Is there relevant local policy?

Policy objective
Is there relevant national policy?
Is there relevant local policy?
Opportunities for the Neighbourhood Plan
Planning policy
Neighbourhood project or action
NPPF para.58 “ optimise the potential of the
site to accommodate development, create
and sustain an appropriate mix of uses
(including incorporation of green and other
public space as part of developments)
LP Policy 5.10 Urban greening
Minimum of 30% of all landscaping to new
developments to be green
On sloping sites the majority of this to be at
lowest level.
LP Policy 7.6 Architecture
Overshadowing should not exceed more
than XX % of exceeding levels
Open Space
Greening the public realm
Protect public open space from the impacts
of new development (including
overshadowing, downdrafts, wind
tunnelling, heat traps and pollution)
LP Policy 7.7 Location and design of tall
and large buildings
LBS Strategic Policy 11 – Open spaces and
Existing open areas should receive at least
two hours sunlight on 21 March at their
centre or over the majority of their area.
Daylight and sunlight assessments will be
Development adjacent to public open space
to contribute to the on going maintenance
LP Policy 7.18 Protecting local open
space and addressing local deficiency
LBS Strategic Policy 11 – Open spaces and
Financial contribution where amenity
standards are not exceeded on site
LBS Residential Design Standards SPD
LBS Saved Policy 2.5 – Planning Obligations
Financial contribution where children’s play
space standards are not met on site
LP Policy 3.6 Children and young people’s
play and informal recreation facilities
LP Mayor’s Supplementary Planning
Guidance Providing for Children and Young
People’s Play and Informal Recreation
LBS Residential Design Standards SPD
LBS Saved Policy 2.5 – Planning Obligations
Thames Path
Community gardens
Development adjacent to public open space
will be expected to make financial
contributions towards open space
Where new or refurbished developments
are unable to exceed stated amenity
standards a payment of £100 per 1 sq m of
deficient amenity to be paid yearly to the
Open Spaces maintenance fund. (or capital
sum of £1000 per m sq)
Where developments cannot meet the
required area of children’s play space a
payment of £100 per 1 sq m of deficient
space to be paid yearly to the Open Spaces
Maintenance Fund. (or capital sum of £1000
per sq m)
Policy objective
Is there relevant national policy?
Is there relevant local policy?
Opportunities for the Neighbourhood Plan
Planning policy
Neighbourhood project or action
NPPF para. 17 Core planning principles –
“always seek to secure high quality design
and a good standard of amenity”
LP Policy 3.5 Quality and design of housing
All residential developments must be of an
exemplary standard of design.
All new dwellings including conversions will
-Exceed minimum Floorspace standards
-Provide for Bulk storage within dwelling or
in communal area.
-Be Dual Aspect
-Have natural light in kitchens
-Exceed amenity space standards
-Comply with BRE sunlight and daylight
-Meet Lifetime Homes
-Minimise internal corridors
-Stack floors (bedrooms over bedrooms)
-Obtain Secured by Design certification
-Have exceptional environmental
performance exceeding standards set out in
the Sustainable Design and Construction
Supplementary Planning Document.
-Store rainwater on site and not discharge
into existing sewer.
-Be assessed by the Bankside
Neighbourhood Forum Design Review Panel
Environmental Standards
Residential design standards
LP Policy 3.8 Housing Choice
Para.58 “Local and neighbourhood plans
should develop robust and comprehensive
policies that set out the quality of
development expected…”
LP Policy 5.2 Minimising carbon dioxide
LP Policy 5.3 Sustainable design and
LP Policy 5.13 Sustainable drainage
LBS Strategic Policy 12 – Design and
LBS Strategic Policy 13 – High environmental
LBS Saved Policy 4.2 - Quality Of Residential
LBS Residential Design Standards SPD
Policy objective
Is there relevant national policy?
Is there relevant local policy?
Opportunities for the Neighbourhood Plan
Planning policy
Neighbourhood project or action
Heritage & making the most of the unique character of the area
Maintain the area’s identifiable character
NPPF para. 17 core planning principle:
“conserve heritage assets in a manner
appropriate to their significance, so that
they can be enjoyed for their contribution to
the quality of life of this and future
NPPF para.17 core planning principles:
“actively manage patterns of growth to
make the fullest possible use of public
transport, walking and cycling…”
Review of conservation areas
LBS Strategic Policy 12 Design and
Conservation Areas – Borough High Street,
Bankside & Bear Gardens, Union Street
Redevelopment of railway arches
Attractive pedestrian and cycle routes
through the neighbourhood
LP Policy 7.8 Heritage Assets and Archaelogy
Draft Bankside, Borough & London Bridge
Proposals for the conversion of prominent
railway arches should:
The Lowline
Use of shared surfaces in appropriate
Policy objective
Is there relevant national policy?
Is there relevant local policy?
Opportunities for the Neighbourhood Plan
Planning policy
Neighbourhood project or action
NPPF para.50 “deliver a wide choice of high
quality homes, widen opportunities for
home ownership and create sustainable,
inclusive and mixed communities…”
LP Policy 3.10 Definition of Affordable
The following sites are identified for GAH…
LP Policy 3.11 Affordable Housing Targets
GAH sites will comprise a majority of 1 & 2
bed dwellings
Goes on to state affordable housing need
should be met on-site, unless off-site
provision or a financial contribution can be
LP Policy 3.12 Negotiating affordable
housing on individual private residential and
mixed use schemes
GAH sites will comprise a mix of Genuinely
Affordable Rent and Genuinely Affordable
Shared Ownership
LP Policy 3.12 Affordable Housing
Genuinely Affordable Rent is defined as…
40% of market rent
Affordable Housing
Identify sites for Genuinely Affordable
Housing (GAH)
Glossary – Affordable Rent is subject to rent
controls that require a rent no more than
80% of the local market
LBS Strategic Policy 6 Homes for people on
different incomes
LBS Saved Policy 4.4 - Affordable Housing
LBS Affordable Housing SPD
United St. Saviour’s Charity is local housing
provider signed up to delivering GAH
Policy objective
Is there relevant national policy?
Is there relevant local policy?
Commercial & Business Space
Retaining a supply of affordable business
NPPF para. 17 core planning principle:
“proactively drive and support sustainable
economic development to deliver the
homes, business and industrial units,
infrastructure and thriving local places the
country needs”
LBS Core Strategy Strategic Policy 3
Shopping, Leisure and Entertainment
LBS Core Strategy Strategic Policy 10 Jobs &
LP Policy 4.9 Small Shops
Delivering flexible commercial floor space
Para.19 “Planning should operate to
encourage and not act as an impediment to
sustainable growth. Therefore significant
weight should be placed on the need to
support economic growth through the
planning system”
Promoting Meanwhile uses
Para. 21 “investment in business should not
be over-burdened by the combined
requirements of planning policy
Opportunities for the Neighbourhood Plan
Planning policy
Neighbourhood project or action