HESA Student 2014-15 data verification: queries for HESA to ask on HEFCE's behalf No. 1 Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action Warnings not specifically queried elsewhere: QR.C14051.EntryProfile.POSTCO DE.8 HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. Postcode: 18-21 year-olds with the same postcode and term time postcode that do not live at home. Quality rule warning HEFCE have requested confirmation that you have reviewed the list of young full-time undergraduates that do not live at home but have the same postcode and term-time postcode. If the data are not genuine please update the records and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond to confirm that you have verified the students’ POSTCODE, TTPCODE and TTACCOM data is correct. 2 Warnings not specifically queried elsewhere: Highest qualification on entry: unknown in HESA data but known in *J. HESA check documentation: Worksheet: Unknown values QR.C14051.EntryProfile.QUALENT 3.14 Quality rule warning HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested confirmation that you have reviewed the list of students with an unknown highest qualification on entry (QUALENT3) in your HESA return that have a known value in UCAS’s *J data. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 3 Warnings not specifically queried elsewhere: Highest qualification on entry: not known highest qualifications on entry for UCAS and non-UCAS entrants. HESA check documentation: Worksheet: Unknown values Check(s): (a) the percentage of unknown highest qualification on entry for UCAS entrants is greater than 1%. (b) the percentage of unknown highest qualification on entry HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a substantial number of entrants have unknown highest qualifications on entry (QUALENT3 = X06). If the highest qualification on entry data is available please update the records and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action for non-UCAS entrants is greater than 3%. 4 Warnings not specifically queried elsewhere: Qualifications on entry: tariff differences. HESA check documentation: Credibility web report: UK domiciled students by tariff groupings - proportion difference (TAR1P) (a) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with 540 or more tariff points is greater than 5 percentage points HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested an explanation for why the change in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students in this tariff group has changed, from last year, more than we would normally expect. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. (b) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 480 - 539 is greater than 5 percentage points (c) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 420 - 479 is 2 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action greater than 5 percentage points (d) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 360 - 419 is greater than 5 percentage points (e) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 300 - 359 is greater than 5 percentage points (f) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 240 - 299 is greater than 5 percentage points (g) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff 3 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action points in the range 180 - 239 is greater than 5 percentage points (h) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 120 - 179 is greater than 5 percentage points (i) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 80 - 119 is greater than 5 percentage points (j) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first degree students with tariff points in the range 1 - 79 is greater than 5 percentage points (k) the change between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in the proportion of full-time UK-domiciled first 4 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action degree students with zero or unknown tariff points is greater than 5 percentage points. 5 Warnings not specifically queried elsewhere: Disability: no known disability in HESA data but known in *J. HESA check documentation: Worksheet: Unknown values QR.C14051.Student.DISABLE.4 Quality rule warning HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested confirmation that you have reviewed the list of students with no known disability (DISABLE = 00) in your HESA return that have a known disability in UCAS’s *J data. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 6 Warnings not specifically queried elsewhere: Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA): not known or not sought values. HESA check documentation: Worksheet: Unknown values Check(s): the percentage of not known or not sought values is greater than 5%. HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested an explanation for why the number of students with a not known or not sought Disabled Students’ Allowance indicator (DISALL) is higher than we would normally expect. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 7 Postcode: unknown in HESA data but known in *J. HESA check documentation: Worksheet: Unknown values QR.C14051.EntryProfile.POSTCO DE.12 Quality rule warning HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested confirmation that you have reviewed the list of students with an unknown postcode in your HESA return that have a known postcode in UCAS’s *J data. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 5 No. 8 Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action Warnings not specifically queried elsewhere: HESA check documentation: HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. Postcode: not known values. Worksheet: Unknown values Check(s): the percentage of unknown postcodes is greater than 1% for UCAS entrants; HEFCE have requested an explanation for why the number of students with a not known postcode is higher than we would normally expect. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. the percentage of unknown postcodes is greater than 2% for non-UCAS entrants. 9 Postcode: postcode not in country of domicile. QR.C14051.EntryProfile.POSTCO DE.9 Quality rule warning HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested confirmation that you have reviewed the list of students with a postcode that is not contained within their country of domicile. If the data are not genuine please update the records and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond to confirm that you have verified the students’ POSTCODE and DOMICILE data is correct. 10 Highest qualification on entry: Level 3 highest entry qualification without detailed qualification on entry data. QR.C14051.EntryProfile.QUALENT 3.9 HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. Quality rule warning HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a significant number of UK-domiciled undergraduate entrants with a Level 3 highest qualification on entry (QUALENT3) have no detailed qualification on entry data returned. If the data is available please update the records and resubmit. 6 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 11 QualificationsOnEntry data: detailed qualification on entry data not returned for new entrants. QR.C14051.EntryProfile.Qualificati onsOnEntry.2 HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. QR.C14051.EntryProfile.Qualificati onsOnEntry.8 HEFCE have requested an explanation for why the detailed qualification on entry data is missing for these full-time UK-domiciled entrants with highest qualifications on entry that normally have a UCAS tariff. If the data is available please update the records and resubmit. Quality rule warning If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 12 Qualifications on entry: missing grades for tariff bearing qualifications. QR.C14051.QualificationsOnEntry. QUALGRADE.5 HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. Quality rule warning HEFCE have requested an explanation for why almost all grades (QUALGRADEs) are missing for tariff bearing qualifications on entry for these full-time UK-domiciled undergraduate entrants. If the data is available please update the records and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 13 Qualifications on entry: grade lower in HESA data than *J. QR.C14051.QualificationsOnEntry. QUALGRADE.7 HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. Quality rule warning HEFCE have requested an explanation for why almost all grades (QUALGRADEs) are lower in your HESA return than for the same qualifications on entry in UCAS’s *J data for these full-time UK-domiciled undergraduate entrants. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 7 No. 14 Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action Instance.FEEREGIME: Fee QR.C14051.Instance.FEEREGIME. 18 HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. QR.C14051.Instance.FEEREGIME. 19 HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a substantial number of students that started their instance after the new funding and fee regime began (1 September 2012) are returned as old-regime (FEEREGIME = 10). regime not as expected based on Instance.COMDATE’ (old-regime students that started after 31 August 2012 and new-regime students that started before 1 September 2012. Quality rule warning HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a substantial number of students that started their instance before the new funding and fee regime began (1 September 2012) are returned as new-regime (FEEREGIME = 20). If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 15 Fundability status: substantial numbers of postgraduate research students that are not HEFCE-fundable. QR.C14051.Instance.FUNDCODE. 31 HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. Quality rule warning HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a substantial number of UK- or EU-domiciled postgraduate research students are not returned as HEFCE-funded (FUNDCODE = 1). If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 16 Mode: full-time mode but year of instance less than 24 weeks. QR.C14051.Instance.MODE.32 Quality rule warning HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested confirmation that you have reviewed the list of full-time students (MODE = 01, 23, 24) whose year of instance appears 8 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action to last for less than 24 weeks. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 17 Term-time postcode: 18-21 year-olds with different postcode and term-time postcode that live at home. QR.C14051.Student.TTPCODE.9 Quality rule warning HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a substantial number of 18-21 year-old full-time undergraduates do not have the same postcode and term-time postcode (TTPCODE) but live at home (TTACCOM = 2). If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 18 Term-time postcode: same postcode and term-time postcode but live in rented accommodation. QR.C14051.Student. TTPCODE.14 Quality rule warning Where it exists Student.TTPCODE should not equal EntryProfile.POSTCODE where Student.TTACCOM = 8. 19 Highest qualification on entry: first degree students without a Level 3 or subdegree highest qualification on entry. Credibility web report: Chapter: Qualifications on entry First year students by highest qualification on entry – proportion difference (HQOE2P). Check(s): HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested confirmation that you have reviewed the list of students with the same postcode and term-time postcode (TTPCODE) but live in ‘other rented accommodation’ (TTACCOM = 8). If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a substantial number of first degree entrants do not have a Level 3 or sub-degree highest qualification on entry (QUALENT3). If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 9 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action (a) less than 95% of full-time first degree entrants have a ‘Level 3 qualification (including A levels and Highers)’ or ‘Other undergraduate qualification’ as their highest qualification on entry. (b) less than 95% of part-time first degree entrants have a ‘Level 3 qualification (including A levels and Highers)’ or ‘Other undergraduate qualification’ as their highest qualification on entry. 20 Qualifications on entry: Level 3 entry qualifications but unknown or zero tariff points. Credibility web report: Chapter: Qualifications on entry UK domiciled students by tariff groupings - proportion difference (TAR1P). Check: more than 5% of first degree UK-domiciled entrants with ‘Level 3 qualifications with unknown/zero points‘. 21 FTE: high average FTE for students on standard instance years. HESA check documentation: Credibility web report: HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested an explanation for why a substantial number of first degree UK-domiciled entrants with Level 3 qualifications on entry have an unknown or zero tariff point score (QUALTYPE, QUALGRADE). If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. Chapter: Average instance FTE 10 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action Standard instance year – Starters (FTES1) HEFCE have requested an explanation for why the average FTE of students on standard instance years (TYPEYR = 1) have a higher average FTE for students in this mode and level than we would normally expect. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. Standard instance year – Leavers (FTES2) Standard instance year – Others (FTES3). If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. Check(s): Standard instance year – Starters (FTES1) (a) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 100% or lower than 80% (b) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 100% or lower than 80% (c) the average FTE of full-time first degree students is either greater than 100% or lower than 95% (d) the average FTE of full-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 100% or lower than 95% 11 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action (e) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 55% or lower than 35% (f) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 45% or lower than 20% (g) the average FTE of part-time first degree students is either greater than 65% or lower than 40% (h) the average FTE of part-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 55% or lower than 20%. Standard instance year – Leavers (FTES2) (i) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 95% or lower than 40% (j) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 100% or lower than 80% 12 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action (k) the average FTE of full-time first degree students is either greater than 100% or lower than 95% (l) the average FTE of full-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 100% or lower than 90% (m) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 25% or lower than 5% (n) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 35% or lower than 15% (o) the average FTE of part-time first degree students is either greater than 55% or lower than 35% (p) the average FTE of part-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 50% or lower than 20%. Standard instance year – Others (FTES3) 13 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action (q) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 100% or lower than 95% (r) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 100% or lower than 60% (s) the average FTE of full-time first degree students is either greater than 100% or lower than 95% (t) the average FTE of full-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 100% or lower than 90% (u) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 50% or lower than 30% (v) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 45% or lower than 20% (w) the average FTE of part-time first degree students is either 14 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action greater than 60% or lower than 40% (x) the average FTE of part-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 65% or lower than 30%. 22 FTE: high average FTE for students on non-standard instance years. HESA check documentation: Credibility web report: Chapter: Average instance FTE Non-standard instance year – Starters (FTEN1) Non-standard instance year – Leavers (FTEN2) HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested an explanation for why the average FTE of students on non-standard instance years (TYPEYR ≠ 1) have a higher average FTE for students in this mode and level than we would normally expect. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. Non-standard instance year – Others (FTEN3) Check(s): Non-standard instance year – Starters (FTEN1) (a) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 85% or lower than 60% (b) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate taught students is 15 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action either greater than 90% or lower than 65% (c) the average FTE of full-time first degree students is either greater than 90% or lower than 50% (d) the average FTE of full-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 90% or lower than 45% (e) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 55% or lower than 30% (f) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 45% or lower than 15% (g) the average FTE of part-time first degree students is either greater than 50% or lower than 20% (h) the average FTE of part-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 35% or lower than 10%. 16 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action Non-standard instance year – Leavers (FTEN2) (i) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 45% or lower than 10% (j) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 30% or lower than 5% (k) the average FTE of full-time first degree students is either greater than 55% or lower than 15% (l) the average FTE of full-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 55% or lower than 15% (m) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 20% or lower than 5% (n) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 25% or lower than 5% 17 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action (o) the average FTE of part-time first degree students is either greater than 50% or lower than 10% (p) the average FTE of part-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 35% or lower than 10%. Non-standard instance year – Others (FTEN3) (q) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 100% or lower than 95% (r) the average FTE of full-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 100% or lower than 50% (s) the average FTE of full-time first degree students is either greater than 100% or lower than 90% (t) the average FTE of full-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 100% or lower than 80% 18 No. Area of investigation Quality Rule Id / Credibility web report Id / Checkdoc Item Required action (u) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate research students is either greater than 50% or lower than 25% (v) the average FTE of part-time postgraduate taught students is either greater than 45% or lower than 20% (w) the average FTE of part-time first degree students is either greater than 60% or lower than 25% (x) the average FTE of part-time other undergraduate students is either greater than 55% or lower than 15%. 23 Sub-contractual partners: high number of subcontractual partners without a UKPRN. HESA check documentation: Worksheet: ‘Collaborative_Franchise’ Check: students with a subcontractual partner that does not have a UKPRN. HESA to raise query in Minerva. HEFCE will review the response provided. HEFCE have requested confirmation that the students returned against an ‘other public body in the UK’ (TINST = 4003) and ‘other private body in the UK’ (TINST = 4004) are sub-contracted with institutions that do not have UKPRNs. If the data is not genuine please correct it and resubmit. If the data is genuine, please respond with your explanation. 19