Partition of Africa Test 25.2 JMG

Partition of Africa Test
Short Matching Section:
1) British Victory (Boer War)
2) Crisscrossed Africa several times in 30 years (Dr. Livingstone)
3) Africa (Dark Continent)
4) Riches of Congo (Ivory, Rubber, Copper)
5) International Conference with European Nations (Berlin Conference)
6) Berlin Conference was held in France (False)
7) Boer War was between the years 1899 – 1902 (True)
8) Dr. David Livingstone was a Missionary (True)
9) Africa is 3x the size of Europe (False)
Multiple Choice:
10) Missionaries built which of the following
A: Churches
C: Schools
B: Medical Clinics
(D: All of the Above)
11) Henry Stanley found Dr. Livingstone in which country?
A) Ethiopia
(B) Tanzania)
C) Egypt
D) Algeria
12) How many different languages are spoken in Africa?
A) 3
B) None
(C) Hundreds) D) Thousands
13) How many years did Dr. Livingstone spend crisscrossing Africa?
(A) 30 Years) B) 10 Years
C) 16 Years
D) 2 Years
14) Who was over harvesting the riches of Congo?
(A) Belgium) B) France C) Germany D) England
15) What was the name of the conference that partitioned most of Africa?
A) London Conference (B) Berlin Conference) C) Paris Conference D) African Conference
16) Which country prepared for battle and was able to protect its independence?
A) Tanzania B) Egypt (C) Ethiopia) D) Zimbabwe
17) What discovery set off the Boer War?
A) Gold and Copper B) Diamonds and Sapphires C) Copper and Brass (D) Gold and Diamonds)
Short Answer:
Why do you think so many countries wanted own land in Africa? Explain.
(Africa had much to offer. Countries like Belgium and England wanted Africa’s riches and
missionaries wanted to convert its people into Christians.)
Partition of Africa Test
Short Matching Section:
1) British Victory
Ivory, Rubber, Copper
2) Crisscrossed Africa several times in 30 years
Boer War
3) Africa
Berlin Conference
4) Riches of Congo
Dark Continent
5) International Conference with European Nations
Dr. Livingstone
6) Berlin Conference was held in France ________
7) Boer War was between the years 1899 – 1902 _______
8) Dr. David Livingstone was a Missionary ________
9) Africa is 3x the size of Europe _______
Multiple Choice:
10) Missionaries built which of the following
A: Churches
C: Schools
B: Medical Clinics
D: All of the Above
11) Henry Stanley found Dr. Livingstone in which country?
A) Ethiopia
B) Tanzania
C) Egypt
D) Algeria
12) How many different languages are spoken in Africa?
A) 3
B) None
C) Hundreds
D) Thousands
13) How many years did Dr. Livingstone spend crisscrossing Africa?
A) 30 Years
B) 10 Years
C) 16 Years
D) 2 Years
14) Who was over harvesting the riches of Congo?
A) Belgium B) France C) Germany D) England
15) What was the name of the conference that partitioned most of Africa?
A) London Conference B) Berlin Conference C) Paris Conference D) African Conference
16) Which country prepared for battle and was able to protect its independence?
A) Tanzania B) Egypt C) Ethiopia D) Zimbabwe
17) What discovery set off the Boer War?
A) Gold and Copper B) Diamonds and Sapphires C) Copper and Brass D) Gold and Diamonds