2015-16 College Committees and Charges Academic Affairs Committee Assessment Committee Experiential Review Councils Faculty Affairs Committee Student Affairs Committee Admissions Committee Interviews Promotion and Tenure Ad Hoc Committees College Administrative Committee Academic Affairs Committee 1.461 Academic Affairs Committee. Charge: The Academic Affairs Committee studies and makes recommendations to the college faculty on all proposals for curricular changes related to the degree programs offered in the college. The committee is also responsible for reviewing and recommending, when necessary, changes in academic progression policies. Membership: The members of the committee are appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. The committee consists of at least four faculty members who represent a balance of the departments. These faculty serve staggered two-year terms of service. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms of service. At least two students from each degree program will be appointed to one-year terms by the dean. The Associate Dean and the Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs are ex-officio members of this committee. Alumni/Adjuncts will be represented by one member appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. Membership: Erik Maki, Chair (15-18)1 Bob Soltis (15-17)2 Michelle Bottenberg (15-17) 1 Carrie Koenigsfeld (14-16) 2 Andrea Kjos (15-17) 1 John Rovers (15-17) 1 Jayna Fischbach (15-17) 1 Chuck Phillips, ex-officio Cheryl Clarke, ex-officio Cassity Gutierrez, ex-officio Nancy Bell (alumni) Megan Palmer, SR HS (15-16) Becca Mahnesmith, SR HS (15-16) Spencer Gray, P1 (15-16) Michelle Mages, P2 (15-16) Kelsey Japs, P3 (15-16) Kathryn Marwitz, P3 (15-16) 1) Charge: Review the new CAPE outcomes and CPHS Educational Outcomes for development of updated CPHS PharmD progrm outcomes. Deliverable: Present proposal for updated PharmD program outcome at the January pharmacy faculty retreat. 2) Initiate curriculum review, including a mapping of the PharmD curriculum against CPHS educational outcomes and the “Standards 2016” Appendix 1 (required elements of the didactic PharmD curriculum). Deliverable: Following the adoption of the program outcomes, work with the Assessment Committee to identify a curricular map to the program outcomes and Standards 2016 Appendix I. 3) Charge: Evaluate and respond to recommendations from the Health Sciences Program Review related to curriculum and academic affairs. Deliverable: Submit a plan to the Dean by Dec. 1 and proposal(s) to the faculty for any changes in curriculum. 4) Charge: Consider whether students admitted to the PharmD or OTD who have previously attained a prior BS degree can be waived from the Drake Curriculum requirements. Deliverable: If appropriate, submit a proposal to faculty to waive the Drake Curriculum requirements by Feb. 1, 2016. 5) Charge: Review the curriculum guides for the pre-OTD (BS in Health Sciences – Occupational Sciences) and pre-AT tracks of the BS in HS. Deliverable: Submit to the faculty approvals of the curriculum guides by the end of the fall semester. 6) Charge: In preparation for the ACPE Standards 2016 implementation plan due in April 2016, prepare a response to the following “What curricular changes does the program anticipate making to address Standards 2016?” Deliverable: Completion of report outlining plan submitted to the Dean by March 1, 2016. 7) Charge: Complete annual business as brought to the committee as well as the Committee’s annual report that includes potential charges and membership for the following year’s committee. Deliverable: Action on items put before the committee for the normal operation of the college. Annual report submitted to the Dean by June 1, 2016. Assessment Committee 1.463 Assessment Committee. Charge: The Assessment Committee has responsibilities for the development and oversight of the college’s assessment plan to include formative and summative measurements of assessment, procedures for collection and analysis of data, and dissemination and application of the information. Membership: The members shall be appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. This committee consists of at least three faculty members with both departments represented. These faculty serve staggered two-year terms of service. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms of service. At least two students from each degree program shall be appointed for a one-year term. The Assistant Dean for Assessment is an ex-officio member of this committee. Alumni/adjuncts will be represented by one member appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. Membership: Craige Wrenn, Chair (15-17)2 Sarah Grady, (15-16)2 Kristin Meyer (15-17)2 Mike Andreski (15-16) 1 Chuck Phillips – ex-officio Jeanine Abrons Iris M. Wenceslao, SO PPHR (15-16) Paul Skonieczny, HSCI-SR (15-16) Manny Jacobson, HSCI SR (15-16) Sara Lauterwasser, P1 (15-16) Rebecca Do, P2 (15-16) Krystin Bradshaw, P3 (15-16) 1) Charge: Review and revise Standard 3 of the College’s draft Interim report to be sent to ACPE in October, 2015. Deliverable: Provide an update to the Dean by Oct. 1, 2015. 2) Charge: Review the new guidelines and requirements related to PCOA. Deliverable: Develop and oversee implementation of the 2016 administration of PCOA. 3) Review the new IDEA-Campus Labs platform for administration of course evaluations and develop a recommendation for future use. Deliverable: Provide a recommendation to faculty by Nov. 1, 2015. 4) Charge: Review appropriate action steps from the HS Review Summary related to assessment of the HS program. Deliverable: Submit a plan to the Dean by Dec. 1 and as appropriate, proposal(s) to the faculty for any changes in the assessment plan. 5) Charge: Complete annual business as brought to the committee as well as the Committee’s annual report that includes potential charges and membership for the following year’s committee. Deliverable: Action on items put before the committee for the normal operation of the college. Annual report submitted to the Dean by June 1, 2016. Experiential Review Councils 1.464 Pharmacy Experiential Review Council. Charge: The Pharmacy Experiential Review Council reviews the policies and procedures related to the pharmacy experiential experiences. Members provide insight and feedback regarding the sites used for experiential education. They help to identify areas of excellence and deficiencies and provide guidance for implementation of programs designed to educate preceptors and advance the practice of the profession. Membership: Members of the council are appointed by the dean in consultation with the Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs. The Experiential Review Council is composed of at least two members of the faculty, and representatives of the sites used in the experiential education experience such as pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and various other sites involved in the program. The faculty serve staggered two year terms of service. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms of service. At least two students from the pharmacy program shall be appointed for a one-year term. The Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs is an ex-officio member of this Committee and serves as chair. Alumni/adjuncts will be represented by one member appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. Membership: Cheryl Clarke, Chair ex-officio Frank Caligiuri (15-17)1 Sarah Dean, P1 (15-16) 2 Nic Lehman (14-16) Grant Stimes, P3 (15-16) Kathy Griner (15-17) 1 David Book, P4 (15-16) 1) Charge: In preparation for the ACPE Standards 2016 implementation plan due in April 2016, prepare a response to the following “Standard 20, Preceptors, particularly in terms of preceptor development and training?” Deliverable: Completion of report outlining plan submitted to the Dean by March 1, 2016. 2) Charge: In collaboration with the IPE Task Force, consider the development, implementation, and documentation of intentional IPE in APPE rotations, considering the Iowa Medication Effectiveness and Safety plan. Deliverable: Submit to the Dean or faculty as appropriate any changes to the experiential education component of the PharmD degree. 3) Charge: Complete annual business as brought to the committee as well as the Committee’s annual report that includes potential charges and membership for the following year’s committee. Deliverable: Action on items put before the committee for the normal operation of the college. Annual report submitted by June 1, 2016. 1.464 Health Sciences Experiential Review Council. Charge: The Health Sciences Experiential Review Council reviews the policies and procedures related to the health sciences experiential experiences. Members provide insight and feedback regarding the sites used for experiential education. They help to identify areas of excellence and deficiencies and provide guidance for implementation of programs designed to educate preceptors and advance student learning. Membership: Members of the council are appointed by the dean in consultation with the Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs. The Experiential Review Council is composed of at least one member of the faculty, and representatives of the sites used in the experiential education experiences. The faculty serve staggered two year terms of service. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms of service. At least two students from the health sciences program shall be appointed for a one-year term. The Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs and the Director of Health Sciences, Experiential Education are ex-officio members of this committee. The Director of Health Sciences, Experiential Education will serve as chair. Alumni/adjuncts will be represented by one member appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. Membership: Cheryl Clarke , Chair ex-officio Cassity Gutierres (15-16)1 Emily Wirkus, SR HS (15-16) 2 James Sacco (15-17) Ethan Siegel SR HS (15-16) Kathy Griner (15-17)1 Samantha Scheel SR HS (15-16) Adjuncts/Alumni: As assigned by Experiential Education Program 1) Charge: Review recommendations from the Health Sciences Program Review regarding the experiential education components. Deliverable: S Submit a plan to the Dean by Dec. 1 and as appropriate, proposal(s) to the faculty for any changes in the experiential program. 2) Charge: Complete annual business as brought to the committee as well as the Committee’s annual report that includes potential charges and membership for the following year’s committee. Deliverable: Action on items put before the committee for the normal operation of the college. Annual report submitted to the Dean by June 1, 2016. Faculty Affairs Committee 1.465 Faculty Affairs Committee. Charge: The Faculty Affairs Committee responsibilities include the development and implementation of faculty development programs and the review of proposed revisions to the faculty handbook each year. The committee will also review applications of individuals to be considered for appointment to adjunct faculty status and is responsible for making recommendations concerning promotion of adjunct faculty. The committee will also revise the guidelines for appointment and promotion of adjunct faculty when needed. (See Appendix D) Membership: The members of the committee shall be appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. This committee consists of at least three members with both departments represented. These faculty serve staggered two-year terms of service. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms of service. Alumni/adjuncts will be represented by one member appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. Membership: Eliza Dy-Boarman, Chair (14-16)2 Pramod Mahajan (15-17) 1 Darci Boehlert 2 Abebe Mengesha (15-17) Marilea Chase, ex-officio (non-voting) Sally Haack (14-16) 1 1) Charge: Review and revise Standards 24 and 26 of the College’s draft Interim report to be sent to ACPE as well as the draft Professional Development Program in October, 2015. Deliverable: Provide updates to the Dean by October 1, 2015. 2) Charge: In light of new programs, review the College’s governance (e.g. faculty meetings, committee structure, etc.) as listed in the CPHS Faculty Handbook. Deliverable: Provide a recommendation to the faculty for changes. 3) Charge: Review recommendations from the HS Review Summary applicable to faculty affairs. Deliverable: Submit a plan to the Dean by Dec. 1 and as appropriate, proposal(s) to the faculty for any changes related to faculty affairs. 4) Charge: Review and approve revised adjunct preceptor appointment criteria. Deliverable: Submit a proposal to the faculty for the adjunct preceptor appointment criteria. 5) Charge: Review P&T Guidelines related to the following: criteria for promotion to Professor, and process for individuals coming to Drake seeking tenure or advanced standing. Deliverable: If appropriate, submit a proposal to the faculty. 6) Charge: Complete annual business as brought to the committee, including the approval of preceptor appointment requests submitted to FAC by the Experiential Education Office, and the Committee’s annual report that includes potential charges and membership for the following year’s committee. Deliverable: Action on items put before the committee for the normal operation of the college. Annual report submitted to the Dean by June 1, 2016. College Administrative Committee 1.327 College Administrative Committee. The officers of the college including the dean, associate dean, assistant deans, and department chairs and others serving at the request of the Dean meet regularly during the academic year as members of the College Administrative Committee (CAC). This collaborative leadership team provides guidance for the college’s mission and vision, implementing, evaluating and assessing the strategic plan; and defining the policies and procedures in accordance with the mission and vision for excellence in education of health care professionals. (approved Nov. 2010) (Updated 2013) Membership: Chesnut R (chair), Welty T, Torry R , Chase M, Phillips C, Clarke, C., Burkhardt A., Gutierres C., Batten J 1) Charge: Review and revise Standards 5, 27, and 30 of the College’s draft Interim report to be sent to ACPE in October, 2015. Deliverable: Provide updates to the Dean by October 1, 2015. 2) Charge: Review recommendations from the HS Review Summary applicable to the administration of the HS program. Deliverable: Submit a plan to the Dean by Dec. 1 and as appropriate, proposal(s) to the faculty for any changes in the administration of the health sciences program. 3 Charge: In preparation for the ACPE Standards 2016 implementation plan due in April 2016, prepare a response to the following “What are the program’s plans for addressing the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process Model endorsed by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (Standard 10.8)?” Deliverable: Completion of report outlining plan submitted to the Dean by March 1, 2016. 4 Charge: Coordinate CPHS Strategic Plan activities including the Branding goal. Deliverable: Submit updates to the faculty. 5 Charge: Complete annual business as brought to the committee. Deliverable: Action on items put before the committee for the normal operation of the college. Student Affairs Committee 1.466 Student Affairs Committee. Charge: The Student Affairs Committee will be responsible for reviewing policies related to students and promoting student involvement in professional activities. Membership: The members shall be appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. The committee consists of at least two student members from each degree program and at least three faculty members appointed by the dean. These faculty serve staggered two-year terms of service. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms of service. The Director for Student Programs is an ex-officio member of this committee. Alumni/adjuncts will be represented by one member appointed by the dean in consultation with the department chairs. Membership: Ginelle Bryant, Chair (14-16)2 Wendy Mobley-Bukstein (15-17)2 Amber Burns, SR HS (15-16) John Harrell (15-17)1 Rachel Munoz, SR HS (15-16) 1 Erin Ulrich (14-16) Andy Winquist, P1 (15-16) Jill Batten, ex-officio Jessica Berei, P2 (15-16) Kristin McKibban, alumni Jenna Luitjohan, P3 (15-16) Allison Golbach, SO PPHR (15-16) 1) Charge: Review Annual Advising Report. Deliverable: Report to faculty, any recommendations based on findings of the report and other reviewed data. 2) Charge: Review and revise Standard 16 of the College’s draft Interim report to be sent to ACPE in October, 2015. Deliverable: Provide a response to the Dean by October 1, 2015. 3) Charge: Review the recommendations in the Health Sciences report and provide recommendations for improvement regarding the student experiences, including advising, with the program. Deliverable: Submit a plan to the Dean by Dec. 1 and as appropriate, proposal(s) to the faculty for any changes in the assessment plan.. 4) Charge: In preparation for the ACPE Standards 2016 implementation plan due in April 2016, prepare a response to the following “What are the program’s instructional and assessment plans for addressing Standard 4, Personal and Professional Development?” and “How does the program intend to address co-curricular activities in both the didactic and experiential?” Deliverable: Completion of report outlining plan submitted to the Dean by March 1, 2016. 5) Charge: Complete annual business as brought to the committee as well as the Committee’s annual report that includes potential charges and membership for the following year’s committee. Deliverable: Action on items put before the committee for the normal operation of the college. Annual report submitted by June 1, 2016. College Ad Hoc Committees 1.467 Ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the dean, in consultation with the appropriate department chairs, when deemed appropriate. In all matters not delegated to committees, the college faculty shall serve as a committee of the whole. Interprofessional Education Task Force (IPE): Michelle Bottenberg (Chair), Frank Caligiuri, Cheryl Clarke, John Rovers 1) Charge: Review the current IPE activities and make recommendations for compliance per the 2016 ACPE standards, including but not limited to the coordination of IPE activities, developing a framework of IPE, and providing a response to the fall summit. Deliverable: Provide recommendations to AAC for any major curricular changes. Provide a report to the Dean regarding additional activities that will occur. 2) Charge: In preparation for the ACPE Standards 2016 implementation plan due in April 2016, prepare a response to the following “What are the program’s plans for addressing Standard 11, Interprofessional Education?” Deliverable: Completion of report outlining plan submitted to the Dean by March 1, 2016. Community Engagement Ad Hoc Committee: Wendy Mobley-Bukstein (Chair), Nora Stelter, Lauren Blum (P1), Lauren Holmes (P2), Katie Beachner (P3), Dalton Fabian (DRxUGS Service Chair), ServiceChair elect, Jill Batten 1) Charge: Review the current practices by students, faculty, and staff related to community service activities and recommendations to streamline and increase the impact. Deliverable: Make a recommendation to the Dean for any changes to the offering of community service activities and changes that will increase the impact of the College’s community service.