EVSC 491 Problem Analysis: Ecology and Management of Pacific Water Shrews Pacific Water Shrews The pacific water shrew (sorex bendirii), hereon in referred to as PWS, is a fairly large shrew, as shrews go in British Columbia. Adults are ~154mm in length and ~10.6 g in weight. They are dark colored with dark brown tails. They occur in northern California through western Oregon and Washington, but in BC they are restricted to the southwest. In BC, PWSs inhabit dense wet forest of western red cedar where there are riparian and stream habitats. PWSs are endangered in BC and they face threats to their terrestrial and aquatic habitats from various human activities. Read the species accounts provided in your courseware package. Objectives Assume that you are an environmental scientist working for the BC Ministry of Environment. For your problem analysis, consider PWSs and their habitat in relation to forest, agricultural, and recreational practices. Hypothesize about the effects of various practices on PWSs and their habitats. Propose a conceptual model (flow chart-type model) of habitat and abundance of PWSs. Incorporate the effects of various practices as expressed at both the local and landscape level. Your model should take a broad approach. For example, consider not only what happens at specific sites during specific seasons, but also, consider what processes occur over the long term and over the spatial scale of a landscape (i.e., several watersheds). Identify factors that you think are important and hypothesize relationships between these factors and PWSs, and where appropriate even between the factors. Address the following questions: 'What effects will various practices have on PWSs populations?', 'What effects will these practices have on PWS productivity?', and 'What guidelines and recommendations can you offer resource managers to assist in managing PWS populations and their habitats in British Columbia?'. How to Begin Begin by considering the life requisites of PWSs. Think of factors that would affect the abundance of PWSs. Identify factors that you think are important and hypothesize relationships between these factors and PWSs. Identify specific relationships and then combine them into a general model that retains its utility over a broad range of habitat types and situations. The following questions will provide a starting point and stimulate ideas. 1. Which factors are important to populations of PWSs: food abundance, diversity of food, temporal (seasonal and inter-annual) availability of food; security cover; thermal cover; quality and diversity of habitat types; mortality? 2. Which spatial variables are important: distribution of food sources; location of resting sites; distance to streams and wetlands? 3. What things could be done to reduce, maintain or enhance the habitat quality for PWSs? Explain your reasoning. 1 4. Can the management and conservation of PWSs be compatible with human use of land for settlements, resource use (e.g., logging, agriculture), and recreation? Explain your reasoning. To get you started, hypothesize (draw) the relationship that you expect between the abundance of PWSs (y-axis) and size of a stream (x-axis). The x and y axes can be scaled from 0 (low) to 1 (high). What assumptions did you make in drawing this relationship? Draw the relationship between density of PWSs and density of coarse woody debris on lands near streams (i.e., downed wood) (x-axis). Provide the biological rationale for the shape and direction of this graph. Consider how your relationships may change in the context of various land management practices. Identify other relationships that you think are important. Integrate these various graphs and hypothesize the relationships that you would expect between PWSs and habitat characteristics. What land management practices would you recommend to ensure that the habitat requirements of PWSs are met in the area? Think of ways to enhance the value of various areas as PWS habitat. Consider the implications of your relationships to your overall PWSs-habitat management strategy. Think of ways in which human use of land can coexist with PWSs. Think outside the box. Content of Your Problem Analysis Identify components (variables) that you think are important. Try to formulate the relationships that you expect among these components. Draw your hypothesized relationships between variables, for some you will just have to take your best guess. Provide a short biologically or geographically based rationale for each relationship that you propose. After you have identified these relationships, combine them into a PWS-habitat model. This conceptual model is likely represented best as a "box and arrow" model (a flow chart) that combines all the important factors in the PWShabitat system. As you build the model and integrate the factors, other variables or relationships may emerge which you consider important. Integrate these new variables into the model. As your model develops, some of the original variables may appear trivial, so delete them from your analysis. Which variables or factors do you think are the most important and likely driving the system? If the Ministry of Environment provided you with some time and modest resources (dollars, technicians, etc.), what information would you collect and what research projects would you conduct to refine your model? Try to be realistic in terms of your time frame. Remember that the surrounding area is a desirable place to live; as time proceeds more habitats will be altered. You will either contribute to the planning and management process or it will stagger on without your input and direction. Some Advice You will not find the answer to this problem analysis in the literature, so do not waste your time trying looking for it. The literature will give basic environmental and biological facts, but you will have to rely on your imagination for the rest. Be creative. Use ecological principles and common sense. Your model is an integration of many hypotheses. It is your best guess of how wildlife-habitat systems are structured. If you were to test your model and its specific hypotheses: what 2 questions would you ask, what variables would you measure, and what experiments would you conduct? Your problem analysis is due 16:00 (4 pm) on August 31 but do not leave it until August 30 to work on it. It takes time to generate ideas. Think about it, discuss it with your colleagues, and then draw a few graphs (these are hypotheses, parts of your model). Think a bit more, draw a couple of graphs, and so on. Be creative, do not let technical limitations or lack of data constrain your imagination. Although I encourage you to discuss the problem analysis with you colleagues, your submitted report must be an individual effort. If you become stuck, need clarification or need someone to bounce ideas off do not hesitate to talk to your instructor or colleagues. I expect different students will have different models; there is not a single right answer. You can emphasize areas of environmental science for which you have trained. Hence, although all models should have all major components and factors, some models may have an emphasis on more specific aspects of geography, water quality, biology or whatever. Begin your report with a short introduction and where you state your objectives (½¾ of a page). Use a "box and arrow" model to illustrate the structure of and relationships in your PWS-habitat system. Confine your model to an 8 x 11 sheet of paper. Use figures to describe relationships between variables. Place these figures next to each arrow. Your model is essentially a whole bunch of small graphs showing the relationships that you expect. For the most important relationships, redraw them on additional 8x11 sheets and provide brief bulleted rationales. In your discussion, identify the most critical factors and the most critical pathways in the system and explain how they affect your objectives. Suggest processes or relationships that could be studies to help advance management and conservation of PWSs. Type your problem analysis but you can hand draw the figures if that is easier. Use a black pen to draw figures and graphs. Please avoid using pencil or colours to draw figures and graphs because they cannot be photocopied easily. Your report should be about 15 pages long including the figures and systems model. Copies of selected problem analyses will be sent to biologists in the Ministry of Environment. Logistics 10-14 pages +any literature cited, figures (graphs) and tables Citation form: Student’s choice, note: must be consistent Double Spaced Times New Roman Submitted: Electronically to instructor with subject line “PWS Problem Analysis” 3