Lab activity 1 Qualitative Tests for Amino Acids

Lab activity 1
Qualitative Tests for Amino Acids
The food we consume is divided into three main classes: carbohydrates, the body’s most readily
available energy source; lipids, the body’s principal energy reserve; and proteins, the body’s source of
energy for growth and cellular maintenance. Proteins also make up the second largest portion of cells,
after water. They are large polymeric compounds that cells synthesize from various building blocks called
amino acids. The general structural formula for an amino acid is shown in figure 1. Note that all amino
acids contain carboxylic acid groups (-COOH), amino groups (-NH2), and substituent, or replaceable, side
chains (-R).
Figure 1: General structural formula for an amino acid
Twenty different amino acids, which differ only in the structure of their side chains, are used by human
cells to build proteins. The side chain structure determines the class of the amino acid: non-polar, neutral,
basic, or acidic. Human cells can synthesize most the amino acids needed to build proteins. However,
about 9 amino acids, called essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by human cells and must be
obtained from food. Amino acids incorporated into proteins are covalently linked by peptide bonds.
Peptide bonds are amide bonds formed between the carboxylic acid group of one amino acid and the
amino group of a second amino acid. Figure 2 shows a peptide linkage formed between two amino acids.
The peptide bond is indicated.
Proteins are composed of hundreds of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, forming a peptide chain. We
define the direction in which the amino acids link by referring to the two ends of the chain as the NTerminus and the C-Terminus. The N-Terminus is the terminal amino acid in the chain that contains the
only amino group not part of a peptide bond. The C-Terminus is the other terminal amino acid in the
chain, containing the only carboxylic acid group not part of a peptide bond. The number of constituent
amino acids and the order in which they are linked from the N-terminus, are referred to as the protein’s
primary structure.
Figure 2: Formation of a peptide bond, dipeptide, and polypeptide
Chemical Reactions of Amino Acids and Protein Functional Groups
Certain functional groups in amino acids and proteins can react to produce characteristically
colored products. The color intensity of the product formed by a particular group varies among proteins in
proportion to the number of reacting functional, or free, groups present and their accessibility to the
reagent. In this part of experiment, various color-producing reagents (dyes) will be used to qualitatively
detect the presence of certain functional groups in amino acids and proteins.
Figure 3: Amino acids in acidic, neutral, and basic solutions
1. Ninhydrin Test
Amino acids contain a free amino group and a free carboxylic acid group that react together with
ninhydrin to produce a colored product. When an amino group is attached to α-carbon atom on the amino
acid’s carbon chain, the amino group’s nitrogen is part of a blue-purple product, as shown in figure 4.
Proteins also contain free amino groups on the α-carbon and can react with ninhydrin to produce a bluepurple product. Amino acids that have secondary amino groups also react with ninhydrin. However, when
the amino group is secondary, the condensation product is yellow. For example the amino acid proline,
which contains a secondary amino group, reacts with ninhydrin, as shown in figure 4. Blue-purple and
yellow reaction products positively identify free amino groups on amino acids and proteins.
Figure 4: Ninhydrin reaction with amino acids
6 clean test tubes
2 % glycine solution, 1 % tyrosine solution, 2 % proline solution, 2 % casein solution, 2 % gelatin
solution, 2 % albumin solution
0.5 % ninhydrin in ethanol solution
Caution: Ninhydrin-ethanol reagent is flammable, toxic, and irritant. Keep away from Bunsen burner flames.
Prevent eye, skin, clothing contact. Avoid inhaling the vapors or ingesting the reagents.
1. Label 6 cleaned, drained test tubes with the names of the following solutions: 2 % glycine, 1 %
tyrosine, 2 % proline, 2 % casein, 2 % gelatin, 2 % albumin.
2. Place 15 drops of each solution in the corresponding test tube.
3. To each of the test tubes add 5 drops of 0.5 % ninhydrin reagent solution.
4. Place the test tubes into the boiling-water bath for 5 minutes. Remove the test tubes from the water
bath and place then in a test tube rack. Record your observations.
2. Biuret Test
The copper atoms of Biuret solution (CuSO4 and KOH) will react with peptide bonds, producing a
color change. A deep violet color indicates the presence of proteins and a light pink color indicates the
presence of peptides. Figure 5 shows the general Biuret complex with protein.
Figure 5: Biuret complex with protein
3. Millon’s Test
Millon's test is given by any compound containing a phenolic hydroxyl group. Consequently, any
protein containing tyrosine will give a positive test of a pink to dark-red color. The Millon’s reagent is a
solution of mercuric and mercurous ions in nitric and nitrous acids. The red color (either a precipitate or a
solution, both positive results) is probably due to a mercury salt of nitrated tyrosine. Proteins that contain
tyrosine will therefore yield a positive result. However some proteins containing tyrosine will initially
form a white precipitate that turns red when heated, while others form a red solution immediately. Note
that any compound with a phenol group will yield a positive test, so one should be certain that the sample
being tested does not contain any phenols other than those present in tyrosine.
Caution: Millon’s reagent contains mercury and HNO3 and is very toxic, corrosive, a strong oxidant, an irritant, and
can cause burns.
1. Place 2 ml of casein, 2% egg albumin, and 0.1 M tyrosine into separate labeled test tubes.
2. Add 3 drops of Millon's reagent and immerse the tubes in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes.
3. Cool the tubes and record the colors formed.
4. Xanthoproteic Test
Some amino acids contain aromatic groups that are derivatives of benzene. These aromatic groups
can undergo reactions that are characteristic of benzene and its derivatives. One such reaction is the
nitration of a benzene ring with nitric acid. The amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan contain activated
benzene rings and readily undergo nitration. The amino acid phenylalanine also contains a benzene ring,
but the ring is not activated and therefore does not undergo readily nitration. The nitration reaction, when
used to identify the presence of an activated benzene ring, is commonly known as the xanthoproteic test,
because the product is yellow. The intensity of the yellow color deepens when the reaction occurs in basic
solution. The xanthoproteic test for tyrosine is shown in figure 6. The reaction is one of these that occur
if one spills a concentrated solution of nitric acid onto someone’s skin. The proteins in skin contain
tyrosine and tryptophan, which become nitrated and turn yellow.
Figure 6: Nitrated Tyrosine (a) and Tryptophan (b)
1% egg albumin solution, 1% peptone solution, 1% gelatin solution, 1% casein solution.
Concentrated HNO3 (or 65%)
6 N sodium hydroxide solution.
1. In a test tube containing 2 ml of a protein solution, add 1 ml of a concentrated HNO3.
2. The formed white precipitate, will turn yellow upon heating, and finally will dissolve giving a
yellow color to the solution.
3. Cool the solution down. Carefully add 3 ml of 6 N NaOH. Note that the yellow color turns orange.
Using a concentrated nitric acid the aromatic rings of amino acids like tyrosine and tryptophan are
nitrated. The nitro derivate show an intensely yellow color. Because nearly all proteins contain aromatic
rings it is taken as a protein-test either.
5. Hopkins-Cole Test (Glyoxylic Acid Reaction)
The Hopkins-Cole test is specific for tryptophan, the only amino acid containing indole group.
The indole ring reacts with glyoxylic acid in the presence of a strong acid to form a violet cyclic product.
The Hopkins-Cole reagent only reacts with proteins containing tryptophan. The protein solution is
hydrolyzed by the concentrated H2SO4 at the solution interface. Once the tryptophan is free it reacts with
glyoxylic acid to form violet product.
Solutions of 2 % egg albumin, 2% gelatin, 2% Casein, 2% peptone, 2% tryptophan, 2% tyrosine.
Concentrated H2S04
Hopkins-Cole reagent
1. To 2 ml of the solution under examination add an equal volume of Hopkins- Cole reagent in a test
tube and mix thoroughly.
2. Incline the tube and let 5 to 6 ml of conc. H2S04 acid flow slowly down the side of the test tube,
thus forming a reddish - violet ring at the interface of the two layers.
6. Sulfur Test
The presence of sulfur-containing amino acids such as cysteine can be determined by converting
the sulfur to an inorganic sulfide through cleavage by base. When the resulting solution is combined with
lead acetate (CH3COOPb), a black precipitate of lead sulfide is formed.
Sulfur-containing protein ----> NaOH----> S2- ----Pb2+----> PbS
1. Place 1 ml of 2% casein, 2% egg albumin, 2% peptone, 2% gelatine and 0.1 M cysteine into
separate, labeled test tubes.
2. Add 2 ml of 10 % aqueous sodium hydroxide. Add 5 drops of 10 % lead acetate solution.
3. Stopper the tubes and shake them. Remove the stoppers and heat in a boiling water bath for 5
minutes. Cool and record the results.
7. Sakaguchi Test for Arginine
The Sakaguchi test is a specific qualitative test for the detection of a specific type of protein with
the amino acid containing the guanidinium group (e.g. arginine). In basic conditions, α- naphthol and
sodium hypobromite/chlorite react with the above mentioned compound to form red orange complexes.
To avoid subsequent oxidation (which is responsible for losing color), conc. Ammonia is added to the
Solutions of 1 % albumin, 1% casein, 1% gelatin, 1% peptone.
3 N NaOH solution,
0.1 % α -naphthol solution,
sodium hypobromite solution NaOBr (2 g Br2 in 100 ml of 5 % NaOH - Keep in dark colored
1. To 1 ml of the protein solution add 1 ml of 3 N NaOH solution, 0.5 ml of 0.1 % α- naphthol
solution, and a few drops of 2 % hypobromite solution.
2. The presence of a guanidinium group in the compound under examination will be confirmed by
the formation of a red color.
Lab Activity 2
1. Precipitation of Proteins at Isoelectric Point
A. Protein solubility
The solubility of proteins in aqueous buffers depends on the distribution of hydrophilic and
hydrophobic amino acid residues on the protein’s surface. Proteins that have high hydrophobic
amino acid content on the surface have low solubility in an aqueous solvent. Charged and polar
surface residues interact with ionic groups in the solvent and increase solubility. Knowledge of
amino acid composition of a protein will aid in determining an ideal precipitation solvent and
B. Isoelectric point precipitation
Isoelectric point (pI) is the pH-value of a solution at which the total net charge of a protein
equals zero. At a solution pH that is above the pI the surface of the protein is predominantly
negatively charged and therefore like-charged molecules will exhibit repulsive forces. Likewise the
surface of the protein is predominantly positively charged at a solution pH that is below the pI, and
repulsion between proteins occurs. However, at the pI the negative and positive charges are
eliminated, repulsive electrostatic forces are reduced and the dispersive forces predominate. The
dispersive forces will cause aggregation and precipitation. The pI of most proteins ranges between
the pH 4 to 6.
When microorganisms grow in milk, they often produce acids and lower the pH of the milk. The
phenomenon of precipitation or coagulation of milk protein (casein) at low pH as milk becomes
spoiled is one of the common examples of protein isolation due to changes in the pH.
Reagents & Instruments
Casein powder, solutions of 1 N NaOH, 1 N CH3COOH, H2Od,
Volumetric flask
1. Into a 50 ml volumetric flask add 20 ml of water.
2. Add 0.25 g of pure casein, followed by the addition of 5 ml of 1 N NaOH solution.
3. Once casein is dissolved, add 5 ml of 1 N acetic acid solution, then dilute with H2O to 50 ml
and mix well. The resulted solution is a 0.1 N casein acetate sodium.
4. Setup a series of 9 test tubes as shown in the table below.
5. In the first test tube put 3.2 ml 1 N CH3COOH, and 6.8 ml H2O and mix thoroughly.
6. In each of the other test tubes (2-9) put 5 ml H2Od.
7. From the test tube 1 transfer 5 ml to the test tube 2, and mix thoroughly.
8. Repeat step 7 for the rest of test tubes (3 - 9).
9. Now to each test tube (1 -9) add 1 ml of the casein acetate sodium solution, and shake the test
tubes immediately.
10. Let the samples stand for 30 min, and note the turbidity in the 9 test tubes.
11. Use + and – signs to describe the turbidity in the different test tubes.
12. You should observe the most precipitation in the test tube which has the pH around 4.7 (close
to the isoelectric point of casein).
0.025 0.012 0.006
Isolation of Casein from Milk
Milk is a food of exceptional interest. Not only is milk an excellent food for the very young, but
humans have also adapted milk, specifically cow’s milk, as a food substance for persons of all ages. Many
specialized milk products like cheese, yogurt, butter, and ice cream are staples of our diet. Milk is
probably the most nutritionally-complete food that can be found in nature. This property is important for
milk, since it is the only food young mammals consume in the nutritionally significant weeks following
birth. Whole milk contains vitamins (principally thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamins A,
D, and K), minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and trace metals), proteins (which include
all the essential amino acids), carbohydrates (chiefly lactose), and lipids (fats). The only important
elements in which milk is seriously deficient are iron and Vitamin C. Infants are usually born with a
storage supply of iron large enough to meet their needs for several weeks. Vitamin C is easily secured
through an orange juice supplement. There are three kinds of proteins in milk: caseins, lactalbumins, and
lactoglobulins. All are globular. The average composition of the milk of each of several mammals is
summarized in the following table.
Is a phosphoprotein, which has phosphate groups attached to some of the amino acid side chains.
These are attached mainly to the hydroxyl groups of the serine and threonine. Actually, casein is a
mixture of at least three similar proteins, which differ primarily in molecular weight and amount of
phosphorus they contain (number of phosphate groups).
Casein exists in milk as the calcium salt, calcium caseinate. This salt has a complex structure. It is
composed of α, β, and κ caseins which form a micelle, or a solubilized unit. Neither the α nor the β casein
is soluble in milk, singly or in combination. If κ casein is added to either one, or to a combination of the
two, however, the result is a casein complex that is soluble owing to the formation of the micelle. A
structure proposed for the casein micelle is shown in the following figure. The κ casein is thought to
stabilize the micelle. Since both α and β casein are phosphoproteins, they are precipitated by calcium ions.
it. It is also thought to have all its serine and threonine residues (which have hydroxyl groups), as well as
its bound carbohydrates, on only one side of its outer surfaces. This portion of its outer surface is easily
solubilized in water since these polar groups are present. Calcium caseinate has its isoelectric (neutrality)
point at pH 4.6. Therefore, it is insoluble in solutions of pH less than 4.6. The pH of milk is about 6.6;
therefore casein has a negative charge at this pH and is solubilized as a salt. If acid is added to milk, the
negative charges on the outer surface of the micelle are neutralized (the phosphate groups are protonated)
and the neutral protein precipitates:
The calcium ions remain in solution. When milk sours, lactic acid is produced by bacterial action (see
below), and the consequent lowering of the pH causes the same clotting reaction.
The casein in milk can also be clotted by the action of an enzyme called rennin. Rennin is found in the
fourth stomach of young calves. However, both the nature of the clot and the mechanism of clotting differ
when rennin is used. The clot formed using rennin, calcium paracaseinate, contains calcium.
Rennin is a hydrolytic enzyme (peptidase) and acts specifically to cleave peptide bonds between
phenylalanine and methionine residues. It attacks the κ casein, breaking the peptide chain so as to release
a small segment of it. This destroys the water-solubilizing surface of the κ casein, which protects the inner
α and β caseins and causes the entire micelle to precipitate as calcium paracaseinate. Milk can be
decalcified by treatment with oxalate ion, which forms an insoluble calcium salt. If the calcium ions are
removed from milk, a clot will not be formed when the milk is treated with rennin. The clot, or curd,
formed by the action of rennin is sold commercially as cottage cheese. The liquid remaining is called the
whey. The curd can also be used in producing various types of cheese. It is washed, pressed to remove
any excess whey, and chopped. After this treatment, it is melted, hardened and ground. The ground curd is
then salted, pressed into molds, and set aside to age.
20 ml milk, Glacial acetic acid (100%), Ethanol (95% v/v), Ether, Thermometer to 100 oc.
1. Place 20 ml (20 g) of milk into a 125 ml flask and heat at 40 oC in a water bath.
2. Add 5 drops of glacial acetic acid and stir for about 1 min.
3. Filter the resulting mixture through 4 layers of cheesecloth held in a funnel and gently squeeze out
most of liquid.
4. Remove the solid (casein and fat) from the cheesecloth, place it into a 100 ml beaker and add 10
ml of 95% ethanol.
5. Stir well to break up the product. Pour off the liquid and add 10 ml of 1:1 ether-ethanol mixture to
the solid. Stir well and filter through 4 layers of cheesecloth.
6. Let the solid drain well, then scrape it into a weighed filter paper and let it dry in the air.
7. Calculate the casein percentage in milk as follows:
grams of casein
% Casein = _______________
x 100
grams of milk
Casein is used to make white glue, so it is important that you don’t leave it on the filter paper or it will
become glued to it! Calculate the % weight of casein isolated from the powdered milk.
Lab Activity 3
Carbohydrates, or saccharides, are sugars and starches, which provide energy for humans and
animals, and cellulose which make up many plant structures. “Carbs,” as they are now commonly referred
to, have become both a blessing and a curse, as the process of modern food production has changed the
way we consume them. There are three types of carbohydrates, simple, or monosaccharides,
disaccharides, and complex, or polysaccharides.
Simple carbohydrates, which are found in fruits and dairy products are more easily digested by the
body. They are also often found in processed, refined foods such as white sugar, pastas, and white bread.
Complex carbohydrates, which take longer for the body to digest, are most commonly found in
vegetables (cellulose), whole grain breads and pasta, brown rice, and legumes. Foods with unrefined
grains, such as brown rice, retain complex carbs, unlike refined grains, such as white rice. This is because
the refining process removes some of the grain’s fiber and nutrients. Eating a serving of whole grain
cereal such as oatmeal will fill you up and give you longer lasting energy than a bowl of sugary cereal due
to the way the body processes and uses the carbohydrates.
Reducing and Non-reducing sugars
Sugars exist in solution as an equilibrium mixture of open-chain and closed-ring (or cyclic)
structures. In the open-chain form, the carbon atom that contains the C=O bond is called the carbonyl
carbon. In the closed-ring (cyclic) structure, the carbonyl carbon is the one which is attached to the O of
the ring and an OH group. Sugars that can be oxidized by mild oxidizing agents are called reducing sugars
because the oxidizing agent is reduced in the reaction. A non-reducing sugar is not oxidized by mild
oxidizing agents. All common monosaccharides are reducing sugars. The disaccharides maltose and
lactose are reducing sugars. The disaccharide sucrose is a non-reducing sugar. Common oxidizing agents
used to test for the presence of a reducing sugar are: Benedict's Solution, Fehling's Solution, and Tollen's
Structure of Monosaccharides
When the closed-ring (cyclic) structure of a monosaccharide opens to form a chain, the result may be
an aldehyde (alkanal)
a ketone (alkanone)
C -H
Sugars that are aldehydes are known as aldoses.
C - R'
Sugars that are ketones are known as ketoses.
A monosaccharide containing 5 carbon atoms is known as a pentose. The open-chain form is therefore
either: an aldopentose if it is an aldehyde (alkanal) or a ketopentose if it is a ketone (alkanone).
A monosaccharide containing 6 carbon atoms is known as a hexose. The open-chain form is therefore
either: an aldohexose if it is an aldehyde (alkanal) or a ketohexose if it is a ketone (alkanone).
Closed-ring (cyclic) Structure
Open-chain Structure
Testing for the Presence of a Reducing Sugar
The common oxidizing agents used to test for the presence of a reducing sugar:
Oxidizing Reagent
Benedict's Solution
Fehling's Solution
Tollen's Reagent
copper sulfate in
copper sulfate in alkaline
silver nitrate in aqueous
alkaline citrate
Color of Solution
deep blue
deep blue
Color After Reaction with a
brick red precipitate
brick red precipitate
silver mirror forms
Reducing Sugar
Species Being Reduced
(the oxidant)
Cu2+ + e ---> Cu+
Cu2+ + e ---> Cu+
Ag+ + e ---> Ag(s)
Species Being Oxidized
reducing sugar
reducing sugar
reducing sugar
(the reductant)
oxidized to carboxylate
oxidized to carboxylate
oxidized to carboxylate
Oxidation of Monosaccharides
Oxidation of Aldoses
Glucose and galactose are both examples of aldoses.
Oxidation Using Benedict's or Fehling's Solution:
+ 2Cu2+ + 5OH-
R- C -H
deep blue
+ Cu2O(s)
C - O-
brick red
+ 3H2O
Oxidation Using Tollen's Reagent
+ 2Ag(NH3)2+ + 3OH-
R- C -H
+ 2Ag(s)
C - O-
silver mirror
+ 4NH3(g) + 2H2O
Oxidation of Ketoses
Fructose is an example of a ketose.
Oxidation Using Benedict's or Fehling's Solution
+ 2Cu2+ + 5OHR- C -CH2OH
+ Cu2O(s)
R- C -COO-
deep blue
brick red
+ 3H2O
hydroxy carboxylate
Oxidation Using Tollen's Reagent
+ 2Ag(NH3)2+ + 3OHR- C -CH2OH
R- C -COO|
+ 2Ag(s)
silver mirror
+ 4NH3(g) + 2H2O
hydroxy carboxylate
1. Benedict's Test
Benedict's test determines whether a monosaccharide or disaccharide is a reducing sugar, and is
hence similar in purpose to the Tollen’s test. To give a positive test, the carbohydrate must contain a
hemiacetal which will hydrolyse in aqueous solution to the aldehyde form. Benedict's reagent is an
alkaline solution containing cupric ions, which oxidize the aldehyde to a carboxylic acid. In turn, the
cupric ions are reduced to cuprous oxide, which forms a red precipitate. This solution has been used in
clinical laboratories for testing urine.
RCHO + 2Cu2+ + 4OH- -----> RCOOH + Cu2O + 2H2O
Set up 1 % solutions of: glucose, sucrose, starch, maltose, fructose, lactose.
Benedict's reagent
1. Place 15 drops of the following 1% carbohydrate solutions in separate, labeled test tubes: glucose,
fructose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, and starch.
2. Also place 1 ml of distilled water in another tube to serve as a control.
3. To each tube, add 1 ml of Benedict's reagent and heat the tubes in a boiling water bath for 5
minutes. Remove the tubes from water bath and note and record the results. In the presence of a
reducing sugar a precipitate which may be red, yellow or green will form.
2. Barfoed's Test
Barfoed's test is similar to Benedict's test, but determines if a carbohydrate is a monosaccharide or
a disaccharide. Barfoed's reagent reacts with monosaccharides to produce cuprous oxide at a faster rate
than disaccharides do:
RCHO + 2Cu2+ + 2H2O -----> RCOOH + Cu2O + 4H+
1 % solutions of: glucose, maltose, fructose, lactose, sucrose
Barfoed's reagent.
1. Place 15 drops of the following 1% carbohydrate solutions in separate, labeled test tubes: glucose,
fructose, sucrose, lactose, and maltose.
2. To each tube, add 1 ml of Barfoed's reagent, and heat in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
3. Remove the tubes from water bath. Note and record your observations. A red precipitate will form
if the test is positive.
3. Bial's (Orcinol) Test for pentoses
Bial's reagent contains orcinol (5-methylresorcinol) in concentrated HCl with a small amount of
FeCl3 catalyst. Pentoses are converted to furfural by this reagent, which form a blue green color with
orcinol. This test is used to distinguish pentoses from hexoses.
Set up 1 % solutions of: xylose, arabinose, glucose, fructose, and maltose.
Bial's reagent (0.1 % orcinol in concentrated HCl containing 0.1 % FeCl3.6H2O).
Be extremely careful when heating the test tubes. Bial's reagent contains concentrated hydrochloric acid. Be sure to
heat the tube slowly, tilting it slightly and heating along the entire side of the tube. Do not point the tube toward
yourself or any of your fellow lab workers.
1. Add about 2 ml of 1% xylose, glucose, fructose, maltose, arabinose, and xylose solution
to their respective labeled test tubes.
2. Add 3 ml of Bial's reagent to each tube and mix well.
3. Carefully heat each tube (with some agitation) directly over the burner flame. Hold the
tube at a diagonal and heat along the sides of the tube rather than at the bottom to
prevent eruption of the liquid from the tube. Move the tube diagonally in and out of the
flame, until the mixture just begins to boil. Stop heating when the mixture begins to boil.
4. Record your observations. A blue-green color indicates a positive result. Prolonged heating of
some hexoses yields hydroxymethyl furfural which also reacts with orcinol to give colored
4. Seliwanoff's (Resorcinol) Test
The Seliwanoff’s reagent contains resorcinol in 6 M hydrochloric acid. Hexoses undergo
dehydration when heated in this reagent to form hydroxymethylfurfural that condenses with resorcinol to
give a red product. Ketohexoses (such as fructose) and disaccharides containing a ketohexose (such as
sucrose) form a cherry-red condensation product. Other sugars may produce yellow to faint pink colors.
Set up 1 % solution of: glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, and maltose.
Seliwanoff's reagent (0.5 % resorcinol in 3N HCl).
Caution: Seliwanoff’s reagent is caustic, rinse thoroughly with water if you get this solution
on your skin or clothing.
1. Add about 3 ml of Seliwanoff's reagent to each labeled test tube.
2. Add 1 drop of the respective sugar solution to the appropriate test tubes and mix well.
3. Place all the test tubes in the boiling water bath at the same time and heat for 3 min after the water
begins to boil again.
4. Record your observations. A positive result is indicated by the formation of a red color with or
without the separation of a brown-red precipitate.
5. Picric Acid Test
Picric acid (2,4,6-trinitrophenol) or TNP reacts with reducing sugars to give a red colored picramic acid
Set up 1 % solution of: maltose, sucrose
Saturated solution of picric acid
NaOH solution
1. Into a test tube add 1 ml of maltose solution, into the second tube, 1ml of sucrose solution.
2. Add into each tube 1 ml of saturated solution of picric acid, and then add into each tube 0.5 ml of
sodium hydroxide solution. Heat both samples in a boiling water bath. In the presence of reducing
sugars, the solution stains red; a sodium salt of picric acid is formed.
Lab Activity 4
Lipids are a large and diverse group of naturally occurring organic compounds that includes:
a. Fats and oils (triglycerides)
b. Waxes
c. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
d. Phospholipids
e. Steroids
f. Mono- and diglycerides
These are soluble in non-polar organic solvents (e.g. ether, chloroform, acetone & benzene) and generally
insoluble in water. Lipids can be classified as:
1. Simple lipids (esters of fatty acids with alcohols) e.g. triglycerides like fats and oils, waxes.
2. Complex lipids (e.g. phospholipids and Glycolipids).
Chemical tests for lipids
1. Solubility in Polar and Non-polar Solvents: Lipids are insoluble in polar solvents like water and
soluble in non-polar solvents like petroleum ether, benzene and mineral oil.
Olive oil (vegetable oil), butter (animal fat),
stearic acid (saturated fatty acid), oleic acid (unsaturated fatty acid),
Solvents: dilute acid and alkali solutions, cold alcohol, hot alcohol, benzene, chloroform, ether and
carbon tetrachloride.
1. Add a few drops of the liquid fat or 0.5 g of the solid fat in labeled test tubes.
2. To each test tube add a 5 ml of solvent and write down your observations.
3. Repeat the experiment with a different solvent and make your observations.
2. Emulsification
Neutral olive oil (may be prepared by shaking ordinary olive oil with 10 % solution of sodium
carbonate, this mixture should then be extracted with ether and the ether should be removed by
0.5 % Na2C03,
Rancid olive oil (to prepare rancid olive oil add 5 drops of oleic acid to 10 ml of olive oil, mix
1. Shake up a drop of neutral olive oil with a little water in a test tube, the fat becomes finally
divided forming an emulsion, upon standing fat separates and rises to the top.
2. To 5 ml water in a test tube add 2 to 3 drops of 0.5 percent Na2CO3 introduce into this alkaline
solution, a drop of neutral olive oil and shake, the emulsion is not permanent and is not so
3. Repeat step 2 using rancid olive oil, in this case: the alkali combines with the free fatty acids to
form soap and the soap being an emulsifying agent, emulsifies the fat.
3. Oxidation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Unsaturated fatty acids have one or more double bonds. The examples of most important
unsaturated fatty acids are: palmitoleic acid (∆9), oleic acid (∆9), nervonic acid (∆15), linoleic acid (∆9,12),
linolenic acid (∆9, 12, 15), arachidonic acid (∆5, 8, 11, 14).
1. Into a test tube place one drop of oil and 3 ml of Na2CO3 solution.
2. Warm it slightly and add drop by drop solution of KMnO4 (potassium permanganate). After each
drop of KMnO4 the violet color disappears. The end of a reaction is recognized by precipitation of
brown solid MnO2.
4. Qualitative analysis of cholesterol detection in natural products (Salkowski reaction)
2% pure cholesterol, extract of yellow hen egg, dissolved butter, lecithin, and oil.
Conc. H2SO4
1. Into the 5 dry test tubes (the reaction is very sensitive for even traces of water) add 1 ml of
chloroform solution of: 2% of pure cholesterol, an extract of yellow hen egg, dissolved butter,
lecithin, oil.
2. Add carefully into each tube concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) keeping the tube under 45o angle.
Do not mix!
3. In the presence of cholesterol, the upper chloroform layer turns red, whereas a lower acidic
becomes yellow-green.
Concentrated sulfuric acid is highly hygroscopic and it removes two molecules of water from two
molecules of cholesterol, it causes a connection at position 3, forming bi-cholestadien (a). Simultaneously
the sulfuric acid sulfonates the molecule of bi-cholestadien at positions 7,7’ of aromatic ring and, as a
final product, red color bi-sulfonic acid of bi-cholestadien is formed (b).
B) Bisulfonic acid of bi-cholestadiene
Lab Activity 5
A. Fat-soluble Vitamins
The detection of vitamins A and D
The vitamins A, D, E, and K are described as fat-soluble vitamins. They are absorbed in our
organism together with lipids and can be cumulated in liver or kidneys as well as adipose tissues.
They participate in many biological processes and play a role of anti-oxidative substances (vitamin A and
E), protect an organism to damage by free radicals. Calciferols, the group of chemical compounds with
chemical structure typical for steroids, with vitamin D activity, as well as carotenoids and retinol (vitamin
A and its pro-vitamins) in reaction with SbCl3 (Antimony Trichloride) form colored complexes. As a
result of this reaction a blue color of carotenoids and vitamin A is observed, and in the presence of
vitamin D violet-red color appear.
Saturated solution of SbCl3 in chloroform
Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Butter, Extract of hen egg yolk
1. To 6 dry tubes add 0.5 ml saturated solution of SbCl3 in chloroform.
2. Using a dry pipette, add chloroform solutions of:
a. Vitamin A and D (1 drop)
b. Vitamin A (1 drop)
c. Vitamin D (1 drop)
d. Butter (5 drops)
e. Extract of hen egg yolk (5 drops)
f. Chloroform (1 drop) – blank
3. Compare the colors and describe the results.
B. Water-soluble Vitamins
Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Concentration by a Redox Titration with Potassium
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency leads to scurvy, a disease characterized by weakness, small
hemorrhages throughout the body that cause gums and skin to bleed, and loosening of the teeth. Sailors
that were out at sea for months on end would often develop scurvy unless the captain had the foresight to
pack limes and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant, and plays a vital role in
protecting the body. Oxidizing species attack the body from many directions. Smog and cigarette smoke
both contain high levels of oxidizing molecules that cause tissue damage. The body makes oxidizing
molecules in response to an infection, and these molecules both kill the infecting organism and cause
tissue damage. The body absorbs extra vitamin C in response to an infection. Because it is a water soluble
vitamin, any unused vitamin C is excreted. The formula for ascorbic acid is C6H8O6 and the structures for
the reduced form and for the oxidized form (dehydroascorbic acid) are shown below:
The iodometric titration with potassium iodate (KIO3) is a suitable method for the determination of
vitamin C (C6H8O6) quantities. Potassium iodate is used as a titrant and it is added to an ascorbic acid
solution that contains strong acid and potassium iodide (KI). Potassium iodate reacts with potassium
iodide, liberating molecular iodine (I2)
KIO3 + 5KI + 6H+ → 3I2 + 6K+ + 3H2O
As long as the solution contains ascorbic acid, the iodine produced in (1) is used up in a rapid
reaction with ascorbic acid, during which dehydroascorbic acid and iodide ion are formed.
C6H8O6 + I2 → C6H6O6 + 2I- + 2H+
Potassium iodide must be added in excess to keep iodine dissolved. Once all the ascorbic acid has been
consumed, any excess iodine will remain in solution. Since aqueous iodine solutions are brown in color,
iodine can act as its own indicator. However, it is quite difficult to detect endpoints using iodine
coloration alone, and it is more usual to add starch, which forms an intensely blue colored complex with
iodine but not with the iodide ion.
According to the above reactions, each mole of potassium iodate added corresponds to 3 moles of
ascorbic acid dehydrogenated in the sample.
Reagents & Instruments
500 ml 0.011 M ascorbic acid solution
500 ml orange or lemon juice
100 ml 2M HCl
100 ml 0.006 M KI
100 ml 1% starch solution: (mix 1 g soluble starch with 5 ml distilled water, pour the starch into
95 ml boiling distilled water with stirring. Continue heating the solution until it is nearly
transparent. Cool the solution to room temperature before use. This solution should be prepared on
the day it is to be used (alternatively add ZnCl2 as preservative).
1 L 0.0038 M KIO3
Conical flasks, Burettes
Glass rod
Pipette 25 ml of the provided ascorbic acid solution into a 250 ml conical flask,
2. Add  4 ml of 2M HCl,
3. Add  5 ml of potassium iodide (KI) solution and
4. 3 ml starch solution.
5. Then titrate with the standard potassium iodate (KIO3) solution until the solution turns intense blue.
Write down the standard potassium iodate (KIO3) solution volume.
6. Pipette 25 ml of an unknown ascorbic acid sample, a kind of juice, into a 250 ml conical flask, then
follow the same procedure of steps 1-5 and write down the volume of the standard KIO3 solution
determine the concentration (mol/ml) of ascorbic acid in the selected sample.
Note: The end point is reached when the solution turns a permanent, dark blue color, due to the
complex formed between starch and iodine. During an iodometric titration an intermediate dark blue
iodine-starch complex may form momentarily, before the iodine reacts with ascorbic acid. However, if the
color disappears upon mixing, the end point has not yet been reached. Thus, magnetic stirrers or glass rod
are employed in the titration to ensure proper mixing and to facilitate the reaction of iodine with the
ascorbic acid.
Tabulate your results as follows:
Unknown sample
Final reading/ ml
Initial reading/ ml
Titre/ ml
Lab Activity 6
Isolation of Cholesterol
A. Preparation of Cholesterol from Calf Brain
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all of the body cells. Its normal function is to help form
and maintain cell membranes, and to protect and insulate nerve fibers. Cholesterol is also involved in the
formation of sex hormones, such as estrogen, and the production of bile salts, which help digesting fats.
The liver produces most of the cholesterol in the body — and all the cholesterol the body needs. But the
body can also get cholesterol from foods of animal origin, such as red meat and eggs. Even cholesterolfree foods that are high in saturated fats can contribute to an increase in blood levels of cholesterol. In
fact, foods high in saturated fats appear to be one of the main causes of high cholesterol levels.
Good and bad cholesterol
Cholesterol is carried in the blood attached to proteins. This cholesterol-protein package is called
lipoprotein. There are two main types of lipoproteins.
• Low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Low-density lipoproteins transport cholesterol throughout the body,
delivering cholesterol to different tissues and organs. When the cells have all the cholesterol they need,
they reduce the number of receptors, or gateways, for cholesterol to enter. As a result, cholesterol
contained in the LDL particles (LDL cholesterol) starts to build up in the blood stream.
Over time, circulating LDL cholesterol undergoes chemical changes (becomes oxidized) and also reduces
in size. These smaller particles more easily enter the blood vessel wall and start to build up under the
vessel lining. Deposits of LDL cholesterol particles in vessel walls are called plaques and can lead to
inflammation, bleeding into the area, and calcium buildup (calcification). Eventually, the buildup of
plaques can start to crowd the space within the blood vessel and obstruct the blood flow. This process of
plaque accumulation is called atherosclerosis.
When atherosclerosis affects the arteries leading to the heart (coronary arteries), one may have chest pain
and other symptoms of coronary artery disease. If plaques tear or rupture, a blood clot may form —
blocking the flow of blood or breaking free and plugging an artery downstream. If blood flow to part of
the heart stops, a heart attack will occur. If blood flow to the brain stops, a stroke occurs. This is why
LDL cholesterol is often referred to as “bad” cholesterol.
• High-density lipoprotein (HDL). Rather than deliver cholesterol to cells, high-density lipoproteins
leave the liver with very little cholesterol, pick up excess cholesterol on their route through the
bloodstream and take it back to your liver. The liver excretes this cholesterol into the bile and out of the
body through the bowels. Because HDL particles remove excess cholesterol from the body, they are
considered protective. That’s why HDL cholesterol is often referred to as “good” cholesterol.
Cholesterol is readily soluble in acetone, while most complex lipids are insoluble in this solvent. This is
exactly the principle of preparing cholesterol.
Reagents and instruments
Brain from calf.
Warring blender.
Large filter funnel and fluted paper.
Boiling water bath.
Large Buchner filtration apparatus.
1. Add 400 ml of acetone to 100 g of a brain and blend for 1 min.
2. Rinse out the blender with a little acetone and stir the combined homogenates for 10 min.
3. Filter suspension on a Buchner funnel, blend the residue with 200 ml of acetone, filter and
combine the filtrates.
4. After removing most of the acetone by distillation under reduced pressure, cool the flask with tap
water and collect the crude cholesterol on a Buchner funnel.
5. Dissolve the crude material in a few amount of hot ethanol and filter using a fluted filter paper.
For this purpose, the collecting flask is placed in a boiling water bath with the filter funnel in
6. Air dry the cholesterol and record the yield.
Isolation of Cholesterol from Hen Egg Yolk
Egg yolk is rich in lipids, of which the most two prominent are cholesterol and phosphatidyl choline
Reagents and instruments
A hard boiled hen egg
Acetone, Ice, Water bath, Erlenmeyer flask, Funnel, Filter paper, 250 ml beaker
A. Extraction
1. Peal the hard boiled egg and remove the egg white.
2. In a 250 ml beaker weigh a ½ egg yolk and mash it.
3. To the mashed egg yolk add a 25 ml of acetone and keep stirring for 5 min.
4. Allow the solid to settle and carefully remove the acetone (the above liquid phase) and transfer it
to a clean 100 ml Erlenmeyer flask and cover it tightly.
5. To the remained solid phase add a new 25 ml of acetone and repeat step 4. Now you have
collected twice the 25 ml of acetone extract (it contains the cholesterol).
B. Isolation & Purification
1. Using a funnel and a filter paper, filter the 50 ml of acetone extract into a clean 100 ml beaker.
2. Evaporate the acetone by placing the beaker on the steam bath in the hood until about 10 ml of
extract is left.
3. Cover the warm acetone extract and immediately transfer it on ice and let it stand for 20 min. A
white precipitate will form (this is the crude cholesterol). Remove the flask from ice. Get rid of the
liquid phase.
4. To the cholesterol precipitate add 15 ml of acetone and stir at room temp.
Note that not all precipitate will dissolve (the contaminating phospholipids remain insoluble).
5. Weigh a clean, dry watch glass. Filter the dissolved cholesterol solution into the pre-weighed
watch glass. Allow the acetone to evaporate in the hood. The remained crystals is the cholesterol.
6. Weigh the watch glass with cholesterol. Calculate the yield of cholesterol.
Lab Activity 7
Enzyme Kinetics
Enzymes are protein catalysts that speed up the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the
activation energy needed to convert the substrate to a product, without being used up in the process.
E + S ↔ ES → E + P
E: Stands for enzyme
S: Stands for Substrate
ES: Stands for Enzyme-Substrate complex
P: Stands for product
In the above reaction the enzyme is not used up. The ES (Enzyme-Substrate complex) formation means
the enzyme will be specific as to what substrate it binds, what reaction is catalyzed, and what product is
made. Because of this fact, enzymes are given names by the International Union of Biochemistry.
Enzymes’ names indicate the: Substrate, the reaction carried out on that substrate, and “-ase” ending.
Example of an enzyme name is:
D-Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase, whereas D-Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate is the
substrate, Carboxyl/Oxygen refers to what kind of a reaction can take place (it can have a carbon or an
oxygen added to its structure). The “-ase” ending means these are enzymes.
The above example is the most abundant enzyme on the planet earth. It initiates the Calvin cycle of
photosynthesis. RuBisCO (the abbreviated name of the enzyme) draws the atmospheric carbon into the
food chain for virtually all terrestrial and aquatic organisms on the planet.
The rate at which an enzyme works is influenced by several factors:
The concentration of substrate molecules (the more of them available, the quicker the enzyme
molecules collide and bind with them). The concentration of substrate is designated [S] and is
expressed in unit of molarity.
The temperature. As the temperature rises, molecular motion - and hence collisions between
enzyme and substrate - speed up. But as enzymes are proteins, there is an upper limit beyond
which the enzyme becomes denatured and ineffective.
The presence of inhibitors.
Competitive inhibitors are molecules that bind to the same site (active site) as the substrate
- preventing the substrate from binding as they do so - but are not changed by the enzyme.
Noncompetitive inhibitors are molecules that bind to some other site on the enzyme
reducing its catalytic power.
The pH. The conformation of a protein is influenced by pH and as enzyme activity is crucially
dependent on its conformation, its activity is likewise affected.
The study of the rate at which an enzyme works is called enzyme kinetics. To examine enzyme kinetics as
a function of the concentration of substrate available to the enzyme, one would do the following:
Set up a series of tubes containing graded concentrations of substrate, [S].
At time zero, a fixed amount of the enzyme preparation is added.
Over the next few minutes, the concentration of product formed, is measured. If the product
absorbs light, we can easily do this in a spectrophotometer.
Early in the run, when the amount of substrate is in substantial excess to the amount of enzyme,
the rate we observe is the initial velocity of Vi.
Plotting Vi as a function of [S], it will be found that:
At low values of [S], the initial velocity,Vi, rises almost linearly with increasing [S].
But as [S] increases, the gains in Vi level off (forming a rectangular hyperbola).
The asymptote represents the maximum velocity of the reaction, designated Vmax
The substrate concentration that produces a Vi that is one-half of Vmax is designated the MichaelisMenten constant, Km (named after the scientists who developed the study of enzyme kinetics). Km
is (roughly) an inverse measure of the affinity or strength of binding between the enzyme and its
substrate. The lower the Km, the greater the affinity (so the lower the concentration of substrate
needed to achieve a given rate).
Plotting the reciprocals of the same data points yields a "double-reciprocal" or Lineweaver-Burk plot.
This provides a more precise way to determine Vmax and Km.
Vmax is determined by the point where the line crosses the 1/Vi = 0 axis (so the [S] is infinite).
Note that the magnitude represented by the data points in this plot decrease from lower left to
upper right.
Km equals Vmax times the slope of line. This is easily determined from the intercept on the X axis.
The Effects of Enzyme Inhibitors
Enzymes can be inhibited
Competitively, when the substrate and inhibitor compete for binding to the same active site or
Noncompetitively, when the inhibitor binds somewhere else on the enzyme molecule reducing its
The distinction can be determined by plotting enzyme activity with and without the inhibitor present.
Competitive Inhibition
In the presence of a competitive inhibitor, it takes a higher substrate concentration to achieve the same
velocities that were reached in its absence. So while Vmax can still be reached if sufficient substrate is
available, one-half Vmax requires a higher [S] than before and thus Km is larger.
Noncompetitive Inhibition
With noncompetitive inhibition, enzyme molecules that have been bound by the inhibitor are taken out of
the game so
Enzyme rate (velocity) is reduced for all values of [S], including
Vmax and one-half Vmax but
Km remains unchanged because the active site of those enzyme molecules that have not been
inhibited is unchanged. This Lineweaver-Burk plot displays these results.
Enzyme Kinetics of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
Phosphatase enzymes are metalloenzymes that are widely distributed in nature, from bacteria to
plants to humans and are characterized by their ability to catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters.
The phosphatase family is a large one, and phosphatase enzymes can be divided up into four groups,
depending on their preferred substrate. The particular phosphatase enzyme considered in this case,
alkaline phosphatase (ALP), is a member of the phosphomonoesterase group, and it hydrolyzes
monoesters, as its name suggests. Unlike some phosphomonoesterases, which are highly specific and act
on only one substrate, alkaline phosphatase has a broad substrate specificity and is named alkaline
phosphatase because its pH optimum is usually around 9. (Other broad-spectrum phosphoesterases with
pH optima less than 7 are termed acid phosphatases.) Four isozymes of ALP exist; three of which are
found exclusively in intestine, placenta and in germ cells. A fourth isozyme has been termed tissue
nonspecific ALP (TNSALP) because of its wide tissue distribution, but its distribution is hardly random,
being found in abundance in hepatic, skeletal and renal tissues.
To study an enzyme, an assay is necessary. The assay is a measurement of a chemical reaction,
which might involve measuring the formation of the product. The enzymes phosphatases catalyze
hydrolysis of phosphate esters to free inorganic phosphate in biological systems. In order to measure the
activity of enzyme the rate of formation of a product can be followed.
The measurement of the ALP activity in vitro is based on the fact that an artificial substrate can be used.
For this purpose the artificial substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate is a good candidate, where ALP catalyzes
the hydrolysis of the phosphate group to yield p-nitrophenol (figure 7), which is bright yellow (the other
reactants and products are colorless in aqueous solution); thus the formation of product can be monitored
spectroscopically at 400 nm, the λmax for p-nitrophenol.
Figure 7: The reaction catalyzed by alkaline phosphatase.
The intensity of the yellow color in the reaction solution thus indicates the degree to which enzyme has
acted upon substrate. Using the mathematical relationship between initial rate and substrate concentration
(Michaelis-Menten equation), reaction parameters like maximal reaction rate (Vmax) and the Michaelis
constant (Km) can be determined from a hyperbolic graph. Linear graph methods like the LineweaverBurk plot can be used for easy determination of reaction parameters.
Reagents and instruments
12 labeled plastic tubes
ALP enzyme kit
Blood serum
5 N NaOH solution
1. Take 12 clean plastic tubes and label them from 1 to 12. Another tube will be used as a blank. This will
contain all the reagents except of the enzyme.
2. Make the substrate and buffer concentrations as described in the given table, make sure to keep the total
volume of all tubes stable at 1.9 ml.
3. Transfer 100 µl of serum to each tube.
4. Mix substrate and serum solutions and incubate at 37 c for 50 seconds.
5. Add 0.5 ml of 5 N NaOH in each tube to stop the reaction.
6. Read the absorbance at 400 nm.
7. Plot reaction rate (V) on Y axis against substrate concentration (S) on X axis.
5 N NaOH
Lab Activity 8
Energy Metabolism in Yeast
Cellular respiration is a process through which all living organisms can use the energy stored in
the chemical bonds of glucose by using it in the production of a useful form of energy (ATP). Cells use
ATP to supply their energy needs. In other words cellular respiration is a process in which the energy in
glucose is transferred to ATP.
In order to gain energy, cells undergo metabolism under two types of condition, either aerobic (also
known as respiration pathway) or anaerobic (also known as fermentation pathway). In respiration
pathway, with excess of O2, cells undergo glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and then to electron transport chain.
While, in fermentation, without presence of O2, will only undergo glycolytic pathway and fermentation.
Yeasts are able to metabolize some food, include sugar. Yeast can metabolize sugar in two ways,
aerobically and anaerobically (known as fermentation). Yeasts are able to ferment sugar to ethanol and
CO2 under anaerobic condition by alcoholic fermentation. Fermentation process was first gone through
glycolytic pathway by which glucose were converted into pyruvate and will then be converted to various
fermentation end-products.
Fermentation of sugar by yeast will produce ethanol and CO2, thus to analysis of fermentation process of
sugar by yeasts can be based on these end-products. While presence of ethanol is estimated by incubation
with alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), excess NAD+ and semicarbazone complex formed. Yeasts convert
the pyruvate produced by glycolysis to carbon dioxide and ethanol. For glycolysis to continue, it is
necessary to regenerate NAD+. The pyruvate accumulates and stimulates the production of enzyme that
converts it to ethanal and carbon dioxide. The ethanal is then converted to ethanol.
Figure 8. Stages of cellular respiration and fermentation.
Figure 9: The route of glucose metabolism
Glycolysis pathway is a sequence of ten reactions by which glucose is converted into pyruvate and a
relatively small amount of ATP (a net gain of 2 ATP). Glycolysis in a cell occurs in cytosol. In
fermentation process, glycolysis pathway will produce pyruvate that will then get converted into
fermentation end-products. Fermentation of sugar by yeasts (Saccharomyces) will usually undergo
alcoholic fermentation and produce ethanol and CO2 as end product. The overall process of alcoholic
fermentation is to convert glucose sugar (C6H12O6) to alcohol (CH3CH2OH) and carbon dioxide gas
(CO2). In respiration process, glycolysis flux will relatively be slower than the anaerobic process. The
reason is during glycolysis cell needs to regenerate NAD+ from NADH to continue the flux. In respiration
process, NAD+ will be produced after the whole metabolism complete. In the other hand, in fermentation
process, NAD+ will be produced during the conversion of pyruvate to ethanol and CO2.
Part I: Anaerobic Respiration (Alcoholic Fermentation)
In this laboratory experiment, the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced, being a gas, bubbles out of the solution
and can be used as an indication of the relative rate of fermentation taking place. Figure 10 shows the
respirometers you will use to collect CO2. The rate of fermentation, a series of enzymatic reactions, can be
affected by several factors, for example, concentration of yeast, concentration of glucose, or temperature.
In this lab you will investigate the effects of yeast concentration. Another experiment could be done for
testing the effect of glucose concentrations as well.
Reagents & Instruments
5 respirometers consisting of:
 test tube
 1-ml graduated pipette
 aquarium tubing
 250 ml flask
 binder clips
pipette pump
3 5-ml graduated pipettes
yeast solution
glucose solution
distilled water
Figure 10. Respirometer used for yeast fermentation.
1. Obtain 5 flasks and fill with approximately 200 ml of tap water. Label the flasks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Place the water filled flasks into separate beakers (this should stabilize the respirometers).
2. Obtain 5 test tubes (fermentation tubes) and label them 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Add solutions as follows to
the appropriate tubes.
Yeast Suspension
Glucose Solution
3. Attach a piece of aquarium tubing to the end of each 1-ml graduated pipette. Then place the pipette with
attached tubing into each test tube containing fermentation solutions.
4. Attach the pipette pump to the free end of the tubing on the first pipette. Use the pipette pump to draw the
fermentation solution up into the pipette. Fill it past the calibrated portion of the tube, but do not draw the
solution into the tubing.
5. Fold the tubing over and clamp it shut with the binder clip so the solution does not run out. Open the clip
slightly, and allow the solution to drain down to the 0-ml calibration line (or slightly below). Quickly do
the same for the other four pipettes.
Note: if you can not get your solution to the 0-ml mark, then just do your best, mark the starting point
with a sharpie and note your initial reading in Table 2.
6. Record your initial readings for each pipette. This will be the initial time (I).
7. 2 minutes after the initial readings for each pipette, record the actual readings (A) in ml for each pipette in
the “Actual (A)” column.
8. Subtract I from A to determine the total amount of CO2 evolved (A-I). Record this value in the “C02
Evolved (A-I)” column. From now on, you will subtract the initial reading from each actual reading to
determine the total amount of CO2, evolved.
9. Continue taking readings every 2 minutes for each of the solutions for 20 minutes. Remember, take the
actual reading from the pipette and subtract the initial reading to get the total amount of CO2 evolved in
each test tube.
Tube 1
Tube 2
Tube 3
Tube 4
Tube 5
Part II: Krebs Cycle
The Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle, is a critical process of enzyme-driven
chemical reactions for all cells that use oxygen for cellular respiration.
The Krebs Cycle, named after its discoverer Hans Kreb, takes place within the body's cells. It is the
second stage of glucose oxidation in the body. It follows glycolysis and comes before the final stage of
transfer of energy to the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. The Krebs Cycle, which
occurs in the mitochondrial matrix of the cell, is fueled mainly by pyruvic acid, the product of glycolysis.
It is also fueled by fatty acids. Glycolysis produces two pyruvic acid molecules, so the Krebs Cycle must
be done twice for each glucose molecule.
Transitional Phase
Before the Krebs Cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, begins, there is a
transitional phase that converts the pyruvic acid to acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA). This is a three-step
process. First, a carbon is removed from pyruvic acid and released as carbon dioxide gas, which is
eventually expelled by the lungs. After decarboxylation, oxidation occurs by the removal of hydrogen
atoms, which NAD+ will pick up. Finally, the resulting acetic acid combines with coenzyme A to produce
acetyl coenzyme A.
Start of the cycle
After the transitional phase resulting in the production of acetyl CoA, the acetyl CoA enters the Krebs
Cycle to be completely broken down. The Krebs Cycle is an eight-step process. As the steps progress, the
citric acid atoms are rearranged, producing different intermediate molecules. Most of these are keto-acids.
Steps 1-4
In the first step, coenzyme A transfers a two-carbon acetyl group to the oxaloacetate, a four-carbon
compound. This forms the six-carbon molecule citrate. In step two, the citrate rearranges to form sixcarbon isocitrate. Then, the isocitrate is oxidized and a carbon dioxide molecule is removed. The result is
a five-carbon molecule alpha-ketoglutarate and the reduction of NAD+ to NADH and H+. In the fourth
step, the alpha-ketoglutarate is oxidized, carbon dioxide is again removed, and coenzyme A is added. This
forms the four-carbon compound succinyl-CoA. Like the prior step, during oxidation, NAD+ is reduced to
NADH and H+.
Steps 5-8
In step five, coenzyme A is removed from succinyl-CoA, resulting in the production of succinate. Then,
succinate is oxidized to form fumarate. In step seven, water is added to the fumarate, resulting in malate.
Finally, malate is oxidized, resulting in oxaloacetate. During this final oxidation, NAD+ is reduced to
NADH and H+. For each Krebs Cycle, two molecules of carbon dioxide are formed and oxaloacetate is
regenerated. This process allows for the next stage of glucose oxidation.
Examination of succinic acid dehydrogenation
In this lab we will examine an energy yielding reaction of the normal brewing and bakers yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One of the reactions in the citric acid cycle is the dehydrogenation of succinic
acid to produce fumaric acid. One of the first discoveries about this cycle was that certain small organic
acids increased the rate of aerobic respiration. Other small acids did not speed the reaction and instead
acted as inhibitors. We will check this with our yeast suspensions today. The added methylene blue will
act as an artificial indicator and electron acceptor. Oxidized methylene blue is blue, but when reduced it
becomes colorless. Here we will use it in place of the normal electron acceptor FAD. So, the speed at
which the blue color disappears is an indication of the metabolic rate of the yeast (or at least the activity
of the citric acid cycle).
Set up an experiment to test the effects of temperature, succinic acid, and/or malonic acid on cellular
Reagents & Instruments
solutions of 0.5 M glucose, 0.5 M fructose, 0.5 M succinic acid, 0.5 M malonic acid.
Methylene Blue
An incubator at 37 degrees
Ice buckets
Gauze and rubber bands.
Mineral oil.
Clean test tubes.
Test tube racks.
1. Label 4 test tubes 1, 2, 3, and 4
2. Set up the four tubes as the following table shows accordingly:
Yeast (ml)
Glucose (ml)
Succinic acid (ml)
Malonic acid (ml)
Water (ml)
3. Add 100 μl of 0.1 % methylene blue to each tube, mix well (solutions should be light blue).
4. Add 0.5 ml of mineral oil carefully to form a thin film over the top of the solution (this will slow
diffusion of O2 into the system).
5. Incubate at 37 c and observe at 5 minutes intervals. Note for color change of the solutions.
Lab Activity 9
The word chromatography means color-writing. It is a broad range of physical methods used to
separate and or to identify the components of a complex mixtures. The components to be separated are
distributed between two phases: a stationary phase bed and a mobile phase which percolates through the
stationary bed. A mixture of various components enters a chromatography process, and the different
components are flushed through the system at different rates. These differential rates of migration as the
mixture moves over adsorptive materials provide separation. Repeated sorption/desorption acts that take
place during the movement of the sample over the stationary bed determine the rates. The smaller the
affinity a molecule has for the stationary phase, the shorter the time spent in a column. In any chemical or
bio-processing industry, the need to separate and purify a product from a complex mixture is a necessary
and important step in the production line. Today, there is a wide market of methods in which industries
can accomplish these goals. Chromatography is a very special separation process for a multitude of
reasons. First of all, it can separate complex mixtures with great precision. Even very similar components,
such as proteins that may only vary by a single amino acid, can be separated with chromatography. In
fact, chromatography can purify basically any soluble or volatile substance if the right adsorbent material,
carrier fluid, and operating conditions are employed. Second, chromatography can be used to separate
delicate products since the conditions under which it is performed are not typically severe. For these
reasons, chromatography is quite well suited to a variety of uses in the field of biotechnology, such as
separating mixtures of proteins. One of the different types of chromatography is the thin layer
Determination of amino acids using thin layer chromatography
Planar chromatography belongs to the family of chromatographic methods. It is a method for
separation and determination of substances, allowing to carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of
chemical components in complex mixtures. Substances to be determined are transferred onto the layer of
sorbent as a spot or band using microsyringe or special aplicator. Sorbent may comprise of a layer (0.050.2 mm thick) of fine-grain material (silica gel, cellulose, aluminum oxide, ion exchange resin) on a solid
support (glass, plastic, metal). Instead of sorbent, porous materials (paper, plastic etc) are useful as well.
Spots of samples are applied on the plate in a straight line called starting line. The mobile phase starts
moving upwards due to capillary forces when the plate edge is inserted into the eluent in chromatographic
cell. While the eluent is moving the components of sample separate from each other because of the
interactions between the molecules of eluent, sorbent and substances to be separated. The elution process
is stopped when the eluent has traveled up the plate until 5-10 mm from the upper edge of the
chromatographic plate. This eluent front is marked and this line is called stop line. The elution distance,
h0, is the distance between the starting line and the stop line.
In order to visualize the separated substances (if they are not colored) different techniques are used:
chemical reactions, adding fluorescence indicators to the sorbent layer during the process of preparation
of the plates or spraying the plates with fluorescent solutions and then observing under ultraviolet lamp.
For qualitative analysis the different mobilities of substances are used, the distances passed by different
substances are different. The distance between the starting line and the center of the spot of substance hx,
mm characterizes the substance. Retention factor, RF, provides better way to indentify substances. RF is
calculated from the following formula:
For quantitative determination the intensity of the spot is used: the bigger the amount of substance in the
mixture, the more intensive is the spot. Also the size of the spot can give quantitative information – the
bigger the spot, the bigger the content of this compound in the mixture. Intensity of the spots is evaluated
by comparing with the intensities of analyte spots with known amounts visually or using densitometer.
Mixtures of amino acids can be separated on chromatographic paper. The separated amino acids are
visualized using solution of ninhydrin. Purple color develops upon reaction of amino acid with ninhydrin.
Reaction in Figure 11 is one possible way ninhydrin reacts with amino acids.
Figure 11: Development of Ruhemann’s purple from ninhydrin and amino acid.
The following table presents structures, molar mass and RF values for several amino acids. (Note that RF
values are strongly influenced by experimental conditions, e.g. eluent composition, humidity of the paper,
Instruments, chemicals and glassware
Eluent1. [Mix n-butanol, acetic acid (purity 98 – 100 %) and distilled water in volume ratio 5:1:5.
Stir for 10 minutes, then let the layers separate. Use upper layer as eluent].
Solution on ninhydrin. [Dissolve 0.3 g of ninhydrin in 100 ml n-butanol. Add 3 ml of glacial
acetic acid].
0.02 M solutions of amino acids (leucine, methionine, alanine and serine). [Dissolve: 0.026 g
leucine, 0.030 g methionine, 0.018 g alanine and 0.021 g serine in distilled water and bring the
volume to 10 ml].
Chromatographic paper with dimensions 85 x 50 mm.
Elution chamber with approximate internal dimensions: 7 cm high and with 5.5 cm diameter.
Upper edge of the chamber is grinded and the chamber is covered with two lids, the first lid has a
slot for chromatographic paper.
Glass capillaries for spotting the samples.
Graduated test-tube.
Graphite pencil.
Drying oven at ~ 60° C.
Filter paper10 x 10 mm or 12 cm in diameter.
Solution of ninhydrin in spraying bottle.
Ruler, Scissors, Rubber gloves.
1. Rubber gloves must be used during this work to avoid contamination of chromatographic paper
with amino acids from skin, and for protecting skin from solvents and ninhydrin while working
with the sprayer or sprayed paper. While the paper is being prepared for chromatographic analysis
it should be kept on a piece of filter paper.
2. Mark the starting line to the paper - 8-9 mm from the edge of the plate - with graphite pencil (very
slight line!). Also mark the locations where the samples will be spotted. The distance between
neighboring spots should be about 8 mm and the spots should be at least 5 mm away from the
paper’s edge. Usually the spot of unknown substance is applied to the center of the starting line.
3. Before applying samples to the paper and filling the elution chamber fit the length of
chromatographic paper with the height of elution chamber. Cover the chamber with the first lid
and insert the chromatographic paper through its slot. With pencil mark the place where the paper
extends from the slot.
4. Remove the paper from chamber and fold it back 1 mm below the mark.
5. The spots of individual amino acids and sample solutions are applied to the chromatographic
paper. Use separate clean and dry glass capillary for each solution. Dip the capillary into solution
– some solution is drawn into the capillary. With the filled capillary touch the prepared location on
chromatographic paper. The spot on the paper should not be bigger than 2-3 mm. (You can
exercise spotting on a sheet of filter paper.)
6. After application of samples let the spots dry. Meanwhile measure with a graduated test-tube 5 ml
of eluent into the elution chamber. Cover the chamber with lids and let the chamber atmosphere
saturate with eluent vapors for 10 min.
7. To start the analysis, insert the chromatographic paper through the slot in the first lid and cover it
with the second lid. Check if the paper reaches the eluent surface.
8. Elution is stopped when the solvent front has traveled up the plate until 7-10 mm from the lid.
9. Remove the paper from elution chamber and place it on a sheet of filter paper. After 2-3 minutes
mark the eluent front with pencil and dry the paper in oven.
10. When the paper is dry, take it into the fume hood and spray it with solution of ninhydrin until the
paper is slightly damp. Chromatographic paper and the paper supporting it should lie at 45° angle
while spraying. The chromatographic paper is again put in the drying oven for 15 min to speed up
the reactions.
11. Remove chromatographic paper from drying in the oven, draw the contours and centers of the
chromatographic bands. Calculate RF values by the method described above. Compare retention of
standard substances and components in sample and determine which amino acids were present in
the sample.
Lab 10
Quantitative Determination of Proteins by Biuret Method
The determination of protein concentration is an essential technique in all aspects of protein
studies and proteomics. This lab activity is designed to teach students the principles behind a common
protein estimation assay known as the Biuret. Although there are a wide variety of protein assays
available none of the assays can be used without first considering their suitability for the application. Each
method has its own advantages and limitations and often it is necessary to obtain more than one type of
protein assay for research applications. Protein assays based on these methods are divided into two
categories: dye binding protein assays and protein assays based on alkaline copper.
The dye binding protein assays are based on the binding of protein molecules to Coomassie dye under
acidic conditions. The binding of protein to the dye results in a spectral shift, the color of Coomassie
solution changes from brown (absorbance maximum 465 nm) to blue (absorbance maximum 610 nm).
The change in color density is read at 595 nm.
In the copper ion based protein assays, protein solutions are mixed with an alkaline solution of copper
salt, cupric ions (Cu2+). The protein assay is based on the interaction of cupric ions with protein in an
alkaline solution and is commonly referred to as the Biuret assay. The interaction of cupric ions (Cu2+)
with protein results in a purple color that can be read at 545nm. The amount of color produced is
proportional to protein concentration.
Under alkaline conditions cupric ions (Cu2+) chelate with the peptide bonds resulting in reduction of
cupric ions (Cu2+) to cuprous ions (Cu+). The Cuprous ions can also be detected with Folin Ciocalteu
Reagent (phosphomolybdic/phosphotungstic acid); this method is commonly refereed to as the Lowry
method. Cuprous ions (Cu+) reduction of Folin Ciocalteu Reagent produces a blue color that can be read
at 650-750nm. The amount of color produced is proportional to the amount of peptide bonds, i.e. size as
well as the amount of protein/peptide.
In this lab activity students will study perform the Biuret protein assay methods.
Reagents & Instruments
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as a protein standard solution (2mg/ml) in distilled water.
Biuret reagent: dissolve 1.5 g CuSO4.5H2O , 6.0 g of NaKC4H4O6. 4H2O in 500 ml distilled water.
Add 300 ml 10% NaOH under continuous swirling. Dilute to 1 L with distilled water and store in
a polyethylene bottle.
12 test tubes
Plastic cuvettes
Any protein solution of unknown concentration
1. Label two sets of tubes with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for preparation of a standard curve.
2. Label two tubes for the Unknown Protein.
3. Pipette distilled water and Protein Standards solution into the tubes as indicated in Table below.
4. Add 1ml Biuret Reagent to each tube and mix thoroughly.
5. Incubate the tubes for at least 20 minutes at room temperature.
6. In the meantime, turn on the spectrophotometer to allow it to warm up. Adjust the wavelength to
540 nm.
7. Add 1 ml distilled water to a cuvette to zero the absorbance of the spectrophotometer.
8. Measure the absorbance of each tube and record the value in the results section.
Determination of the protein concentration of the unknown protein with traditional paper plot.
1. Draw the points with protein concentrations as x values and the average absorbance as y values on
a grid or graph paper.
2. Draw a straight line through the points.
3. Lookup the unknown protein concentration from the plot using the absorbance value of the
unknown protein.
1. Frank R. Milio, Towson State University, and William M. Loffredo, East Stroudsburg University,
Chemical Education Resources, Inc., 1995.
2. Lubert stryer, Bio chemistry (1995) W.H. Freeman, New York.
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7. Moss, D. W. (1982) “Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes” Clin. Chem. 28(10), 2007-2016. Statland,
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8. Whyte, M. P. (1994) “Hypophosphatasia and the Role of Alkaline Phosphatase in Skeletal
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9. Adapted by R. Minard (Penn State Univ.) from Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A
Microscale Approach, Pavia, Lampman, Kriz & Engel, Saunders,1990. Revised 3/20/2000.
10. Nam Sun Wang, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742-2111,ENCH485.
14. Mark Brandt, Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, third edition, January, 2002.