Digital Learning Implementation Plan 2015 – 2017

Digital Learning Implementation Plan 2015 – 2017
The Vision
Every young New Zealander is a confident, connected, lifelong learner equipped to live a full and active life, and contribute to a thriving
and prosperous economy.
Our Mission
To provide a learning environment that prepares children for life.
Digital Learning Goals
Plimmerton School will provide a learning environment where connected, confident, active learners work together to prepare for their
Learning outcomes for all Plimmerton School students will be improved through the use of digital technologies.
 Achieve high levels of motivation and engagement for all students through the use of I.C.T.
 Improve the quality of student writing through the use of I.C.T.
 Improve reading performance through broadened opportunities and exposure to a greater range of genre.
 Improve student performance in mathematics through digital exploration and practise.
 Improve student achievement in Integrated Studies through using digital devices to access authentic and up to date resources in
the global setting.
 Develop and advance creativity and collaboration through digital technologies.
 Advance teacher pedagogy to extend effective teaching strategies that improve student learning.
 Advance student personal responsibility in relation to self-management, care of equipment and safe use of technologies.
Plimmerton School Digital Learning Plan for 2014 - 2017
Term 4
Term 1
Digital Story Telling plan continues to be
focus of ICT Integration
Two senior classes continue to use
Google docs and act as trial classes (Rm
14 and 23)
End of Year Report modified to
continue Key Competency reporting
and student reflection/self-evaluation
ICT Strategy and Implementation Plan
explored with students after parent
information evening
Digital Story Telling plan continues to be
focus of ICT Integration
All unit planning throughout the school
includes integration of ‘digital learning’
Two senior classes continue to use
Google docs and act as trial classes (Rm
14 and 23)
Whole school has a focus around
‘Staying safe online’ see
Teaching and learning around- Internet
safety, blogging, and using the
Google accounts set up for all Year 5–8
students including Google drive/ Gmail
Large Screen televisions installed in
Mana Syndicate classrooms
Formation, training and deployment of
“Tech Angel” teams
Continued development/refinement of ICT
Strategy and Implementation Plan
ICT Strategy and Implementation Plan
shared and progressed by staff/senior staff
Shane Robinson/ Rosie Powell Staff Meeting
– The Papakowhai Experience
Syndicate analysis and evaluation of ICT
Strategy and Implementation Plan for
impact on 2015 planning
D.P. Project Leader. Selection of 1 Junior
Lead Teacher & 1 Senior Lead Teacher for
3 x staff meetings for all teachers – Internet
Safety/using Google docs and drive and
Hapara Dashboard/Chrome book intro.
Google accounts set up for all Year 5–8
students includes Google drive/ Gmail
Hapara Dashboards subscribed and installed
Small group coaching sessions by lead staff –
using Google docs and drive and Hapara
Selection/purchase of 130 x Chrome Books.
All syndicates use Google Drive and docs for
Google Drive calendar to be used for all staff
All appraisals managed through Google drive
and docs.
BoT approval of ICT Plan & Budget sought
2015 Staffing plan structured accordingly
and approved by BoT
ICT Strategy and Implementation Plan
distributed to parents
Week 5 - Parent Information evening held to
discuss ICT Strategy and Implementation
Parent information updates provided
through newsletter as available
Specific notice for parents of Year 5-8 in
2015 prepared outlining direction and
providing information and dates for
Parent information updates provided
through newsletter as available.
Week 7 Frances Valintine seminar –
preparing our children for their digital
Week 9 - Parent Information evening held to
further discuss ICT Strategy and
Implementation Plan/Chrome Book
Preparation and encouragement for student
owned devices at Years 7/8
Interface with Secondary Schools
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Introduction of Chrome Books for Year
5/6 students by any early adopters.
Introduction of student owned devices
for Year 7/8 students by any early
Intensive student instruction in using
Google accounts/ Google drive/ Gmail
for all early adopters
Introduction of Chrome Books for all
Year 5/6 students.
Introduction of student owned devices
for all Year 7/8 students
Redistribution of i-pads and
Intensive student instruction in using
Google accounts/ Google drive/ Gmail
for all Year 5–8 students
Intensive instruction in safe practice
Consolidation of the use of Chrome
Books for all Year 5/6 students
Consolidation of the use of student
owned devices for all Year 7/8 students
Student evaluation and review
Introduction of what is coming next
year to Year 4 and Year 6 students
3 x staff meetings for all teachers – using
Google docs and drive and Hapara
Dashboard/Apps and Educational websites
Small group coaching sessions by lead staff –
using Google docs and drive and Hapara
Hongoeka and Taupo teachers buddied up
to provide learning and support prior to the
introduction of student owned devices
3 x staff meetings for all teachers – using
Google docs and drive and Hapara
Dashboard/Apps and Educational websites
Small group coaching sessions by lead staff –
using Google docs and drive and Hapara
Software and App sharing
In class support as required. Observations
and release facilitated by leads
Development of reporting strategies
associated with digital learning
1 x Staff meeting for all teachers
Administration of digital learning
Software and App sharing
In class support as required. Observations
and release facilitated by leads
Completion of appraisals
Achievement evaluation and end of year
Project review and modification
D.P. Project Leader. Selection of 1 Junior
Lead Teacher & 1 Senior Lead Teacher for
Weekly newsletters/updates for parents of
students in Years 5-8
Parent Information evening Week 4
Introduction to devices. Application
Preparation and encouragement for student
owned devices at Years 7/8
School device bulk buying advantage
available to parents
Regular newsletters/updates for parents
Parent Information evening Week 5. How to
monitor your child’s work. Using
Parents with Year 5 - 8 students able to
access and look at their child’s work online
through Google drive
Open Day for parents to see devices in
Regular newsletters/updates for parents
Specific notice for parents of Year 5-8 in
2016 outlining direction and providing
information and dates for meetings
Transition Information evening for parents
of students in Years 4 & 6
Preparation and encouragement for student
owned devices at Years 7/8
School device bulk buying advantage
available to parents
Interface with Secondary Schools
BoT approval of plan and budget
Reporting of achievement in relation to
goals and objectives
Term 1
Consolidation of use of Chrome Books
in Years 5/6 and student owned devices
in Years 7/8
Introduction of additional devices for
Years 1-4
Integration of devices/apps/software in
Years 1-4
Large Screen televisions installed in
Kowhai Syndicate classrooms
Development of e-portfolios – School
Formation, training and deployment of
“Tech Angel” teams
2 x staff meetings – areas of
Evaluation and selection of devices for Years
Professional Development associated with
integration of devices/apps/software in
Years 1-4
Outside provider brought in as required
Development of the use of e-portfolios to
provide ongoing and electronic samples of
work, learning and reflections overtime
Small group coaching sessions by lead staff –
using Google docs and drive and Hapara
Software and App sharing
In class support as required. Observations
and release facilitated by leads
Breakout sessions offered to support the
varying degrees of learning throughout the
teaching staff. Run by the ICT team and
outside teachers if needed
Buddy support system fostered
Parent information updates provided
through newsletter as available
Week 5 - Parent Information evening held to
discuss ICT Strategy and Implementation
Plan/Chrome Book
demonstration/monitoring student online
Interface with Secondary Schools
Term 2
Continued refinement of the use of
Chrome Books in Years 5/6 and student
owned devices in in Years 7/8
Continued integration of
devices/apps/software in Years 1-4
Term 3
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Term 4
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Student evaluation and review
Introduction to Year 4 and Year 6
3 x staff meetings – areas of
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Professional Development associated in
areas of need
Using e-portfolios to provide ongoing and
electronic samples of work, learning and
reflections overtime
Leads attend U-Learn if applicable
3 x staff meetings – areas of
Using e-portfolios to provide ongoing and
electronic samples of work, learning and
reflections overtime
Small group coaching sessions by lead staff –
using Google docs and drive and Hapara
Continuation of Term 1 & 2 initiatives
1 x Staff meeting for all teachers. Need
In class support as required. Observations
and release facilitated by leads
Continuation of Term 1 & 2 initiatives
Completion of appraisals
Achievement evaluation and end of year
Project review and modification
D.P. Project Leader. Selection of 1 Junior
Lead Teacher & 1 Senior Lead Teacher for
Regular newsletters/updates for parents
Parent Information evening Week 5. How to
monitor your child’s work. Using
Parents with Year 5 - 8 students able to
access and look at their child’s work online
through Google drive
Open Day for parents to see devices in
Regular newsletters/updates for parents.
Regular newsletters/updates for parents
Transition Information evening for parents
of students in Years 4 & 6
Reporting of achievement in relation to
goals and objectives
Preparation and encouragement for student
owned devices at Years 7/8
School device bulk buying advantage
available to parents
Interface with Secondary Schools
BoT approval of plan and budget
Term 1
Consolidation of use of Chrome Books
and other devices across the entire
Continued Integration of
devices/apps/software across the entire
Deployment of audio visual equipment
for use across entire school (Go-pros &
Formation, training and deployment of
“Tech Angel” teams
Evaluation and development of class
blogs/advanced web publishing
Promotion of global communications
Term 2
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Term 3
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
2 x staff meetings – areas of
Evaluation and selection of devices to fill
gaps across the school
Evaluation and selection of audio visual
equipment for use across entire school (Gopros & more)
Ongoing Professional Development
associated with new AV equipment and in
areas of need
Evaluation and development of class
blogs/advanced web publishing
Small group coaching sessions by lead staff –
in areas of need
Ongoing Software and App sharing
In class support as required. Observations
and release facilitated by leads
Buddy support system fostered
3 x staff meetings – areas of
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Professional Development associated in
areas of need
Using blogs/advanced web publishing
Leads attend U-Learn if applicable
3 x staff meetings – areas of
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Professional Development associated in
areas of need
Parent information updates provided
through newsletter as available.
Week 5 - Parent Information evening held to
discuss ICT Strategy and Implementation
Plan/Chrome Book demonstration
Monitoring student online activity
Interface with Secondary Schools
Regular newsletters/updates for parents.
Parent Information evening Week 5. How to
monitor your child’s work. Using
Parents with Year 5 - 8 students able to
access and look at their child’s work online
through Google drive.
Open Day for parents to see devices in
Regular newsletters/updates for parents.
Term 4
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Student evaluation and review
Introduction to Year 4 and Year 6
Plimmerton School
Digital Learning Budget 2015 - 2017
ICT Leadership .4 F.T.T.E. + 2 units (from M.o.E. staffing)
Professional Development Release ( 3 days per teacher p.a.)
Professional Development Providers
Technical Support
Connectivity & Filtering (N4L)
Baseline ICT Equipment
Server Replacement
Tech Centre Equipment Upgrade
Chrome Books for Hongoeka Syndicate
I-pads & Chrome Books for Kowhai and Mana Synds
Balancing of devices across school
Large Screen TVs Mana Syndicate
Large Screen TVs Kowhai Syndicate
Audio Visual Equipment
1 x Staff meeting for all teachers. Needs
Continuation of Term 1 initiatives
Professional Development associated in
areas of need
Completion of appraisals
Achievement evaluation and end of year
Project review and modification
Revaluation of programme and redevelopment of strategy
Regular newsletters/updates for parents.
Transition Information evening for parents
of students in Years 4 & 6
Reporting of achievement in relation to
goals and objectives
Preparation and encouragement for student
owned devices at Years 7/8
School device bulk buying advantage
available to parents
Interface with Secondary Schools
BoT approval of plan and budget