Primary School Improvement Plan Sept 2015

Primary School Improvement Plan Sept 2015- Sept. 2018
SER link –
1.1.4 –
Pupils’ Skills
Page 25
To improve pupils’ application of reasoning skills across the Curriculum
Data – Why is this a priority?
Evaluation of data
Many of the pupils achieving a
standardized score of between
105 -115 should be able to
enter the higher result bracket
if reasoning is addressed and
becomes a focus
Book Scrutiny Sessions / Reports
National Test Results 2015:
85 – 115 = 46 pupils
Standardised score of between 105 - 115 = 11 pupils
Book Scrutiny to identify strengths and areas of
Hold a workshop for parents on Reasoning
activities and what the National reasoning test
consists of
Feedback to governing body in Curriculum
Sub-Committee meeting
CPD provided for teaching and non-teaching
staff in reasoning as and when available
An improvement in Reasoning Test
In 2016 – for at least 50%of these
pupils to achieve a standardized
score of >115
Year on Year – for a greater number
of pupils to achieve a higher
standardized score in the National
Reasoning Test increasing the
number of pupils to at least 16 from
Years 2 - 6
>115 = 9 pupils
Milestones – Actions
Assessment of pupils’ skills. Audit staff
(reasoning) resources during Add session.
Identify individual pupil targets
Purchase new Reasoning Resources
Identify training needs & plan
Success Criteria – What will
success look like?
Lead Person
Maths / Numeracy
co-ordinator / All Staff
Sept 15
Sept 15
Maths coordinator
HT/DHT/Maths coordinator
Numeracy co-ordinator
Maths co-ordinator
Class teachers
Sept 15
Sept 15
Sept 15
Sept 15
£250 (EIG)
SMT Meeting
Oct 19th
Spring Term
Sept /
Oct 15
Sept ‘15
Maths co-ordinator
Nov 15
Nov ‘15
Nil cost
Sept 15
July ‘16
Oct 15
Nov 16
3 days’ supply (£175
per day = £525
(EIG Grant)
Nil cost
GB to set Performance Management targets for Challenge Advisor, GB
Nil cost
Provide opportunities to develop reasoning
skills across curriculum
Monitor standard of reasoning skills across
curriculum through analysis of planning and the
structured Monitoring Timetable for the year
Review and update Policy
Adoption of policy
Budget allocation. Review resources,
identifying needs e.g. invest in resources,
prioritise spending
Develop resources to promote independent
learning (rich tasks)
Governor priority team to carry out
observations (Learning Walk)
Numeracy Co-ordinator
Sept 15
April 16
GB priority group &
Numeracy co-ordinator
(Learning Policy)
HT & Numeracy coordinator / Teaching staff
HT / co-ordinator
Nov 15
Nov 15
2 x half day supply
£150 (Budget)
Spring 16
Spring 16
Nov 15
July 15
Nov 15
Sept 15
Nil cost
£250 (EIG)
All Staff
Sept 15
Dec 15
Nov 15
Feb 15
June 15
Jan / Feb 16
Nov 15
Feb 15
June 15
Feb 16
2 days’ supply
£300 (EIG)
Nil cost
June 16
June 16
July 16
July 16
Nil cost
£1,325 (EIG)
£325 (Budget)
£300 (PDG)
Peer lesson observation / internal & external
Evaluate test results, review, analyse & assess Numeracy co-ordinator
impact of revised provision, training and
investment on pupil outcomes
Audit of reasoning test results to ascertain skills
– pattern/trend/gaps
GB & Numeracy coUpdate governors via curriculum subordinator
All staff
2 days’ supply
£300 (PDG)
1 day supply
£175 (Budget)
New Academic Year
Year 2 High Level Targets
Year on Year – for a greater number of pupils to achieve a
higher standardized score in the National Reasoning Test
To enable staff to attend courses for developing pupils’ reasoning skills as and when they become available
To make use of the resources that staff collated, purchased and produced during the previous year and build upon these further
Share results of National Tests with Governors and improvements made since the previous year
Ensure all staff are involved in analysing test results (not only those teachers involved with Year 2 – 6 pupils)
To encourage a greater number of Governors to be involved in the Monitoring process
Year 3 High Level Targets
Year on Year – for a greater number of pupils to achieve a
higher standardized score in the National Reasoning Test
To enable staff to attend courses for developing pupils’ reasoning skills as and when they become available
To enable staff to attend courses for developing pupils’ reasoning skills as and when they become available
To make use of the resources that staff collated, purchased and produced during the previous year and build upon these further
Share results of National Tests with Governors and improvements made since the previous year
Ensure all staff are involved in analysing test results (not only those teachers involved with Year 2 – 6 pupils)
To encourage a greater number of Governors to be involved in the Monitoring process
Action - Review – Reflect – Action – Pupil work – Pupil Voice – Lesson Observations (perf. man.) – Data analysis (pupil progress)