Choice board linear equations

Choice Board Activity: Pre-Algebra/Algebra
Topic: Graphing Linear Equations
Directions: Choose one activity from each row. You must do at least one activity that requires you to go online.
Watch the following YouTube video:
Go to the following website and
answer the following questions:
Go the section titled graphing linear
equations in your textbook.
Copy down the green note box.
What is the first order pair that should
be plotted for a linear equation?
How do you know where the other
ordered pairs should go after you have
plotted your first point?
Graph two examples shown in the
Working with a partner, use one of
your smartphones to create a 3-5
minute tutorial video describing how to
graph 2 different linear equations. One
of the equations can be in slope
intercept form, the second must require
manipulation prior to graphing.
Email me the video
Watch the following video and answer
the questions below:
What is a linear equation?
What is the equation for slope
intercept form?
Graph 2 of the first 3 examples in
your notes.
Create your own equation in slope
intercept form and explain the steps
used to graph it.
What does the letter m stand for?
What does the letter b stand for?
Graph 2 examples shown in the
Working with a partner, create a
crossword and clues for the
following terms. You must use
complete sentence when creating
your clues for the words.
Slope, y intercept, origin,
standard form, ordered pair,
coordinate plane, slope intercept
form, x- axis, y-axis, linear
Create a poster that describes the
steps used to graph an equation
that is in standard form.
Use the follow website to help
you: http://www.algebraWhat process allows you to move or rearrange terms in a linear
You must include both written
What format does an equation need to
directions and a mathematic
be in in order to graph using the slope
model of each step and you may
and intercept?
not use the examples shown on
the website.
Complete the practice worksheet for
graphing equations in slope intercept
form. You may work with a partner
but each of you must do each
Using your text book complete the
following tasks:
What is the difference between
standard form and slope intercept
What extra step is needed for
graphing equations in standard
Copy one of the two examples from
your book that shows equations in
standard form.
Select any two equations in standard
form from your text and graph them.