
Course/Year Group
Threshold Concepts
What big ideas must they understand?
Yr8 KS 3 Unit 2
Topic Technique for Abstract Dance
Powerful knowledge
What content must they know?
Fundamental Skills
How will they develop understanding?
What Abstract Art is.
How to use the floor.
Learning a complex dance phrase from the teacher
Moving with dynamics and energy without narrative
or emotive themes.
How to shift weight.
Reproducing a complex dance phrase.
How to work in a pair.
How to self and peer evaluate.
How to use space.
How to select, reject or develope material.
Literacy Focus
Key Language
Feedback language
Numeracy Focus
Habits of Mind
Inquisitive: Questioning, exploring and
Collaborative: Co-operating with peers and
pairs, using feedback, sharing work with the
Persistent: Sticking with challenging actions
and risking original material.
Disciplined: Crafting, improving and reflecting
on work. Developing dance techniques.
Imaginative: Making connections intuitively
and playing with possibilities
Scheme of Learning and Assessment Overview
Learning objectives
Threshold concepts
Powerful knowledge
Fundamental skills
Habits of mind
How confident is your floor work?
 Hands as feet
 Bend the knees
 Use swing
Teaching and learning (pedagogy)
Teaching strategies and activities
Stretch, challenge and differentiation
AfL, feedback and DIRT
Habits of mind
Teacher led:
Discussion around the meaning of abstract?
Unit 1 warm up version 2.
Teach First 8 counts of the abstract phrase, focusing on:
 Wide posture.
 Changes of levels.
 Silent rolls.
Task 1:
Pupils work in pairs to perfect the section.
Teacher supports and monitors.
Teacher led:
Teach second 8 counts of the abstract phrase, focusing
 Floor shunt.
 Plank.
 Sustained rise from the floor 7-8.
Task 2:
Pupils work in pairs to perfect the section.
Teacher supports and monitors.
Task 3:
Pupils work to join the sections together.
Teacher supports and monitors.
Teacher led:
Discuss what the challenging dance actions are and how
best to rehearse them as HL.
Outcomes & Resources
Assessment opportunities
Extended enquiries
Peer, Self and AFL
HL 1
Rehearse and perfect section one of
the abstract phrase.
How well can you shift your weight?
 Bend knees
 Hands as feet
 Risk being wrong
Teacher led:
Unit 1 warm up version 2.
Teach third 8 counts of the abstract phrase, focusing on:
 Sharp, sudden dynamics.
 Back spring.
 Side shunt.
Peer, Self and AFL
HL 2
Rehearse and perfect section two of
the abstract phrase.
Task 1:
Pupils work in pairs to perfect the section.
Teacher supports and monitors.
Teacher led:
Teach fourth 8 counts of the abstract phrase, focusing on:
 Change of direction.
 Shifting weight.
Task 2:
Pupils work in pairs to perfect the section.
Teacher supports and monitors.
Task 3:
Pupils work to join sections 3 and 4 together.
Teacher supports and monitors.
Teacher led:
Clean parts 1 and 2 from last lesson.
Discuss what the challenging dance actions from today’s
lesson and how best to rehearse them as HL.
Can you simplify or master the phrase?
 Reflect honestly
 Reflect critically
 Challenge yourself
Teacher led:
Unit 1 warm up version 2.
Clean second 16 counts.
Task 1:
Paired pupils combine both sections together then their
explore accuracy and identify what they may need to
change or improve on ready for their assessment.
Task 2:
Paired pupils (there may be one three if needed) edit the
phrase to their own needs by simplifying or making the
material more complex.
Peer. Self and AFL.
HL 3
Rehearse for final assessment.
Can you share the product and use feedback?
 Rehearse
 Perform
 Improve
 Perform
Repeat of week 4.
Task 3:
Rehearse the developed phrase so that it is dance through
twice; once in unison and once in canon.
Teacher led:
Unit 1 warm up version 2
Clarification of assessment task, to perform the developed
phrase twice through. Once in Unison and once in Canon.
Task 1:
Cyclic Assessment:
 Class rehearse
 Teacher views the phrase pair by pair
 Discussion of success of phrase
 Pair re-rehearse to improve
 Cycle repeats
Repeat of week 4.
Formal Summative.
HL 4
If there is a lesson next week the HL
is ‘Austin’s Butterfly’