Vocabulary Review Answer Key Use the word list provided to

Review Answer Key
Use the word list provided to choose the correct term for each blank. Each word is used
only once.
heredity - passing of traits from parent to offspring
genetics - scientific study of heredity
gene - location on a chromosome containing genetic instructions
dominant - trait that tends to show up most often in a population
recessive - form of trait that tends to recede or hide
BB - write an example of a homozygous genotype
Dd - write an example of a heterozygous genotype
chromosome - made of DNA; contains genes
DNA - chemical from which genes are made
nucleus - contains the chromosomes; “brains” of the cell
allele - form of a gene (dominant and recessive)
phenotype - physical appearance of a gene
genotype - two letters that represent a gene pair
trait - examples of this are blue eyes or brown hair
Gregor Mendel - Father of Genetics
competition - organisms fight for limited resources
symbiosis - a relationship where at least one organism benefits
adaptation - physical characteristic or behavior that helps survival
parasitism - one organism benefits; one is harmed
mutualism - both organisms benefit in this relationship
commensalism - one organism is helped; the other is not affected
natural selection - process of changes to organisms over time
migration - movement for a purpose
dormancy - plants do this to conserve energy
hibernation - animals do this to survive harsh winters
estivation - animals do this to survive harsh summers
Charles Darwin - supported the theory of evolution by natural selection
Force and Motion
force - a push or a pull
rate - change in a variable per unit time
speed - equals distance divided by time
velocity - speed plus direction
motion - change in position compared to a fixed point
inertia - resistance to change in motion
net force - combination of all forces on an object
mass - measurement of the amount of matter
weight - measurement of the force of gravity on an object
acceleration - increase or decrease in velocity
action - a force exerted on an object
reaction - equal and opposite force produced
Isaac Newton - discovered the laws of motion
Classification of Matter
period - row on the periodic table
group - column on the periodic table
atom - smallest particle of matter
element - simplest form of matter
compound - 2 or more elements chemically combined
mixture - 2 or more substances physically combined
heterogeneous - mixture with individual parts visible
homogeneous - mixture that looks the same throughout
periodic - happens at a regular interval
chemistry - the study of matter
Dmitri Mendeleev - created the Periodic Table of Elements
Properties of Matter
solution - mixture where solute is completely dissolved
states of matter - solid, liquid, gas
solid - definite volume and shape
liquid - definite volume, changeable shape
gas - changeable volume and shape
solubility - ability of a substance to dissolve in another
soluble - able to dissolve
insoluble - NOT able to dissolve
acid - pH less than 7, orange juice is an example
base - pH greater than 7, baking soda is an example
neutral - pH = 7, pure water is an example
oxidation - chemical reaction with oxygen
precipitate - new solid created from two reacting liquids
melting point - temperature causing solid to change to liquid
boiling point - temperature causing liquid to change to gas