Archival Times Big data archives offer us a previously unknown sense of security; for one, the huge bodies of information that internet archives contain can augment our human capacities to those of prosthetic gods at the click of a button. Meanwhile the mass collection of data by corporations and agencies of the state promises to make the world’s populations increasingly traceable and, it is hoped, predictable or even preemptable. As the archive moves from a regime of existent truth to one of future anticipation, we seem to have garnered command of the future in the form of cultural fluctuations, flu epidemics, criminal acts, environmental disasters and terrorist attacks. Yet, do the predictive possibilities of digital storage institutions provide a false sense of security? Recent scandals, including the Wikileaks and NSA revelations, have caused experts and observers to question not only the statistical validity of the diagnoses and prognoses conjured from big data, but also the broader implications of their large-scale determination of knowledge. This event brings into focus the question of archival temporality. It focuses on archives not only as places of documentation but also of speculation, asking: What do archives tell us about time? And what happens when we reconfigure the archive from a place that testifies historic events to a machine that projects futures back onto our presents? The aims of our endeavour are, at least, threefold: 1. to acquaint ourselves with, digest and discuss today’s technological condition and its effects in relation to temporality; 2. to reflect on the changing nature of ‘archives’ and ‘big data’ under this condition; 3. to relate these reflections to the emerging field of critical big data This is meant to be a very interactive workshop equally based on input lectures and the participants’ experiences, concepts and ideas. Programme KUA Room 27.0.9 10.00-10.15: 10.15-11.00: 11.00-12:30 12.30-13.00 Introduction: Kristin Veel and Nanna Bonde Thylstrup Manu Luksch keynote: MoonWalking in RealTime Screening of Dreams Rewired (dir. By Manu Luksch) Plenary discussion with Manu Luksch and Frederik Tygstrup, IKK 13.00-14.00: Lunch KUA Room 27.0.47 14.00-14.15 14.15-15.00 15.00-17.00 Kristoffer Ørum: Futuers Framing: Kristin Veel and Nanna Bonde Thylstrup Coming-together and building a research archive 20.00-22.00: Dinner. Cinemateket (ibid.) MANU LUKSCH is an artist and filmmaker who interrogates conceptions of progress and scrutinises the effects of network technologies on social relations, urban space, and political structures. Her installation and procedural works often involve novel processes, like urban planning led by children, or a kayak taxi service along urban canals, which doubles as a research vehicle into the future of transport. Her widely acclaimed speculative fiction film FACELESS (2002–07), compiled from CCTV footage recovered under the UK’s Data Protection Act, was voiced by Tilda Swinton, and translated into nine languages. It is included in the Collection Centre Georges Pompidou and on the Chris Marker website Gorgomancy. Her latest film, DREAMS REWIRED (Luksch/Reinhart/Tode 2015), which will celebrate its Denmark premiere at CPH:DOX later in November, traces the desires and anxieties of today’s hyper-connected world back more than a hundred years, when telephone, film and television were new. Using rare, and often unseen archival material from nearly 200 films to articulate the present, DREAMS REWIRED reveals a history of hopes to share, and betrayals to avoid. www.ambientTV.NET Synopsis DREAMS REWIRED DREAMS REWIRED (narrated by Tilda Swinton) traces the desires and anxieties of today’s hyper-connected world back more than a hundred years, when telephone, film and television were new. As revolutionary then as contemporary social media is today, early electric media sparked a fervent utopianism in the public imagination – promising total communication, the annihilation of distance, an end to war. But then, too, there were fears over the erosion of privacy, security, morality. Using rare (and often unseen) archival material from nearly 200 films to articulate the present, DREAMS REWIRED reveals a history of hopes to share, and betrayals to avoid. FREDERIK TYGSTRUP Frederik Tygstrup is the director of the Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies and Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Copenhagen. His primary specialization is in the history and theory of the European novel and his present research interests focus on the intersections of artistic practices and other social practices, including urban aesthetics, the history of representations and experiences of space, literature and medicine, literature and geography, literature and politics. ORGANIZERS Uncertain Archives, For more information please contact: Nanna Bonde Thylstrup: / 26818153 Kristin Veel: / 20404914 Information about venues KUA, Njalsgade 136, room 27.0.09 (morning) and 27.0.47 (afternoon): Cinemateket, Gothergade 55: Njalsg ad e 136 - Go ogle M ap s 21/ 10/ 15 10.03 Njalsgade 136 Map data ©2015 Google 50 m Njalsgade 136 2300 København ht t p s: / / w w d k/ m ap s/ p lac e/ Njalsgad e+136, +2300+Køb enh…t a=!4m 2!3m 1!1s0x46525345d 504b 5fb : 0x5d 31b 739100a5e7e!6m 1!1e1 Sid e 1 af 2 Cinem at ek et - Goo g le M ap s ht t p s: / / w w d k/ m ap s/ p lac e/ Cinem at eket / @55. 6818906, 12.…t a=!4m 2!3m 1!1s0x4652531a4707d 205: 0x76556c 1b f747b 198!6m 1!1e1 21/ 10/ 15 10.04 Sid e 1 af 2