
This Month's Homework:
Thursday, October 1st
Hold Onto Anticipation Guide
Simile, Metaphor, Personification Test
Ind. Reading Cycle Finished (Monday, October 12th)
Ind. Reading Plot Line Project (Tuesday, October 13th)
Thursday, October 1st
- Read Chapter 1 & 2?'s WTRFG
Chapter 1
1. When he gets back to the house the narrator notes, "The dark, quiet atmosphere was a perfect
setting for the mood I was in. Provide one word of your that you think best describes the mood the
narrator was in.
2. how old do you think this narrator is? Use at least two specific pieces of evidence from the story to
defend your answer.
Chapter 2
1. Write a detailed description of the land Billy lives on in the Ozarks.
2. What type of dog does Billy want? Why can't he get it?
3. Have you ever experienced the powerful longing that Billy experiences? If so, describe in detail
what you were wishing for. If not, you may describe another character from a book or movie who
experiences this longing.
4. What does Billy's father aim to achieve by Billy traps? Is this goal accomplished?
- Simile, Metaphor, Personification Test
- Ind. Reading Cycle Finished (Monday, October 12th)
- Ind. Reading Plot Line Project (Tuesday, October 13th)
Monday, October 5th
Simile, Metaphor, Personification Test
Read Chapter 3-Annotate
Look @ annotation rubric - below, see if you are doing
Ind. Reading Cycle Finished (Monday, October 12th)
Ind. Reading Plot Line Project (Tuesday, October 13th)
Tuesday, October 6th
- Read & Annotate Chapter 3 - Where the Red Fern Grows
- Ind. Reading Cycle Finished (Monday, October 12th)
- Ind. Reading Plot Line Project (Tuesday, October 13th)
Wednesday, October 7th
- Vocabulary Lesson 2B
- Ind. Reading Cycle Finished (Monday, October 12th)
- Ind. Reading Plot Line Project (Tuesday, October 13th)
Thursday, October 8th
- Exposition Activity - WRFG
Using the novel as evidence answer the following aspects about the novel's Exposition.
Time period of the story:
Place the story takes place in:
Characters, so far - Separate Major & Minor:
Conflict in the story so far:
Background that may help us understand the conflict:
- Ind. Reading Cycle Finished (Monday, October 12th)
- Ind. Reading Plot Line Project (Tuesday, October 13th)
Friday, October 9th
Vocabulary Lesson 2C
Ind. Reading Plot Line Project
Read Chapter 4 WRFG (Wednesday, October 14th)
Mini - Quiz, Chapter 4 (Wednesday, October 14th)
Tuesday, October 13th
- Vocabulary Lesson 2C
- Read Chapter 4 WRFG
- Mini - Quiz, Chapter 4
- Independent Reading Application (Monday, October 19th)
Wednesday, October 14th
Read to "Back out onto the street" - Annotate visualize
Vocabulary Lesson 2C
Print or write - out Independent Reading Application - on website @ bottom
Independent Reading Application (Monday, October 19th)
Thursday, October 15th
- Copy Text from site to paper.
Remember, print or copy & paste into word, the text below under the "Text" column of the assignment
we started today in class. NEATNESS COUNTS
1. Getting a claw hammer, he started tearing off the top of the box. As nails gave way and boards
splintered, I heard several puppy whimpers. I didn't walk over. I just stood and waited.
2. All around me people began to shout questions and laugh...Storekeepers stepped out and
gawked. I could see the end of the street, but it looked as if it were a hundred miles away. My face
was a red as a fox's tail. I ducked my head, tightened my grip on the sack, and walked on.
3. My fire had burned down, leaving only a glowing red body of coals. The cave was dark and
silent...I was on the point of getting up to rebuild my fire, when I heard what had awakened me...My
heart began to pound. I could feel the strain all over my body...
4. LEAVE THIS LAST ONE EMPTY - Please do not write, "LEAVE THIS LAST ONE EMPTY". We will talk
about this last tomorrow in class.
- Print or write - out Independent Reading Application - on website @ bottom
- Independent Reading Application (Monday, October 19th)
Friday, October 16th
- Vocabulary Lesson 2D
- Independent Reading Application
- Visualization Project WTRG (Tuesday, October 20th)
Monday, October 19th
- Visualization Project WTRG
- Vocabulary Lesson 2E (Wednesday, October 20th)
Tuesday, October 20th
- Vocabulary Lesson 2E
- End of Science - Fiction Cycle (Tuesday, November 10th)
Wednesday, October 21st
- Vocabulary Lesson 2E
- Online - Wordly Wise Sentences Lesson 1 & 2
Write out each sentence and insert the correct word from either Lesson 1 or 2 of Wordly Wise. Yes,
you can conjugate or add a suffix to a word.
Lesson 1
1. The Statue of Liberty is an easily recognized symbol around the world. Its most ____________
feature is the torch of liberty held high over New York harbor.
2. There is no bridge linking Liberty Island to the mainland. Visitors to the island must get there by
3. The torch is forty feet high and is the statue's highest point. It is _________ in Lady Liberty's
4. The French provided the statue. The Americans had to provide the granite ______ on which it
5. Work on the statue was delayed because of lack of money. It was finally _______ by President
Cleveland on October 28, 1886.
Lesson 2
1. The Civil Rights movement began in the 1950's . Its purpose was to end the ________ of
Americans because of their race.
2. There were signs saying "Whites Only" in many places. Having to drink from separate fountains
was ______ to African Americans.
3. African American children and white children were kept apart. At that time in the South,
_________ schools were rare.
4. Dr. King was a great American. He _______ tirelessly to make America a fairer and more just
5. In 1955, African Americans made a nonviolent protest against the injustices they suffered. They
__________ the Birmingham bus system.
- End of Science - Fiction Cycle (Tuesday, November 10th)
Thursday, October 22nd
- Online Biography - ?'s (Monday, October 26th)
Look below this homework and you should see a file two different files. They are the same but I have
placed it twice in case you cannot see one.
1. The text says, "Reading The Call of the Wild profoundly changed
Wilson Rawls's life." Using your own words, describe what the word profoundly means as it is used in
the sentence. Has anything ever profoundly affected you?
2. Explain Wilson Rawls learned to read. Contrast this with how you learned to read.
3. What inference can you make about the economic conditions that Wilson Rawls grew up in? Use
text to defend your answer.
4. Do you think that Wilson Rawls would have published books if he had not been married to Sophie
Styczinski? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
5. Not much has been published about Rawls life. Write down two questions that you still have about
Rawls's life.
- Vocabulary Lesson 2 Test (Monday, October 26th)
- End of Science - Fiction Cycle (Tuesday, November 10th)
- FakeBook Project (Tuesday, November 17th)
Download File
Monday, October 26th
Online Biography - ?'s
Vocabulary Lesson 3A
End of Science - Fiction Cycle (Tuesday, November 10th)
FakeBook Project (Tuesday, November 17th)
Tuesday, October 28th
- Vocabulary Lesson 3B
- End of Science - Fiction Cycle (Tuesday, November 10th)
- FakeBook Project (Tuesday, November 17th)
Thursday, October 29th
- Finish Chapter 5 - annotate -purpose figurative language
- End of Science - Fiction Cycle (Tuesday, November 10th)
- FakeBook Project (Tuesday, November 17th)