Vocabulary List and Assignment

An Enemy of the People Vocabulary page 1
 If the definition of a word is given here, you don’t need to do anything except learn the definition and understand
how the word is used on that page of the play indicated in parentheses.
 If the definition if not given, you must look up the word and write down in your notebook a definition which
suits the way the word is used in the play on the page indicated in the second set of parentheses.
 Never use the word itself or any form of the word in its definition.
 You cannot use just any definition of the word; it has to be one which could be, basically, used in place of the
vocabulary word in the play.
 One-word definitions (synonyms) are fine.
 Pay attention to part of speech; the definition must also suit the part of speech of the vocabulary word.
(v=verb; adj=adjective; n=noun; adv=adverb)
14. subordinating (v) (7): putting (oneself) in a
lower position
Act I
1. punctually (adv) (1): on time; according to
2. municipal (adj) (3): having to do with a town or
city government
15. welfare (n) (7): well-being
16. helm (n) (9):
17. pagan (n) (11):
3. propertied (adj) (3): owning property
18. universal (adj) (12): believed by everyone
4. invalids (n) (3):
19. pesthouse (n) (12): unhealthy place
5. enterprise (n) (3):
20. sepulchre (n) (13):
6. want (n) (4): lack
21. infusoria (n) (13): Bacteria
7. tact (n) (4):
22. conduit (n/adj) (14):
8. capitally (adv) (4): very well
23. foremost (adj) (14):
9. fermenting (adj) (5): coming to life
10. innumerable (adj) (5)
Act II
11. civil servant (n) (6): someone working in or
for a government office
1. manuscript (n) (16):
12. merchant (n) (6):
2. hounded (v) (18):
13. emphatically (adv) (7):
3. morass (n) (19):
An Enemy of the People Vocabulary page 2
4. self-opinionated (adj) (19): conceited, arrogant
and bigoted
27. cantankerous (adj) (28):
28. askance (adv) (28):
5. infallibility (n) (20):
29. inexorable (adj) (28):
6. pricked (v) (20): broken, destroyed
30. refute (v) (29):
7. emancipate (v) (20):
31. obstinacy (n) (30):
8. masses (n) (20): the common people, citizens
32. subsistence (n) (32):
9. agitator (n) (20): person causing change to
happen through protest, activism, etc.
10. reproach (v) (20):
11. amiss (adj) (21):
1. aristocracy (n) (33):
12. moderation (n) (21):
2. shareholders (n) (34): people owning stock in a
13. testimonial (n) (22): a ceremony honoring a
person for his/her actions
3. Liberals (n) (34):
14. slackness (n) (23): apathy, lack of action
4. prudent (adj) (35):
15. vacillation (n) (23): being wishy-washy;
inability to take a clear stand
5. imprudent (adj) (35):
16. self-reliant (adj) (23): sure of oneself
6. elementary (adj) (35):
17. virility (n) (23): strength and determination
7. incapables (n) (36): people not able to do a job
18. idol (n) (23): person who is worshipped
8. irreparable (adj) (37):
19. press (n) (24) printed media such as
9. predecessor (n) (37):
20. compact (adj) (24): acting together
10. weathercock (n) (37): person whose views or
positions change depending on what others are
saying, especially what the majority is saying
21. exorbitant (adj) (25):
22. extravagance (n) (25):
11. bigwigs (n) (37): important people in
positions of power
23. divert (v) (26):
12. inconsistency (n) (38):
24. old-established (adj) (28): traditional
13. burden (n) (39): main point or theme
25. frankly (adv) (28):
14. propound (v) (39):
26. impetuosity (n) (28):
15. proprietor (n) (43):
An Enemy of the People Vocabulary page 3
16. shirk (v) (45):
16. quagmire (n) ( 63):
17. enlightened (adj) (48): educated, modern
17. vermin (n) (64):
18. stifle (v) (48):
18. malice (n) (65):
19. blasphemous (adj) (66):
20. fjord (n) (66):
Act IV
1. discreet (adj.) (53): careful
Act V
2. solicitude (n) (54): concern
1. smoking cap (n) (67): cap worn to keep warm
3. abroad (adv) (54): into other places
2. heirloom (n) (67):
4. revelation (n) (56):
3. glazier (n) (67):
5. ardently (adv) (57): with great passion/emotion
4. quit (v) (68): to be evicted
6. colossal (adj) (57):
5. pillory (v) (68):
7. parasites (n) (58): organisms that feed off
6. hotch-potch (n) (69): a jumble, mix-up
8. venerable (adj) (58):
7. emancipated (adj) (69): open-minded
9. scurvy (n) (60): disease caused by vitamin
8. indigent (adj) (73):
10. ascertain (v) (60):
11. freethinker (n) (61): one who thinks for
himself instead of following tradition, religious
doctrine, etc.
12. distinguished (adj) (62): special, superior
9. combined maneuver (n) (74): something
plotted and schemed
10. stipulated (adj) (74): already agreed upon
11. prophylactic (n) (76): preventative
12. antidote (n) (76): cure
13. innocuous (adj) (76): harmless
13. broad-mindedness (n) (63): the ability to
consider new ideas
14. curs (n) (76): mixed-breed dogs
14. culture (n) (63): Intellectual and artistic
activity, and the works produced by it.
Development of the intellect through training or
education. Enlightenment resulting from such
training or education.
15. disposal (n) (78): use
15. demoralize (v) (63):
18. insidious (adj) (81):
16. invective (n) (78):
17. represented (v) (79): looked at, described or
An Enemy of the People Vocabulary page 4
19. expediency (n) (81):
20. urchins (n) (82): poor or homeless children
21. wolves (n) (82): harmful people