The Study of Diesel Contaminated Soil by Composting Treatment

The Study of Diesel Contaminated Soil by Composting Treatment
and the Feasibility of Continued Re-Farming
Chung-Shiau Ho1*,Wen-Yen Huang2, Wen-Ling Hong3, Chitsan Lin4, Po-Han Chen5
Graduate Student of the Department of Marine Environment Engineering, National Kaohsiung Marine
University, Kaohsiung 81157, Taiwan.
Specialist of Remediation Project of China Petrochemical Development Corporation, & Adjunct Assistant
Professor of National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung 70151, Taiwan.
Assistant Professor of the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, National Kaohsiung
Marine University, Kaohsiung 81157, Taiwan.
Professor of the Department of Marine Environmental Engineering, National Kaohsiung Marine University,
Kaohsiung 81157, Taiwan.
Undergraduate Student of the Department of Marine Environment Engineering, National Kaohsiung
Marine University, Kaohsiung 81157, Taiwan.
This study used food waste to compost diesel contaminated soil. After seven days of experiment, the
concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH C6~C40) reduced from 1,622 mg/kg to 801 mg/kg. The
results in Taiwan national standards can be used as backfill. In order to evaluate application value of soil, this
study continued the food waste food waste composting remediation of soil, and comparing with the chemical
oxidation remediation of soil. By tomatoes and corn planted test, observing the plant growth conditions and
assessed food security. The results show that the food waste food waste group more conducive to the growth of
corn, its growth height of 70 cm higher than the chemical oxidation group and the root growth better. The
analysis of heavy metals, pesticides and total petroleum hydrocarbons, the food waste food waste group passed
the standards of organic fruits and vegetables. This study shows that food waste composting technology can
reduce waste and remediation of diesel contaminated soil. Restored soil can provide fertilizers to facilitate the
sustainable land farming..
keyword:Diesel, soil pollution, remediation, organic farming, TPH
Oil as the lifeblood of modern industry in the global economy seems to have become the core of development,
but also because of the complex process of the use of oil and huge demand, if the management is not in good
faith resulted in many oil spills. According to China's soil or groundwater remediation (2012) published the
national remediation site 51 document remediation sites, of which 18 related to a petrol filling station and
storage tank [1], contaminated sites, if the oil spill is scattered by groundwater and rainfall will increase range of
major oil pollution. Oil pollution into the soil, destroy soil structure, soil permeability, the reactive group can be
combined with inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and restriction digestion, so that the soil fertility decreased [2].
Oil contaminated soil will not only cause the seed germination rate [3] , But also on the yield, quality,
appearance and resistance to diseases and pests to varying degrees [4] ; The team hopes the remediation of oil
contaminated soil technology through the food waste composting program, can improve the nutrient poor soil,
poor permeability and fertility shortcomings in the contaminated soil, and through field trials to study the
composting of food waste
remediation technologies test whether help to improve soil fertility in the Barrens
and mature planting of fruits and vegetables, harvest, quality improved, while fruits and vegetables grown by the
general chemical remediation Act. To explore the two remediation methods and their soil properties, plant
germination and growth of fruit and vegetables, as the subsequent remediation methods and the effectiveness of
the reference soil remediation.
2、Results and Discussion
2.1 Seed germination rate
The soil after the corn plant germination rate test corn seeds implanted in the soil, to observe the germination by
the observation that, planted in the composting of food waste after four days, corn shoots to grow to the soil
surface, and the emphasis on the general chemical remediation of soil, corn emerge in six days, the trial until 21
days to calculate the germination rate and found that the germination rate of 72% planting compost food waste
remediation soil (maximum expectations: 75%), the general chemical remediation of soil compared with 52%
(maximum expectations: 75%); food waste composting techniques after remediation of soil than the general
chemical remediation of soil suitable for maize germination.
2.2 The growth conditions
Corn planting by the trend in Figure 1、2 that the growth conditions, the corn planted in the composting of food
waste and general chemistry of the soil after the remediation, more important than food waste composting soil to
grow to around 3 an average of 36 cm, the general chemical remediation compared with 17 cm of soil, although
the first two weeks slower growth rate difference is evident between the growth, the larger the difference in food
waste composting soil planting experiment to Zhou Qi sheng long rate corn to the growth to an average of 77 cm
soil of the corn of the general chemical remediation Act, compared with an average of 27 cm, the trial until 9
weeks of food waste composting soil of corn growth and the average height of 191 cm, compared to general
chemical remediation Act soil corn average was 128 cm, planted to nine weeks after the long trend reached
gentle, no significant growth, to determine the end of the corn growing season, but by this figure we can see that
the food waste compost soil helps the growth of maize and has a good effectiveness, but also prove that the
technical processing of soil fertility is more suitable for vegetables and fruits growth.
Root growth as shown in Figure 3, can be seen planted in the composting of food waste remediation soil root and
flourish, the general chemical remediation of fruits and vegetables, roots sparse, showing this treatment
technology, soil contribute to the growth of fruits and vegetables, roots, will also affect the late fruits and
vegetables growth.
Figure 1、Corn planting growth
Average Height(cm)
Chemical remediation
Composting remediation
Figure 2、Average growth trend
Figure 3、Root growth
2.3 Harvest conditions
When the corn is ripe, the harvest food waste composting remediation area and the general chemical remediation
area 30 mature ear of corn back to the laboratory for length, width, weight, measurements can be seen from
Table 1, harvested at the composting of food waste remediation District of corn is not the processing of the
measured average length (23.4 cm), width (5.4 cm), weight (222.7 g) were harvested than the average chemical
remediation corn average length (20.1 cm), width (4.4 cm), weight (114.4 g) growth better. Within the treated
corn average length, width, weight is still the case, this results show that food waste composting and remediation
of soil cultivation of fruits and vegetables to enhance the harvesting capacity.
Table 1, the results of average length, width, and weight was measured by the two districts Remediation Act
harvest corn
Chemical remediation
Composting remediation
Ave Length
Ave Width
Ave Weight
2.4 Fruits and vegetables, finished product quality status
In order to prove that the fruits and vegetables planted in the composting of food waste contaminated soil
remediation, is not subject to the contaminated soil after the remediation, so; fruits and vegetables sent to a
certified laboratory SGS to fruits and vegetables,Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, As, Cd , Pb , Ni , Cr, Hg) testing and
pesticide residue 202 (pesticide residue 202 the items) which contain organ chlorine pesticides, organ
phosphorus pesticides, the LC 87 quantitative analysis of pesticides, fruits and vegetables eligibility criteria refer
to the agriculture Department's food law [5], the provisions of Results of the analysis (Figure 4) although some
trace elements, but trace amounts of heavy metal elements are conducive to plant growth [6]. Limits based on
China's food law norms of organic fruits and vegetables corn is a plant of fruits and vegetables, heavy metals
cadmium: 0.05 ppm Lead: 0.1 ppm detection corn cadmium, lead levels are ND, in full compliance with China's
food laws and standards. Another detection of pesticide residues in 202 compounds revealed a were not detected
in the results (Figure 5): this treatment of soil for cultivation of fruits and vegetables does not make fruits and
vegetables have a heavy metal accumulation in even contribute to the fruits and vegetables grow, and enhance
the fruits and vegetables output value.
Figure 4、Composting remediation of SGS heavy metal detection
Figure 5、Composting remediation of corn SGS pesticide residues detected 202
2.5 Soil final product identification
The soil of the planting experiment itself for oil contaminated sites, although the use of food waste composting
Remediation Act, after the team tested to comply with regulatory standards, but to really prove this technical
treatment of soil, no secondary hazards to the environment will also be food waste composting remediation of
soil TPH (Total petroleum hydrocarbon TPH), semi-volatile organic compounds detected (semi-the Volatile
organic compounds, SVOCs), and carbon and nitrogen ratio.
(A) shown in Figure 6 Soil commissioned SGS analysis of soil total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations
247mg/kg, in line with our soil and groundwater below the norms 1000mg/kg [7] (b) semi-volatile organic
compounds (SVOCs) the identification of harmful substances, its causes often appear in the oil fuel and other
substances for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, high levels of the dangers of high risk, the soil of the trial of
the original oil contaminated soil PAHs residues in order to prove the contaminated soil will be commissioned
SGS analysis, analytical methods with reference to the Central Inspection (NIEA M731.00C) analysis of 65
compounds showed the ND (c) food waste composting and soil from contaminated soil process in addition to
compost included, so ; N ratio will be one of the important control parameters must be less than 20 are N ratio
compost standards in accordance with the Miscellaneous reach maturity standards, commissioned by the
Chia-Nan College of Pharmacy to assist in the analysis, the result is 11, in full compliance with miscellaneous
compost standards. These results show that; this soil is handled by the technology, not only meet our soil and
groundwater and miscellaneous composting standard of specification, and provides farmers to grow fruits and
vegetables, help to enhance organic agricultural output in China.
Figure 6、SGS analysis of TPH concentrations in the soil
1. An oil contaminated soil by food waste composting program in line with our regulations and standards, and
improve soil fertility, improve soil nutrient Barrens.
2. Planted after corn planting in the composting of food waste remediation soil germination rate than the general
remediation of soil, corn fast, so the initial judgment food waste composting remediation of soil fertility rich,
soft soil to help corn germination, the general chemical remediation barren soil nutrients, soil cement but
inhibited germination of corn.
3. Planted in the regulation of food waste composting, soil germination rate of germination rate of 72%, the
general chemical remediation of soil, compared with 52% display; technical renovation of the food waste
composting after the soil than the average chemical remediation of soil suitable for maize germination.
4. food waste composting remediation of soil in the root is lush, the general chemical remediation of fruits and
vegetables, root sparse, showing that the technical processing of the soil contribute to the growth of fruits and
vegetables, roots, will also affect the growth of the late fruits and vegetables.
5. The growth rate tests to 63 days, planted in the composting of food waste remediation soil average growth of
about 190 cm in height, the other hand, the general chemical remediation of soil, only 120 centimeters, but also
to prove that the technical processing of soil fertility is more suitable for vegetables and fruits growth.
6. Food waste composting remediation area harvested corn length, width, weight, are higher than the general
chemical remediation harvest corn growth and better to prove that the use of food waste composting and
remediation of soil cultivation of fruits and vegetables can enhance the harvest capacity.
7. Ripe fruits and vegetables sent to the certified laboratory SGS identification of heavy metal test, pesticide
residues, 202, Soil TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) analysis, the results are in line with the organic fruits
and vegetables standards.
8. The food waste composting soil sent to certified laboratories of SGS identification of semi-volatile organic
compounds (SVOCs); soil TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons), Results are in line with the norms of the soil
and groundwater control and miscellaneous compost.
9. Food waste composting technology remediation of oil contaminated soil is feasible and innovative methods,
but also as a model of green remediation technologies, and is widely used in oil remediation market.
website,, 2012.
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