. – Russian Language 1 (Language and Phonology) PROFESSOR ANNA BONOLA - This course is intended also for the students of Russian Language 2 (Language, Morphosyntax and Lexicon) COURSE AIMS The course will introduce the student to the Russian lexicon and the use of key vocabulary in the Russian language. COURSE CONTENT After defining the different types of lexical meanings and the concepts of denotation and connotation, the tutor will describe the structure of the Russian lexicon and its open systemic nature, in addition to providing information on the type of words that make up the Russian language. The analysis of some culturally connoted words will demonstrate the profound relationship between the language and culture of Russia: lexemes such as “Mir”, “obščina”, “sobornost’”, “kolchoz”, “sovet”, “kommunalka”, etc. will enable the student to understand the phenomena and situations that represent different embodiments of the community ideal in Soviet-Russian history. Starting with the lexical meaning and the productivity of the roots of these words, we will study the specificity of their denotations and their importance in Russian history and thinking. READING LIST The reading list below is solely for students of Russian Language 1 (Language and Phonology) A. BONOLA, Gli slavi attraverso l’Europa, in B. Cambiaghi-C. Milani-P. Pontani, Europa plurilingue, Vita e Pensiero, Milan, 2005 (pp. 175-191). (Can be downloaded from the BlackBoard course page of RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1 (LANGUAGE AND PHONOLOGY) (2012-2013) (Brescia)”) L. KASATKIN – L. KRYSIN – V. ŽIVOV, Il russo, La nuova Italia, Firenze 1995 (only pp. 17-27; 65-81, obtainable from the Reprographics Services Department as from 9 November) The reading list below is for all students: A. BONOLA, Storia e cultura attraverso il lessico. Il vocabolario come strumento di competenza lessicale e culturale (can be downloaded from the BlackBoard course page of “RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1 (LANGUAGE AND PHONOLOGY) (2014-2015) (Brescia)”). A. BONOLA, Parole dell’ideologia e parole della vita in Vita e destino di V. Grossman (can be downloaded from the BlackBoard course page of “RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1 (LANGUAGE AND PHONOLOGY) (2014-2015) (Brescia)”). D. LICHACEV, Note sul russo, at: www.esamizdat.it/lichacev_temi_trad_eS_2005_(III)_2-3.pdf. (can be downloaded from the BlackBoard course page “RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1 (LANGUAGE AND PHONOLOGY) (2014-2015) (Brescia)”). The course notes and any photocopies or additional reading list titles given in class. TEACHING METHOD Lectures. ASSESSMENT METHOD Final oral exam. NOTES The course is scheduled for the SECOND semester. Given that the course is the same for both the 1st and 2nd year of the First-level Degree, it will be held in alternate years: one year will deal with phonetics and phonology, while the other will deal with morphosyntax and the lexicon. In this way, all the students can take both the Russian Language 1 course and the Russian Language 2 course in the space of two years. This year’s syllabus for everyone is Russian Language 2, as published here. The student is invited to regularly consult Blackboard and the lecturer’s webpage for course information and updates. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG, or on the Faculty notice board.