Service User Member Involvement Team – SUMIT Seeing Better Together Minutes: Wednesday 27 May 2015 1. Welcome and apologies Present: Matthew Galtress (MG Chair), Paul Baskcomb (PB), Stella Hodgson (SH), Sheila Long (SL), Kay Dear (KD), Catherine Norcliffe (CN) and Julie Scarle (JS staff rep & Minutes). Apologies: Shamaila Kauser (SK), David Butler (DB) and Neana Lawson (NL NFB). Absent: PS Chair for next meeting MG (later changed to SL with the consent of MG). 2. Minutes from April meeting Approved, subject to the following three changes requested by MG: 1) MG asked if his comments made in the Feb meeting about a possible sub-staff rep for SUMIT if JS wasn’t available could be added to the Feb minutes. JS had responded that due to the small staff team it was unlikely a permanent nominated staff rep substitute could be identified, but JS could try to recruit one if needed. She’d also pointed out the decision to cancel the March meeting was not made because of her annual leave commitments but because of the meeting’s close proximity to Easter and the lack of availability of SUMIT members to attend. 2) MG asked if his request, made at the last SUMIT meeting for an update from EC on the numbers of people accessing the Support Centre could be included in the Minutes and if information on the apparent decline in numbers could be brought to the next meeting. 3) MG asked that his comments about a SUMIT feedback form being included on the My Sight Notts website be included in the previous minutes. JS had pointed out in the meeting that there was already a feedback form on the My Sight Notts website. Action: JS to make the requested changes. SUMIT were happy for these changes to be made and for the minutes to be published without coming back to SUMIT for approval. 3. Matters arising: a) SUMIT membership: SUMIT currently has 10 members, 7/8 of who are active, with a capacity of 11. It was agreed: that until such time as SUMIT has 11 members and people who failed to attend regularly were blocking others from joining, to take no action, but to keep the situation under review. b) Drop in/e-mails and suggestion box JS to check SUMIT email after the meeting on behalf of SK. Suggestion box contained no items: JS had thanked Carole Bowles for her note left in the SUMIT suggestion box and read out at the last SUMIT meeting. She’s fed back verbally to Carole Bowles who had suggested a Royal Visit to the charity. Michael Conroy (MC) attended the meeting to update SUMIT on a number of issues, including: a) SUMIT’s proposed membership rules which were reviewed by the Trust Board at its meeting on 14 May b) AGM date c) Reaching Communities application d) Consultation for Reaching Communities application. 4. My Sight Notts membership rules MC said the Trust Board passed on its thanks to SUMIT for a well considered policy document for our membership scheme as it currently exists, however, after some discussion the Trust Board felt SUMIT might like to reconsider the policy in light of possible changes to the scheme in the future. The Trust Board felt that in order to be truly representative, membership of My Sight Notts should be open to every service user free of charge. This would give the charity an opportunity to consult with and obtain the views of a wider number of local visually impaired people, which would make the scheme more representative and more attractive to potential funders and partner organisations. PB said he agreed, but there would be a shortfall in funding if the scheme were made free of charge to all service users. MC said this had been considered by the Trustees and it was felt that service users might be encouraged to sign up to become Friends of My Sight Notts and make a regular donation that way. MC also said for those service users who took out membership in order to benefit from discounted services, it had been suggested that the charity offer a discount card, which service users could purchase and which would entitle them to discounted trips and some services. SUMIT welcomed the proposals and PB suggested that in addition to making the charity more representative and democratic (as service users weren’t being asked to pay £10 membership for the right to vote at the AGM and to be consulted with) it would also make it easier for the charity to campaign and to bid for funding. PB asked if associate members would then become full members and MC suggested they might be offered the Friends scheme. PB asked if volunteers would be eligible to stand as Trustees and MC said everyone could stand as a Trustee if they had the skills to make a contribution to the Trust Board, but it was not the views of volunteers or Trustees that the charity and SUMIT wanted to canvas, it was the views of local visually impaired people who would all be automatic members. PB offered to re-draft the membership rules to reflect the future of the membership scheme as outlined by MC. SUMIT agreed and MC said the new membership scheme wouldn’t be introduced this year, so there was plenty of time to review it. In light of these changes, SUMIT agreed to put a hold on the action from the last meeting, when JS was asked to draft a new membership promotional leaflet for S\UMIT to consider. Action: PB to review membership rules and bring back to SUMIT. 5. Consultations MC informed SUMIT that having successfully completed stage one of the Reaching Communities application, staff were now working towards stage two, which would need to be submitted in August. As part of the stage two application process, the charity needed to host focus groups in order to further consult with people living in the geographical areas where the proposed new service hubs would be set up i.e. Mansfield, Newark and Bassetlaw. JS asked if SUMIT would support the focus groups by helping to facilitate discussion and SUMIT said they would very much like to get involved. Action: JS to circulate consultation focus groups’ dates and venues to SUMIT when they had been confirmed. SUMIT also briefly discussed the next AGM and associated SUMIT consultation and MC said it might be worth waiting to decide the date of the next AGM until after the outcome of our Reaching Communities stage two application was known. This would enable Trustees to provide timely information on the charity’s next steps. SUMIT members supported this suggestion and JS said she would keep them informed. 6. Engagement events MC informed SUMIT that as part of stage two of our Reaching Communities application, we needed to hold consultation focus groups in the areas where we were proposing to set up the new service hubs, namely Mansfield, Bassetlaw and Newark. He explained that the purpose of the focus groups would be to determine what type of services and social group each local community would like to see developed, and to discuss in more detail what these new social groups would deliver and how many people would access them. MC explained that volunteers from the Thursday Social Group would also take part in the discussion, in order to explain how their social group was run, delivered and maintained. MG asked if mini bus transport would be available to take SUMIT facilitators to the focus group events and MC said it should be possible to arrange this. Action: JS to speak to staff about the availability of minibus transport. Action: SUMIT members said they would like to support the focus groups and asked JS to let them have the dates and venues. 7. Courtesy calls It had been agreed at the last SUMIT meeting that the subject for the next set of courtesy calls would be My Magazine. JS asked that, in light of the Reaching Communities application and the timing of the focus groups, SUMIT postpone the magazine courtesy calls until a later date and focus on encouraging attendance at the focus groups instead. SUMIT agreed that this was more pressing and agreed to set up courtesy calls for the week commencing 22 June and week commencing 29 June. JS and MC thanked SUMIT for its support. Action: JS to circulate a list of dates and times for courtesy call sessions and to book resources. CN asked if venues had been booked yet for the focus groups and MC said that he and Emma Cruickshank (EC) were going to visit possible venues in Bassetlaw, Mansfield and Newark in the next few days to check them for accessibility. CN said she had spoken to EC about a possible venue and access to a mailing list from Age UK in Mansfield. MC said he would speak to EC and follow this up. CN also asked how many people were on the database from the key target areas and JS said it was approximately 350 people, which would mean SUMIT were likely to need to make telephone contact with around 300 people. Action: MC to check Age UK contact given to EC by CN. 8. Raising the profile of SUMIT PB asked if the re-designed SUMIT leaflet could be added as a loose leaf insert into the next issue of My Magazine. JS said she would speak to Donna Keane in Touch Transcriptions but she felt this would be prohibitively expensive and very time consuming for volunteers to print off and collate 1,500 SUMIT leaflets to insert into the magazine. MG asked if a single page feedback form might be included instead and JS said this more likely. Action: JS to speak to Touch Transcriptions and report back. 10. Any other business a) Move from Ortzen Street MC updated SUMIT on plans to sell or rent Ortzen Street, He informed them that the building had been viewed by a number of local charities – some more than once – but that he anticipated it would take some time to find a buyer or tenant. SUMIT asked to be kept informed. b) CN invited SUMIT to attend an engagement party for her and former SUMIT member and Trustee, Mark Whittle, being hosted by the Thursday Social Group on Thursday 10 June. SUMIT passed on its congratulations to Catherine and Mark. June 24 3:00-5:00pm – earlier time to accommodate courtesy calls July 29 9:30am-12:00pm August 26 1:00pm-3;00pm