Career Case Study 1 Career Case Study Amy Martinez EPSY 6711: Career Counseling March 12, 2013 Dr. Roy Career Case Study 2 Student’s Demographics: SM (Sarah) is a 13-year-old female in the 8th grade. She attends Roosevelt Middle School in Oakland, California, but currently lives in Hayward, California. The reason she has not attended school in Hayward is because her mother works at a middle school near her current school as a custodian, and it is easier for her to get dropped off. She also frequently stays with her grandparents after school because they live near Roosevelt. Recently Sarah disclosed to me that her mother and stepfather have been fighting a lot and are potentially getting a divorce. Because of their fighting, Sarah has been staying more and more with her grandparents in Oakland, sometimes up to a week at a time, and could potentially be moving to Texas at the end of the month to be closer to her mother’s family. Roosevelt middle school is located in East Oakland, in the San Antonio Park District. It serves 654 students of the following ethnicities: 22% African American or Black, 38% Asian, 35% Hispanic or Latino, and 1% Caucasian. 75% of the students are socioeconomically disadvantage, 10% have a disability, and 52% speak English as a second language. The average teacher to student ration in class is around 22:1. Though students at the middle school level usually get pushed into high school, regardless of whether they passed the 8th grade or not, at the high school level the district graduation rate last year was 58%. Even though this number is below the state average for graduation rates, it has steadily been increasing over the last few years (it was at 54% last year). Sarah is Latina and lives with her mom and stepfather. Her biological father died when she was a toddler, and none of her parents have been to college. As mentioned previously, her mother is potentially getting a divorce soon, so Sarah and her mother will be living off her mother’s custodial salary. She would be the first in her family to attend college, but will have Career Case Study 3 some financial difficulty getting there. Sarah will need to rely on financial aid in order to pay for her undergraduate education. She enjoys school and wants to continue her education past high school and attend college. Student’s Attributes: Academically, Sarah is strongest with English. Her test scores and class grades are highest in this subject. She also really enjoys her 8th grade physical science class and enjoys working on labs and projects. Sarah is also an avid reader and is interested in many different book series. The genre she most enjoys is supernatural adult literature, and is currently reading the Fallen series. Her reading and comprehension levels are high, and she has no problem tackling books that are lengthy in content. She scored Basic on her last CST in English, which is her strongest test score across subjects. Sarah is very interested in her future, and worked with me at the beginning of the school year to choose a High School. We looked at information such as a location, transportation, classes available, and academies she was interested in applying for. Her biggest interests involved schools where there were programs that involved the health field, and was looking at a high school that had a Health and Science Academy, as well as a small school that focused entirely on health and biological sciences. Sarah is very dedicated to her cat and enjoys interacting with animals. She currently does not have any extra curricular activities, but enjoys working with art and being creative. She performs in the choir at school, and enjoys her evolvement with the group. Sarah also attends a nearby church, and enjoys interacting with her peers at church functions. Career Case Study 4 Student’s Limitations: There are many challenges facing Sarah that could impact her career path. Her mother and stepfathers impending divorce is drastically affecting how Sarah concentrates in school. She is very uncertain of where she will be living in the next year, and especially where she will be going to high school. Currently she is planning on attending high school in Oakland, but if she ends up moving to Texas with her mother next month, she will need to transition to a new high school with structures she is unfamiliar with. Financially the family is lower middle class, but if her stepfather and mother divorce, she will be in a single parent household. As her mother is a school custodian, their annual income would not be enough to support college tuition. Because of this, Sarah would need to apply for financial aid, as well as hopefully attain some scholarships. The final challenge facing Sarah is her current grades and comprehension in class. Her math CST scores show she is Far Below Basic, and Sarah has trouble solving simple algebraic expressions. She is very behind on her math skills currently and would need a lot of outside tutoring, which the family cannot afford. The school has limited resources, and the after school-tutoring program only helps with current homework, not with pushing students forward with past skills. Besides her low math skills, Sarah also has very low grades in her classes across the board. She is currently failing half of her 8th grade classes, only passing her P.E., Choir, and English class. If her failing grades continue through high school they will pose serious challenges for not only getting into college, but graduating from high school. Career Case Study 5 Student’s desired paths: Sarah and I have been discussing her interests and possible career paths, and she is confident she wants to finish high school and go onto college. Her biggest interest is going into the medical field. She’s not sure what she wants to do, but is interested in being a doctor or a nurse. We have also looked at other career paths in the medical field, including nurse practitioners and radiologists. Sarah seems interested in all of them, and is not sure which one she would prefer the most. Since she’s in 8th grade, we discussed how her interests in high school would also shape her desired career path, and if she decides she does not like the science and math classes necessary for a medical career, she would still have time to decide on a career that matches her interests better. Assessment and recommendations for the student’s career path: For my assessment of Sarah I used the online website California Career Zone. Through this website we discovered that Sarah’s Holland’s Personality Code was A.S.I. (Artistic, Social, and Investigative). On this site, the only career that matched all three personality codes, in order, was Interpreter. Though Sarah does speak Spanish, this career did not seem to fit with what she was interested in. She does not mind working in small groups, but prefers either working independently, or with a partner. I explored the ASI code on a few other Holland’s websites, and was able to get more recommendations for possible careers that would match all three. The first that I felt was a good fit for Sarah was an editor. Sarah does really well on her writing and reading comprehension tests, in addition to being an avid reader. I feel like an editing job would give her the opportunity to read lots of material, which she really enjoys doing. The second career that fit with Sarah’s personality was a writer. Similar to being an Career Case Study 6 editor, being an author would allow Sarah the opportunity to create her own stories. Though both of these careers are very different from her desired career path of medicine, I feel like they are more accessible for Sarah. Her math skills are very low, and although she enjoys her science class, her comprehension of the material is also very low. Any career in the medical field would require a great understanding of both of these subjects and Sarah does not currently have much interest in either. I think a career that is geared toward the humanities would better suit Sarah and give her the opportunity to excel in a career she enjoys. Conclusion: In order to attend college, Sarah is going to need a lot of extra resources to help support her. She will need to make sure she applies for Financial Aid by filling out the FAFSA, as well as getting support on how to fill out her college applications. Since it is likely she will be in a single parent household very soon, I also recommend that Sarah consider going to community college for her general education credits first, and then transferring to either the CSU or UC systems in the state. This would allow her to save tuition her first two years, as well as receive a discounted tuition later for in state tuition. If she ends up moving to Texas, I recommend she do the same thing, but apply to the state schools near her home instead. I have attached a sample resume we created together, with all of the personal information (name, address, phone number, etc.) changed for confidentiality. Career Case Study 7 Sarah Rodriguez 123 Rainbow Road, Hayward, CA 94702 (510) 444-2356 Professional Objective: To obtain a summer internship at the YMCA PG&E Teen Center Youth Institute. Education: Roosevelt Middle School 8th Grade Class of 2013 Oakland, CA Skills: Verbally fluent in Spanish Dedicated hard-working individual with a positive attitude and ability to grasp concepts easily Proficient using both Windows and Mac OS computer systems Proficient with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Able to solve engineering challenges and create productive solutions Activities/Hobbies Participated in the school Science Fair from 2011-2013 Designed a Rube-Goldberg Machine for the school’s Engineering Design Challenge Attend church youth group weekly Avid reader of young adult supernatural thrillers Participated in the school choir from 2011-2013