

Air Pollution – Upper Elementary

1. The percentage of gases in the air are below. Which gas is the most common? N2 - 78.08% O2 - 20.95% Ar - 0.93%

CO2 - 0.04%

A. N2 nitrogen

B. O2 oxygen

C. Ar argon

D. CO2 carbon dioxide

2. The percentage of gases in the air are below. What is the percentage of the gas we need to live? N2 - 78.08% O2 -

20.95% Ar - 0.93% CO2 - 0.04%

A. 20.95%

B. 78.08%

C. 0.93%

D. 0.04%

3. The percentage of gases in the air are below. What is the percentage of the gas plants use for growing new leaves, stems and other plant parts? N2 - 78.08% O2 - 20.95% Ar - 0.93% CO2 - 0.04%

A. 0.04%

B. 78.08%

C. 0.93%

D. 20.95%

4. Before 1800, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air was about 0.03% . Now the amount is 0.04%. How much has the amount of carbon dioxide changed since 1800?

A. it is one third higher

B. it is one fourth higher

C. it is twice as high as it was before

D. it is one third lower

5. Before 1800, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air was about 0.03% . Now the amount is 0.04%. If this trend continues, how much carbon dioxide might be in the air in 200 years?

A. 0.05%

B. 0.04%

C. 0.03%

D. 0.08%

6. When a piece of wood burns, it turns into a small pile of ashes and a little water vapor. The rest of the wood changes into a gas. What gas does it turn into?

A. carbon dioxide (CO2)

B. oxygen (O2)

C. nitrogen (N2

D. argon (Ar)

Correct Answer - A

Air Pollution – Upper Elementary

7. When fossil fuels burn, what is the most common gas they produce?

A. carbon dioxide (CO2)

B. oxygen (O2)

C. nitrogen (N2

D. argon (Ar)

8. Which of these are most commonly burned to make electricity?

A. coal and natural gas

B. oxygen and natural gas

C. uranium and plutonium

D. helium and nitrogen

9. Which of these is most commonly burned in the tank of a car to make it move?

A. gasoline

B. coal

C. uranium

D. wood

10. Which of these is most commonly burned in the tank of a large truck or bus to make it move?

A. diesel fuel

B. wood

C. oxygen

D. coal

11. What did the remains of plants that lived and died in swamps many millions of years ago change into?

A. coal

B. oil

C. diesel fuel

D. uranium

12. What did the remains of organisms that lived and died in oceans many millions of yeare ago change into?

A. oil

B. coal

C. uranium

D. granite

13. Which of these are fossil fuels?

A. coal, oil and natural gas

B. shells from ancient ocean animals

C. logs of wood

D. ground up dinosaur bones

Correct Answer - A

Air Pollution – Upper Elementary

14. Which of these are most commonly burned to heat homes?

A. natural gas, fuel oil or wood

B. uranium, plutonium or oxygen

C. oxygen, hydrogen or coal

D. carbon dioxide, ethanol or corn stalks

15. What health problems does smoke cause?

A. trouble breathing and tight feeling in the chest

B. stomach upset and nausea

C. headache and dizzyness

D. aching joints and muscles

16. Which disease causes long-term difficulty with breathing?

A. asthma

B. colds

C. arthritis

D. diabetes

17. Which disease has the symptoms of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and a tight feeling in the chest?

A. asthma

B. arthritis

C. diabetes

D. ulcers

18. How does air pollution affect children?

A. their lungs don't develop properly

B. their muscles don't work as well

C. their brains don't work as well

D. there is no effect of air pollution on children

19. Which of these is most likely to trigger an asthma attack?

A. running when the air quality is bad

B. drinking a glass of water after exercising

C. fishing in a pond out in the country

D. reading in an air conditioned house

20. What color in the Air Quality Index means the air is unhealthy for sensitive groups like people with asthma but ok for others?

A. orange

B. purple

C. green

D. yellow

Correct Answer - A

Air Pollution – Upper Elementary

21. What is the index used daily to show how healthy the air is in an area?

A. AQI - Air Quality Index

B. TRI - Toxics Release Inventory

C. temperature

D. precipitation

22. What is a kind of air pollution made of gases, liquids and particles big enough to see in the air?

A. smoke

B. PM 2.5

C. ozone

D. fog

23. What is it when gases, liquids or particles in the air are in high enough concentrations to harm living things or the ecosystem?

A. air pollution

B. water pollution

C. strong smells

D. fog

24. When a car, truck or bus burns gasoline, where do the gases from burning come out?

A. the exhaust pipe at the back

B. the grill at the front

C. the back windows

D. the inside vents

25. Where is air pollution usually the worst?

A. in big cities

B. in small towns

C. on farms

D. out in parks

26. If you had to live within five miles of a power plant, where would be the best place to have your house to avoid air pollution?

A. upwind from the power plant

B. downwind from the power plant

C. perpendicular to the prevailing winds

D. it doesn't really matter

27. What is a place where electricity is produced and distributed to a large network of users?

A. a power plant

B. a solar roof

C. a charging station

D. a wind mill

Correct Answer - A

Air Pollution – Upper Elementary

28. Which sources of electricity do not produce significant air pollution?

A. solar, wind and water

B. burning coal or oil

C. burning wood or agricultural wastes

D. burning natural gas or landfill gases

29. What is it called when a car, bus or truck leaves the motor running even when it is not moving?

A. idling

B. reving the engine

C. slowing down

D. backing up

30. What color are gases?

A. it depends on the gas

B. they are all clear

C. they are all gray

D. they are all yellow

31. What color is carbon dioxide?

A. clear

B. gray

C. brown

D. white

Correct Answer - A
