Lesson Plans: Gabrielle Rodriguez Week: 11/2- 11/6 A2- 1 Alternative Period 1 Math 9 AIS Period 4a & 5b Math 8 Period 6 & 8 Monday 11/2 Graphing linear functions from a table of values (8.EE.6) SWBAT: graph linear functions by completing a table of values and plotting the points. Warm-up: Graphing and Equation review (Problem for each) Class discussion on good graphing techniques PowerPoint lesson on graphing linear functions from a table of values HW: H20 Writing Equations in Slope- Intercept Form (8.F.3, A.CED.2, A.CED.3) SWBAT: write the equation of a line when given the intercepts and slope or a graph in slope- intercept form Warm- up: graph a linear function from an equation in slope- intercept form Notes: Writing Equations in SlopeIntercept Form HW: H21 A2-1: Solving and graphing inequalities SWBAT: 1) Solve multi-step inequalities and 2) represent solutions to inequalities graphically and in interval notation • Warm-up: Graphing inequalitites on a number line (Algebra with PIZZAZZ pg 189) • Solving 2-step inequalities: Independent practice Algebra with PIZZAZZ pg 191 Slope from 2 points (8.EE.6) SWBAT: calculate the slope of a line given two points on the line. Warm-up: Mount Math and Finding Slope Finish Break the Code around the room and discuss message PowerPoint lesson on finding slope from two points In-class practice on finding slope HW: Ch 4 Wk 5 Graphing proportional relationships (8.EE.5) SWBAT: identify and graph a proportional relationship in the form y = mx. Warm-up: Slope from two points PowerPoint lesson on graphing proportional relationships Exit ticket (“What is your answer?” from Big Ideas book, pg 159) Tuesday 11/3 Wednesday 11/4 Writing Equations in Point- Slope Form (A.CED.2, A.REI.10, F.IF.4, F.IF.6) SWBAT: write the equation of a line when given two points, the slope and a point, or a table of values in point- slope form Warm- up: write two equations in slopeintercept form (given the intercept and slope and one using a graph) Algebra 1: Graphing systems of linear equations SWBAT: solve linear systems by graphing. • Model 1 problem for notes • Group graphing activity A2-1: Solving and graphing inequalities SWBAT: 1) Solve multi-step inequalities and 2) represent solutions to inequalities graphically and in interval notation • Solving multi-step HW: Book 4.3 pg 162-163 (#7-12) **Students need graph paper for this assignment Graphing in slope-intercept form (8.EE.6) SWBAT: graph a line using the slope-intercept form of a linear equation. Warm-up: “What’s the meaning of this?” activity Lesson on graphing using y= mx + b HW: Ch 4 Wk 8 Notes: Writing Equations in Point- Slope Form HW: H22 Thursday 11/5 Friday 11/6 Writing Equations in Point- Slope Form (A.CED.2, A.REI.10, F.IF.4, F.IF.6) SWBAT: write the equation of a line when given two points, the slope and a point, or a table of values in slope- intercept form, using the point- slope formula Warm- up: write two equations in point form (given a table of values) Notes: Writing Equations in Point- Slope Form to Slope- Intercept Form Problem around the room (Equation Writing Review) HW: H23 Writing Linear Equations Review (8.EE.6, 8.F.3, A.CED.2, A.CED.3, A.REI.10, F.IF.4, F.IF.6) SWBAT: write the equation of a line in pointslope form and slope intercept form Warm- up: write two equations (One in Slope- Intercept form and one in PointSlope Form Finish Problem around the room (Equation Writing Review) HW: No Homework inequalities: "The Three D's of learning" activity Algebra 1: Solving systems by substitution or elimination SWBAT: solve linear systems by substitution or by elimination. • Model 1 substitution problem and 1 elimination problem • Use problems from M8 Ch 5 Wk 3-6. Have students decide if substitution or elimination would be the more efficient choice as a solution method. Writing and graphing equations in slopeintercept form (8.EE.6) SWBAT: 1) solve an equation for y and 2) graph a line using the y = mx + b form. Warm-up: Solving literal equations Lesson on graphing using y= mx + b where equations must be solved for y first Punchline Algebra Book A 7.13 for inclass practice HW: Ch 4 Wk 8.3 Weekly review of Algebra and A2-1 classes Topic review for students in Algebra and A2-1 classes. Students may select topics and ask specific questions. Writing the equation of a line from a graph (8.EE.6) SWBAT: write the equation of a line from its graph. Warm-up: Slope (from graphs and from 2 points) PowerPoint lesson on writing the equation of a line from its graph Whiteboard practice (problems on PowerPoint) HW: No Homework