Sunset Terrace Parent Newsletter Wildcats: October, 2015 Come Ready Act Respectfully Take Responsibility Stay Safe Mrs. Heather Hogen, Principal Mrs. Heidi Lee, Assistant Principal Mr. Jim Peters, Associate Principal Office/Contact Numbers Absence line: 328-3771 (24 hrs/day) Main office: 328-3770 (8:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.) Please be sure and call in your absences or tardies by 9:00 a.m. This will help avoid the automated calling system and lets us know your child is safe. End of Day Messages For the safety of your child, please help to minimize the frequency of these messages by confirming your after school plan before your student leaves for school. A note to your student’s teacher is always helpful and appreciated. If there is an unexpected change of plans, please call the main office before noon and we will get a message to your student. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Outdoor Safety Included in your Meet the Teacher folder was a copy of our drop off/pick up map. When dropping your children off for school, please do so by pulling to the side of the road on either 17 ½ St or 21st Ave and drop them off along the curb so they can proceed to the playground. The main entrance will remain locked at all times, and students may only enter in the back of the building by the playground. Please avoid using the main/east doors to drop off or pick up your student unless they need to be signed in/out at the office. This area is specifically designated for specialized transportation. Students who ride the bus will line up in their designated lines. Students who are being picked up by a parent/guardian will do so at the North Door. Students who are walking home are expected to go straight home once the bell rings. As a reminder, students should not arrive at school prior to 9:00 am, with the exception of SACC, the breakfast program, and homework help. There is no supervision prior to this time as teachers are engaged in planning and preparing for the day. Also, other than SACC, there is no supervision in the building for students after 3:35 p.m. Literacy Coach’s Corner Did you get a chance to come to the vocabulary parade or see our students in costume on TV? What a great way to increase word awareness in our students. Growing a strong vocabulary is so important! This month our character assembly will focus on the many ways to be a responsible student. Reading is one way to do that. The more children read, the greater their vocabulary and the stronger their cognitive skills. Much of their vocabulary will be learned indirectly through reading, not just explicitly through instruction. This is why we need to ask for your partnership in helping your child to read 30 minutes at home every night. Please help your child’s teacher by signing your child’s reading log. Please also remember to have students return books each and every day in their book bags. We have some upcoming events that you should consider saving the dates for. The Book Fair will run from November 17-19th here at Sunset Terrace. Also, consider doing some shopping at Barnes and Noble on Saturday, December 5th. Proceeds from all sales that day will be donated to Sunset Terrace when a special code is shared at the register. Purchases can also be made online with this code. Look for more information to come home with your child as it gets closer to the date. Last year, we raised over $1,000 thanks to your purchases! Happy reading! Danielle Olson Picture Retakes Picture retake day will take place on Wednesday, October 21st. Retakes will start at 9:00 a.m. and will go until all retakes are complete. If your student missed picture day, they can have their picture taken on this date. We will send home order forms with all students that didn’t get their picture taken on our original picture day. If you would like your student to have retakes, please send back their original order with a request that they have retakes done. After School Academy For the 2015-16 school year, Sunset Terrace will not be running an ASA program. We will continue to research and study options as we look into the possibility of future ASA programing. Please contact Principal Heather Hogen with any questions. PBIS Update This Month’s Focus…Responsibility! Dates to Remember October: Wildcats show responsibility by: Cleaning up after themselves (Bathroom, classroom, cafeteria, playground) Turning in their Action 100 books Getting their steps signed every night Doing their best every day! 20 – 3/Like and 3/Stai to the Planetarium 12:40-2:50 p.m. 21 – Picture Retake Day 3/Sundsmo to the Planetarium 12:40-2:50 p.m. 30 – Halloween Bingo in the Gym from 5:00-8:00 p.m. November: Halloween Bingo On Friday, October 30th, PTA and student council will be sponsoring Halloween Bingo in the large gym. There will be three shifts of Halloween Bingo. The shift times will be 5:00-5:50, 6:00-6:50, and 7:00-7:50. Families are encouraged to wear costumes. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Student council will be selling snacks and drinks. Please be considerate, small bills only when purchasing snacks/drinks. Gearing up for Winter Please be sure your student/s leave home with clothing appropriate for the weather. Dressing appropriately and paying attention to the weather is crucial for your child’s safety. If you are in need of additional resources to assist in obtaining a coat, mittens, hat, boots, or other winter gear, please contact the main office. As you are pulling out winter coats, snow pants, hats, gloves, etc. please take a minute to label each item with your student’s name. Every year, our lost and found accrues many winter items and this would help us to get these items back to the correct student. 9 – K/Elton & K/Schryver to Quarry Hill 9:30-11:40 a.m. 10 – K/J. Jacobson & K/O’Reilly to Quarry Hill 9:30 – 11:40 a.m. 11 – K/Jarvis to Quarry Hill 9:30-11:40 a.m. 12 – Kick off to Kindergarten at Mayo High School Cafeteria 4:30-7:00 p.m. 13 – NO SCHOOL End of Quarter 16 – Start of 2nd Quarter 17 – Book Fair in the Gym 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Conferences 4-8 p.m. 18 – Book Fair in the Gym 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 19 – Book Fair in the Gym 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Conferences 4-8 p.m. 23 – Conferences 4-8 p.m. 25-27 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break