Introduction to Excel
Excel is the spreadsheet software in Microsoft Office that allows you to store, organize, & analyze data.
1: Setting Up Your Excel Environment
Before you begin creating spreadsheets in Excel, you may want to set up your Excel environment and
become familiar with a few key tasks and features such as how to minimize and maximize the Ribbon,
configure the Quick Access toolbar, switch page views, and access your Excel options.
Sheet Tabs / Workbook (pages in a book)
Page Views
Scroll Bars
Ribbon (Tabs, Groups, Commands)
Quick Access Toolbar (how to update) Customize QAT
Microsoft Office Button
2: Starting a Workbook
You will need to know how to insert text and numbers into Excel workbooks to be able to use it to
calculate, analyze, and organize data. In this lesson, you will learn how to create a new workbook, insert
and delete text, navigate a worksheet, and save an Excel workbook.
Video Outline
Open Excel
Create a new, blank workbook
Define Cell, column, row, cell name or cell reference, name box, formula bar
Monthly budget:
Point out:
 Cell name; formula box
 Tabs, arrow keys, click
 Corrections: backspace; select cell/delete; cell or formula bar
Class Exercise
 A1: Monthly budget
 C7: Jan, etc
 A7: Bills
 B7: Due Date
Save AS:
 Saving for first time (or changing name or location)
 Location and name
 File type: Excel Workbook
Exercise / Practice using exercise 2
•Open Excel.
•Create a new, blank workbook.
•Practice entering text into cells.
•Practice deleting text using the Backspace and Delete keys.
•Navigate through the sheet using the Tab key, Enter, arrow keys and mouse.
•Save the spreadsheet.
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Introduction to Excel
3: Modifying Columns, Rows, & Cells
When you open a new, blank workbook, the cells, columns, and rows are set to a default size. You do
have the ability to change the size of each, and to insert new columns, rows, and cells, as needed. In this
lesson, you will learn various methods to modify the column width and row height, in addition to how to
insert new columns, rows, and cells.
 Drag to change row height or column width
 Select a row or column
 Home>cell
o Format
o Insert
o Delete
Video Outline with Example
Change column size
 Drag (column A)
 Select; Home>Cell>Format (month Columns)
Change Row Height
 Drag (Row 1)
 Select; Home>Cell>Format (month Columns)
Insert Row (select ROW; Home>Cell>Insert) Inserts above Car Payment
Insert Column to left (select COLUMN; Home>Cell>Insert to left: add date
Do not just select a cell
Delete a Row or Column
Exercise / Practice using Exercise 3
 Open a workbook.
 Insert a column or Row.
 Delete a column or Row.
 Drag to change the width of a column or height of a column
 Home>cell>format to change the width of a column or height of a column
 Close and save the file.
4: Formatting Text
Once you have entered information into a spreadsheet, you will need to be able to format it. In this
lesson, you will learn how to use the bold, italic, and underline commands; modify the font style, size,
and color; and apply borders and fill colors.
Exercise / Practice
 Select a cell and format the text or numbers in it so that they appear bolded.
 Select two or more cells and format the text or numbers so that they appear in italics.
 Change fill color of two or more cells.
 Add a border to a row.
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Introduction to Excel
5: Creating Simple Formulas
Excel can be used to calculate and analyze numerical information; however, you will need to know how
to write formulas to maximize Excel's capabilities. A formula is an equation that performs a calculation
using values in the worksheet. In this lesson you will learn how to create simple formulas using
mathematical operators such as the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division signs.
Always begin a Formula with an equal sign =. Press the Enter key to complete your formula.
Arithmetic operator
+ (plus sign)
– (minus sign)
* (asterisk)
/ (forward slash)
% (percent sign)
^ (caret)
 Can use numbers or Cell Reference
 Key Formula or use Point and Click.
Video Outline with Example
Example 1:
 C3 -1500; C4 -200
 c5 key =c3+c4
 Look at cell value and at formula bar
 Change values in c3 or c4
 D5 key =c5*12
Example 2:
 Repeat Example 1 using Point and Click
Example 3:
 A30 Remaining
 C30 =c5-c29 (total income – total expenses
Exercise / Practice
 Write a simple addition formula.
 Write a simple subtraction formula using the point and click method.
 Write a simple multiplication formula using cell references.
 Write a simple division formula.
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Introduction to Excel
6: Working with Cells
It is important to know how to move information from one cell to another in Excel. Learning the various
ways will save you time and make working with Excel easier. Certain methods are more appropriate
depending on how much information you need to move and where it will reside on the spreadsheet. In
this lesson you will learn how to cut, copy, and paste, as well as drag and drop information.
Video Outline with Example
 Deselect cell – double click
 Copy cell number, text, formulas (formulas relative to new location)
 Copy and paste into single or multiple cells
 Cut and paste
 Drag and drop (number,text,formula)
 (Fill handle)
Exercise / Practice
 Copy and paste information from one cell to another cell.
 Use the Cut command to remove information from one cell and then paste it into another cell.
 Use the fill handle to fill 2 or more cells.
 Drag and drop information from one place in the spreadsheet to another location.
7: Printing Workbooks
In Excel, there are many things you can do to prepare your workbook for printing. Many of these tasks
make it easier to format the spreadsheet for the printed page. In this lesson you will learn how to view
the spreadsheet in print preview, modify margins, change the page orientation, use the scale to fit
feature, use the Print Titles command, insert breaks, and more.
Video Outline with Example
 Prepare to Print: Print Preview QAT
 Print Preview mode and commands
 Page Layout tab (Page setup; scale to fit; print area, breaks, print titles)
 Print dialog box
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Introduction to Excel
8: Creating Complex Formulas
Excel is a spreadsheet application and is intended to be used to calculate and analyze numerical
information such as household budgets, company finances, inventory, and more. To do this, you need
to understand formulas. In this lesson, we’ll discuss complex formulas that use multiple mathematical
operators, and that use absolute and relative references.
Order of Operations
1. Operations enclosed in parenthesis
2. Exponential calculations (to the power of)
3. Multiplication and division, whichever comes first
4. Addition and subtraction, whichever comes first
A mnemonic that can help you remember this is Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (P.E.M.D.A.S).
Relative reference in formulas automatically adjust to new locations when the formula is pasted into
different cells.
Absolute cell references in a formula always refer to the same cell or cell range in a formula. If a formula
is copied to a different location, the absolute reference remains the same. An absolute
reference is designated in the formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede the
column reference or the row reference, or both. (examples: $A2, A$2, $A$2)
Exercise / Practice
 Order of operations
 Using parenthesis
 Relative and Absolute References
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Introduction to Excel
9: Working with Basic Functions
A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order.
For example, you could use an Excel function called Average to quickly find the average of a range of
numbers or the Sum function to find the sum of a cell range.
Syntax Order:
1. All functions begin with the =sign.
2. After the = sign define the function name (e.g., Sum).
3. Then there will be an argument. An argument is the cell range or cell references that are
enclosed by parentheses. If there is more than one argument, separate each by a comma.
Example: =sum(a1:a2,b1:b2)
Video Outline with Example
 Function Definition
 Example: Column G - SUM
o A42: Total Inventory Cost
o G42: Formula =G1+G2…
o Function: Formula>Function Library>AutoSum drop-down menu
 Autosum (automatically fills in range; use drag to change range)
 Function Format
 Calculate cones and cups: Two arguments =sum(g21:g26,g40:g41)
 Example: Column C - Average Cost of Flavors
 Autosum
o Home>Editting>Autosum or Formula>Function Library>AutoSum
o Sum, Average, Count, Min, Max
 Advanced
o (Formulas>Insert function)
Exercise / Practice
 Use a SUM function to calculate the sum of one argument.
 Use the AVG function to calculate the average of a range of cells.
 Explore the other Excel 2007 functions.
Other Exercises
 Glencoe Microsoft Office 2007 page 225
o Exercise 9. Create a Budget
o Exercise 10. Calculate Total Costs
o Exercise 11. Create an Alternative Budget
 Create a Household Budget
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Introduction to Excel
10: Sorting, Grouping, and Filtering Cells
11: Formatting Tables
12: Aligning Text
13: Working with Worksheets
14: Using Templates
15: Using What-If Analysis
16: Working with Charts
17: Using Conditional Formatting
18: Creating Pivot Tables
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