
Day 5 homework
Task 1:
• Please write the a-b-c structure+introduction+topic sentence+recipes a-b-c- for
following questions
• You can refer to the a-b-c for this lesson to find the answers of a-b-c
• do make sure you finish each topic within 10 mins
Task 2:
• after finishing writing the essay, please select one topic to write an entire essay.
• finish writing an entire essay with in 40 minutes
Task 3:
• after writing your essays ( this is critical !! ) , have your essays corrected.
• If you do not have your essay assessed by an experienced marker, you cannot
know where are your problems.
1. check grammar mistakes by using a free online tool !!!
If you spend 30 USD $, you can use the premium version for better word choices :)
2. have your essay marked by an experienced marker !!!
option 1: ieltsblog cost 3 USD$ 3 days waiting time
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I have attached their marking template for you to consider
option 2: kissielts blog cost 8 USD$ 24 hours waiting time general band+specific
how to mark by kissielts ?
type your topic + answer in word document
name your file: your name_essay_1
order it online:
send me through email: kisswriting7@gmail.com
I have attached our marking template for you to consider
My suggestion for essay marking services:
if you do not have budget
grammarly.com free version
mark your essay yourself
if your budget is 30 USD.
grammarly.com premium version. 30 USD
mark your essay yourself
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kiss ielts: 1 essay to know more specific weak point: 8 USD
ielts blog: 10 essays to track your progress 30 USD
if you are targeting to 7
grammarly.com premium version 30 USD
kiss ielts: 10 essays 80 USD
Write 3-5 essays/ week-mark-until your score can reach 0.5 more than your target
Today’s topic
Some people believe that the government should support the funds for the arts, while some
other people suggest that the money should be used for public health and education. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
Some people believe arts such as painting and music cannot directly improve the quality of
people's lives so that government money should be spent on other things. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Across the world today, the use of many languages has been declining.
Only a few languages have been increasingly used. Is this a positive or negative development?
In some countries, museums charge people for admission,
while in some other countries, people are admitted into museums free of charge.
Do you think the advantages of charging admission outweigh its disadvantages?
We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance,
but people do not visit them. How important are those museums to our society?
It has become easier and more affordable for people to visit other countries. Is it a positive or
negative development?
Space travel has been possible for some time. Some people think that space tourism will probably
be developed.
What are the positive and negative about it?
Example answer:
Some people believe that the government should support the funds for the arts, while some
other people suggest that the money should be used for public health and education. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
Step 1 outline+a-b-c
There are contradictory views about whether the government should invest in arts or other public
sectors including health and education. Both schools of thoughts would be discussed in this essay,
followed by my own perspective on this matter.
Body 1:
Those who support the government should fund arts may have following convincing reasons.
For one thing, cause-effect
R1: a-b-c
a: the increasing demand in arts products and services including movies ..
b: create revenues to organizations
c: fuel the economic development
R2: a-b-c
trigger positive emotions while alleviating negative emotions
reduce stress and anxiety;
+ example if . then . .
Body 2:
For those who claim that health care and education also deserve the government funding may
also have reasonable arguments.
To begin with, they may think ..
Additionally, they may also believe ..
R1: a-b-c
public health-economy
workers can afford health care services
create more revenues to organizations
fuel the economic development
R2: a-b-c
equip people with professional knowledge; academic knowledge or skills
find employment opportunities
sb can survive and thrive
As disused above, all areas need to be funded by the government.
Step 2 recipes for reason+explanation
Body 1:
R 1: cause-effect ( a-b, which c)
R 2: cause-effect+example ( a-b, thereby c) ( if . then)
Body 2:
R1: cause-effect ( when…a, b; the more b .. the more c )
R2: cause-effect ( …so that .. . , which + verb c )
Step 3: select one essay to write the entire essay