Heng Tien Assignment #4: The Warhead Cable Test Dilemma This is a prime example of how unethical business decisions can hurt entire populations and end up costing the company and our government not to mention the people of this world a lot more money and even lives. Harry, as the manager, was the key component into the Bryson Corporation acting unethically. There are various reasons to why the Bryson Corporation should act ethically such as to meet demands of business stakeholders, enhance business performance, comply with legal requirements, prevent or minimize harm and promote personal morality. One the major stakeholders is the customer. Just from the pure business point-of-view, the defense contractor would not be pleased with getting defective cables and most likely never order from the manufacturer again. This would in turn lower stocks and stakeholders may begin to lose trust in the success of this corporation. Once that happens, all stakeholders will be effected such as employees who may be laid off, customers’ orders may not be filled and there might be a lack of manufacturers in the market. With just one small shipment that was defective and just one manager acting unethically, the whole company could be brought down and thousands of employees could be fired. This relates to another reason that businesses should act ethically is to enhance business performance. When a company acts ethically, their order history will become more positive and create a trusting reputation for the company. That will then increase revenue by introducing new customers and fulfilling bigger orders from previous customers. Another reason that Bryson Corporation needs to act ethically is to comply with legal requirements. According to the US Corporate Sentencing Guidelines, there are certain guidelines that need to be followed which will determine the sentencing of those who acted unethically. Bryson Corporation have adhere to none of these guidelines by hiring a risky individual, not having and enforcing standards with disciplinary measures along with other crime inducing acts. This means that when the unethical is discovered by the government and the public, sentencing and fines will be very heavy. This reason to me was the most important one especially in this situation. No company should let their unethical decisions hurt any innocent bystanders. The results of such an unethical decision made by Harry and the Bryson Corporation could mean the loss of innocent lives of soldiers who used the specific cables with their missiles. The pros and cons of this mistake by the Bryson Corporation are completely unequal because of the fact that a simple new batch of the cables could be made at the cost of the company and save possibly thousands of lives. Prime examples of unethical decisions changing the lives of thousands are oil and chemical companies that dump their waste in bodies of water occupied by humans and animals. Such decisions end up costing many lives as well as millions of dollars in clean-up fees. Lastly, acting morally at work will promote ethical behavior in personal lives. For example, if it was very difficult to hide unethical decisions and mistakes made by managers, it might prompt Harry to act more ethically throughout his life. By promoting ethical behavior, a company not only get more ethical employees but also all-around ethical human beings. For Harry this means that he will not hurt his family by carrying on extramarital affairs and treating his employees badly. The unethical decision made by Harry and encouraged by the Bryson Corporation because of lack of standards and testing can end up with a lot of repercussions. These repercussions could be simply avoided by remaking a batch and suffering some complaints from the defense contractor. Instead, thousands of lives could be in danger, millions of dollars lost and the environment could be greatly altered. Harry is responsible for the actual action of being unethical. He chose to hide the fact that he was an irresponsible manager and let mistakes occur during the manufacturing process. However, he was not the only unethical person. The Bryson Corporation can also be blamed because of their lack of structure and standards for ethical behavior. Not only to let defective products go out to customers but also to allow inappropriate behavior in the workplace. By all these different instances of unethical behavior, the stakeholders will see that Bryson Corporation are more worried about their revenues instead of growing competent employees who also care about the company and those who use their products.