May 2015 PTO Meeting Minutes

Carl R. Streams PTO Minutes
Regular Meeting
May 12, 2015
9:30 AM
The May 12, 2015 regular meeting of the Carl R. Streams Elementary School PTO was called to
order at 9:32 am in the Streams LGI. President Ann Rhodes called the meeting to order and
Secretary Tracey Ruffner recorded the proceedings. Sixteen people were in attendance,
including the Executive Board.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Speaker-Mrs. Stevenson was presented with a Barnes and Noble gift card and Glass
Company gift card towards the Art Program and she gave us a big thank you for those.
Miss Debbie came from the community library to introduce the Summer Library programs.
Treasurer’s Report- Treasurer Heather Ziegler reported that the PTO ending cash balance is at
$11,410.00 as of April 2015.
Correspondence- were passed around for reading. Most correspondence were many
thanks for the PTO Staff Appreciation Day.
President’s Report- President Ann Rhodes reported that today’s PTO food was provided by theteachers. She sends a thank you from the PTO. She discussed and presented a vote for
Standing Rules and New Budget for the 2015-2016 school year. Jamie Burnette made the
motion and Dora Rudrick second the motion for the budget and Jamie Burnette made the motion
and Dora Rudrick second the motion for the new Standing Rules. Ann also recognized the
standing officers who remain and thanked them with a gift while she also thanked Tracey Ruffner
and Christine Vinay for their commitment to the PTO whom will be moving on. She also
welcomed the new PTO members Leria Miles (VP) and Eean Kerber (Secretary). Ann Rhodes
will be moving to Board Advisor, and we appreciate all her hard work. Ann presented gifts to
incoming and outgoing officers, while Executive Board presented Ann with a gift as well.
1st Vice-President – Thanked Brenda Thomschek for her help with Kennywood tickets sales at
Stream’s Elementary.
2nd Vice-President- Thanked the PTO for serving on the board. She also mentioned 1st
grade bicycle for safety give away. She also mentioned Leadership Accedemy sign ups
for the week of July 27th. Sign ups run until Thursday May 21st. She mentioned that Star
Night is May 14th and please attend according to your last name. May 15th will be the
Inquiry Exhibition for 4th graders and their projects. Dr. Miller discussed 3rd Grade going to
Heinz History center on Monday May 28th while 2nd grade attended Heinz Hall on the May 21st.
She mentioned the Strings concert for 3rd and 4th grade at the High School on Wednesday May
13th. Community day is Saturday May 16thwhich Dr. Miller will be in the parade.
The band concert is being held on Monday May 18h at the High School at 7pm. Kindergarten is
attending the Public Works on Wednesday May 20th. 2nd and 3rd Grade will be going to the
outdoor classroom. May 21st the 2nd graders will go to Heinz Hall. The Pirate Game will be held
Thursday May 22nd-4th graders will sing on the field. First Graders will be experiencing Geo Jeff
and outdoor classroom on May 19th. Mrs. Kaplan’s birthday is May 26th-don’t forget. May 28th 3rd
graders go to Heinz for History Day. Move up day for 4th grade to Boyce is Tuesday June 2nd.
While Kindergarten gets to eat in the cafeteria that day! Field Day continues to be scheduled for
Monday June 8th while many volunteers are needed! Spring into Kindergarten is May 27th at 9:39
and 12:30pm. June 10th is Kindergarten Connection and is for incoming 2015/16 Kindergarten
students at Old Rec Center from 6:30-8:00p. June 10th is Kindergarten Olympics while June 11th
will be the Kindergarten Teddy Bear Picnic. Please volunteer for the Olympics Day! June 15th is
Kennywood Day!! June 24th report cards get mailed and summer packets will be coming home
with your child with practice material-remember to read 20 minutes a day! Dr. Miller thanked
hospitality for their awesome work throughout the year! It is much appreciated!
Also discussed was Gifts to School. She is considering with Gifts to School that we add on each
year to new playground pieces. Students of Stream’s school researched and came up with ideas
for new playground equipment.
Teacher Representative-Carrie Dunbar thanked everyone for helping with the PTO. She
announced that she will be taking a sebatical and Lauren Kopicko will be the Teacher
Representative for the upcoming year.
Board Advisor –Thanked Ann for all of her hard work.
Committee Reports:
4th grade graduation- June 5th 2015, plans underway. Sent home fliers and accepting
volunteers, please help!
Field Day- Monday June 8th, , 1st & 2nd in morning, 3rd & 4th in the afternoon. Need jugs of
water donated. Also, please let us know in advance if you are volunteering so we can have the
name tags made up ahead of time. PLEASE VOLUNTEER, but make sure your clearances are
Pirate Game- Friday May 22-4th graders get to sing. We have extra tickets still if you are in need.
Old BusinessBudget- President Ann Rhodes asked for a motion to approve budget. Jamie Burnette motioned
to approve the budget. Dora Rudick seconded the motion.
Standing Rules were also changed 2015/2016 year. Jamie Burnette motioned to change items
while Dora Rudick second the motion.
New BusinessInstallation ceremony: All 2015-2016 officers were installed.
The minutes from the April 2015 meeting were read (silently) and approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:14 am.
Things to Note:
**The 80 kids that were consistently in BOOK IT will receive a $5 coupon to Barnes and Noble.
**Looking for co-chair for Stravaganza. Please consider helping April Jackson chair this event.
Submitted By: __________________________
Date approved____________
In Attendance
1. Christine Vinay
2. Ann Rhodes
3. Eean Kerber
4. Tracey Ruffner
5. Heather Zielgler
6. Alissa Mammana
7. Pam Kunjara
14. Nicole Pacly
15. Jamie Burnette
8. Julie Zeringue
9. Leria Miles
10. Trisha Krofchek
11. Jennifer Clougherty
12. Dora Rudick
13. Jean Lesogel