary 1 and 2 Christmas Party 17th - 9.15am Primary 3/4 Service [[3rd in Advent] 1.00pm : Whole School to Snow White at The King’s Theatre Nursery Party pm 18th - 11.00am Choir Carol Singing at Portlee Centre Nursery Christmas Party am w/b 21st 21st - Nursery Nativity am and pm Afternoon – Primary 5 and 5/6 Christmas Party 22nd - 10.30 am Carol Service in Church – Whole School. Everyone Welcome 12 noon CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS