
- Identify common appliances that run on electricity
-Construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its
basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers
- Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit,
based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a
-Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this
with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit
-Recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate
metals with being good conductors.
R.E- Judaism
We will be using espresso coding this term
to learn to:
Key question: How important is it for Jewish people to do what
god asks them?
-Design, write and debug programs that
accomplish specific goals,
including controlling or simulating physical
systems; solve problems by decomposing
them into smaller parts
-Look at ancient inventions and how our lives would be different
without these.
- Look at Victorian inventions and how our lives would be different
without these.
-Research a famous inventor and his life and invention.
-Pick an invention and research/ compare it through the decades to
present day. What impact has it had on our lives?
Design Technology- Smoothies.
- understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet
-Evaluate current healthy drinks/ smoothies on the market.
-Design, make and evaluate their own healthy drink/smoothie.
Maths- Spring term.
Place value- Rounding numbers to nearest 10, 100, 1000
-Multiply/Divide by 10/100/1000
-Continue sequences, including counting in multiples.
-Negative numbers.
Calculations- Mentally adding/subtracting 10/100/1000.
-Written methods of calculations, including short column
Fraction/ decimals-use and count in tenths and know the corresponding
decimal number.
-Recognize equivalent fractions.
Measuring- Read scales
-Convert between different units of mass.
-Calculate halves, quarters etc of units of length and mass
-Add and subtract amounts of money to give change
-Convert time between analogue/digital 12- and 24- hour.
Geometry, shape and space- Identifying and using lines of symmetry.
-understanding angles as turns and recognising different angles.
- Drawing shapes on a grid in the first quadrant.
Interpreting dataHandling data- Present continuous data using appropriate graphical
methods including time graphs
-Solve sum and difference problems using information presented in time
Problem solving tasks linked to areas covered this term.
-To develop an understanding of the history of music
by learning about ancient music and the invention of
musical instruments, and learning about different
styles of music from the 20th Centaury.
-Learn to appreciate music by listening to different
-Practice and perform different ensembles with the
DASP Music workshop.
Spiritual- How do I feel about doing what
others ask? Does doing what others ask
make me closer to them?
Moral- Is it ever right to steal?
Social-Thinking about and creating a
smoothie for a friend in the class thinking
about their likes and dislikes and what is
Community- Helpers coming in to hear
children read and support with Science
and D&T.
Caterpillars: communicative and cooperative.
Fiction: Read the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick,
a mystery story and:
-Identify and recognize the key characteristics of the mystery genre
both through class discussions and by listening to and reading a
mystery story.
-Write their own mystery story with an opening, build-up, climax,
resolution and ending.
-Use punctuation and vary sentences to create suspense.
-Practice starting sentences in different ways – for example, with an
adverbial phrase (how, when, where), a connective or a verb (nonfinite clause).
-Carefully choose the verbs and adjectives to precisely describe the
nouns creating an image.
-Practice revising their own writing using peer feedback.
Non-Fiction: Persuasive- adverts
Learn about persuasive features and use them to write and act out a tv
advert using:
-Persuasive devices e.g. slogans, powerful adjectives, rhetorical
-Consider how tone of voice can be used effectively.
-Include information about the product/place.