Form PW 2015-16 UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD PRO-FORMA FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF EXISTING TAUGHT UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES1 PART A: KEY INFORMATION AND RATIONALE FOR WITHDRAWAL Degree Qualification and Programme Title School Programme Leader2 Banner Programme Code(s) Name of Partner Institution (if applicable) Date of first intake for programme Last intake date for the programme Date when the last cohort of students will complete the programme (account must be taken of students retaking years or returning after one year’s interruption of study) Are there any modules that are exclusive to the programme? If ‘yes’ complete Appendix 1. REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL Programme has been replaced by another programme Programme has not attracted target student numbers Programme has been affected by external funding changes Professional Body Requirements have changed Other reason Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. Provide information about the reason for withdrawal and, if the programme has run for less than 5 years, indicate why which aspects of the original business case did not work out as planned. 1 Programme teams must ensure that if a withdrawn programme is being taught out, the requirements detailed in the Programme Monitoring and Enhancement Procedure (PMEP) are adhered to. 2 If a Programme Leader is required for teach out, this should not be an hourly paid member of staff 1 Choose an item. Has the School’s Operational Plan has been updated to reflect withdrawal of the programme? Choose an item. Have other relevant Schools been consulted about the withdrawal? If the programme contains modules offered on other programmes, will withdrawal of this programme have an impact? Provide details. Will students be able to repeat years? If not, what information will be issued to students? Who will take responsibility for doing this? Provide details of any lessons which the University could learn as a result of the withdrawal of this programme. PART B: QUALITY ASSURANCE AND SAFEGUARDING Does the withdrawal affect existing students? Choose an item. If yes, were any issues and actions taken to mitigate against these? Is an External Examiner in place until the programme closes and all students have completed? Choose an item. If yes, how will the Programme Team ensure that External Examiner requirements are met? Does the withdrawal affect students to whom offers have been made? Choose an item. Has consultation with Marketing and Student Recruitment taken place? Choose an item. If the answer is ‘yes’ to either of the above questions, what action is proposed? PART C: APPROVAL OF WITHDRAWAL SCHOOL APPROVAL Dean of School: (PRINT NAME and SIGN) Date: CHAIR OF ASQAC - APPROVAL (Note - the Chair of Academic Standards & Quality Assurance Committee’s signature is only required in addition to the Dean of School if the Withdrawal is proposed within an existing admissions cycle) Chair of ASQAC: (PRINT NAME and SIGN) Date : NOTIFICATION OF WITHDRAWAL A completed copy of this notification of withdrawal form should sent to the relevant Quality and Enhancement Office email address for the School from where it will be forwarded to the Secretary for the Programme Approval and Review Panel (PARP): The Secretary of the PARP should forward a copy of the withdrawal form to: The Secretary of ASQAC Student Administration Student Marketing and Recruitment Form PW 2015-16 APPENDIX 1 Details of modules that are exclusive to the programme/s that is/are being withdrawn and so should be withdrawn at the same time. Note - this appendix is not required if all modules are shared with other programmes that will continue to run. Level Module Title Module CRNs Credit 1 Semester Date Module to be Withdrawn from Office Use Subject Code Offce Use Course Number