Rels 300 / Nurs 330 - Debate 2015/16 Rels 300 / Nurs 330 – Portfolio item = DEBATE 1) Decide on a topic for your debate: 1st TERM topics: Reproductive Technologies (e.g., infertility; procreative liberty; IVF – potential risks, harms & benefits; Donation of gametes, embryos and wombs; Assisted Insemination – potential risks, harms & benefits; Surrogate Motherhood – potential risks, harms & benefits; Reproductive Tourism; Commodification of women & infants/embryos); or Prenatal Genetics (e.g., prenatal testing; prenatal testing & selective abortion; prenatal testing and women’s autonomy; selective abortion and people with disabilities; pre-implantation testing; embryo cloning; having a child to benefit another child; genetic enhancement) 2) Consider issues that relate to your topic that are controversial. 3) Develop a thesis statement or focus question to debate. 4) Prepare a PRO side, a side in favour of the thesis, or that says YES to the question. 5) Prepare a CON side, a side opposed to the thesis, or that says NO to the question. 6) Both sides should have 3 to 5 main points with supporting reasons and justification. 7) Then finally provide your own resolution to the debate. If you work with a partner, both should answer this section separately. a) Which point or issue on each side of the debate is the strongest or most convincing point raised? Why? b) Which point or issue on each side of the debate is the weakest or least convincing point raised? Why? c) How has your research influenced your personal opinion about the debate topic? Additional Guidelines for 4 people preparing Oral Debate for class presentation: Debate Format: Four students will be assigned to each group so that two students may present each side of the controversy. The presentations should proceed in the following manner: Student 1: present 3-4 main arguments supporting the “yes” side; Student 2: present a rebuttal to the arguments presented by student 1 (i.e., explain why the arguments are wrong or false); Student 3: present 3-4 main arguments supporting the “no” side; Student 4: present a rebuttal to the arguments presented by student 3 (i.e., explain why the arguments are wrong or false). Each student should prepare a written summary of your contribution to the debate. In addition, each student should answer the questions in #7 above. Please hand in all written work as a group package. 1 Appleby