csun centers/ institutes - California State University, Northridge

Deadline for submission: September 15, 2014
Academic Year:
Name of Center/Institute:
The China Institute
Name of Director: Dr. Justine Su
Mail Drop:
Website address:
College of Humanities
Year Chartered: 1982
Renewed in 2014
Charter Expiration Date: 2019
List office or space utilized by center:
Provide a paragraph on how the center/institute’s reported activities meets or aligns
with the centers stated goals:
The China Institute has continued to exceed expectations in developing and facilitating
projects and activities that align with the Institute’s mission of promoting exchange,
collaboration, friendship and understanding between CSUN and China.
List faculty associated/affiliated with center:
See CSUN majordomo e-mailing list of more than 600 faculty & students at CSUN, as
well as community members.
E-mailing address: chinainst-l@csun.edu
List Advisory Board or Community Board Members:
China Institute Executive Committee Members:
Director: Dr. Justine Su
Members of the Executive Committee:
Dr. Katherine Baker (music)
Ms. Xiaoqi Bu (Chinese Students and Scholars Association President)
Dr. Wei Cao (apparel design)
Dr. Robert Gustafson (film and TV studies)
Dr. Xiyi Hang (engineering)
Dr. Yanbo Jin (finance)
Dr. Jinyi Li (education)
Dr. Liangkang Lu (kinesiology)
Dr. Jing Li (math)
Ms. Besnike Saitoski (IESC Representative)
Dr. Kathryn Sorrells (communication studies)
Dr. Weimin Sun (philosophy)
Dr. Yifei Sun (geography)
Dr. Meiqin Wang (art)
Dr. Wenchang Wang (sociology)
Dr. Jeff Zhang (information system)
Former Directors of China Institute:
Dr. Kwang-Nan Chow
Dr. Paul Chow
Dr. Harold Giedt
Ms. Angela Lew
Dr. Tungpo Lin
Dr. I-Shou Wang
Dr. Richard Ye
Treasurer: Dr. Yanbo Jin
2013-14 China Institute Report Appendix 1:
Selected and Relevant Publications, Presentations, Teaching, Research & Creativity
Projects Related to China by China Institute Core Faculty
Choudhary, Debi Prasad, Physics and Astronomy. Played major host to Prof. Hongqi
Zhang of National Astronomical Observatory of China (NAOC), Beijing in April 2014. He
delivered a colloquium talk on "Observational Study of Solar Magnetic Field and
Helicity" on April 2, 2014 to faculty and students at CSUN.
Choudhary, Debi Prasad, Physics and Astronomy. Visited NAOC during July 7-14, 2014
(supported by a grant from China Institute, CSUN). Gave a colloquium talk on "Three
Dimensional Chromospheric Structure of Sunspots" on 9 July, 2014 to Chinese scientists.
Choudhary, Debi Prasad, Physics and Astronomy. Visited Huarou Solar Station during
summer 2014 visit to China and initiated an observing program of sunspots in
wavelength scanned Hbeta spectral line. These observations will be used to probe 3D
thermal structure of sunspots.
Choudhary, Debi Prasad, Physics and Astronomy. Initiated a research project to study a
solar flare event observed with 1 meter Chinese Solar Telescope, 2014.
Degravel, Daniel, Management. June 04 and 05, 2014: visit to ECNU Shanghai campus;
discussion and exchanges with faculty; workshop HRM and change. Awarded the
position of Chair professor for the years 2015-2017. Plan to continue to teach at ECNU.
Degravel, Danie, Management. June 08, 15, 16, 2014. Hohai University, Nanjing, MBA
class International business and international etiquette. Three complete days of
intensive class.
Degravel, Daniel, Management, June 11, 2014: Sandai University, Shanghai. Workshop
for students on Impact of national culture on management; workshop with faculty
about research.
Degravel, Daniel, Management. June 12, 2014: Soochow University, Suzhou. Workshop
on Relationship of national culture and change management for faculty and students.
Degravel, Daniel, Management. June 17, 2014: University of International Business &
Economics, Beijing. Workshop with faculty and doctoral students: research and
publishing in management.
Degravel, Daniel, Management. June 18-22, 2014: International Association of Chinese
Management Research (IACMR) International Bi-Annual Conference, Beijing.
Presentation of 2h workshop "Navigating the research process" with around 30
participants in the presentation session.
Baker, Hilary. (2013). “Information Technology Leadership in Planning and
Collaboration,” Journal of World Education, No. 313 (1), 7-12.
Baker, Hilary. (2013). “Information Technology as a Major Force in Promoting Education
Development,” Cover-Page Interview Article, Journal of World Education, No. 330 (18),
S. Jimmy Gandhi of Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering & Management
and Director, Ernie Schaffer Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, College of
Engineering & Computer Science delivered 90 minute presentations at both Sanda
University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST). Identified a few of
the faculty there to work with him on innovation and entrepreneurship research that he
is conducting right now. At NUST, they really appreciated his presentation on risk
management of the global supply chain and discussed the possibility of him going back
there next summer (Summer 2015 during the break) and teaching a class on Quality
management and Innovation.
S. Jimmy Gandhi, 2014. Working on a research topic on innovation and
entrepreneurship with scholars in China. It is part of an international study that he is
leading on evaluating how innovation and entrepreneurship is done in different
countries. He is currently in the process of developing a survey and then that survey will
be distributed to the faculty in different schools in different countries and the data will
be collected and used to publish a journal paper.
Robert Gustafson, Guest Lecturer, American Television Strategies and History of
Increasing Audience Size, Universal Studios, Universal City, California, HeiLongJiang
Network Broadcasting Television, April 8-11, 2013
Robert Gustafson, Keynote Speaker, The TV Culture in New Media, Shanghai Student
Television Festival, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2013.
Robert Gustafson, Guest Lecturer, U.S. Television Network History and Current Status;
Audience Retention/Growth Techniques; Cable TV and Pay TV Networks; HeiLongJiang
Network Broadcasting Television, Universal Studios, Hollywood, USA, 2013.
Gustafson, Robert visited China with Emmy-winning Professor Nate Thomas,
Department of Cinema & Television Arts (CTVA), Film Production Option Head, in
summer of 2014. They met with scholars in the Shanghai Media Group (SMG), Director
& General Manager Yon “Leon” Li, SMG and CTVA visiting scholar alumnus. Discussed
drama series cooperation between SMG and CTVA.
Gustafson, Robert and Nate Thomas visited Shanghai University (SHU), where they gave
multiple lectures on “Recent Developments in TV and Film Entertainment Industry in the
USA,” “New Characteristics in the Production of Film and TV Programs in the USA,” and
“The Impact of the Disneyland Shanghai on Film Production in China.” They attended
formal meetings with SHU administrators to discuss cooperative education and joint
supervision of graduates regarding MBA/MFA at SHU and CSUN. SHU will create a new
film/television college on its central Shanghai campus that will be part of the new China
Movie World, a 2,700-acre film/television studio complex with a Universal Studios-like
tour. This studio facility will be approximately five times larger than Universal StudiosHollywood. Construction of China Film World will begin in 2015 with an announced
budget of US$1.6 billion.
Gustafson and Thomas visited Shanghai Normal University (SHNU), where they
delivered a lecture on “ The Role of Live Television Broadcasting as the Primary
Program Type of Mass Audiences in the USA.” Thomas and Gustafson discussed
with the SHNU College of Humanities and Communications faculty and deans about
the possibility of Film/TV cooperative production and future entertainment
education opportunities for SHNU and CTVA. Gustafson and BingXiang “Ben” Zhao ,
Dean, Xiejin Film & Television Art College SHNU discussed the future cooperation
between his college and the Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication.
Gustafson and Thomas visited Nanjing University of the Arts (NUA), where they
gave multiple lectures on “Recent Developments in TV and Film Entertainment
Industry in the USA” and “New Characteristics in the Production of Film and TV
Programs in the USA.” Professor Thomas showed the award-winning CTVA Senior
Film Project “Misdirection.” They also discussed of the possibility of Film/TV
education cooperation with the Vice President and administrators of NUA, School of
Film and Television.
Gustafson and Thomas visited Nanjing University of Science &Technology (NUST), where
they presented standing-room-only lectures on “Recent Developments in Live TV
Programs in the USA” and “New Characteristics in the Production of Film and TV
Programs in the USA.” Professor Thomas showed the award-winning CTVA Senior Film
Project “Misdirection.” They also discussed of the possibility of Film/TV education
cooperation with the administrators, faculty and CSUN alumni at NUST.
Gustafson, Robert will attend the US-China Film & Television Industry Expo at the Los
Angeles Convention Center on September 15-16, 2014, where he will present his
insights regarding the construction of China Movie World and the influence of
Disneyland Shanghai on film and television production in Shanghai at the “US-China Film
& Television Industry Expo” at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Harrison, Dianne H., “Contributing to Our Shared Education Dream through Exchange
and Cooperation,” interview article in Journal of World Education (2014-4), pp. 3-6.
Victor Shaw offered lectures to students and faculty in five universities in Shanghai and
Wuhan, 2013. He offered lectures to the faculty and students at Shanghai University of
Political Science and Law, Lixin University of Commerce, Central China Normal
University, Hubei University of Nationalities, Chongqing Technology and Business
University, and Henan Institute of Engineering. He also made a feature presentation to
the International Leadership Forum sponsored jointly by the Chinese Academy of
Governance, Civil Service College in Singapore, and Ashridge Business School in Great
Sorrells, K. Intercultural communication: Globalization and social justice. (2013).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Su, Zhixin (2014). Chief Editor and translator for the new publication of John I.
Goodlad’s book, A Place Called School, published by East China Normal University Press,
Shanghai, China.
Su, Zhixin (2014). “Higher Learning in American and Chinese Universities,” Comparative
and International Education Society Annual Conference, Toronto.
Jinyi Li & Zhixin Su (2014). “School Principal’s Competences: A Comparative Study,”
paper presentation at AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
Su, Zhixin (2014). “Teacher-Centered vs. Student-Centered Approaches: A Comparative
Study,” 2014 Comparative Education Forum: U.S. & China, CSUN.
Su, Zhixin. 2013. “Principal’s Profiles and Preparation: Reflection on U.S.-China
Comparative Studies,” Educational Research Monthly (in Chinese), (2) 44-53.
Su, Zhixin. (2013). “A Comparison of Chinese and American School Principals,” Chapter
10 in Secondary Education in America (edited by T.C. Chan, B. Jiang, and R. Ouyang), pp.
185-205. People’s University Press, Beijing, China.
Su, Zhixin. 2013. “Chinese Education in Americans’ Eyes: Teaching & Learning,” in
Journal of World Education (in Chinese), (18) 15-24. Beijing, China.
Su, Zhixin (2013). “Comparative Study of Teaching in American and Chinese
Universities,” Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, New
Su, Zhixin (2013). “What Really Works in Higher Learning: A Comparative Study,”
presented at the “What Really Works in Education” Conference, Center for Teaching and
Learning, CSUN.
Su, Zhixin (2013). Chair for the Panel on “Comparative Perspectives on What Really
Works in Teaching and Learning in the U.S. and China,” at the 2013 CSUN Center for
Teaching and Learning “What Really Works” In Education Conference. Recipient of
Faculty Grant for Attending Teaching Conferences.
Panel Presentation Topics and Authors:
“What Really Works in Higher Learning in the U.S. and China: A Comparative
Study,” by Dr. Justine Su, CSUN
“What Really Works in Chinese Science Education in Elementary Schools,”
by Kevin Zhen Wei, Elementary School Affiliated with China People’s
“What Really Works in Chinese Vocational and Technical Colleges,” by
Yolanda Sun, faculty of Shanghai Bangde Vocational College, China.
“What Really Works for Graduate Students in Education: Comparison of
SHNU and CSUN Learning Experiences,” by Giselle Zhou, Shanghai Normal
University, China
“What the U.S.A. Can Learn from China in Art Education?” by Chuxiong
Wang, Central China Normal University
Yifei Sun, Professor of Geography, travelled to China and conducted field work for his
project, with support from the CSU Chancellor’s office .
Yifei Sun, invited participant and presenter at the BIT 1st Annual Global Innovation
Economic Congress on “Global R&D in China: Progress and Internal and External
Impacts.” June 27-29. Dalian, China.
Yifei Sun, Co-organized a workshop on China’s industrial innovation, in April 2014 at
Vassar College.
Yifei Sun, Organized the panel discussion on US and China’s Innovation and Technology
Catch-Up in early April, 2014 on campus.
Yifei Sun of Geography is a recipient of the 2013-2014 Wang's Fellowship. He will use
the funding to support his research project on China's Returnees.
Rubino. L, Esparza, S. and Chassiakos, Y.S.R, Editors. New Leadership for Today’s Health
Care Professionals; Concepts and Cases, Jones & Bartlett, 2013.
Esparza, S. and Rubino, L. “A Call for New Leadership,” Chapter 1 in New Leadership for
Today’s Health Care Professionals; Concepts and Cases, Jones & Bartlett, 2013.
Chan, M. and Rubino, L. “Leading Quality Initiatives,” Chapter 8 in New Leadership for
Today’s Health Care Professionals; Concepts and Cases, Jones & Bartlett, 2013.
Rubino, L. Practitioner Application to article, “Assessing the Productivity of Advanced
Practice Providers Using a Time and Motion Study,” by F. Ogunfiditimi et. al, in the
Journal of Healthcare Management, accepted for publication in May/June 2013 issue.
Wei, D. and Rubino, L. Co-editors, Hospital Management, People’s Medical Publishing
House (textbook being published in China in Spring 2013). Includes chapter 10
“Healthcare Delivery Systems and Models of Hospital Management in Foreign
Countries,” for which Rubino was the sole author.
Rubino, L. “Governing Board vs. Management,” case 8 in Sharon Buchbinder, Nancy
Shanks and Dale Buchbinder’s Cases in Healthcare Management, Jones & Bartlett
Publishers, 2013. (peer reviewed)
Rubino, L. “Transitioning to a New Leader,” case 9 in Sharon Buchbinder, Nancy Shanks
and Dale Buchbinder’s Cases in Healthcare Management, Jones & Bartlett Publishers,
2013. (peer reviewed)
Rubino, Lou led the Health Administration program at CSUN to a mature 2+2
undergraduate program with Chinese partner universities. Guangzhou Medical
University and CSUN as a partner have produced 12 graduates so far. Many of these
students remain in the United States for their Master’s degrees. Currently there are
seven more students in the pipeline (five seniors and two juniors). Hubei Medical
University is planning on sending their first student to this special program next year.
Another Chinese partnership agreement is with Kunming Medical University. Their
President Jiang will bring a delegation from his University to our campus on October 15,
2014 to meet our academic administrators and to sign a new Friendship Agreement.
They have a prestigious Public Health program at their university.
Rubino conducted his sabbatical research in Guangzhou, China in Spring 2014. He
interviewed several high ranking healthcare leaders to get their thoughts on China’s
latest healthcare reform efforts. He also presented two lectures to students and health
care professionals about Obamacare and the changes happening to the U.S. healthcare
system. He also toured two hospitals and a Regeneration Longevity Center specializing
in stem cell research.
Rubino hosted another scholar from China, Minfang Huang (Amanda) of Guangzhou
Medical University, and guided her to finish her thesis and Master’s degree. She assisted
him in his research on comparative studies of healthcare reform in China and the United
States (see photo) and he assisted her in her research on community health centers in
the United States and their application in China.
Rubino and the Health Sciences Department continues to host small delegations of
health care professionals from various parts of China. Through an association with USChina Business Training Center, various sectors send their mid-level managers to CSUN
to better understand the U.S. health care system. This year we hosted in late 2013
public health delegations from Hubei and Ningxia Hui, a hospital delegation from
Shenzhen and most recently a delegation from the Chinese medical device industry
Meiqin Wang - project: spent the past academic year in China working on a research
project titled "From the Countryside to the City: The Urban Turn of Contemporary
Chinese Art," which has evolved into a book manuscript titled From the Countryside to
the City: Urbanism and Contemporary Chinese Art.
Meiqin Wang - “The Primitive and Unproductive Body: He Yunchang and His
Performance Art,” Yishu-Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol. 13, no. 4 (2014): 625.
Meiqin Wang - “Will Life Become Better?: the City and the Crowd in Zhao Shuo’s
Painting.” In Zhao Shuo Works (Shanghai: Zhao Shuo Contemporary Art Center, 2013),
Meiqin Wang - “The Art World of Post-Deng China.” In Contemporary Chinese Art and
Film: Theory Applied and Resisted. Jason C. Kuo (ed) (Washington, DC: New Academia
Publishing, 2013), 37-65.
Meiqin Wang - Paper presentation: 2013 “Invisible Body, Little Men, and the
Predicaments of Existence in An Urbanizing China,” the 8th International Convention of
Asia Scholars (ICAS 8), Macao, June 24-27.