New project scope and specifications

March 21, 2012
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Distance Education Rooms Upgrade
Project Scope and Specifications
Request for Bid SS-1218
Rooms NU104/114
A centralized video system will give functionality to both room 104 and 114 as presentation and video conferencing
The system will be configured so that each room has a dedicated PC input, a document camera input, and an Extron
HSA400 pop up with connections for a guest laptop (VGA+Audio and HDMI) along with two USB jacks to the
dedicated computer. Two LAN jacks will also be provided. The document camera shall be a Vaddio CeilingView HD18 camera system.
During a video conference, the two rear screens will show the far end video and the near end. Content will be shown on
the near end screen. The projector will show the near end + content output of the codec. When content is not engaged,
the projector will show black. The front TV screen will show the far end.
A Kramer MV-6 multiviewer will be used to create a Picture in Picture video feed of up to three sources from the matrix.
This will include near end and far end video, along with content from the near end. The HDMI output will be routed to
the matrix for viewing of the PIP windows. The HD-SDI output will be connected to recording equipment provided by
University. Touch screen controls will be provided for the MV-6 allowing the user to select PIP layouts.
Four LCD TVs will be mounted in the control room rack allowing a user to select video from any inputs. Default setting
will show the front two screens from 104 and 114 on the four monitors.
The Fiber outputs of the Crestron will be connected to the cable already in use between the control room and the head
end located in Schofield Hall. The fiber output is specified at 1000’ over multimode fiber. If the fiber is longer than
1000’, UW-EC will be responsible in providing single mode fiber and the appropriate Crestron output cards and
receivers. A Fiber receiver will provide an HDMI output in the Head End for outputs of the Matrix. A Crestron EControl panel will be programmed for the head end to control the matrix in NU114/119 allowing an operator to select
any inputs on the matrix and route them to the two outputs. UW-EC will provide an HDMI input monitor or device to
view the video feed.
Shure desktop microphones will be programmed in a push to talk mode. When pushed, the mute button on a student
microphone will cause the student camera to recall a location preset that shows the talker within the camera field of
view. The field of view will be programmed to show a number of students at one time. The number of presets is limited
to the presents stored by the camera. The teacher microphone will be programmed for a toggle mute. Logic wiring will
be connected to Sound Structure allowing the mute/PTT button to control the mute/gate feature of the mic channel. The
Polycom will show mute status with the logic output connected to the LED on the microphone.
Four connections from the Sim Man rooms will allows video and audio from those rooms to be routed to either room 104
or 114. Near side audio and video will be routed to the Sim Man rooms for two way communication. The touch panel
will provide mute buttons for both near and far side audio and will default to muted when the video is switched to the
Sim Man rooms.
An 8G connection to and from the matrix in room NU119A will allow the Sim Man room video/audio to be seen in
NU119A and for video/audio from NU119A to be routed to the Sim Man rooms.
Touch panel layout should reflect standardization based on the touch panel layouts from the seven large lecture hall (Hib
101, P-001 etc). The TPMC-8X panel dedicated for the control room shall allow for control of both 104 and 114
Rooms NU119A/119
A centralized video system will give functionality to both room 119A and 119B as presentation and video conferencing
The video and audio systems will allow the rooms to be used in independent or combined modes.
The system will be configured so that each room has a dedicated PC input, a document camera input, and an Extron
HSA400 pop up with connections for a guest laptop (VGA+Audio and HDMI) along with two USB jacks to the
dedicated computer. Two LAN jacks will also be provided. The document camera shall be a Vaddio CeilingView HD18 camera system.
During a video conference, the two rear screens will show the far end video and the near end. Content will be shown on
the near end screen. The projector will show the near end + content output of the codec. When content is not engaged,
the projector will show black. The front TV screen will show the far end.
A Kramer MV-6 multiviewer will be used to create a Picture in Picture video feed of up to three sources from the matrix.
This will include near end and far end video, along with content from the near end. The HDMI output will be routed to
the matrix for viewing of the PIP windows. The HD-SDI output will be connected to recording equipment provided by
University. Touch screen controls will be provided for the MV-6 allowing the user to select PIP layouts.
The Fiber outputs of the Crestron will be connected to the cable already in use between the control room and the head
end located in Schofield Hall. The fiber output is specified at 1000’ over multimode fiber. If the fiber is longer than
1000’, UW-EC will be responsible in providing single mode fiber and the appropriate Crestron output cards and
receivers. A Fiber receiver will provide an HDMI output in the Head End for outputs of the Matrix. A Crestron EControl panel will be programmed for the head end to control the matrix in NU114/119 allowing an operator to select
any inputs on the matrix and route them to the two outputs. UW-EC will provide an HDMI input monitor or device to
view the video feed.
The teacher microphone will be programmed for a toggle mute. Logic wiring will be connected to Sound Structure
allowing the mute/PTT button to control the mute/gate feature of the mic channel. The Polycom will show mute status
with the logic output connected to the LED on the microphone. Two Polycom HDX ceiling microphones will be used to
capture audio in both rooms. The HDX mics in room 119B will only be active during a combined room video
conference or Sim Man session.
Near side audio will be routed to the Sim Man rooms for two way communication. The touch panel will provide mute
buttons for both near and far side audio and will default to muted when the video is switched to the Sim Man rooms.
An 8G connection to and from the matrix in room NU119A will allow the Sim Man room video/audio to be seen in
NU119A and for video/audio from NU119A to be routed to the Sim Man rooms.
Touch panel layout should reflect standardization based on the touch panel layouts from the seven large lecture hall
project (Hib 101, P-001 etc).
Room OL1132
A matrix based video system will give functionality for room OL1132 for presentation and video conferencing.
The system will be configured so the room has a dedicated PC input, a document camera input, and an Extron HSA400
pop up with connections for a guest laptop (VGA+Audio and HDMI) along with two USB jacks to the dedicated
computer. Two LAN jacks will also be provided. The document camera shall be a Vaddio CeilingView HD-18 camera
During a video conference, the two rear screens will show the far end video and the near end. Content will be shown on
the near end screen. The projector will show the near end + content output of the codec. When content is not engaged,
the projector will show black. The front TV screen will show the far end.
A Kramer MV-6 multiviewer will be used to create a Picture in Picture video feed of up to three sources from the matrix.
This will include near end and far end video, along with content from the near end. The HDMI output will be routed to
the matrix for viewing of the PIP windows. The HD-SDI output will be connected to recording equipment provided by
University. Touch screen controls will be provided for the MV-6 allowing the user to select PIP layouts.
The Fiber outputs of the Crestron will be connected to the cable already in use between the control room and the head
end located in Schofield Hall. The fiber output is specified at 1000’ over multimode fiber. If the fiber is longer than
1000’, UW-EC will be responsible in providing single mode fiber and the appropriate Crestron output cards and
receivers. A Fiber receiver will provide an HDMI output in the Head End for outputs of the Matrix. A Crestron EControl panel will be programmed for the head end to control the matrix in OL1132 allowing an operator to select any
inputs on the matrix and route them to the two outputs. UW-EC will provide an HDMI input monitor or device to view
the video feed.
A VOIP input card will be provided in the Sound Structure to connect to the UW-EC phone system. SIP licensing, Call
Manager setups, and other phone programming is not included in this scope. This scope assumes that the phone system
will be set up to correctly for the VOIP card in the Polycom to connect to the phone system.
Shure desktop microphones will be programmed in a push to talk mode. When pushed, the mute button on a student
microphone will cause the student camera to recall a location preset that shows the talker within the camera field of
view. The field of view will be programmed to show a number of students at one time. The number of presets is limited
to the presents stored by the camera. The teacher microphone will be programmed for a toggle mute. Logic wiring will
be connected to Sound Structure allowing the mute/PTT button to control the mute/gate feature of the mic channel. The
Polycom will show mute status with the logic output connected to the LED on the microphone.
Touch panel layout should reflect standardization based on the touch panel layouts from the seven large lecture hall (Hib
101, P-001 etc).
Room OL1118
A matrix based video system will give functionality for room OL1118 for presentation and video conferencing.
The system will be configured so the room has a dedicated PC input, a document camera input, and an Extron HSA400
pop up with connections for a guest laptop (VGA+Audio and HDMI) along with two USB jacks to the dedicated
computer. Two LAN jacks will also be provided. The document camera shall be a Vaddio CeilingView HD-18 camera
system. A second HSA400 will be mounted at the conference table location.
The conference table will allow seating for 8. The credenza section will have an integrated dual LCD TV mount capable
of supporting two 50” LCD TVs and a video conferencing camera.
Three cameras will be connected directly to the Matrix. The Matrix will route all cameras and content to the content in
put on the HDX video codec (input 4). The input will be configured as a “People” input. The touchpanel will allow the
professor to choose from any of the three cameras to send to the far end.
During a video conference, the two rear screens will show the far end video and the near end. Content will be shown on
the near end screen. The projector will show the near end + content output of the codec. When content is not engaged,
the projector will show black. The front TV screen will show the far end.
A Kramer MV-6 multiviewer will be used to create a Picture in Picture video feed of up to three sources from the matrix.
This will include near end and far end video, along with content from the near end. The HDMI output will be routed to
the matrix for viewing of the PIP windows. The HD-SDI output will be connected to recording equipment provided by
University. Touch screen controls will be provided for the MV-6 allowing the user to select PIP layouts.
The Fiber outputs of the Crestron will be connected to the cable already in use between the control room and the head
end located in Schofield Hall. The fiber output is specified at 1000’ over multimode fiber. If the fiber is longer than
1000’, UW-EC will be responsible in providing single mode fiber and the appropriate Crestron output cards and
receivers. A Fiber receiver will provide an HDMI output in the Head End for outputs of the Matrix. A Crestron EControl panel will be programmed for the head end to control the matrix in OL1118 allowing an operator to select any
inputs on the matrix and route them to the two outputs. UW-EC will provide an HDMI input monitor or device to view
the video feed.
Shure desktop microphones will be programmed in a push to talk mode. When pushed, the mute button on a student
microphone will cause the student camera to recall a location preset that shows the talker within the camera field of
view. The field of view will be programmed to show a number of students at one time. The number of presets is limited
to the presents stored by the camera. The teacher microphone will be programmed for a toggle mute. Logic wiring will
be connected to Sound Structure allowing the mute/PTT button to control the mute/gate feature of the mic channel. The
Polycom will show mute status with the logic output connected to the LED on the microphone.
Touch panel layout should reflect standardization based on the touch panel layouts from the seven large lecture hall (Hib
101, P-001 etc).
Marshfield Rooms 111, 119, 124
A matrix based video system will give functionality to each of the Marshfield rooms for presentation and video
The system will be configured so the room has a dedicated PC input, a document camera input, and an Extron HSA400
pop up with connections for a guest laptop (VGA+Audio and HDMI) along with two USB jacks to the dedicated
computer. Two LAN jacks will also be provided. The document camera shall be a Vaddio CeilingView HD-18 camera
During a video conference, the two rear screens will show the far end video and the near end. Content will be shown on
the near end screen. The Primary front display (projector M124, 65” TV M111/M119) will show the near end + content
output of the codec. A second 65” display will show the far end video. A supplemental 42” TV will show video routed
at the discretion of the user. When content is not engaged, the projector will show black. The front TV screen will show
the far end.
For rooms M111 and M119, Shure desktop microphones will be programmed in a push to talk mode. When pushed, the
mute button on a student microphone will cause the student camera to recall a location preset that shows the talker within
the camera field of view. The field of view will be programmed to show a number of students at one time. The number
of presets is limited to the presents stored by the camera. The teacher microphone will be programmed for a toggle
mute. Logic wiring will be connected to Sound Structure allowing the mute/PTT button to control the mute/gate feature
of the mic channel. The Polycom will show mute status with the logic output connected to the LED on the microphone.
For room M124 two Polycom HDX ceiling microphones will be used to capture audio.
Touch panel layout should reflect standardization based on the touch panel layouts from the seven large lecture hall (Hib
101, P-001 etc).