Fall 2015, TR 4:20-6 p.m., SH-C339A
Instructor: Mike “Quimby” Krebs
Office: ST-F210
Office phone: 323-343-2150
Office hours: TR 12-1:20 p.m. in ST-F210, and W 1:30-3:10 p.m. in SH-C357
Final Exam: Tues., Dec. 8, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in SH-C339A
General course description: Prerequisite: Math 208 with a grade of C or better. This
course will cover partial differentiation and multiple integration with applications.
Textbook: James Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals 7th ed., Brooks-Cole, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-538-49790-9
Topical outline: Three-dimensional analytic geometry, partial differentiation, multiple
integration, spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems, line integrals.
Important dates:
Drop Deadline:
ADD Deadline:
“W” Withdrawal Deadline:
Emergency Withdrawal Deadline:
Campus Closed:
Thursday, October 08, 2015
Thursday, October 08, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 (Veteran’s Day)
Thursday - Sunday, November 26 to 29, 2015
Student Learning Outcomes: Students who successfully complete Math 209 will be
able to:
1. Compute the limit of a function of two variables, or show that the limit does not
2. Compute the partial derivatives of a function using the definition or the rules.
3. Compute derivatives using the various chain rules.
4. Compute the directional derivative and the gradient vector of a function; apply
these computations to find rates of change of the function.
5. Use the derivative tests of a function of two variables to find local maxima and
minima; be able to maximize or minimize a function of two variables on a closed
and bounded set in the plane.
6. Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to maximize and minimize functions
subject to constraints.
7. Compute double integrals, using polar coordinates if necessary, and triple
integrals, using cylindrical coordinates or spherical coordinates if necessary.
8. Use a double or triple integral to find the volume of a region in three-dimensional
9. Use multiple integrals to solve physics problems, such as finding the mass of a
lamina or a solid.
10. Compute line integrals.
Requirements: Quizzes and final exam. Multiple attempts at each.
Grading system: Final exam, maximum 4000 points. Each quiz, maximum 750 points.
Total score, maximum 10000 points.
Topical outline and tentative schedule
Sept. 29
Oct. 6
Oct. 13
Oct. 20
Oct. 27
Nov. 3
Nov. 10
Nov. 17
Nov. 24
Dec. 1
Dec. 8
14.2, 14.3
14.6, quiz #1
15.1, quiz #2
15.4, quiz #3
15.6, quiz #4
15.8, quiz #5
16.1, quiz #6
16.3, quiz #7
16.6, quiz #8
Final exam,
Part 1, Take 1
Final exam retake
from 1:30-4 p.m.
Sept. 24
Oct. 1
Oct. 8
Oct. 15
Oct. 22
Oct. 29
Nov. 5
Nov. 12
Nov. 19
Nov. 26
Dec. 3
Introduction, 14.1
14.4, 14.5
14.7, 14.8
15.2, 15.3
Final exam, Part 2,
Take 1
ADA statement: Reasonable accommodation will be provided to any student who is
registered with the Office of Students with Disabilities and requests needed
Academic honesty statement: Students are expected to do their own work. Copying
the work of others, cheating on exams, and similar violations will be reported to the
University Discipline Officer, who has the authority to take disciplinary actions against
students who violate the standards of academic honesty.
Student responsibilities: Students are responsible for being aware of all announcements
that are made in class, such as changes in exam dates, due dates of homework and papers,
and cancellation of class due to instructor’s absence. Students are responsible for
announcements made on days that they are absent.
Students must check their CSULA email account regularly for information from the
instructor and the Department. Failure to do so may result in missed deadlines or other
consequences that might adversely affect students. Note that you can forward this email
account to any other account of your choosing.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT about Q2S conversion (Fall 2016):
switching to the semester system beginning Fall 2016, and all students need to 1) plan
ahead so they can graduate before the transition, or 2) create an individual advisement
plan (IAP) if they will graduate after we transition to the semester system. If you will
need to develop an IAP, when you log into your GET account, you will get a pop-up
message informing you of this. For more information, please visit the website for the
Office of Semester Conversion. For help in planning ahead to graduate before transition
or in creating an IAP, please contact one of the offices below.
For Q2S planning and advisement,
undeclared majors should contact the University
Academic Advisement Center (UAAC)
Library Palmer Wing (PW) Room
(323) 343-3150.
For math majors, a "Math Department Advisement for Q2S" 2015-2016 Moodle site has
been created for all Q2S transitional students. All pertinent information including quarter
and semester program sheets, roadmaps, course offering schedules, instructions for how
to create IAPs along with samples etc. are posted for students' perusal. All Q2S math
major transitional students are advised to complete the preliminary IAP assignment
before seeking an IAP (Individualized Advisement Plan) appointment with Dr.
Raychaudhuri in Fall 2015.
Other declared majors should contact their College Advisement Center.