APPROVED by Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of “Xalqaro Hamkorlik Markazi” JSC August 7, 2014 Chairman of the General Meeting of Shareholders ______________ O. Egamberdiyev REGULATION on Board of Joint Stock Company “XALQARO HAMKORLIK MARKAZI” (redrafted) Tashkent – 2014 I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Regulation is prepared according to Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Joint Stock Companies and Protection of Shareholders’ Rights” (redrafted) No.ZRU-370 dated 06.05.2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Law), Model Regulation on Executive Board of Joint Stock Company approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.361 dated 22.08.1998 and Articles of Incorporation of “Xalqaro Hamkorlik Markazi” JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company). The Regulation determines status and regulates activity of the Company Board, procedure of appointment of its members, as well as their rights and duties. 1.2. The issues not specified in this Regulation shall be regulated by applicable legislation. II. THE COMPANY BOARD FORMATION PROCEDURE 2.1. The Company Board shall administer operational activities of the Company. Numerical composition of the Board shall be determined by the Company Supervisory Board based on and within the estimate of sales, general and administration expenses accepted in accordance with the procedure established by the General Meeting of Shareholders. 2.2. Election (appointment) of the Chairman of the Company Board and early termination of the powers shall be executed by resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders. 2.3. Election (appointment) of the Company’s Board members (except for Chairman thereof), early termination of the powers shall be executed by resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders. 2.4. Resolution on election of the Chairman and members of the Company Board shall be made by simple majority of votes. 2.5. Associate members of the Company Board shall be considered personally and approved by the Supervisory Board. Associate member of the Board shall inform the Company of criminal prosecution facts. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board shall, in presentation of various associate members of the Company Board, inform of contract award conditions, amount of remuneration for managerial activity and nominee’s consent to contract conclusion confirmed by the personal application of nominee. 2.6. Associate members of the Company Board have the right to attend meeting of the Supervisory Board in consideration of their nominees. 2.7. Rights and duties of the Chairman and members of the Company Board are specified in the Law, other legislative acts, Articles of Incorporation of the Company and annual contract to be concluded by each of them with the Company with annual decision making on its prolongation or termination. The contract shall be signed by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board on behalf of the Company, or by person authorized by the Company Supervisory Board. The contract to be concluded with the Chairman of the Company Board shall provide obligations on improvement of the Company operating efficiency and period for reporting to the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Company Supervisory Board on progress of the Company’s annual Business Plan. 2.8. The Company Supervisory Board has the right to termination (cancellation) of contract with members of the Company Board in case of their breach of contract. The Company Supervisory Board has the right to early termination (cancellation) of contract with members of the Company Board in case of their major violation of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company or infliction of losses to the Company by their action (omission). III. COMPANY BOARD COMPETENCE AND COMPOSITION 3.1. The Company Board competence includes all issues regarding management of the Company’s operational activities, except for issues referred to competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders or the Company Supervisory Board. 3.2. Numerical composition of the Board shall be determined based on the principle of maximum possible fulfillment of managerial functions by single employee, slim down the managerial staff machinery, liquidation of duplicate elements in production control and related reduction in managerial expenses. 3.3. The following persons are entitled to be a member of the Company Board: Deputy Chairman of the Board, Chief Accountant, Chief Engineer and other main specialists; Managers – heads of the main production departments; Other specialists providing primary areas of the Company business. 3.4. Combination of the Company Board Chairman function with position in management bodies of other organizations is allowed only with consent of the Company Supervisory Board. 3.5. Members of the Board shall act within the competence to be defined by job description, conditions of concluded labour contract and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Supervisory Board, the Company Board and instructions of the Board Chairmen. Material incentive of the Chairman and members of the Company Board shall be implemented depending on the Company operating efficiency. 3.6. According to this Regulation, the Chairman of the Company Board has the right to make proposals on additional associate members of the Company Board due to changes in the Company’s activity and for other reasons. IV. THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMPANY BOARD 4.1. The Chairman of the Company Board has the right: To act on behalf of the Company without power of attorney, represent its interests in relations with other organizations and agencies; To enter into agreements and contracts, including labour contracts; To issue power of attorneys; To open settlement and other accounts in banks; To appoint the branch manager or the Company representative office; To approve staff and make its staffing; To issue orders and instructions binding on all employees of the Company. 4.3. Duties of the Board Chairman: Management of operational activities of the Company within the competence, except for issues referred to competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board, providing its effective and steady operation; Ensuring execution of resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Company Supervisory Board; Ensuring effective interaction of the Company structural subdivisions; Ensuring performance of the company contractual obligations; Ensuring reception of profit in the amounts required for development of production and social services; Management of development of programs and business plans of the Company development, organization and supervision over their implementation; Ensuring compliance with the legislative requirements in the Company business; Ensuring organization, proper condition and authenticity of accounting and reporting in the Company, timely submission of annual report and other financial statements to relevant agencies, as well as data on the Company business to be forwarded to shareholders, creditors and other data receivers. The Board Chairman shall quarterly report to the Supervisory Board on progress of annual Business Plan; Unencumbered submission of the documents on financial and economic activities of the Company upon request of the Supervisory Board, the Company Revision Commission or Company Auditor; Ensuring completeness and timeliness of submission of the state statistical reporting to relevant agencies; Preservation of the Company trade secret information unless transferring of such information to the third parties is included in the scope of duties. List of the Company trade secret data shall be determined by the Supervisory Board; Ensuring preservation of official or trade secret information by the Company employees; Organization of meetings of the Board, signing of documents on behalf of the Company and minutes of the Board meetings; Taking measures for provision with qualified personnel according to the best use of knowledge, qualification, experience and capabilities of the Company employees; Maintaining of labour discipline and implementation practice; Ensuring observation of the social and labour protection of the Company employees; Ensuring participation of the Board members in collective bargaining. Speak in the capacity of employer in conclusion of collective agreements and contracts; Submission within the prescribed time limits to the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Company Supervisory Board of status reports within the competence; Observance of all shareholders’ rights to receiving the information provided by applicable legislation, to attend general meetings of shareholders, to distribution and payment of dividends; Observance of internal documents, applicable legislation and other regulatory instruments. 4.4. Specific rights and duties of the Chairman of the Company Board shall be stipulated in concluded contract. V. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMPANY BOARD 5.1. Meetings of the Company Board shall be held as and when necessary, but at least once every three months. The issues to be submitted by the Board to resolution of the Supervisory Board or the General Meeting of Shareholders shall be discussed preliminary at the meeting of the Company Board in a mandatory manner. Standpoint of the Company Board shall be reported and pressed at the Supervisory Board and the General Meeting of Shareholders by the Board Chairman or authorized Board member. 5.2. Meetings of the Company Board shall be arranged by the Board Chairman or by one of the deputies depending on pertaining of considered issues. 5.3. The Chairman of the Company Board shall arrange keeping of minutes of the Company Board meetings. Extracts from the minutes of the Board meetings shall be issued: To the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of Revision Commission in a mandatory manner; Upon request of other officials and auditor only upon authorization of the Board Chairman; To other persons and agencies (including stage agencies) in cases provided by applicable legislation. VI. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMPANY BOARD MEMBERS 6.1. If member of the Board is financially interested in the transaction one party of which is the Company he/she shall inform of his/her interest prior to decision-making and he/she has no right to participate in discussion of specified issue and in voting. 6.2. Members of the Board shall not use their rights granted by their official position for the purposes and in the interests of legal entities and physical persons with whom they are in contractual relations. 6.3. Members of the Company Board shall not allow actions on deriving the personal benefits from the Company assets management. 6.4. Members of the Company Board have no rights, during their work in their capacity, to form or take part in formation of enterprises activities of which cause difficulties in sales of products or provision of the Company services. The Board member shall suspend his/her participation in similar enterprises when assigning to position in the Company and shall inform the Company Supervisory Board of such suspension. 6.5. Members of the Company Board bear responsibility before the Company for loss inflicted as a result of non-performance or improper performance of function to the fullest extent on indemnity for lose inflicted to the Company in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Articles of Incorporation of the Company. 6.6. Members of the Board not participated in voting or voted against resolution that entailed the Company losses shall not bear responsibility. 6.7. The Company or shareholder(s) being owner at least one percent of outstanding shares of the Company have the right to file an action with the Court against the Chairman or members of the Supervisory Board for compensation paid for losses inflicted to the Company.