Physical Science Final Exam Review Ch 24/25, 4,5,6


Physical Science Final Exam Review Ch 24/25, 4,5,6

Modified True/False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____ 1. Speed is a variable that tells you how fast something is going and in what direction.


____ 2. A steeper line on position vs. time graph means a slower speed. _________________________

____ 3. When there is acceleration, a position vs. time graph is a curve . _________________________

____ 4. Force is the ability to change motion. _________________________

____ 5. Weight is a force due to gravity pulling on any object with mass. _________________________

____ 6. The greater the force squeezing two surfaces together, the smaller the friction force.


____ 7. Lubrication reduces the friction between machine parts. _________________________

____ 8. A zero net force causes an acceleration. _________________________

____ 9. If an object is at rest, the net force on it must be unbalanced . _________________________

____ 10. The inertia of an object is determined by its acceleration . _________________________

____ 11. The “law of inertia” is a name sometimes used to refer to Newton’s second law.


____ 12. A force is an action that can change an object’s mass . _________________________

____ 13. The acceleration of an object is inversely related to the mass . _________________________

____ 14. When a wave bounces off a wall and changes direction, its interaction with the wall is called diffraction .


____ 15. The bending of a wave as it passes through a boundary is absorption . _________________________


Complete each statement.

Select the correct term to complete each sentence. There are extra terms in the list. constant average speed acceleration velocity instantaneous

16. The total distance traveled divided by the total time of a trip is called ____________________ speed .

17. The speed you have at a specific point in your journey is best called ____________________ speed.

18. The rate of change in the velocity of an object is called ____________________.

Select the correct term to complete each sentence. There are extra terms in the list. greater than vector less than scalar equal to friction newton net normal

19. If you traveled to Mars, your mass would be _________________________ than your mass on Earth.

20. Force is a(n) ____________________ because it has both an amount and a direction.

21. The SI unit of force required for a 1-kg object to accelerate at 1 m/s 2 is the _________________________.

22. A force that resists the motion of objects or surfaces as they move over one another is called


23. The force exerted by a surface on an object that is pressing on it is the ____________________ force.

24. The force which is the sum of all forces acting on a object is called ____________________ force.

Select the correct term to complete each sentence. There are extra terms in the list. for 25-32 first inertia second momentum third equal acceleration normal force unbalanced balanced equilibrium

25. An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion in a straight line summarizes a portion of Newton’s ____________________ law.

26. If the net force on an object is zero, the forces acting on it are ____________________.

27. The property of an object that resists a change in its motion is called _________________________.

28. Any action that is able to change the motion of a body is called a(n) ____________________.

29. A(n) _________________________ force may cause an object to accelerate.

30. Increasing the force on an object increases its ____________________.

31. The scientific law that states that every action force causes a reaction force of equal size in the opposite direction is Newton’s ____________________ law.

32. Every force creates a reaction force that is ____________________ in strength and opposite in direction.


33. The motion of an object looks different to observers in different ______________________________.

34. The direction and length of a straight line from the starting point to the ending point of an object’s motion is


35. Displacement and velocity are examples of ____________________ because they have both magnitude and direction.

36. A car’s speedometer measures _________________________.

37. The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity indicates the ____________________ of motion and speed does not.

38. A distance-time graph indicates an object moves 20 km in 2 h. The average speed of the object is

____________________ km/h.

39. Because its ____________________ is always changing, an object moving in a circular path experiences a constant change in velocity.

40. A moving object does not ____________________ if its velocity remains constant.

41. The velocity of an object moving in a straight line changes at a constant rate when the object is experiencing constant ____________________.

42. Accelerated motion is represented by a(an) ____________________ line on a distance-time graph.

43. A car that increases its speed from 20 km/h to 100 km/h undergoes ____________________ acceleration.

44. A push or pull is an example of a(an) ____________________.

45. The type of force measured by a grocery store spring scale is ____________________.

46. If the forces acting on an object produce a net force of zero, the forces are called


47. It usually takes more force to start an object sliding than it does to keep an object sliding because static friction is usually ____________________ than sliding friction.

48. The two forces acting on a falling object are gravity and _________________________.

49. The tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion is called ____________________.

50. The force of gravity acting on an object is the object’s ____________________.

51. When you push on a wall, the ____________________ pushes back on you.

52. A wave in a rope is a transverse wave, but a sound wave is a(an) ____________________ wave.

53. In a transverse wave, ____________________ is measured from crest to crest or from trough to trough.

54. To compare the energy of different waves, measure the ____________________ of the waves.

55. A wave entering a new medium at an angle will undergo ____________________ as one end of the wave changes speed.

56. If two waves collide and form a temporary larger wave, the interference is ____________________.

57. When a train streaks by blowing its whistle, the changing pitch you hear is due to the


58. Electromagnetic waves are ____________________ waves consisting of changing electric and magnetic fields.

59. Visible light waves have a shorter ____________________ than infrared waves have.

60. The electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths are ____________________ rays.

61. A mirage, or distorted image, can be caused by the ____________________ of light as it moves into layers of hotter and hotter air.

62. The following electromagnetic waves are arranged in order of increasing frequency: infrared,

_________________________, ultraviolet.


Choose the type of acceleration from the list below that would BEST describe the motion of the objects described. Types of acceleration may be used once, more than once, or not at all. a. positive acceleration b. negative acceleration c. no acceleration

____ 63. A car traveling straight on a highway at 60 mph using cruise control

____ 64. A motorcycle slowing down

____ 65. A baseball dropped from the roof of a building

____ 66. A girl on a skateboard going around a corner at a speed of 3 m/s

____ 67. A truck parked at a rest area

Each questions gives a daily life scenario about objects in motion and at rest. Decide which of Newton’s three laws of motion best applies to each situation. a. Newton’s first law b. Newton’s second law c. Newton’s third law

____ 68. A cup of water sits motionless on a kitchen table.

____ 69. A boat moves through the water because of a rowing motion (using oars).

____ 70. A dropped basketball hits the floor and bounces back up.

____ 71. It takes more force to accelerate a loaded dump truck than it takes to accelerate a small car with one passenger.

____ 72. Spin a raw egg on the table, stop it with your hand, and remove your hand quickly. The egg will begin to spin again with no help at all!

Short Answer

A toy car travels along the centimeter ruler from position 1 to position 2 in 2.0 seconds.

Figure 4-1

73. What was the speed of the car in Figure 4-1 ?

74. What was the velocity of the car in Figure 4-1 ?


75. Apoorva runs 1500. meters in 300. s. What is her speed?

76. Maria rolls a ball down her driveway. The ball leaves her hand traveling at 2 m/s and is traveling at 10 m/s after 4 seconds. What is the acceleration of the ball? Show your work.

77. Toby glances at the speedometer on his bicycle as he begins to roll downhill. It indicates he is traveling at 8 mph when he initially looks at it and 20 mph after 4 seconds. What is his acceleration? Show your work.

Figure 5-2

This box is being acted upon by forces in the up, down, left, and right directions. Use this diagram to answer the following questions.

78. Is the box shown in Figure 5-2 accelerating? If not, what type of motion does it have?

Final Exam Review

Answer Section


1. ANS: F, velocity

PTS: 1

2. ANS: F faster greater

PTS: 1

3. ANS: T

REF: section 4.3

4. ANS: T

REF: section 5.1

5. ANS: T

REF: section 5.1

6. ANS: F larger greater

PTS: 1

7. ANS: T

REF: section 5.2

8. ANS: F unbalanced nonzero

PTS: 1

9. ANS: F balanced zero

PTS: 1

10. ANS: F, mass

PTS: 1

11. ANS: F first


PTS: 1

12. ANS: F, motion

PTS: 1

13. ANS: T

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

REF: section 4.1

REF: section 4.2

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

REF: section 5.2

PTS: 1 DIF: basic

REF: section 5.3

REF: section 5.3

REF: section 6.1

REF: section 6.1

REF: section 6.1

PTS: 1 DIF: basic

REF: section 6.2

14. ANS: F, reflection

PTS: 1

15. ANS: F, refraction

PTS: 1


16. ANS: average

PTS: 1

17. ANS: instantaneous

PTS: 1

18. ANS: acceleration

PTS: 1

19. ANS: equal to

PTS: 1

20. ANS: vector

PTS: 1

21. ANS: newton


PTS: 1

22. ANS: friction

PTS: 1

23. ANS: normal

PTS: 1

24. ANS: net

PTS: 1

25. ANS: first

PTS: 1

26. ANS: balanced

PTS: 1

27. ANS: inertia

PTS: 1

28. ANS: force

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

REF: section 24.2

REF: section 24.2

REF: section 4.1

REF: section 4.1

REF: section 4.3

REF: section 5.1

REF: section 5.1

REF: section 5.1

REF: section 5.2

REF: section 5.3

REF: section 5.3

REF: section 6.1

REF: section 6.1

REF: section 6.1

PTS: 1

29. ANS: unbalanced

PTS: 1

30. ANS: acceleration

PTS: 1

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

31. ANS: third

PTS: 1

32. ANS: equal

PTS: 1

DIF: basic

DIF: basic

33. ANS: frames of reference

PTS: 1 DIF: L1

REF: section 6.1

DIF: intermediate REF: section 6.1

REF: section 6.2

REF: section 6.3

REF: section 6.3

OBJ: 11.1.1

34. ANS: displacement

PTS: 1

35. ANS: vectors

PTS: 1



36. ANS: instantaneous speed

PTS: 1 DIF: L1

37. ANS: direction

PTS: 1

38. ANS: 10

PTS: 1

39. ANS: direction

PTS: 1

40. ANS: accelerate

PTS: 1





41. ANS: acceleration

PTS: 1

42. ANS: curved

PTS: 1

43. ANS: positive

PTS: 1

44. ANS: force




OBJ: 11.1.3

OBJ: 11.1.3

OBJ: 11.2.2

OBJ: 11.2.3

OBJ: 11.2.4

OBJ: 11.2.5

OBJ: 11.3.1

OBJ: 11.3.2

OBJ: 11.3.4

OBJ: 11.3.5

PTS: 1

45. ANS: weight

PTS: 1

46. ANS: balanced forces balanced

PTS: 1

47. ANS: greater larger

PTS: 1

48. ANS: air resistance drag

PTS: 1






49. ANS: inertia

PTS: 1

50. ANS: weight

PTS: 1

51. ANS: wall

PTS: 1




52. ANS: longitudinal

PTS: 1

53. ANS: wavelength

PTS: 1

54. ANS: amplitude

PTS: 1



58. ANS: transverse

PTS: 1


55. ANS: refraction

PTS: 1

56. ANS: constructive

PTS: 1



57. ANS: Doppler effect

PTS: 1 DIF: L2


OBJ: 12.1.1

OBJ: 12.1.1

OBJ: 12.1.2

OBJ: 12.1.3

OBJ: 12.1.4

OBJ: 12.2.1

OBJ: 12.2.3

OBJ: 12.3.1

OBJ: 17.1.3

OBJ: 17.2.1

OBJ: 17.2.3

OBJ: 17.3.2

OBJ: 17.3.4

OBJ: 17.4.3

OBJ: 18.1.1

59. ANS: wavelength

PTS: 1

60. ANS: gamma

PTS: 1

61. ANS: refraction

PTS: 1

62. ANS: visible light

PTS: 1


63. ANS: C

64. ANS: B

65. ANS: A

66. ANS: A

67. ANS: C

68. ANS: A

69. ANS: C

70. ANS: C

71. ANS: B

72. ANS: A


73. ANS:





PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

PTS: 1

OBJ: 18.2.1

OBJ: 18.2.2

OBJ: 18.3.2

OBJ: 18.2.1

DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.3

DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.3

DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.3

DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.3

DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.3

DIF: intermediate REF: section 6.1

DIF: intermediate REF: section 6.3

DIF: intermediate REF: section 6.3

DIF: intermediate REF: section 6.2

DIF: intermediate REF: section 6.1

Speed is always positive, so: speed = 25 cm/s

PTS: 1 DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.1

74. ANS:

Velocity is the speed of the car with its direction. speed = 25 cm/s direction is from right to left, shown as negative.

Velocity = -25 cm/s

PTS: 1 DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.1


75. ANS: speed = distance

time speed = 1500. meters


300. s speed = 5 m/s

PTS: 1 DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.1

76. ANS:

= a = a = 2 m/s 2

PTS: 1

77. ANS:

DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.3

a = 3 mph/s

PTS: 1 DIF: intermediate REF: section 4.3

78. ANS:

The box is accelerating to the right direction.

PTS: 1 DIF: intermediate REF: section 5.3
