radionuclides migration & radiation exposure

Radionuclides migration & distribution
Aidarkhanov А.О., Lukashenko S.N., et al, (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Radioecological condition of the territories adjacent to Semipalatinsk Test Site, subjected to radioactive
Aidarkhanova А.К., Lukashenko S.N (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Investigation of character of distribution of radioactive contamination in water objects of Semipalatinsk
test site and adjacent territories
Dementyev D.V., et al. (Inst. of Biophysics Siberian Branch RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Spatial distribution of radionuclides and heavy metals in bottom sediments of the Yenisei River
Golosov V., Onda al (Inst. of Environmental Radioactivity Fukushima Un., Japan; Moscow
St. Un., Faculty of Geography; Graduate School of Engineering Nagasaki Un.; Center for
Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics Un. of Tsukuba; Sector of Fukushima Research and
Development, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
River floodplains as radionuclide sink: examples from contrasting environment
Lavrentyeva G.V. , Synzynys B.I., Mirzeabasov O.A.(Kaluga branch, Bauman Moscow State
Technical University, Kaluga, Russia; Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, NRNU
MEPhI, Obninsk, Russia)
Monitoring of Sr-90 contamination of terrestrial ecosystems near a radioactive waste storage
Mirzoyeva N.Yu., Arkhipova S.I., et al (A.O. Kovalevsky Inst. of Biology of the Southern Seas,
Sevastopol, Russia)
Regularities of the 90Sr and 137Cs migration in the ecosystems of the Sevastopol bays of the Black Sea
after the Chernobyl NPP accident
Kabdyrakova А.М.,et al . (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK, Kurchatov,
Distribution of radionuclides in granulometric soil fractions in places of nuclear explosions at
Semipalatinsk test site
Lyakhova O.N.,et al , (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK, Kurchatov,
Regularities of tritium distribution in the air of radiation-hazardous objects of the Semipalatinsk test site
Proskurnin V.Y., Gulin S.B., et al (A.O. Kovalevsky Inst. of Biology of the Southern Seas,
Sevastopol, Russia)
Verification of the 137Cs source by means of plutonium isotopic analysis in the Black Sea deep-water
Momot O.A., Synzynys B.I., Silin I.I., (Obninsk Inst. for Nuclear Power Engineering of Natl.
Research Nuclear Un. MEPhI, Obninsk, Russia)
Migration of tritium near radiation dangerous objects
Accumulation of radionuclides & Radiation exposure
Malinovsky G.P., Yarmoshenko I.V., Starichenko V.I. (Inst. of Industrial Ecology UB RAS; Inst. of
Plant and Animal Ecology UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Estimation of organ doses of murine rodents inhabiting territories contaminated with Sr-90
Ekidin A.A., Vasilyev A.V., Rogozina M.A. (Inst. of Industrial Ecology UB RAS, Ekaterinburg,
Fractal dimension of bilateral leaves in high background radiation area
Yarmoshenko I.V. et al. (Inst. of Industrial Ecology UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Reconstruction of distribution of indoor radon concentration in Russia using results of indoor radon
measurements in regions
Ivanov D.M., Efremova M.A., Rodicheva T.V., (St. Petersburg St. Un. of Civil Aviation; St.
Petersburg St. Agricultural Un., St. Petersburg, Russia)
The bioaccumulation ratio of caesium-137 by wild-growing edible fungi on peat soil of a riding
sphagnous bog (Saint-Petersburg)
Molchanova I.V., L.N. Mikhailovskaya et al. (Inst. of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Division,
RAS; Inst. of Biology and Soil Science, Far East Branch, RAS)
Artificial radionuclides in the soil-plant cover of the Kamchatka peninsula
Zotina T.A., Trofimova E.A., et al (Inst. of Biophysics SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Artificial radionuclides in fish fauna of the Yenisei River before and after the shutdown of the nuclear
reactor plant at the mining-and-chemical combine (Zheleznogorsk, Russia)
Tolstykh EI, Degteva MO, Bugrov NG (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk,
Body potassium content and radiation doses from 40K to the Urals population (Russia)
Volchkova AV, Shishkina EA et al. (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk,
Internal doses in tooth enamel from 90SR/90Y for the Techa riverside residents
Kato H, Onda Yu. et al (Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics (CRIED),
Un. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki; Asia Air Survey Co., LTD., Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan)
Three-year monitoring study of radiocesium transfer and ambient dose rate in forest environment affected
by the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Kato K., et al (Graduate School of Science, Shizuoka Un., Shizuoka Japan; RRAS, Winogradsky
Inst. of Microbiology, Moscow; Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow St. Un., Moscow, Russia; Dep.
of Environmental Safety Research, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki; Graduate School of
Science, The Un. of Tokyo, Tokyo; Dep. of Chemistry, Kyushu Un., Fukuoka; Faculty of
Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima Un., Fukushima, Japan)
Microbial influence on the migration of radionuclide in groundwater; from laboratory experiment and in
situ observation
Imanaka T. et al (Kyoto Un., Kumatori; Reportage Laboratory, Tokyo; Hokkaido Un., Sapporo;
Femin, Tokyo; Office-Brain, Tama; Nihon Un., Fujisawa; Hiroshima Un., Hiroshima; Iitatemura Society for Radioecology, Tokyo; Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, Tokyo; Seisa Un.,
Hakone; Kanazaawa Seiryo Un., Kanazawa; Kansai Un., Takatsuki; Kokugakuin Un., Tokyo;
Tohoku Un., Sendai; Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan)
Initial external radiation dose to residents in Iitate village until evacuation due to the Fulushima-1 NPP
Takahashi Junko, Onda Yuichi et al (Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics,
Un. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba; Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba,
Tsukuba; Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokyo, Japan)
Effects of soil physical-chemical properties on the depth distribution of radiocesium in soils around the
Fukushima NPP
Lazorenko G.E. (A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol, Russia)
Radioecological study of the Black sea mussels: the accumulation of 210Po in different habitat conditions
and assessment of doses (, Kiev)
Karataev S.S.,et al. (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK, Kurchatov,
Research of peculiarities of artificial radionuclides transfer into pig breeding products when entering with
Larionova N.V., Lukashenko S.N (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Artificial radionuclides in the vegetation cover of Semipalatinsk test site
Shatrov А.N., Lukashenko S.N et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Assessment of expected radiation exposure at internal intake of artificial radionuclides for population
living in the zone of potential impact of Semipalatinsk test site
Timonova L. V., Lyakhova O. N. et al (Brunch
«Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE
NNC RK, Kurchatov city, Kazakhstan)
Assessment of tritium contamination in soil cover in the places of realization of nuclear tests on the
territory of Semipalatinsk test site (, Semipalatinsk)
Turchenko D.V., Lukashenko S.N., Aidarkhanov А.О. (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the
NNC RK, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Character of distribution of tritium and mechanisms of its formation in the snowcover at the STS territory
Panitskiy А.V., et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK, Kurchatov,
Concentrations of radionuclides in organisms of some species of wild animals living at the territory of the
former Semipalatinsk test site
Baigazinov Zh.A., Lukashenko S.N., et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Parameters of 137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am and 239+240Pu transfer into organs and tissues of sheep in distant period
after nuclear tests at Semipalatinsk test site
Koigeldinova М.Т., Lukashenko S.N., et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Concentrations and forms of occurrence of uranium in soils of Semipalatinsk tests site (, Semipalatinsk)
Kozhahanov T.E., Lukashenko S.N. (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Experimental assessment of peculiarities of accumulation of artificial radionuclides in agricultural plants
at the STS territory
Kunduzbaeva А.Е. et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK, Kurchatov,
Research of species of artificial radionuclides 137Cs, 90Sr, 239+240Pu и 241Am in soils of conditionally
«background » territories of Semipalatinsk test site
Mamyrbayeva А.S., Baygazinov Zh.А.,et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Formation of radioactive contamination of polluting products when 137Cs and 241Am enters with soil
Serzhanova Z.B., Aidarkhanova А.К et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Investigation speciation of tritium in soil of radiation-dangerous objects at the Semipalatinsk test site
Raimkanova А.М., Aidarkhanova А.К., et al (Inst. of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK,
Kurchatov, Kazakhstan)
Research of leaching of artificial radionuclides from the soil of the «Atomic» lake