EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN FOR JACKTOWN FAIRGROUNDS FILL SITE RICHHILL TOWNSHIP GREENE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA March 2013 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN FOR JACKTOWN FAIRGROUNDS FILL SITE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The site is owned by Richhill Agricultural Society (aka – The Jacktown Fair Board). The site is known as the Jacktown Fairgrounds and is located along State Route 21 (West Roy Furman Highway) in Richhill Township, just west of Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania. The site has been developed to take excess material from the West Greene Elementary Center Addition. Approximately 60,000 cyds of soil material excavated from the West Greene school project site will be placed along an existing pad area that is used for event parking and shows. The intent of the fill placement is to expand the existing pad area to allow for additional parking area during the week of the fair and scheduled events. Approximately 4.5 acres will be disturbed. SOIL DESCRIPTION The site soils are indicated as DtD and DtF (Dormont , 15 to 50 percent slopes) per United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey of Greene and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania (see attached Soils Map). These soils are hydrologic soil group “C” . SOIL USE AND LIMITATIONS 1 Shrink-swell Potential sinkhole X X X X X wettness Slow percolation X Ponding Low strength X Hydric Flooding Easily erodible C/S Droughty X Depth to saturated – seasonal high water table Dormont Corrosive to concrete or steel Soils Name Cutbanks cave Based on Table 10 in the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey of Greene and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania, the limitations for this soil type for shallow excavations, paths and trails, local streets and roads, dwellings, small commercial buildings, and lawns are indicated as moderate to severe mainly due to issues with wetness, slippage, low strength, depth to rock, large stones, and slope. In order to compensate for any potential problems site compaction should be monitored and any unsuitable material should not be used as structural fill. All soft or yielding soils encountered should be removed and replaced with suitable fill material. X PAST, PRESENT AND PROPOSED LAND USES The site has been used as a fairgrounds and ballfield area for the community for over 100 years. The proposed fill will enlarge the existing pad area that can be utilized for overflow parking and events, during the week of the fair. The existing area where the fill will be placed is and existing sloped area with slopes ranging between 15% to 45%. The area has been brush hogged in the past, and is predominantly brush with a few saplings. The finished site will have 40% slopes that will seeded and mulched for grass cover. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT No storm water management or controls are proposed at this time. The site will be graded and seeded; therefore, the post-construction runoff should not exceed the pre-developed runoff. Refer to Appendix C for Storm Water Calculation. Storm water runoff from the site will sheet flow to an un-named tributary of PA Fork Dunkard Creek (PADEP Chapter 93 designation WWF –Warm Water Fishes). EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES The temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures to be installed include the following: Rock construction entrance; 30” and Super silt fence; and Temporary vegetation (as needed). The temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be installed, stabilized, and functional at the locations indicated on the plan drawing prior to commencement of any earth moving activities. The controls shall be installed as indicated on the attached detail drawing and in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual. Permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures to be installed include the following: Permanent vegetation Both temporary and permanent seeding specifications are indicated on the attached detail drawing. Any disturbed area on which activity has ceased and which will remain exposed for more than 4 days must be stabilized immediately. During non-germinating periods, straw or hay mulch must be applied at a rate of at least 3.0 tons per acre. Disturbed areas which are not at finished grade and which will be re-disturbed within one year shall be stabilized in accordance with the temporary seeding specifications. Disturbed areas which are either at finished grade or will not be re-disturbed within one year must be stabilized in accordance with the permanent seeding specifications. 2 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MAINTENANCE The erosion and sedimentation controls shall be properly maintained until the site is stabilized. Maintenance shall include inspections of all erosion and sedimentation controls after each runoff event and on a weekly basis. All preventative and remedial maintenance work, including clean out, repair, replacement, re-grading, reseeding, re-mulching, and re-netting, must be performed immediately. Vegetative stabilization will be considered to be in place and functional when 70% uniform vegetative coverage is achieved over 100% of the remaining disturbed area following grading. Accumulated sediment cleaned from erosion and sedimentation controls during maintenance activities shall be utilized as vegetative soil or fill material in non-structural areas. Specific maintenance activities for each proposed BMP shall be as follows: Rock Construction Entrance: Rock construction entrance thickness shall be constantly maintained to the specified dimensions by adding rock. A stockpile shall be maintained on site for this purpose. At the end of each construction day, all sediment deposited on paved roadways and parking lots shall be removed and returned to the construction site. 30” and Super Silt Fence: Sediment must be removed where accumulations reach ½ the above ground height of the fence. Any fence section which has been undermined or topped must be immediately replaced with a rock filter outlet. After final site stabilization has been achieved, temporary erosion and sedimentation controls must be removed and properly stored or disposed. Areas disturbed during removal of the controls must be stabilized immediately. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULE Following approval of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan by the Greene County Conservation District, construction is anticipated to start as soon as possible with weather permitting. The anticipated construction sequence is as follows: Stage 1 Stake site as needed for limits of disturbance and installation of E&S controls. Contact PA One Call a minimum of three (3) days prior to any earth disturbance. Stage 2 Install rock construction entrance at location indicated on plan. Stage 3 Clear areas for installation of super silt fence and install super silt fence at the locations indicated on the drawing. Stage 4 Clear areas to be graded and perform site grading. Install erosion control matting on all slopes greater than 3H:1V. Slopes shall be stabilized in 15 to 25 foot vertical increments, an equivalent BMP can be utilized other than erosion control matting if approved by the Greene County Conservation District. As soon as slopes and other disturbed areas reach final grade, they must be stabilized. No more than 15,000 square feet of disturbed area may reach final grade before initiating seeding and mulching operations. 3 Stage 5 Once all material has been placed. All remaining disturbed areas must be seeded and mulched, according to plan specifications, immediately following constructions. Stage 6 When construction is complete and vegetative cover is established, gauged by uniform 70% vegetative coverage over 100% of the remaining disturbed area, remove remaining temporary erosion and sedimentation controls and fertilize, seed, and mulch disturbed areas per permanent seeding specifications. Note: Greene County Conservation District shall be notified at least 7 days prior to any earth disturbance and a pre-construction meeting shall be scheduled with the Conservation District at least 14 days prior to any earth disturbance. Note: All erosion and sedimentation controls shall be maintained until the site is stabilized and inspected by Greene County Conservation District. A record of weekly inspections and inspections after any significant rainfalls shall be kept. Inspections shall be logged onto DEP Form 3150-FM-BWEW0083 dated 2/2012 and kept on site at all times. A copy of the approved E&S Plan and narrative shall be kept on site at all times as well as the records of all inspections and repairs to BMPs. PREPARER’S QUALIFICATIONS The preparer of this Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is Greta B. Mooney. Ms. Mooney graduated from West Virginia University in 1997 with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. Ms. Mooney has over 12 years of experience in site development design (residential and commercial). Ms. Mooney has prepared numerous Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans in Washington and Greene Counties, PA. Some of the more recent plans prepared are as follows: Washington Chevrolet (Washington Co., PA); Chartiers Township Community Park Grading (Washington Co., PA); South Strabane Twp. Community Park (Washington Co., PA); and Washington Hospital (Washington Co., PA) ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT C ATTACHMENT D ATTACHMENT E Location Map Soils Map Storm Water Calculations Erosion and Sedimentation Worksheets Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Drawings 4