Article I: Name and Organization

Martial Arts Club (MAC) Constitution
Article I: Name and Organization
A. Name: The name of this organization shall be known as Martial Arts Club (MAC)
B. Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to help fellow students improve their
own lives through the physical, mental, and spiritual lessons that martial arts
teaches. The club provides different classes, each teaching a different style.
Some examples include Kickboxing, Systema, Goju-Ryu Karate, and Japanese
sword with simulated weaponry.
Article II: Membership
A. Requirements: No requirements are needed to join Martial Arts Club. The
Martial Arts Club is open to all undergraduate students at Fitchburg State College.
The club accepts all areas of martial arts experience, ranging from years to none
at all.
B. Responsibilities and Privileges: The responsibilities and privileges one receives
in Martial Arts Club include learning self-defense, receiving a physical workout
and attending weekly meetings. But more importantly, the club members learn
self-confidence, independence, self-control, resilience, and a healthy respect for
the self and others.
Article III: Officers
A. The Martial Arts Club includes a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and Instructors.
B. All officers are required to sign a liability contract and attend a weekly meeting to
discuss any business relating to the club.
a. President: The role of the club President is to reserve time slots for
classes, address and inform club members for any schedule changes and
upcoming events being hosted by the club. The President also decides
what classes will be taught each semester, what time they are to be taught,
and the location as to where the classes will be taught.
b. Vice-President: The Vice-President regularly goes to senate meetings to
report to SGA and other organizations on the club’s current activities,
including publicizing to the student body about classes being offered by
the Martial Arts Club. Helps the club’s President in club duties.
c. Secretary: The club Secretary notes down all relevant topics discussed
during club meetings, as well as keeping records on the club’s members’
emails and attendance to classes.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer manages the club’s budget and makes purchases
for the well being of the club.
e. Instructor: The Instructors’ main role in the club is to instruct the other
members of the club in their specific fighting style and report on their
students’ progress. Instructors will also report on attendance and inform
fellow club members of any changes being made to their classes.
Members of the executive board are also legible to be instructors.
Article IV: Classes
A. Purpose: The purpose of each class offered by the Martial Arts club is to teach its
members the principles of self-defense, self-respect, and respect towards others.
B. Choosing Classes: At the beginning of each year, club instructors will discuss
with the E-board what styles of martial arts will be taught and why they want
them to be taught. The E-board will ultimately vote on what classes will be
offered for the semester.
C. Times and Locations: The times and locations of each class will be discussed
according to the availability of space and time being used by other clubs and
D. Classes need to be martial arts oriented, and must uphold the purpose behind the
Martial Arts Club’s ideology.
Article V: Elections
A. Qualifications: The Qualifications that need to be met for all officers is that they
all must at least a year’s worth of martial arts experience, and confirmation from
their previous instructor, as well as dedication towards the club and its members
by fulfilling the duties of their officer’s position.
B. Time of Elections: The time of elections will take place two weeks before or two
weeks after SGA elections in the month of April.
C. Candidates running for office can either be voluntary or nominated.
D. Nomination Procedures: The E-board will nominate members to be added to the
ballot two weeks before elections in April.
a. If a club member is nominated for ballot, they have the option to either
accept or decline the nomination.
b. Nominated members will have one week to report to any member of the
E-board if they will accept/decline the nomination. In the event that the
nominated member does not report to any member of the E-board in the
given amount of time, then they will automatically be removed from the
E. Voting: Club members will vote for the candidates through email. The
candidates will have the option to present a speech to the club members,
explaining why they would make a suitable candidate for officer’s position they
are running for.
F. Resignations/Impeachments: If the club President chooses to resign, or is
impeached, then the Vice-President will take on the President’s duties until a
suitable candidate is chosen. If an officer other than the President chooses to
leave, or is impeached, then the club secretary will fulfill the departed officer’s
duties until a suitable candidate is chosen.
G. Length of Term: The term of office for each officer is one year.
Article VI: Advisors
A. The club advisor must be a full time member of the FSC faculty or staff and have
some experience in martial arts.
B. The club chooses the advisor that is suitable for the position.
C. The term of service for the advisor is as long as he/she wants, or when they
choose to resign.
Article VII: Rules and Procedures
A. The club shall be governed and its activities managed by a majority vote by the Eboard. Business regarding the club shall be conducted by an executive board of
club officers and instructors.
B. Quorum
1. In the event to carry out a vote, all officers must be present.
2. A quorum of the majority will be required whenever a topic or issue
leaves the club officers divided.
C. Meetings
1. All officers are required to attend weekly meetings.
2. Non-officer instructors are strongly encouraged to attend meetings. Any
officer/instructor that is absent from two meetings in the same month will
have their class temporarily canceled until those two absences are made up
by attending two club meetings.
3. If an officer/instructor informs E-board members four hours ahead of
time that they will not be able to attend a meeting, then they will be
excused and their class will not be cancelled.
D. Officers are required to discuss relevant topics concerning the Martial Arts Club
and its members.
Article VIII: Finances
A. The Martial Arts Club is a funded organization of Fitchburg State College
B. There are no dues required of club members.
C. Should the club decide to raise additional funds, the club treasurer will follow the
required courses of action for any needed additional funds from the school.
D. Club finances will not be distributed to its members, officers, or advisors.
Finances will be used for essential equipment for the classes, uniforms for the
club members, and any provisions the club will purchase for any events being
held by the club.
Article IX: Amendments and By-Laws
A. If a change to the club constitution is requested or needed, it will be ratified by a
majority vote consisting of club officers and members.
B. Amendments to this constitution shall be made in accordance with established
Student Government and Student Development Policies.